Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 383 Davika's Secret Space

Why do so many countries want to film in Thailand?

Just like tourists from all over the world love to go to Thailand to enjoy the tertiary industry: it has cheap prices, professional services and exotic customs.

The low-cost and professional Thai crew is the core advantage of the Thai film and television industry, not only the other workers on the crew, but also the stars. Even now, when a female star like Mai goes to film, the highest pay per episode is only 250,000 baht. , almost less than 50,000 yuan.

Thai dramas generally last about 15 episodes. You can get a glimpse of the status of Thai stars from their income. No matter how big a star is, they can't make as much as the domestic third-tier celebrities.

In the dimly lit environment, the music is deafening and the colorful cocktails shine with alluring light, and in the booths, the atmosphere is even more ambiguous and warm.

With the addition of Devika, the original harmonious chatting atmosphere is gone. After all, everyone is single, and now you, Gu Zhongyu, are the only one with a female companion...

Except for Lin Chaoxian, who was from Xiangjiang, everyone else's English skills were average, but Devika spent most of the time chatting with Gu Zhongyu and didn't pay much attention to others.

Devika was almost pressed into Gu Zhongyu's arms. Her eyes were full of teasing and anticipation, as if she wanted to suck the man's soul away.

Watching Gu Zhongyu hugging a charming Thai actress and talking and laughing, the more the others drank, the more they felt that the wine in this glass was tasteless...

Is MD mixed with water?

Devika didn't have the reserve of a star. She really clung to Gu Zhongyu like a crazy fan. The two of them talked and laughed, telling interesting things about the entertainment industry in China and Thailand, and from time to time she used words that only two people could hear. The sound is so ear-biting!

Wang Zhi was the first one who couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up and deliberately pretended to be drunk. He shook his somewhat unstable body and shouted that he had drunk too much and wanted to leave!

Seeing Wang Zhi taking the lead, Zhang Hanyu, Lin Chaoxian and others also stood up and said that it was almost time and it was time to go back.

Some of them couldn't bear it any longer and planned to find some "local chicken" later to satisfy their cravings!

Before leaving, Zhang Hanyu looked at Gu Zhongyu and asked, "Mr. Gu, do you want to come with us?"

Gu Zhongyu looked at everyone with some embarrassment, and then at the charming Devika in his arms. He hesitated in his heart and was about to eat the meat when it reached his mouth. Wouldn't it be such a waste to leave now?

I...Gu Zhongyu!

I will never waste food and swear to eat every grain of rice in the bowl!

He first gave Wang Zhi an apologetic look, and then said, "I'll just stay here and play for a while. Don't worry, it won't delay tomorrow's filming."

Everyone looked at Gu Zhongyu and understood in their hearts that they were going to win glory for the country tonight!

They also know that this is their own skill, but they still envy Gu Zhongyu for hooking up with a Thai star so easily, and wish they could take his place...

"Okay, please pay attention to your own safety." Zhang Hanyu patted Gu Zhongyu on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Lin Chaoxian and others also said goodbye and left the bar.

Wang Zhi had already walked down the stairs with everyone, but suddenly thought of something and hurried forward again.

Then...she saw that Gu Zhongyu was already holding Devika and kissing her passionately!

The two were inextricably kissing each other. Gu Zhongyu was holding her with his left hand, and the other hand was gone.

As she got closer, she even heard the sound of water...

Wang Zhi actually still had a little fantasy about Gu Zhongyu. Although the industry knew that he was a playboy, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

During this period of time, the two of them were getting along day and night, which even made her feel like they were in love.

Now...the fantasy is finally shattered!


Seeing that the two of them didn't pay attention to her arrival, Wang Zhi had to cough twice to remind them.

Gu Zhongyu came back to his senses at this time, separated from Devika, looked at Wang Zhi who had left and returned, and asked with some embarrassment: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Wang Zhi looked at Gu Zhongyu with complicated eyes. She asked Gu Zhongyu to come over, then took out a few things from her bag and stuffed them into his palm.

"You left something with me, take it."

Gu Zhongyu opened his palm and took a look...

It’s actually a small umbrella!

Looking at the small umbrella in his hand, Gu Zhongyu finally felt a little embarrassed no matter how thick-skinned he was. He naturally knew that Wang Zhi had originally planned to use these things with him, but now he could only give Devika an advantage.

