Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 384 Mr. Xiao Wang’s New Girlfriend

The streets of Bangkok are buzzing with people.

It can’t be considered a street, it’s just a street temporarily built by the crew.

Lin Chaoxian was a little excited, satisfied with the prepared staff and actors.

It’s been a long time since I’ve filmed a thrilling action scene, and my hands are a bit itchy!

According to the shooting plan, today we should shoot Zhang Hanyu showing off his prowess, defeating a bunch of pursuers with three punches and two kicks. However, after communicating with him, we found that our big brother was a bit reluctant to appear in the first scene, so we decided to settle for the next best thing.

Gu Zhongyu comes on stage.

The opening scene shows Fang Xinwu, played by Gu Zhongyu, chasing the gangster who has 900,000 crystals of methamphetamine in his hands.

This is a group show, using a lot of temporary staff, most of whom were recruited from the local area.

Of course, Lin Chaoxian knew that it would be particularly difficult to shoot a scene with many extras as guest actors, so he specifically told the assistant directors who were responsible for following the filming: "Let them all be more professional. I don't want not to be able to shoot a single scene today!"

"Get ready, the first scene of the Mekong River scene begins!"

The only camera Lin Chaoxian stared at was Fang Xinwu played by Gu Zhongyu.

As for other shots, just leave them to the assistant director. After all, he is only one person!

If he were to direct it all by himself, it would probably take until 2017!

There are so many shots required for an action movie!

Camera No. 3 was focused on Gu Zhongyu who was driving. Gu Zhongyu looked around eagerly and took out his mobile phone, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Chaoxian shouted directly!

"Teacher Gu, your expression has changed a bit. We don't need inner drama. It's best if the corners of your mouth can open slightly."

Of course Gu Zhongyu's acting skills are fine, but he has never played this kind of role before. Fang Xinwu does not need these inner dramas, especially this appearance scene, there must be tension!

The so-called tension means to increase the tension!

The makeup artist was very fond of Gu Zhongyu. Not only did he give him messy long hair and a gangster-like beard, he even made a scar on his face, which added a bit of fierceness that was completely invisible. He usually looks a bit like a young man.

"Okay, let me try!"

After restarting the phone, Gu Zhongyu decisively changed his acting style, frowning together, staring at the phone and holding the steering wheel with one hand.


"Okay! Passed!"

I was originally going to grind the crew, but I didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu acted very well, and the crew didn't seem to need much grinding. The entire filming just went smoothly.

"Come on, prepare for the next game!"

The field worker shouted with a loudspeaker.

The train stopped.

Then several other minor characters playing drug dealers stepped out of the car.

In the next plot, Fang Xinwu saw the gangster supporting character being taken into a car, and he suddenly hit them and was stopped by the police. The supporting character escaped, but Fang Xinwu stopped him halfway and stabbed him unconscious with a needle.

"Okay, let's start!"

I had tried it several times, and the filming went smoothly. Even when Fang Xinwu stabbed someone at the end, Huang Gu Zhongyu's expression was still not fierce enough.


Lin Chaoxian felt dissatisfied and called Gu Zhongyu over and asked him to look at the monitor.

"Teacher Gu, the tension is not enough. Let's exaggerate a little more. Again, we don't expect this drama to win awards!"

Gu Zhongyu's academic atmosphere was too strong when he was acting. Playing roles such as literary youths, intellectuals, and wealthy second-generation CEOs was his comfort zone. However, playing an undercover agent who walks on the edge of black and white requires breaking through his previous shackles. He cannot Repeating myself again!

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, got ready, and asked the crew to do another one.

This time it turned out to be much better.

"Okay, that's it, get ready for the next one!"

Lin Chaoxian was about to inform the crew about the transition, when Gu Zhongyu's temporary assistant suddenly came over: "Mr. Gu, Wang Shicong is here."

"Director Lin, you shoot other scenes first, and I'll go see what's going on first."

The crew will stay in Bangkok for at least two or three months. During this time, family members of the cast and crew will come to visit one after another.

Gu Zhongyu's family didn't come, but Zhang Zilin, Liu Yufei and Da Tiantian did come, but they bumped into each other. As a result, they originally planned to spend the night on the set, but they went back to their homes angrily the next day. …

However, Wang Shicong's arrival was something Gu Zhongyu didn't expect.

"Mr. Xiao Wang?"

