Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 391 Not going back to the hotel tonight

Gu Zhongyu left the Tang Detective crew the next day. He had done what he needed to do, and let Wang Baoxiang solve the rest himself!

The two also analyzed the pros and cons for Wang Baoxiang, and suggested that he pretend to know nothing for the time being, secretly collect evidence, and take the initiative when the time is right. Divorce without alerting the media is naturally the best result.

Gu Zhongyu did not tell him that the other party was still transferring his assets. After all, if he knew about this, it would be too bizarre.

I believe that Wang Baoxiang should have noticed something when collecting evidence of cheating. As for the rest... just leave it to the law to solve.

Hey, it's rare to do a good thing, and I feel a lot better!

After meeting up with the crew at Chiang Mai Airport, everyone set off to return home. The three-month foreign filming finally came to an end.

On the way, Gu Zhongyu swiped his phone and looked at the movie box office market during this period.

Today is September 2, and the summer movie carnival night is over.

2014 should be Huang Bo's most productive year. At the beginning of the year, there was "Heart Flower", and in the summer, there was Chen Kexin's "Dear" and another "Black and White 2".

Chen Kexin's cleverness lies in knowing how to use excellent mainland actors, instead of clinging to outdated Hong Kong and Taiwan stars like some Hong Kong directors. "Dear" is a movie with a mainland cast, and focuses on realistic themes such as human trafficking.

The word of mouth is good, Douban has an eight-point score, and the results are also acceptable. By the end of the period, it has taken 350 million yuan in box office.

But if compared with his previous film "Partners", the gap is a bit too big. The box office of more than 300 million yuan can only be said to be not a loss, but it didn't make much money.

After Chen Kexin finished filming this movie, it is estimated that no one will ask him to direct for a long time. The Hong Kong circle now thinks he is a traitor, and his popularity in the mainland is average, so there is no extra cake for him.

Huang Bo took on the role of "Black \u0026 White 2". This time he was really cheated.

He was already a leading actor with a box office of 1 billion or 2 billion, but now he has to play a supporting role for Zhao Youting in a movie led by Wan Wan?

This is another common method used by the Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles to promote celebrities, using the most popular male actors in the mainland to play supporting roles for their own people. This method has been tried and tested. I didn't expect that in 2014, Huang Bo would still fall for this trick?

I guess the salary must be so high that it can buy his brain, right?

It is worth mentioning that Comrade Wu Jin's "Wolf Warrior" was also released at this time.

This time, "Wolf Warrior", which was released in advance, still achieved success. Although the plot still has some flaws, the smoky big screen market needs this kind of bloody and upright film. Moreover, because this movie was invested by Zongheng, the production level and other aspects are still much higher than the original work. Therefore, it was well received as soon as it was released, and the box office on the first day reached 50 million!

It is estimated that by the time the film is off the shelves, it will have a box office of about 600 to 700 million yuan. Compared with the investment cost of more than 100 million yuan, the profit margin is still not small.

Wu Jing must be very happy now. After so many years, he finally got his revenge. Let's talk to him about the sequel later. I believe he is impatient!

The highlight of the summer movie is "Wolf Warrior". Gu Zhongyu is basically not interested in other movies, except for Xu Anhua's "The Golden Age"

The behind-the-scenes team of this movie is actually not inferior to "Ruan Lingyu" of the year. Unfortunately, Director Xu is still not as good as Guan Jingpeng, and Tang Wei is even worse than Zhang Manyu!

After all, there is a little difference!

Some people may say that the Chinese people's viewing level is too low, but the box office of "Fireworks in the Daytime", "Dear", "Coming Home" and "See You Tomorrow" are not too low. The box office of the high-cold art film "Fireworks in the Daytime" can even exceed 100 million!

More than 30 stars have been gathered!

The production cost is as high as 70 million!

The actors' pay is very low, including Tang Wei, Feng Taidi, and Huang Xuan, with a total pay of only 3.7 million.

The marketing of "The Golden Age" is also master-level, with all kinds of propaganda slogans such as "Masters of the Underworld" and "People of which era in the Underworld are the most elegant"...

You can smell the smell of public knowledge from ten miles away!

The most Internet marketing, the reason for this is that many Internet companies such as Youku Tudou, Baidu, and Penguin have joined this movie, which is the most Internet product.

