Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 396: Queen's New Assistant

"What's going on?"

The next morning, as soon as he arrived downstairs at the company, Gu Zhongyu saw a long queue in front of the door, and without exception, all of them were young and beautiful girls!

The company is going to recruit more people?

Jiang Shuying and Bai Bin flipped through the pile of resumes in front of them, and replied without raising their heads: "Don't you all know that your boss Gu is going to recruit new assistants? These people are all here for interviews!"

"Didn't I tell you to recruit in a low-key and small circle?"

"Big boss! Where is the wall that can't be penetrated?"

Jiang Shuying closed the file in his hand and complained, "Now Bai Lu is very popular because of the Running Man variety show, and everyone knows that she is your former assistant. Isn't this telling everyone that as long as they work as assistants for you, Teacher Gu, they will have opportunities in the future Will you debut as a star?"

"Dudu has also acted in a TV series, and she is the leading actress. Two assistants in a row have been so lucky. People now say that being your assistant is more reliable than studying at Beijing Film Academy or Shanghai Theatre Academy. Aren't these girls crazy about applying for the job?"

Bai Bin stroked his resume, "That's it... We and HR screened out most of them, and those who came were released after background checks, because we were afraid that people with ulterior motives would plant spies around you. Today's interview was also supervised by Sister Shuying and I!"

Is it so exaggerated?

They are actually starting to guard against spies!

"We will interview together later, and you'd better not show up, so as not to get too horny..."

"What are you talking about! Am I such a hungry person?"

Gu Zhongyu was indignant. Why did even the former caring secretary start to look at him with tinted glasses like this?


Although Gu Zhongyu was not allowed to show up, after all, he was selecting assistants for him. If he didn't like them, it would be useless to interview them. Therefore, Jiang Shuying temporarily added a layer of one-way glass at the back of the interview room so that he could observe the situation at any time.

Why did it become like selecting a concubine?

It must be said that the selection of the human resources department is quite good. The girls who came are all very beautiful. Even if Gu Zhongyu, who has seen countless girls, gave them a score, it would definitely not be lower than 70 points.

But it's a pity that being beautiful is beautiful, but being empty-headed is not enough.

To be an assistant to Gu Zhongyu, there is no requirement for academic qualifications. After all, it is just a miscellaneous job, although you may have to sleep with him or something (remove the possibility).

Jiang Shuying and Bai Bin mainly look at whether the interviewee is reliable, tight-lipped, and has high emotional intelligence. Those who are too eager for quick success and want to sleep with the boss immediately will not be accepted, no matter how smart they are!

So the first few interviewees didn't even finish the five-minute chat and "went back to wait for notification!"

Everyone wanted to write "I want to be famous" on their faces. They were probably admitted during the day and climbed on Gu Zhongyu's boat at night!

"Hey hey hey! I seriously suspect that you are using your power for personal gain. Isn't that girl reliable? She is pretty and smart. Why did you send her away without chatting for a few words?"

Gu Zhongyu couldn't stand it anymore and got out from behind.

"Or maybe you men are all greedy!"

Jiang Shuying looked down on him and explained: "Just now I asked her if she had any love experience. She said she had never been in love, but I secretly saw a star tattoo on the inside of her forearm. Those who have that pattern are either rock singers or rap singers, but this girl can't sing at all, so..."

Bai Bin nodded: "It must be her boyfriend who got her tattooed, and there may be other parts of her body!"

Okay, I am superficial, you two sisters are simply Sherlock Holmes!

Gu Zhongyu stopped interfering and let them do their best.

Then the interviews continued until the afternoon, and more than 20 girls had been rejected.

When Gu Zhongyu came back from work, he was so tired that he saw that they were still interviewing, and the two girls were also talking dry mouth.

Just when he was about to go out and say that he would just call it a day, a girl with two ponytails came in timidly.

"Hello, two interviewers, I am Cheng Longni, 21 years old, from Wenzhou, graduated from Yanjing Modern Music Academy..."

Cheng Longni...

This name sounds familiar!

But looking at the girl's face, he couldn't remember who it was.

Jiang Shuying looked at the girl's resume. She graduated from a music college, had a good cultural level, and had been learning dance since she was five years old. She was versatile.

