Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 393 Why do I feel like a parent?

And, to be honest, many young people nowadays don’t know who Lin Qingxia is. They watch variety shows just to chase stars, and the ratings are almost all on Nazha, Yaya and Xie Na.

Oh, and Ning Jing, who never hides her true nature.

Another point is that the game part of "Idols Are Coming" is too weak!

In contrast, the games of "Running Man" are either exciting and thrilling, or require extremely high intelligence.

And the idols just stand there and praise each other, and they made a show.

The most important point is that they don’t know the theme of this show at all!

I guess those sponsors are about to cry!

The naming fee is as high as 400 million!

Damn, it’s more than double that of "Running Man"!

The mobile phone sellers are generous!

In this episode, the program team made a new trick, letting the members of "Goddess Is Coming" travel around Yanjing on a budget, and then somehow they came to the Beijing Film Academy campus. Unexpectedly, they met Gu Zhongyu by chance. If they didn’t catch him and use him, they would feel guilty!

It is indeed too much to invite people to record a program without paying the notice fee, but Gu Zhongyu has those two points, and seeing the expectant eyes of several old ladies, he really can't bear to refuse!

"Hello, sister Qingxia, I am your fan!"

Beautiful eyes, charming smile!

Lin Qingxia was known as the most beautiful woman in Southeast Asia in the 1970s and 1980s!

But many people think of Lin Qingxia as Dongfang Bubai!

Please, Lin Qingxia was almost 40 at that time.

Many young netizens said that her aura is indeed strong, but her appearance is really nothing, and they can't get Lin Qingxia's beauty at all. You can search for modern photos of Lin Qingxia in Qiong Yao's dramas. She is absolutely pure and beautiful!

Just think about it, when Zhang Baizhi first debuted, he was known as the little Lin Qingxia.

Even though he is over 60 years old now, he can still feel the stunningness of that year!

Especially the still black and bright eyes.

To be honest, what many new generations lack most is a pair of smart eyes. The so-called sweet smile, beautiful eyes, and extraordinary beauty. Eyes are the windows of the soul. If there is no drama in the eyes, no matter how hard you try, it will give people a feeling of being out of play!

Gu Zhongyu just wanted to shake hands with his childhood idol, but unexpectedly, Sister Qingxia came up and gave him a hug very enthusiastically!

"I have seen your movie, and you acted very well. My daughter also likes it very much."

Although Aunt Qingxia is well maintained, the tiredness on her face is still unconcealed. The former Oriental leader is still a beauty in the twilight years.

It is said that when he was in adolescence, he had YYed about Aunt Qingxia and Lao Wang's lesbian drama!

The rest of Yang Yuying, Ning Jing and others also shook hands or hugged him one by one. In front of the camera, seeing Gu Zhongyu and their enthusiasm, I don’t know if it was arranged by the program team!

"Okay, let me introduce it to you. The building next to it is our school's Paradise Cinema. The teacher will regularly bring students here to watch some classic movies..."

Gu Zhongyu then honestly acted as a guide, just to give face to Yaya and Nazha.

Gu Zhongyu appeared on screen a lot throughout the show. Except for the moment when he suddenly appeared and was a little surprised, he performed very well the rest of the time.

Both his words and deeds were very natural, not to mention that he deliberately made several funny moves!

Compared to the original program arrangement, Gu Zhongyu's participation was more interesting, and his witty remarks made several goddesses laugh.

Objectively speaking, the ratings of "Idols Are Coming" are still ranked first, but to be honest, this era is really not suitable for being pretentious, let alone taking the warm route!

Therefore, the influence of Running Man has steadily increased, and it has gradually become a phenomenal variety show, while "Idols Are Coming" can only be gradually drowned by various bad reviews on the Internet!

Even if Gu Zhongyu's guest appearance in this episode set a new high in ratings, it's useless!

No novelty, no content, just hoping to get good reviews by joining big names?

This trick is not new in the film industry, it has long been abandoned by the audience!

However, Nazha is very happy.

Not only her, but every female guest participating in the show is very happy.

Just think about it, eating, drinking, playing, wearing beautiful clothes, beautiful, no need to quarrel, and being praised by colleagues, how can you not be happy!

After personally participating in the recording, Gu Zhongyu has a deeper understanding of the declining ratings of "Idol Coming".

To be honest, I really sympathize with Wang Han and He Jiong, these two people are completely escorting!

