Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 390 Come, eat more green vegetables

Zhang Zifeng really lived up to Gu Zhongyu's expectations. She is gifted and has worked with big-name stars such as Wang Baoxiang, Xu Zheng, and Zhang Jiayi at a young age. Her starting point is much higher than that of child stars of the same age, and her acting skills are becoming more and more mature. Although the roles she plays are still mainly children, it can be seen that she is very patient in shaping different characters.

The little girl in life is also a very sensible and obedient child, with good relationships, hard work, and low-key and humble behavior.

After "Detective Chinatown", Gu Zhongyu planned to find Huang Lei to cooperate with her to give her the play "Little Farewell". Although this family soap opera has a general reputation, it is still quite profitable, and it is also suitable for promoting actors born in the 1990s and 2000s.

As for "Our Boyhood" produced by Guo Xiaosi, get out of here as far as you can!

When Gu Zhongyu arrived at the crew of Detective Chinatown, it happened to be filming the scene where Liu Haoran ran to Zhang Zifeng's house to eat.

Zhang Zifeng sat opposite Liu Haoran.

However, one was doing homework, and the other was eating noodles.

"Why are you... home alone again?"

"My parents died in a car accident, and my adoptive father brought me back from the orphanage. He is at work!"


The two chatted while walking to the place where the dishes were washed. Zhang Zifeng turned on the faucet naturally and started washing dishes. Liu Haoran also leaned on the kitchen counter casually.

"What about you? Where are your parents?"

"My mother died a long time ago..."

Gu Zhongyu was very pleased to see Zhang Zifeng's natural expression, and the smile she showed was also in line with the character in the play.

Of course, Liu Haoran's acting was also good. The young man looked very energetic at this time. I don't know why he couldn't think of it later and went to find the little yellow duck to fall in love!

However, it's a pity that Zhang Zifeng gradually grew up. She has a typical fat face and must restrict her diet. Otherwise, once she grows up, it will be difficult for her to play the leading female role again!

After filming this segment, Chen Sicheng took off his headset, turned his head and looked at Gu Zhongyu standing in the crowd, and said in surprise: "Oh! Mr. Gu, you are here. Have the scenes of the crew next door been filmed?"

Teacher Chen's acting is really a bit exaggerated. The news of Gu Zhongyu's arrival is probably known to the entire "Chinatown Detective" crew. How could he not know?

"Hello, Teacher Gu!"

Zhang Zifeng, who had just finished filming, saw Gu Zhongyu coming and immediately came to him respectfully to greet him. At this time, her baby fat was still quite obvious, and her face looked chubby and a bit cute.

Gu Zhongyu first smiled at Zhang Zifeng who ran over, praised her for her good acting, and then answered Chen Sicheng: "The scenes in Thailand are almost over, the main team will go first, I will come to see how your progress is."

"Everything is going according to plan, Mr. Gu!"

Wang Baoxiang, with a greasy and exaggerated face, came over wearing sunglasses and took over the conversation. I thought Zhang Hanyu was already tanned enough, but I didn't expect this guy to be tanned even darker!

And there was a hint of green…

“Mr. Gu, you are a very unreliable person! You said you would come to the last episode of Running Man, but you stood us up!”

The first season of Running Man has been recorded, and the last episode will be broadcast in about two weeks. The average ratings are about 2.6%, and it is estimated that it will reach 4 by the end of the finale. It can be basically confirmed that it is the program with the highest ratings this year.

In addition to the previously popular "Yu Zui", Blueberry TV's average ratings for the year are stable, and now it can finally speak loudly to Mango TV!

However, when recording the final battle, Gu Zhongyu was filming in the rain forest, and he really couldn't get away, so he had to cancel.

For this reason, Blueberry TV was quite dissatisfied, and producers such as Yu Hangying even called to accuse Gu Zhongyu of "not keeping his word!"

“I can't help it, but don't worry... I will still accompany you to the Running Man Carnival.”

After all, he broke his promise, so as compensation, Gu Zhongyu had to agree to Blueberry TV's request to invite him to the Running Man Carnival.

"Hello, Teacher Gu!"

At this time, Liu Haoran also came over.

Gu Zhongyu looked him up and down. The young man looked good. No wonder he was favored by the little yellow duck.

He asked straightforwardly: "Are you interested in joining Zongheng?"


Liu Haoran was stunned. It was the first time he met Gu Zhongyu. He liked him so quickly?