Moreover, this girl's eyes were focused and tense since she entered the room, and her voice was weak and mosquito-like. It was obvious that she didn't have much social experience and her personality was relatively introverted.

Bai Bin became interested and asked first: "Do you know what an assistant does?"

"Yes, generally assisting the artist's daily life and professional activities."

"What do you think if I ask you to do something beyond your job?"

"Uh..." Cheng Longni was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Bai Bin to ask so directly. She replied carefully, "It depends on what specific things you do. As long as it does not violate the law and morality, then naturally everything is based on the boss's needs."

A very obedient worker!

Jiang Shuying had already made a judgment in her mind, but still gave her a difficult question, "Suppose... your boss is blocked by reporters in the aisle. He is now rushing out, but those reporters are holding on to him. At this time, as an assistant, what can you do for your boss?"

Cheng Longni frowned, thought about it carefully, and said: "I can clear the way for the boss! I am a girl, as long as I rush forward at the front, those reporters will definitely be embarrassed to have physical contact with girls casually, so I can cover the boss out!"


A very naive idea, and obviously overestimating the morality of paparazzi reporters.

Listening to Cheng Longni's answer, Gu Zhongyu carefully looked at her facial features. Why does she look a bit like Wu Xin from "Happy Camp"?

But it is obviously a high-end version!

Gu Zhongyu sent a WeChat message to Jiang Da Mi: Shuying, get a pair of glasses and let her wear them for me to see.

Do you still like to control girls with glasses now?

Jiang Shuying didn't know what he wanted to do, but he still did it, took a pair of plain glasses without prescription to Cheng Longni, and motioned her to put them on.

Cheng Longni slowly put on the glasses, pushed the frame with her fingers, and then looked at the two people with an innocent face...

It turned out to be her!

This time Gu Zhongyu finally recognized her, isn't this Gao Qilan?

Gu Zhongyu had watched "Kuang Biao" in his previous life, and he was deeply impressed by the role of Gao Qilan. The golden glasses and the temperament of a mature woman were really lethal to the majority of male compatriots.

In fact, before starring in "Kuang Biao", Cheng Longni had been acting for eight years, but they were all third-rate productions and small roles, without any splashes.

However, she is also a complete drama-throwing face. In "Da Ming Feng Hua", she played the role of Han Wangfei. Even if Gu Zhongyu did not have Dong Ge's face blindness, he did not realize that these two roles were played by the same person at first.

The advantage is that one person has a thousand faces, and the next role will not have the shadow of the previous role.

The disadvantage is that the audience can't remember her. After watching many dramas she has acted in, they still can't remember what she looks like.

It was not until Gao Qilan in "Kuang Biao" that she finally gained some fame.

In fact, this girl didn't have many scenes in "Kuang Bi". She appeared in a few episodes at the beginning, and she didn't have a single shot in the whole 13 episodes in the middle. But when the timeline was pulled to 2021, her return really surprised everyone.

Intellectual, cold, and abstinent, she is completely different from the previous country girl.

Some people say that she is like a female version of "gentleman scum", some people say that she is a "gay circle" heaven, and some people say that An Xin is a bit ungrateful.

However, compared with Gao Ye and Zhang Songwen, Cheng Longni's popularity is not as high as expected. After the popularity of the drama subsided, she soon disappeared...

On the other hand, as they got to know Cheng Longni in depth, Jiang Shuying and Bai Bin had a good impression of this girl. She was more than enough to be an assistant, and her appearance was also okay, but they didn't know whether she met the aesthetics of Mr. Gu.

They asked Cheng Longni to wait outside, and when they were about to ask Gu Zhongyu for his opinion, he had already pushed the door in.

"Let's pick her!"

"Why don't you look at the ones behind? There are still many beautiful ones!"

Jiang Shuying was very surprised. Although this girl is pretty, she is nothing in the entertainment industry, and her temperament is also rustic. She is not the same type as Bai Lu and Chen Duling before. Why is this dog man's aesthetic so erratic?

"Do you really think I'm choosing a concubine? Let's pick her, but... her style is indeed a bit rustic. After she is hired, you can ask the designer to make a slight change for her. Change her hairstyle to long black straight hair, wear more black silk on weekdays, and if possible... wear glasses on weekdays, it will look even better!"

So you are starting to enjoy the fun of DIY, right?