Char Siu Fen's Mandarin is not very good, Wang Han immediately jumped out to help her;

During a game, Zhu Yin kept chasing a man to beg him, and the other party did not respond. Wang Han saw it and jumped out to help save the situation;

When Tong Liya was asked a question, she was stunned for a long time and could not answer it. It was a bit awkward. He Jiong immediately took over and helped her out.

It feels like the two male hosts are really tired, keeping their eyes and ears open, afraid that one of them will not be able to take care of the show.

Another point is that Lin Qingxia is too strong!

She has too much aura, and her age is there, so she naturally becomes the focus of everyone!

Even Ning Jing doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of her!

It is undeniable that Lin Qingxia's joining is the "stabilizing force" of the idol show, and she is responsible for aura and charm.

However, from the analysis of pros and cons, because Lin Qingxia's charm is too strong, there is a certain degree of aura imbalance, which makes the competition that should have been evenly matched become a kind of protection and humility!

If the most real part can't come out, what's the point of a reality show?

If we can invite Gong Li or Zhang Manyu, Guan Zhilin or Liu Xiaoqing, we will definitely be qualified to become a close match! There will be a lot more to see!

It's a pity that these people are unlikely to participate in the recording of the reality show. The first two have no interest at all, and Liu Xiaoqing is even less likely to participate. What if she comes, with her noble face filled with hyaluronic acid?

It is said that in the latest sequel to "Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", Liu Xiaoqing once again played a twenty-year-old girl and fell in love with Zheng Guolin, who is twenty years younger than her... This is really difficult to comment on

To be honest, if it weren't for the powerful guests, Gu Zhongyu would really doubt the meaning of this show!

However, being a guest is really comfortable and there is basically no physical activity.

After spending most of the day eating, drinking and having fun with a few people, Gu Zhongyu accepted a post-event interview.

Ask him what he thinks of Lin Qingxia.

Gu Zhongyu pondered for a long time: "The last thing we want to see is that the idol has grown old! But the beauty is old, but still youthful! We will get tired of watching the ups and downs of star stories. Although it is noisy, it will be more exciting after the excitement. Empty and lonely! A beautiful woman in her twilight years does not engage in forceful sexual intercourse, does not engage in grotesque appearances, does not make noises and arrogance, does not rely on her old age, does not write books to wash away the past, but quietly fills in the past golden years of movies and records them in just a few words. Come on, she is already very beautiful and charming just by doing this! Although I don’t know why Sister Qingxia wants to participate in this variety show, I am still very grateful to you for inviting her!”

In fact, Nortel didn't have much to visit, and it wasn't a century-old prestigious school like Wudaokou Vocational Academy. He played a few small games with them, and after eating in the cafeteria, he took them around the Film History Museum, and Gu Zhongyu left. He still has business to attend to!

It's already dusk.

"Teacher Gu, Teacher Gu, here, here!"

As a result, as soon as he left the camera crew, he saw Huang Lei far away, hiding behind a tree and saying hello to him.

"You're always behind, Teacher Huang, why don't you come over and join in the fun?"

"Farewell!" After not seeing each other for a long time, Huang Lei seemed to have gained some weight, but his round face still revealed a shrewdness, "They have already captured you. If I go, I might have to take them to see you." Going to class is too much trouble!”

"Teacher Huang shouldn't need to attend class today, right?"

"Isn't that Zhongyu? You said you have business to take care of me! This is not the place to talk about things. Come to my house and let's talk while eating..."

"Okay! Then Teacher Huang, please go ahead. I can find two students to come with me to share the meal, okay?"

"That...are Meng Ziyi and Chen Yao from your company, right? No problem, I'll cook a few more dishes. I won't go home until I'm drunk tonight!"

When Huang Lei mentioned the names of the two girls, there was a sly look in his eyes. He probably felt that the relationship between these two girls and Gu Zhongyu was not innocent!

There is no need to explain, everyone knows that Huang Lei himself has an affair with a student...

What I’m talking about here is not his current wife Sun Li!

Gu Zhongyu inquired about it and found out that the two girls were rehearsing a play with someone today, and they were working very hard!

"It was called Lin'an in the Song Dynasty. The one we go to now is the Lin'an nightclub on the edge of Hangzhou..."

As soon as I arrived, I heard the voices of students reading lines. The content was that it was a drama adapted from the novel "Green Snake" written by Li Bihua last year. The first performance was performed by Yuan Quan, Qin Hailu and other theater students.

This is a new drama and it is quite famous. Gu Zhongyu has only heard of it but has never seen it.