Wang Shicong was wearing sunglasses, sitting in a simple and simple office temporarily built by the crew, drinking coffee and playing with his mobile phone. Next to him was an assistant and a beautiful woman who also wore sunglasses. She must be the new Internet celebrity!

"Teacher Gu! Why are you as tanned as a black dog after not seeing her for a while?"

"Can you talk? If you have something to say, the crew has just started shooting!"

Seeing this attitude, Gu Zhongyu was a little angry. What do you mean, he treated the crew as his own home, so casually?

"Be polite to me. Do you know why I came to Bangkok?"

Wang Shicong put down the cup in his hand slowly and took time to look at Gu Zhongyu.

"How do I know? Give me money?"

Gu Zhongyu said casually, but Mr. Xiao Wang clapped his hands unexpectedly, "Yes! I just gave you money!"

The assistant who had been standing behind Mr. Wang came over and said, "Mr. Gu, this is a gift from Mr. Wang!"

It's a sealed bag.

Probably a check or something.

Banana Entertainment has made money, will it pay dividends?

Thinking of this, Gu Zhongyu unconsciously felt a little unhappy. He took the bag handed over by the assistant and did not open it.

"Don't you want to open it and take a look?"

"I'm not a beggar. I haven't fallen to the point of needing charity!"

Won't you transfer the dividends directly to my account?

You don't do things this way. You actually went to Bangkok to share the money. What does it mean? Haven't I seen money?

"What beggar? This is a share transfer contract. You need to sign it!"


Gu Zhongyu was a little confused and directly opened the file bag. There was a pile of documents inside.

"Share transfer contract of Wanda Cinema Line?"

And it turned out to be 10 million shares in Wang Sicong's hands, accounting for about 2% of the shares!

Don't underestimate this 2%. Wanda Cinema Line's peak market value is about 100 billion. In another two years, the value of this share will be about 2 billion!

"How is it, is this a big surprise?"

"No...are you going to give me money for free?"

"You wish! This is considered as a share exchange for your Ming'an Technology. Do you have any objection to me taking 20%?"

Banana Entertainment's series of variety shows have been a great success in business, and the bands it launched, such as TFBOYS, have also swept across the country. Wang Sicong has been counting money until his hands cramped during this period. Although he used to count money in the same way, this time he earned it himself.

Even Lao Wang praised him for the first time, saying that he had found the right direction and partner for cooperation.

This made Wang Sicong very interested in the "Tik Tok" product that Gu Zhongyu attached more importance to, so he thought about buying some shares before it was launched.

Using Wanda Cinema's 1% shares to exchange for 20% of Ming'an Technology is really not a loss from now on. After all, Tik Tok has not been officially launched yet, the company has no products, and there is no valuation at all. This is simply giving money to Gu Zhongyu for free!

Wang Sicong curled his lips and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to invest in cinemas? Now I give you a chance. I only have these shares. I'll give them all to you. If you still want to invest, you can contact my dad directly and I can sell them to you at a lower price!"

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, "I'll give you 12% at most..."

"No, do you want to listen to what you are saying? The market value of my 2% shares is now almost 400 million! You can't even exchange it for 20% of your shares that are not listed yet?"

"Why are you willing to exchange it? Don't you think Ming'an Technology has a future?"

Gu Zhongyu wants to get involved in the cinema, but he is not so urgent. If he wants to exchange it for 20% of the shares, he will definitely not be willing.

The future of Douyin is immeasurable. ByteDance has broken through the trillion market value of Douyin alone, while the peak of Wanda Cinema is only hundreds of billions, and it has been declining since then. Gu Zhongyu still feels that this deal is a loss!

But it's not the same. Gu Zhongyu can't eat alone all the time. Sooner or later, he will be envied by others. It is more important to introduce some partners to participate in the shares and obtain more resources and channels.

The father and son of the Wang family are a good pair of partners. They are in real estate and are relatively unfamiliar with the Internet industry. As long as Gu Zhongyu can ensure that their interests are not damaged, everyone can live in peace.

"12% is too little, at least 18%!" Wang Sicong still wants to fight for it.



Wang Sicong was angry, "You kid, that's enough! 17%!"

"12%" Gu Zhongyu still refused to give in.


After about an hour of extreme pulling, Wang Sicong finally cut it to 15.2%, and then there was no way to add even a decimal point!

"I really owe you, 15.2 is 15.2!"