Guizhou, Daxin.

Daxin is beautiful, adjacent to Vietnam, and is the main filming location of the TV series "The Journey of Flower".

Gu Zhongyu got off the plane with his new assistant Cheng Longni, and they still had to take a few hours of car ride.

After a professional designer madeover, Cheng Longni abandoned her original style and changed into a dark windbreaker with gold-rimmed glasses. Gu Zhongyu immediately found the feeling he had when he first saw Gao Qilan!

A pair of ordinary glasses not only increased her temperament, but also improved her personal recognition. Her appearance, which was originally around 70 points, was suddenly raised to the level of more than 80 or nearly 90!

"Cheng Longni... your name is a bit difficult to pronounce. Let's give it a stage name. It's better to call you Longni in the future. It's nicer and easier to remember."

"Oh~ OK!"

Unlike Bai Lu and Dudu, who were a little rebellious when they first started as assistants, Longni is really well-behaved. She will do almost anything Gu Zhongyu says, and she will agree to change her name without even thinking about it.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to tease her, and asked in a serious tone: "Now people say that you can make your debut after being my assistant, why do you want to be an actor?"

"I have been passionate about performing arts since I was a child, and I have been attending various training courses..."

"Tell the truth!"

Long Ni lowered her head a little embarrassedly, "Because everyone around me said that I am beautiful and can be popular as a star, so I came to try my luck..."

"Being beautiful and being popular are not the same thing! There are so many beauties in the entertainment industry, you have to do your job well first."

"I know!"

Long Ni was eager to prove her attitude, and sat up straight on the chair and said to Gu Zhongyu: "I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I will graduate in a year. As long as you think my work ability is okay, I can stay by your side and let me do anything!"

So obedient!

So obedient that Gu Zhongyu lost interest in teasing her. It feels like as long as she is willing, just nod, she can offer herself to her bed tonight!

Of course, after experiencing two rebellious assistants, it's good to have a well-behaved one. You should change your taste occasionally when eating!

"I look forward to your future performance!"

Gu Zhongyu closed his eyes and began to take a nap, while Longni beside him was thinking about what to do in the future to please the boss?


The original costumes of "The Journey of Flower" were mainly white, which was regarded as the beginning of the fairy tale drama with the style of funeral. This was actually a very lazy and perfunctory design. Gu Zhongyu changed it when he established the project. All the costumes of the gods were all referenced from Dunhuang murals and statues.

So the costume design of the crew of this version of "The Journey of Flower" is pretty good, much better than Tang Ren, Yu Ma and the like.

The previous life's movie version of "The Journey of Flower" was starred by Chen Duling, but the evaluation was unanimously bad. The main reason was that there was a problem with the project establishment of the movie. The director and screenwriter were too bad. It would be the same if Chen Duling was not the actor. Under the influence of preconceived ideas, whoever made the movie would be mocked.

Although Chen Duling has made a strong presence in 2023 by guest-starring as Bai Yueguang in various crews, this does not mean that she is popular or has traffic. The 85 flowers who entered the film industry all failed one by one, let alone her.

In fact, most TV series are broadcast first and then the movies are released, and it is difficult to escape the fate of box office failure.

Such work is more suitable for directors with wild ideas like Xu Laoguai.

If the movie can't tell a new story, it's better not to shoot.

Because Chen Duling's face is not cute, it is a bit cold, which is a disadvantage compared to Zhao Xiaodao, so she has to work harder on acting and appearance.

Before she turned black, the makeup artist combed her hair into a double bun, applied a little blush, and her light body was full of youthful vitality and girlish breath, which immediately hit the hearts of most boys!

Today's filming is the Fairy Sword Competition, Chen Duling and Meng Ziyi's PK scenes, there are many flying scenes.

Anyway, in ancient costume fairy dramas, there are all kinds of pressure every day, and Dudu is used to it now.

Dual cameras were used for shooting, one was set up in the air, and the other was on the ground. After trying a few times, Chen Duling quickly found the feeling, so the camera and lights were in place, and the assistant director shouted:


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Duling was directly pulled into the air by the wire, and with the help of the wire, she did a somersault in an instant!

The girl was obviously used to the power of the wire in the previous practice. This somersault was not only neat and tidy, but she also did not forget the action in the air.

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