Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 394: See you again, Mrs. Sun Li

"Teacher Gu, how could you do this? You named us in front of so many classmates!"

In the car, Meng Ziyi, whose rear exhaust was bulging, couldn't help but start complaining, while Chen Yao sat quietly in the passenger seat.

"I can't even name the other students! I only know Bai Lu and you among the freshmen in this class."

"Hmph! Bai Lu is so lucky. We are all classmates in the same class. Now she has acted in a movie and has been on Running Man. Now she is a big star. Teacher Gu, can't you favor one over the other?"

When talking about this topic, Chen Yao also looked at him with a look of resentment.

The people are not worried about scarcity but inequality. We are both new artists in the industry, and we are sisters in the same dormitory. Why is it that your white hair is so protruding like a disc in your waist?

If only I had known that I would have applied to be Teacher Gu’s assistant!

"Bai Lu has a lovable personality and is suitable for variety shows. That's why I asked her to be on Running Man. If it were you, she might not be as outstanding as her."

"Hmph! Excuse!"

Meng Ziyi put his hands together and was not satisfied with the answer.

After all, she is a child from a wealthy family. She has a arrogant tone and she somehow thinks that Gu Zhongyu is her manager!

There had obviously been something going on with Meng Ziyi, but the attitude of these sisters always made Gu Zhongyu feel like he had actually slept with her and hadn't paid her yet!

"Then teacher, where are you taking us now?"

"Let's go to Teacher Huang's house for dinner... and by the way, I can help you make arrangements for your future acting career."

Hearing this, Meng Ziyi smiled happily: "Finally, you have a movie to film?"

"Originally there is."

Gu Zhongyu turned to look at Meng Ziyi and complained, "But I just saw your performance on the stage of the drama, and now I'm starting to beat the drum again in my heart. Don't look back. You guys ruined the show by not telling us, and made the audience accuse us of Nortel and If Zongheng doesn’t cultivate good actors, then it will be worth the loss!”

"No, Teacher Gu!"

Meng Ziyi was anxious. She originally chose to go to film school because she didn't like studying. Being able to listen to Gu Zhongyu and attend classes honestly for a year was already a great strength. She couldn't stand it any longer!

"The Lun family will definitely perform well in the future! Because Chen Yao and I don't like drama, we don't pay much attention to it, but filming is different! If NG has the chance to come back, we will definitely be able to perform well! "

"Yeah!" Chen Yao also agreed with the sisters.

"Negrating it all over again? Then if you NG it dozens of times in one shot, wouldn't it drive the director crazy?"

"No! No!"

Meng Ziyi grabbed Gu Zhongyu's shoulders from behind and started acting coquettishly, "Hey! It's just an analogy. Teacher Gu, you are so big, you won't care about it, right? Come on, let me rub your shoulders."

"Stop it! I'm driving!"

"Teacher Gu, what show are you going to let us perform?"

"I'll tell you later when we're having dinner... Hey, we're already here!"

At the door of the house, Sun Li and Huang Yici were already waiting for them.

Huang Yici is already eight years old. His facial features can already be seen as a bit like his mother's, but his skin color is a bit darker, which must be affected by Huang Lei's genes.

"Hello Uncle Gu!"

Huang Yici is not as lively as he was when he was a child, and when he sees Gu Zhongyu again, he is not as alert as before. It seems that he has been taught etiquette frequently.

Huang Lei is really determined to make his daughter into a rich and famous lady.

"Hello, Teacher Sun!"

The two girls saluted Sun Li politely, and then began to look at Huang Lei's house.

In other words, only because of Gu Zhongyu's favor can they come to Huang Lei's house for dinner. Other students do not have this treatment.

"He is cooking! You guys sit here for a while!"

Sun Li hadn't seen Gu Zhongyu for a long time. It had been almost two years since this enemy last visited her. She felt that this man must have forgotten her.

"Cooking? Then I have to learn how to cook!"

Gu Zhongyu walked directly to the kitchen, then secretly raised his eyebrows at Sun Li and motioned for her to follow him.

"What delicious food does Teacher Huang make?"

"I'm making the lion's head. Hey...why are you two coming in?"

Huang Lei was busy in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and making soup. In fact, he usually didn't go to the kitchen very much. His aunt was doing the cooking. But today, there were distinguished guests, so he naturally had to show off his specialty dishes. Got it!