No matter how you calculate it, this movie should not lose money.

As a result, "The Golden Age" chose to be released in the summer, originally wanting to attract students, but what it waited for was a dismal box office. The box office on the first day was only 10 million, and the box office in four days was only more than 20 million...

The cost of 70 million, not counting the promotion, was only 51.51 million by the end of the next period. Not to mention making a profit, the investors are almost vomiting blood!

Xu Anhua himself has been highly praised by major filmmakers, mainly by the Hong Kong film industry, and won the Best Director Award at the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards for "The Golden Age".


He used the money of mainland investors to realize a movie idea that he had been working on for more than ten years, and also gained honors!

So many mainland investors were fooled, no wonder Huang Bo was fooled.

For the Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television industry, this is definitely a good business that is sure to make money!

Unfortunately, for mainland investors, it is a bloody lesson. Since then, fewer and fewer investors are willing to invest in art films!

Many people complain that there are too few types of domestic films, especially in recent years, there are a lot of youth films, and decent art films are almost extinct.

Don’t you think about it? Even the Golden Age, directed by a great art director like Xu Anhua, is not popular. Who dares to invest?

Only some investors who really respect movies will make some small-investment independent movies, but their minimum requirement is to get back the money. Therefore, Jia Zhangke and Wang Xiaoshuai’s movies are still invested in because their movies can be sold abroad.

Some young directors who really have an artistic heart are finding it increasingly difficult to gain the confidence of investors!

After returning to China, most of the scenes were shot in Shanghai. After shooting this part of the indoor scenes, the filming can be announced as finished, and then return to Beijing to make up some shots.

However, when it came to the start of filming, it was not smooth. The cameraman, actors, and props team had all kinds of problems.

Of course, this kind of unsmoothness is actually acceptable. After all, suddenly switching from the rain forest to China, they are a little uncomfortable with this sudden change of environment.

Dante Lam is also an old driver with rich shooting experience. He immediately changed the shooting plan and shot a large section of the group performance first.

On the one hand, it gave the leading actors time to find their form, and on the other hand, it was to get the crew to work together.

This time, the crew quickly found their groove, and within three days, the filming process began to speed up.

"Stop! Brother Hanyu, something is wrong!"

After a round of test shooting, Gu Zhongyu felt something was wrong, so he took the initiative to stop and called Zhang Hanyu over.

"Is it my acting that is not good?" he asked after he came over.

"No, you did a good job." Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, "I just hope you have a hesitation pause before shooting... After all, the opponent is a child, which is more in line with human nature."

"Indeed." Dante Lam also nodded and approved of this suggestion.

What will be filmed later is Zhang Hanyu shooting the child soldier in the back.

A very shocking scene!

Zhang Hanyu thought for a while: "How about I do a magazine switching action, after all, I still carry rubber bullets with me..."

"No, there is no time! You must hit him!"

Gu Zhongyu directly rejected Zhang Hanyu's proposal.

Are you kidding? Your brother is about to die, and you are still changing magazines. Switch to your sister!

"Okay, I understand."

Zhang Hanyu nodded and said nothing.

In fact, this shot is very necessary.

In order to show Gao Gang's stubbornness and unconventionality, Gu Zhongyu specially designed several scenes for him.

In addition to smoking in front of the leader who was quitting smoking, which violated the 15-minute agreement, he and Fang Xinwu were questioned by the Thai police, and then he shot the police with one shot.

This shot of killing the child soldier can better reflect Gao Gang's swiftness!

Change the magazine?


This shopping mall chase, including most of the scenes shot in the rainforest, are not the real facts.

The fact is that Comrade Naw Kham was arrested, which was completely the act of the Thai military abandoning the car to save the general, and our GA department basically didn't make much effort.

That's not right, we have conducted four Mekong River tour military exercises with the four countries!

But commercial films, cross-border arrests, if there is no explosion, fighting, and gun battles, what's the point?

So, for the next half month, the entire mall was filled with gunshots, screams of panic, and wails of pain.

Of course, along with these sounds, the number of remaining shots was rapidly reduced, and the filming of the Mekong River was nearing its end.

"Fang Xinwu stayed in that world for too long, and people will change!"