Shouldn't he go through the process first and exchange some feelings?

"Don't rush to answer. Anyway, Chen Sicheng is here. When you want to sign Zongheng, just tell him directly!"

Gu Zhongyu certainly didn't have any talent for Liu Haoran. This guy's conditions were not as good as the best, but better than the worst. He was not the kind of young actor that Gu Zhongyu admired. Inviting him to join Zongheng was completely Yaya's request.

Because Liu Haoran looked a lot like Yaya's younger brother Tong Lei, but Tong Lei died of illness a long time ago, so Yaya was very surprised when she saw Liu Haoran. After filming for a period of time, she really treated him as her own brother.

So I wanted to find a good way out for Liu Haoran, and I specifically asked Gu Zhongyu for help before leaving.

For such a long time, Yaya had not asked Gu Zhongyu for anything, and now that she had asked, he would help her anyway.

But Liu Haoran reacted quickly and shouted, "I do!"

Zongheng is now in its heyday, and Gu Zhongyu, the big boss, took the initiative to invite him, so how could Liu Haoran not want to!

Gu Zhongyu:...

Brother, these three words of yours can easily be misunderstood, do you know?

If you don't know, you might think I'm going to take advantage of you!

After briefly communicating with Liu Haoran, Gu Zhongyu asked him to contact his agent later to discuss the signing... By the way, he had to say hello and strictly guard against falling in love with this guy, especially with a certain actress named Zhou. The two of them must keep distance!

"Director Chen...come here!"

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Gu Zhongyu called Chen Sicheng into a room alone.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gu? You're so mysterious?"

" you know about Baoxiang?"

"What's going on?" Chen Sicheng looked confused, not knowing what he was referring to.

"It's just a matter between his wife and his agent..."

"Mr. Gu, did you know?"

Chen Sicheng was so surprised that he stood up immediately!

Chen Sicheng found out about Wang Baoxiang's hair after a long period of time and insinuations. He and Wang Baoxiang were so sensitive as they were brothers. Where did Gu Zhongyu get this news?

"I have a friend…"

Of course, Gu Zhongyu could only make friends out of thin air, saying that he had a paparazzi friend who would share some interesting news with him when nothing happened, including the discovery of Ma Rong and Song Zhe.

In fact, there is quite a loophole in what he said. If the paparazzi really found out about such a shocking news, they would either expose it directly or find the person involved to buy the news back at a high price. They would not be able to tell others about it in their free time. It is the tacit rule of the industry.

However, Chen Sicheng didn't think about it that much. He temporarily agreed with Gu Zhongyu's words, but at the same time he felt a little more wary...

Good guy, just chatting with a friend can dig up such celebrity privacy, but what if it were someone else?

Is it because he usually finds that young lady to communicate about his life, so that Gu Zhongyu can keep track of the trends at any time?

Sure enough, these big guys all have great powers, so from now on, you can just calm down and be free-spirited dogs!

"As his good brother, now that you know, why don't you remind him?"

Chen Sicheng, I guess, was full of calculations towards everyone, but towards Wang Baoxiang, the two of them really felt like inseparable brothers.

Maybe many people don’t know that when they first met on the set in 2000, because Wang Baoxiang’s family was relatively poor, Chen Sicheng, who came from a relatively well-off family, often invited him to dinner. After Chen Sicheng was accidentally injured while filming, Wang Baoxiang not only stayed by his side He took good care of him and stayed with him until he recovered.

When Wang Baoxiang was in the divorce lawsuit, his assets were frozen, and Chen Sicheng also paid 3 million without saying a word to help him tide over the difficulties.

So the relationship between these two people is really the same as Chengcai and Xu Sanduo in "Soldier Assault"!

"How could I not remind you! But...hey!" Chen Sicheng sighed and began to explain, "There is an old saying that you can't kiss someone even if you are not close. That woman even gave birth to a baby. I have no evidence. After all, it is them It’s a family matter, I really can’t think of how to talk about it!”

"So I thought of a way, which is to add a flashback to the character Tang Ren in the movie, so that Tang Ren can witness his wife cheating on someone else. Maybe this can wake him up!"

Your TN is really a genius!

He actually thought of using this method to remind people that they have been cheated, but Wang Baoxiang is not sharp enough in this regard, otherwise he would not have been deceived for so long.