He shook his head, smiled bitterly, stuffed the umbrella back into his pocket, and was about to say something to comfort Wang Zhi, but she turned around and left.

But before going down the stairs, she still warned her uneasily, "I heard that there are a lot of X-related diseases in Thailand. You'd better be careful and don't take it off because you want to get enough of it..."

Of course Wang Zhi was not innocent. Gu Zhongyu often did this with her in the evenings these days, playing around...and suddenly threw the little umbrella aside!

Gu Zhongyu suppressed his smile and said, "I understand, don't worry."

A trace of complicated emotions flashed in Wang Zhi's eyes, and then he left calmly, planning to get into bed at night and sob silently for a while when no one saw him...

Sitting back down, Devika approached her again, "The girl with the short hair just now must have an unusual relationship with you, right?"

"The actress I filmed with is also an employee of my company. The what you think!"

"You are very honest!" Devika sat on Gu Zhongyu's lap and kissed his face again, "It deserves a reward. Most men always have to pretend to be innocent in front of girls. How disgusting!”

"You're not curious at all, why am I so proactive?"

No matter how narcissistic Gu Zhongyu is, he won't think that a female star from a foreign country will take the initiative to fall in love with him as soon as he meets her. If this woman doesn't have an agenda, then...

"Let me guess... your boyfriend is sorry for you?"

Devika looked surprised: "Your guess is really accurate!"

It turns out that tonight is the one-week anniversary of Devika and her boyfriend’s relationship. Originally, she planned to give her boyfriend a surprise and returned home without prior notice. However, as soon as she opened the door... she found that the boat was full of surprises. !

Then Devika went to the bar to drink alone, and even planned to find a handsome boy named Chunxiao to cuckold her boyfriend. However, she regretted it when the matter came to pass. Just as she was about to leave, she met Gu Zhongyu!

I have to say... it's a very cliche plot. The boyfriend cheats on her and wants to find a man to sleep with to take revenge. You haven't watched Demi-Gods and Dragons, right?

"So...I have become your tool to vent your emotions and take revenge on your boyfriend?"

Gu Zhongyu felt a little unhappy. No man would be happy if he was used as a substitute, even if the other man was a beautiful woman.

"You can refuse...but"

Devika licked her lips and said in a seductive tone, "I promise you won't regret it. In fact, I bought a lot of small toys at home, originally intended for him to enjoy, but now... these are all yours." ”


We are not those people who have no temper. We are mainly curious and want to see what little toys you have hidden!

He looked at the time and saw that it was almost time now, so Gu Zhongyu asked: " you want me to go to your home and see what your baby is like?"

Devika smiled brightly, "It's such an honor, come with me!"

Gu Zhongyu felt excited. He knew that the big drama tonight was coming, and the two of them immediately walked out of the bar...

Devika's home is not very luxurious, but it is very warmly decorated and full of fashionable female atmosphere. Devika first showed Gu Zhongyu around, and finally took him to her boudoir.

"Where is your collection, Miss Devika?"

Devika smiled mysteriously, picked up a remote control and pressed it, and then the wall behind Gu Zhongyu slowly opened a crack...

Holy shit!

There is actually a secret room?

"Come with me, I'm yours tonight!"

Devika took Gu Zhongyu's hand and walked into the secret room. Before entering, Gu Zhongyu saw many props that had only been seen in short movies, such as eight-paw chairs, hanging swings and the like...

Gu Zhongyu made up his mind that after returning to China, he would also build a "toy room" like this!

"'s your turn to use these!"

Devika sat on an air cushion sofa, pointed in his direction, and then lay down with her head down and her feet up...

Oh shit!

"Are you okay, Teacher Gu?"

On the set the next day, Zhang Hanyu saw that Gu Zhongyu didn't look very good, looked at the water glass with wolfberry soaked in his hand, thought about it, and handed it to him.

As a man, he obviously needs it more at this moment!


Gu Zhongyu took the cup and drank it in one gulp.

Devika is not a waste of gas, but she has too many tricks, which even Gu Zhongyu, a veteran driver, can't handle!