Yes, he specializes in dishes, because actually he doesn’t know many dishes.

Anyone who has cooked knows that craftsmanship requires regular practice, and it is not enough to know some theories. Huang Lei grew up in a privileged family. Even if he was interested in cooking, he could not often cook by himself. Even after practicing for a few days, he could sell his personal equipment. That’s all.

Like "Longing for Life", if a random guest comes to talk about cooking, it seems that any cuisine and snacks from different regions can be made in the show. It is completely based on learning and selling now, so it is easy to overturn!

For example, the beans he cooked for Song Dandan were not cooked properly and caused food poisoning when eaten directly. That was because the chicken feet he cooked did not taste good; Da Zhangwei also complained that the fried liver was so salty...

The most troublesome time was when Shen Teng came and talked to Huang Lei with a gun and a stick. He was proficient in everything but also sparse in everything. At that time, Huang Lei's face was a little confused. Anyway, it made the atmosphere quite embarrassing.

Moreover, when I cook, I can express various life insights, and occasionally I feel something new when I look at it.

However, Chef Huang's frequent cooking and understanding of life have made many netizens feel "disgusted" and felt that he was trying to highlight his character.

Actually, Huang Lei is like this all the time. He has the bad habits left by his teacher, and he brings this habit to his daily life. When he sees his colleagues, he wants to teach them a few words. He is also a PUA master, and he likes to PUA everyone around him.

But he is also clear-headed. Today, Gu Zhongyu brought two students with him, so he just cooked his specialty dishes honestly and didn't do anything else.

"It's a rare opportunity to come here, and I haven't been in the kitchen for a while... Hey, Teacher Huang, let me help you cut this wild rice stem!"

"Don't worry! You are a guest, just wait outside to eat."

"It's okay, I can't sit still!"

Gu Zhongyu picked up the kitchen knife and started to work. Sun Li also took a handful of green vegetables to wash them, and the two of them helped Huang Lei on the island.

"Hey, Zhongyu, what do you think about me participating in the second season of Where Are We Going, Dad?"

"Mango TV invited you, right?" Gu Zhongyu kept chopping vegetables, using the sound of the knife hitting the chopping board to cover up other things. "It's great to go. I can take Duoduo out to play, and I can use this opportunity to build a good relationship with Mango TV, which will also facilitate other variety shows in the future."

"It's the Longing for Life, right?"


Gu Zhongyu switched to one-handed vegetable chopping mode and said confidently: "The golden age of variety shows has arrived. Running You have also seen the commercial value of men. As long as "Longing for Life" is done well, its influence will not be much worse than that of Running Man!"

"If that's the case, then I have to thank you very much, Zhongyu!"

When it comes to the topic of making money, Huang Lei becomes excited. Just at this moment, he looks back and sees that only Gu Zhongyu is left cutting vegetables.

"You're welcome... By the way, we are planning to start a family drama with a father role. I hope you, Mr. Huang, will take it too!"

Seeing Huang Lei's eyes darting around, Gu Zhongyu quickly finds a new topic to attract his attention.

"Oh, what's it about?"

"It tells the story of three families facing their children's further education, studying abroad, and adolescence..."

Gu Zhongyu began a long speech. Because the vegetables in front of him had been cut, he could only speak as loudly as possible.

“Come on, come on, today we will not go home until we are drunk!”

During the meal, Huang Lei kept adding wine to Gu Zhongyu’s glass. After teaching students for so many years, Gu Zhongyu was the one he was most satisfied with. After such a long time of graduation, he still did not forget his teacher. Now he is taking himself to participate in variety shows and giving him roles. He is even more pleasing to the eye than his own daughter!

Huang Yici is really too quiet now. After sitting at the table, she ate the dishes silently without saying a word. After giving a few people a glass of juice in turn, she went to learn piano.

It’s quite pitiful for this child, who is controlled so strictly by his father!

“Don’t drink, I can’t drive you back to Beijing Film Academy if I drink now. It’s better to be sober when you go back later!”

Seeing that the two little girls were also eager to drink, Gu Zhongyu stopped them in time.

“It’s okay. If you drink too much, just sleep at my house. There are plenty of guest rooms!”