Chen Sicheng should have only discovered Ma Rong's cheating at the moment. He simply thought it was just a relationship issue and did not know that this woman was secretly transferring Baoxiang's assets. Otherwise, he would have told her about it long ago.

"Unless the Dongchuang incident happens, who can understand your foreshadowing? If you ask me, you should make it clear to him directly, otherwise this woman may not know how long she will harm Wang Baoxiang!"

"I know I know…"

Chen Sicheng was so anxious that he grabbed his hair and asked curiously, "Mr. Gu, why are you so concerned about the baby?"

"I just don't want to see a good actor ruined..."

This is true. Even a scumbag like Gu Zhongyu sometimes wants to do good things, especially Wang Baoxiang is indeed a good actor.

Many people say that Wang Baoxiang can only play fools, but look at Xu Sanduo, Sha Gen, Tang Ren, Feng Yuxiu, Mr. Shu, Xiang Tenghui, and Wang Bao, are they all the same fools?

It’s nothing more than malicious prejudice.

The richness of the performance, the layering of the performance, and the subtle and strong differences in the performance of the "same fool" in the eyes of the common people make people feel that it is either the actor or Wang Baoxiang's ability.

Not to mention that he has the ability to be a director. Although he is not as outstanding as his acting ability, it is not worse than other halfway monks.

And he also has a unique advantage. Wang Baoxiang should be said to be the only one among mainstream commercial actors or directors who has a perceptual understanding of poverty.

He once said that the happy thing was making money from acting and repaying all the thousands of yuan that his brother's family borrowed when he got married. At that time, Wang Baoxiang said this with light in his eyes.

It can be said that he is the only first-class actor who has experienced real rural poverty and understands rural poverty.

Think again about an actor complaining to the camera: When he was at his lowest point, he only had one million dollars in his wallet...

Gu Zhongyu still loves talented actors. When he thought about Ma Rong's incident, which almost ruined Wang Baoxiang's career, after thinking about it, he finally decided to come and help Baoxiang himself!

"Well, let's set up a game tonight, just the three of us, and I'll give him some tactful advice!"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Gu!"

At night, in the restaurant box, Wang Baoxiang still had that harmless smile. He didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to invite him to dinner. Could it be that he had another good book to give him?

When the meal was served, there were green vegetables, celery, spinach, lentils, lettuce...

Even the drink was Sprite!

Wang Baoxiang thought: Is Mr. Gu so stingy when inviting people to dinner?

It's okay. I usually eat too much fish and meat, so it's good to eat some green vegetables to clean my stomach.

"Mr. Gu, you like to eat vegetarian food!"

Wang Baoxiang picked up the green vegetables and ate them with a smile, not paying attention to the slightly serious faces of Gu Zhongyu and Chen Sicheng.

"Hey! I have a friend whose wife is cheating with other men behind his back, but he has been kept in the dark..." After chatting for a while, Gu Zhongyu pretended to remember something inadvertently and started tonight's "tip!"

But after saying this, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Sicheng again.

In fact, they should be two friends...

"Isn't this bullying an honest person?" Wang Baoxiang was immediately indignant after hearing this, "Then you should tell your friend, Gu Zhong!"

"What can I say? Isn't it the same as breaking up other people's families? And it's not good to say it out loud!"

Wang Baoxiang slammed the table and shouted: "Teacher Gu! Be more active, you can't just say it directly, you have to hint, hint!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhongyu winked at Chen Sicheng.

"Come on, eat more, Baoxiang, eating more green vegetables is good for your health!" Chen Sicheng picked up a few green vegetables for Wang Baoxiang, and then filled him with a glass of Sprite.

"Haha! What are you doing, Old Chen, you know I don't like Sprite, it's easy to gain weight!"

Wang Baoxiang continued to smile heartlessly, looking at the table full of vegetables and the huge green Sprite bottle next to it, thinking: Why is the table full of vegetables today, not to mention that there are no vegetables of other colors, all green.


Wait a minute!

Wang Baoxiang frowned and thought about the meaning of green in the traditional culture of the Celestial Empire, then suddenly widened his eyes, with a complicated look, looking at the two of them with a sense of verification!

Facing Baoxiang's gaze, Gu Zhongyu touched his nose, and Chen Sicheng lowered his head and took a sip of 1982 Sprite...


Wang Bao no longer had the previous playful smile, but looked at a loss. It took him a long time to come back to his senses, and then asked.

"What's going on?"

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