"In fact, he was very conflicted at the time. After he killed Xing Deng that day, I could feel his pain. In fact, his heart has not changed at all, you can rest assured!"

"Cut! Very good, this part is over, and we will immediately switch to venue No. 3!"

The conversation between Zhang Hanyu and Sun Chun was filmed perfectly, and the tone and expression of the two completely met Lin Chaoxian's requirements.

The actors hurriedly changed their costumes and entered the set.

Lin Chaoxian gathered these people together to make the final instructions.

"Wait a minute, you just have to be expressionless!"

Looking at the actors, Lin Chaoxian continued: "I didn't say cut, so you just keep your solemn movements!"

Everyone nodded, and he also specifically called Zhao Jian, who played the deputy captain.

"You have the best relationship with Xiaotian, so you must have tears in your eyes, I will give you a close-up shot!"

"I understand!"

An old actor who has already debuted, nearly 40 years old!

This man has been working hard in the Chinese entertainment industry for many years. He is the typical actor with good acting skills but bad luck.

Of course, there are too many such actors in the circle, and Gu Zhongyu doesn't know how many he has seen.

Not all actors are famous, this is the most real circle!

The shooting location is the cemetery specially designated by the GA department for meritorious dogs.

The camera is aimed at a tombstone erected in the middle, with a few big words on it: First-class meritorious dog, Xiaotian's tomb.

The environment here is very good, beautiful and elegant, with well-maintained green lawns surrounded by some unknown plants. It is really a holy place suitable for eternal sleep!

The relationship has been coordinated with the management long ago. After the crew arrived, the cemetery management deliberately cleared all people, leaving only a relatively closed area as the location for shooting.

The shooting here was almost not difficult. I tried shooting a few times to get used to it. Most of the shots were passed in a few tries, and the shooting soon came to the end.

The assault team, including Sun Chun, all stood solemnly in front of the cemetery and saluted collectively.

The camera circled around 180 degrees. Lin Chaoxian took off the headset used to listen to the live video, looked at the monitor again, and shouted directly, "Passed!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but there was no excited shouting or celebratory applause. Everyone kept silent tacitly!

After all, this is still a cemetery!

So far, "Operation Mekong" has been preliminarily completed.

After three months of filming, all the way from Thailand to the mainland, everyone was very tired and didn't want to make a big fuss. Just find a hotel nearby and get a few tables.

The so-called wrap-up reception is that everyone takes turns to toast the host members. No matter how good Gu Zhongyu's alcohol tolerance is, he can't stand the destruction of so many people. After a few times, he fell down at the table.

Lin Chaoxian also quickly admitted his defeat, so the target was locked on Zhang Hanyu.

The scene was very lively, and Zhang Hanyu was not afraid of anyone who came. This guy's alcohol tolerance is also surprisingly good.

It was not until after ten o'clock in the evening that the wrap-up reception was over. Gu Zhongyu was carried into the car, and Wang Zhi volunteered to drive Mr. Gu.

Seeing this, everyone else smiled but said nothing.

After such a long time together, everyone in the crew who was not blind could see that they were having an affair.

The filming of Mekong River was too hard, there were not many girls, and Wang Zhi was the only permanent female lead. The long-term closed life was too lonely, and many hungry wolves in the crew had been howling and trying to pay attention to Wang Zhi, but without exception, all returned empty-handed.

Later they found out that Wang Zhi would only get a little closer to Gu Zhongyu. Although there was no intimate action, everyone knew that this was Boss Gu's woman!

When did these two hook up?

As soon as Wang Zhi's car started, Gu Zhongyu in the back seat immediately straightened his back, his eyes were clear, and he didn't look drunk at all!

"Are you pretending to be drunk?"

"Of course, these guys are lining up to get me drunk. They really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. Don't they know that I am the boss?"

After filming together for too long, the actors subconsciously forgot Gu Zhongyu's identity. If it were any other time, no one would dare to force him to drink like this.

He didn't want to spoil the fun by acting like a boss, and he didn't want to drink, so pretending to be drunk was the best choice.

"You are as smart as a monkey!"

Wang Zhi chuckled. Thinking of the three months of getting along, and now they are about to part, she still blames this stinky scumbag.

"Tonight... how about we not go back to the hotel?"

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