Huang Lei was in a very good mood today, and he didn’t care about the news that the female students slept in his house. It might cause adverse effects.

Sun Li felt that it was not appropriate and wanted to remind him, but seeing that he looked very interested, he thought about it and decided not to spoil his fun.

"Teacher Huang is still the best!"

Meng Ziyi made a face at Gu Zhongyu, picked up a bottle of fruit wine and started drinking. Chen Yao was not to be outdone, and the two seemed to want to compete in drinking capacity.

"While you are still sober, I will tell you about the drama to be filmed..."

When they heard about their debut works, the two girls immediately put down their glasses and listened attentively.

As for Chen Yao's arrangement, it was naturally the dark and sickly loli in "Wuxin the Monster Killer" - Yue Qiluo. For Chen Yao in the previous life, this role was the peak of his debut, so he naturally couldn't let it go.

In fact, Chen Yao's appearance and temperament do not look that lolita. She is 1.7 meters tall with slightly heroic facial features and even has some royal sister style. She can play Yue Qiluo so well, all because of her agility in her teenage years, so she has to take advantage of her youth and quickly play such roles that are suitable for her!

For example, in the Little Yellow Duck's "Youth", Gu Zhongyu was ready to wait for Chen Yao to hone her acting skills, so he let her play.

It feels that whether it is the weak female protagonist Chen Nian or the campus violence female Wei Lai, both positive and negative roles, Chen Yao seems to be able to play.

As for Meng Ziyi, Gu Zhongyu had a headache for a long time. This sister's appearance and temperament are the same as Nazha, and there are really not many roles suitable for them. If they come up and act as the heroine with a resourceful look, it may be counterproductive!

So he arranged a debut role for Meng Ziyi - the female villain Ni Mantian in "The Journey of Flower"!

Beautiful and proud, loved by everyone, but because of jealousy, she fell into an irretrievable situation. Her actions made people hate her. This is really suitable for Sister Meng to play!


Meng Ziyi put down his wine glass angrily and began to complain: "Dudu can play the heroine of "The Journey of Flower" as soon as she debuted, and Bailu can be on Running Man, but why do we have to play female villains? And both of us are cruel and ruthless!"

"Yaoyao, you say... Is it unfair?"

"Uh! The teacher must have his considerations when arranging this, I think it's good!"

Chen Yao is relatively simple, not caring about the status or anything, thinking that it's good to have a role to play. Haven't seen many seniors who have graduated for N years and haven't even got a supporting role in a web drama!

And...she felt that based on her relationship with Gu Zhongyu, he would definitely not cheat her.

Gu Zhongyu took two chopsticks of food slowly and patiently explained to her: "Who told you that villain roles can't be outstanding? Don't you understand what a cute and charming villain role is?"

"Think about Concubine Hua in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and Jiang Yuyan in "Little Fish and Flower"...There are only bad works, not bad roles. Villain roles have less burdens and are actually easier to be outstanding. And..."

Gu Zhongyu wiped his mouth, "Your appearance and temperament are not suitable for playing the heroine from the beginning. Yaoyao and Dudu can do it, but you can't! If your acting skills are not up to standard, forcing yourself to play the heroine of great glory will make the audience The audience felt it was fake and artificial! "

"Teacher Gu, there is something wrong with your eyes! What's wrong with my appearance? A sweet girl, okay?"

Meng Ziyi has always been quite narcissistic and confident in her appearance. Unconvinced, she turned to Huang Lei and asked, "Teacher Huang, please be fair, what's wrong with my appearance?"


As a senior teacher at Beijing Film Academy, Huang Lei certainly has his own opinions on the appearance of actors. In fact, if Meng Ziyi's style was put in more than ten years ago, let alone playing the leading female role, it would be difficult to even have a chance to be on camera. At that time, directors and audiences did not like the appearance of coquettish and slutty girls.

Even if she is as beautiful as Fan Xiaopang, she has suffered a lot of losses in this regard. Whenever there is a role of a mistress or a vixen, she is always chosen, and a stereotype has formed!

That is, now there are more and more plastic surgery faces and Internet celebrity faces, and everyone has some tolerance for this style of beauty. Even so, look at the first-line actresses in the entertainment industry today, how many of them are gorgeous Internet celebrities?

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