The ones who played Bai Suzhen on the stage were Chen Yao and Xiao Qing were Meng Ziyi. He didn't recognize the ones who played Fa Hai and Xu Xian. They should be male classmates from the first batch.

He became interested and quietly found a seat to sit down and prepare to enjoy their performance.

But after only ten minutes, he lost interest...

I won’t talk about forgotten words and wrong words. After all, the original play is a drama that lasts for more than two hours. It is definitely unrealistic to expect these non-drama major students to remember it. What they performed today is only a small part of it. .

But in just such a short paragraph, he could find eight hundred faults!

Unclear articulation, dull and empty eyes, wrong stance, lack of interaction with opponents...

This group of students has been on campus for a year, and after taking drama classes for a year, they can still act like this. Just pick any of the students from Gu Zhongyu’s class and they wouldn’t have performed so badly!

This is definitely not just the fault of the students, teachers are also responsible for laziness and negligence. No wonder the students of Nortel are not as good as the previous ones!

As a result, after the play ended, the female teacher in charge of the class summoned them together. When summing up, she actually said that their performance today was okay?

what the fuck?

Gu Zhongyu couldn't stand it anymore, so he took off his hat and stood up: "Why is it okay? This is not a performance, it is clearly torturing the audience!"

"Gu, Teacher Gu..."

Only then did the people on the stage notice Gu Zhongyu's arrival. The two girls looked surprised, especially Chen Yao. She hadn't seen Teacher Gu for a long time.

But soon, the surprise disappeared, and Gu Zhongyu scolded him as soon as they met!

"Zi Yi, when you first seduced Fa Hai, you were completely unlike the innocent Xiao Qing. Xiao Qing was a snake spirit, not a spirit spirit! She was just curious about men and women, not hungry! Why did you act like a fool? Like a…a sex worker?”

"There is also Chen Yao. Bai Suzhen is Xiaoqing's sister. Her feelings for her sister are mixed with a bit of motherhood and full of protectiveness. But in the scene you just played opposite Ziyi, I couldn't see the so-called elder sister like mother at all. It feels like…”

"The other two male classmates, can you two wait until the other party has finished speaking before speaking? Also, when you hugged Xiaoqing just now, did the girl have thorns on her body? Or did she say she couldn't hold her anymore?"

After finishing his rant in one breath, Gu Zhongyu felt much happier.

I am really not suitable to continue teaching, otherwise I will go crazy sooner or later if I stay in Nortel and face these stupid students!

"Teacher Gu..." The person in charge of the drama performance was a new teacher who Gu Zhongyu had never seen before. It was probably the leader's daughter who came in through the back door.

She looked embarrassed and motioned to Gu Zhongyu to take a step to speak.

Gu Zhongyu wanted to hear what she had to say. Is it okay to be a lazy teacher?

"Teacher Gu, I actually know their problems, but...students today are different!"

"Getting stupider, huh?"

"That's not true!" the female teacher explained to him with a look of helplessness, "Nowadays, students' family backgrounds are getting better and better. They have been spoiled since childhood. They come to the entertainment industry just for fun. They don't have the patience to work hard on performances. , the director also told us in a meeting not to be too demanding..."

"And... I'm not you, Teacher Gu. The two boys just now have rich and powerful families, not to mention there are many students who are already smart when they first enter the school. I, a young teacher, really can't afford to offend..."

At this point, the female teacher lowered her head, and Gu Zhongyu also fell silent and said no more.

He did take it for granted.

Times have changed, and now many people who come to Nortel come to Nortel just for the convenience of gold plating to enter the entertainment industry. There are now very few students who can attend classes honestly, let alone those second-generation and middle-aged people in the capital circle.

Gu Zhongyu himself is the boss of an entertainment company and a big star. He doesn't care about his status as a student. When he was a teacher, he could scold students he didn't like, but other ordinary teachers, especially those who had never even filmed a movie , How dare you offend these students!

Not to mention art schools, now even in ordinary colleges and universities, younger teachers don’t dare to fight with students, otherwise they will show you off in a matter of minutes!

This time it was indeed why he didn’t eat minced meat!

"Hey! Sorry, the responsibility really cannot be yours..."

Gu Zhongyu apologized to the teacher and asked him to be more strict with the artists in Zongheng in the future. If they don't perform well, just scold them. If anything happens, he will be responsible for it!

Hey, why do I feel like I am becoming more and more like a parent...

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