Sure enough, Southeast Asia is not an easy place to mess around. There are thousands of ways to fuck you, and any girl can fuck you in her own way!

Fortunately, he didn't disgrace the men in heaven. The woman was much more sad than him. I guess Devika couldn't even think about walking properly these days, and even going out was a delusion!

"Hey! Mr. Gu, being young is a good thing, but you should also pay attention to your health..."

Wang Zhi said a little sourly, "Teacher Gu is in very good health. You don't have to worry. I guess you can still do somersaults now, right?"

Lin Chaoxian saw that Gu Zhongyu's steps were a bit frivolous and he said serious things, but in fact he was very envious in his heart.

The fifty-year-old man couldn't hold back and went to a high-end place with several staff members last night. He happily selected a girl who looked like she had never been in science and technology. However, she couldn't eat anymore after half the meal. In the end, I can only enjoy one-sided performances...

People are getting old!

This is what they dare to do in Thailand, where they let themselves go without restraint.

If they were filming in China and they went out in groups to hunt for wild game like they did last night, then the entire crew would probably be on the news, and it would be in the legal section!

We still need to keep a low profile. There are still a lot of Chinese people in Southeast Asia. Just because the locals don’t pay attention, doesn’t mean tourists won’t take photos of them. If the photos really leak out, it will be a big scandal in the film industry!

"Operation Mekong" has entered the stage of filming, and the busy schedule has taken away a lot of their energy. Lin Chaoxian had to announce: for the next period of time, the crew will not go out unless they have something to do, and they are not allowed to order "takeout!"

Of course, except for Gu Zhongyu, Lin Chaoxian knew that he could not be controlled.

But what he didn't expect was that during the next period of time, Gu Zhongyu would actually not go out again, which really surprised Lin Chaoxian!

In fact, it was mainly because every time Gu Zhongyu wanted to go out to look for Davika, he would run into Wang Zhi, and when he saw the resentful look of the short-haired girl, he felt embarrassed to just leave...

After a period of running-in, Gu Zhongyu and Zhang Hanyu are now much more familiar with each other. The two of them exchanged some understandings of the characters from time to time, and they were no longer rigid in addressing each other, and they all called each other by their names directly.

Compared with other big brothers in the Beijing circle, Zhang Hanyu's personality is relatively gentle.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to be a voice actor until he was nearly 40 years old!

"Zhongyu, why did you have to make a scene with GA equipment at the beginning of your script?"

Zhang Hanyu took the complete script, "This thing has nothing to do with the whole plot! Will it make the whole movie a little divided?"

"Haha, do you think I want to?"

Gu Zhongyu did not hide it, and curled his lips: "Purely for showing off!"

"Of course, the Americans also play this way, so it won't be too abrupt if we do this!"

At the end, Gu Zhongyu added a sentence.

Although Gu Zhongyu didn't say it explicitly, Zhang Hanyu already understood it.

It's a simple truth. Operation Mekong is a GA-licensed film after all. They said they wanted to show our advanced military equipment, so we have to satisfy them!

Moreover, with the sharp editing, the movie's watchability will increase a lot!

Gu Zhongyu didn't refuse it very much, after all, everyone takes what they need.

American movies are often military propaganda films, with all kinds of weapons and equipment displayed for you to see as if they were free. The most famous of these is the Transformers series. The rail gun in the second part made Gu Zhongyu stunned. He really didn't expect that the United States had such advanced weapons!

"Brother Hanyu, how is your Muay Thai training going? We'll use this scene to discuss with the crew tomorrow!"

"It should be okay... I haven't practiced with anyone before, so I don't know how good I am?"

Although Zhang Hanyu looks like a tough guy, he is actually the worst at shooting action scenes. He has been an actor for more than ten years, and it was not until "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" that he had his first action scene in his life, but it was a pain in the ass!

"How about... let's practice first?"

Zhang Hanyu looked at him in surprise, "You kid have been unable to use your strength recently, so you are thinking about beating me up to vent your anger?"

"How is that possible!"

Gu Zhongyu, whose little thoughts were seen through, remained calm. Recently, Tian Wangzhi has given her a lot of cold eyes, and her life in some aspects is not harmonious. The original gentle flattery is gone, and he is really angry, and he plans to find someone to fight to vent his anger!

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