In the end, Wang Sicong and Gu Zhongyu signed the contract and completed the equity swap.

"Okay, stay here now. I still have to watch the filming."

There was no time to observe the expression on Wang Sicong's face. What else could it be except happiness?

As he spoke, Gu Zhongyu turned and left.

"What's the point of staying in this place? I'll go back to the hotel first and find you in the evening!"

Fuck you, I'm not gay, why are you looking for me?

Gu Zhongyu waved his hand, indicating that he knew.

Wang Sicong left with his men. Before leaving, the sunglasses beauty waved at Gu Zhongyu.

Why do I feel like I've seen it somewhere?


"Dim the light a little, turn it to yellow!"

"The lens is too bright, there is a sense of distortion, which does not conform to the documentary method. I require the light to be more dispersed and soft."

The filming continued, and now they were filming the violent interrogation of Fang Xinwu.

The actor who played the interrogation was a not-so-famous actor found in Thailand. No matter how unknown he was, he had to accommodate other people's time a little. Besides, supporting roles were paid by the day.

Finish the filming early, and end it early!

It was 5pm. The night in Thailand usually falls after 7pm, and the light outside is still very bright.

It doesn't quite fit the current scene.

The slightly dim light will give people a sense of impact, and combined with the scars on the supporting actor's face after makeup, the impact is definitely even greater!

"Let's play a trick, first there is sound, then the beating scene! Oh, and put a hood on him!"

It's not that Dante Lam didn't want to directly shoot the violent interrogation clip, but Gu Zhongyu reminded him that there was no point in doing this, it was too bloody and might be deleted directly.

The script was written very clearly. After taking off the hood, Azabi had a bruised face.

As for the final torture, it was only a flash.

After all, there are a large number of minors in the audience!

After the lighting group was adjusted, the lighting met Lin Chaoxian's requirements. The stage worker in charge of the board saw Gu Zhongyu nodded and shouted: "Start shooting!"

"This is the last time I ask you!"

Gu Zhongyu, sweating profusely, tore off the hood covering the prisoner's head, grabbed his hair directly, and pulled it back hard: "Who asked you to steal those 900,000 BDs?"

Seeing that the other party refused to say, Fang Xinwu simply cut his vein with a knife, and blood soon flowed all over the floor.

This shot cannot be aimed at the wrist, and Fang Xinwu's cruelty can only be expressed through the blood all over the floor.

"Wait a minute!"

Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to stop, looking at the blood plasma prop in his hand, he was a little speechless, "Director, the blood plasma we use is too light in color and too shocking. Change it!"

This is a commercial film, not a documentary!

"Then I'll add some more paint!"

The prop master took a group of apprentices to continue making plasma.

Nowadays, animal plasma and the like have long been abandoned by most crews for this kind of scene. Now they use special ketchup and vegetable juice that are close to human blood, so that the splashing effect will look very realistic.

Of course, some outrageous domestic crews directly use wolfberry instead of plasma!

Half an hour later, the filming started again, and this time it was passed in one take.

"Okay! It passed, everyone clean up the place, and we'll come again tomorrow!"

The crew started work on the first day, but the filming went smoothly, which was somewhat beyond Gu Zhongyu's expectations.

The actors were in good condition, and the crew was in good condition. It seemed that it would not be a big problem to finish the filming in two or three months.

After finishing the filming, Gu Zhongyu took a taxi alone without anyone and came to the address sent by Wang Sicong.

It was a small club with a fairly elegant environment.

"Why are you in such a place?"

Walking into the box, Gu Zhongyu retracted his previous gaze and looked at Xiao Wang and her female companion with some curiosity.

Now without the sunglasses, he finally recognized who it was.

"Why can't I choose this kind of place?"

Wang Sicong was very dissatisfied. In your opinion, Gu Zhongyu, I can only meet friends in nightclubs or high-end restaurants?

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you during the day. This is Zhang Yuxi, my friend"

"Hello, Teacher Gu!"

The girl greeted Gu Zhongyu shyly. She had a cat-like mixed-race look, European-style wide double eyelids, and a small melon-seed face...

Wang Sicong had too many formal and informal girlfriends, but this one's appearance was much better than those worldly Internet celebrities, and Gu Zhongyu was also quite impressed by her.

She looked like a mixed-race, but she was not. This woman was an authentic Northeast Han girl, but her facial features were a little too deep.

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