Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 397 Dudu’s decision is a done deal

Not only is the facial expression in place, but the body movements are also perfect. Both hands are immediately opened, and the toes are drooping, matching the snow-white dress. Don't be too beautiful!


The director directly called the star, and this scene was considered a success.

"Dudu, how are you? Are you okay?"

The scene was very pleasant and the shooting was smooth, but Chen Duling was covered with scars, bruises and purples.

When Chen Duling got off the wire, the female assistant assigned to her hurriedly surrounded her.

"What's wrong? It's just a little hot. Do you have water?"

Although it is already October, the weather in Guizhou is still 28 degrees, and it is easy to sweat if you move a little.

"I want it too, it's so hot! Dudu, why don't you use a stand-in?"

Meng Ziyi, who was wearing a purple palace skirt, also kept complaining about the heat. She didn't understand why Dudu was working so hard?

Dudu raised her head and drank a glass of ice water, whispering to Meng Ziyi: "You know, I became the heroine because of my boss's relationship. If I slack off in my first performance and the effect is not good, it's okay for the audience to scold me. If I blame my boss one by one, how can I face him in the future?"

"You really think about him!"

Meng Ziyi pouted, and she admired her a little in her heart. Although she was a relative, at least this sister knew what to do. No wonder Gu Zhongyu took care of her so much.

"Director, let's start!"

Then, less than five minutes after the break, Chen Duling stood up, walked to Director Lin Yufen, and suggested this.

Meng Ziyi: Sister, please don't roll me up, okay?

"Dudu, I know you are very dedicated. You may ask a double to do the work. Let's let the double do it. Look at your arm yourself!"

Chen Duling's white arms were already covered with scars. It was obviously her first time filming, but this little girl showed more tenacity than many veteran actors, and she was also very smart. Every time there was a problem in the performance or the script, she only needed to be gently pointed out, and she would immediately understand it!

"Isn't there a close-up of expression? If there is no expression, I will definitely let the double do it."

It is normal to have a double in martial arts scenes. Generally, TV dramas, especially martial arts and fairy tales, have at least three doubles for the protagonist.

"Okay, then let's get ready, get ready, start..."

Lin Yufen couldn't persuade her, so she prepared to start filming.

"Director, Mr. Gu is here!"

When Chen Duling heard that Gu Zhongyu came to see her, she was about to go to meet him, but then she remembered that she was now covered in injuries and it was a bit embarrassing to see people.

Gu Zhongyu bought a car of watermelons, which were obviously frozen. When the car arrived at the crew, the melon skin was still damp.

You always have to bring some gifts when you visit the crew.

After all, a visitor from afar is a guest.

The crew has its own work rules, and the on-site shooting cannot be interrupted because of the arrival of a certain person.

Gu Zhongyu did not make a big fuss.

First, he found Dudu's assistant and asked about Chen Duling's daily life in the crew during this period.

The more he listened, the angrier he got. This girl simply regarded herself as a desperate woman!

No matter what the play, she will do it herself!

MD, are you crazy? Why not use the stand-in arranged by the crew?

We don't need a literary stand-in, but it's always okay to use a martial arts stand-in!

In fact, the director's favorite is not necessarily the actors who must play themselves in any dangerous action scenes, but those who are dedicated when they should be dedicated, and must use a stand-in when they should use a stand-in, otherwise if something goes wrong, the whole crew will be unlucky!

This is also the reason why the crew usually puts the dangerous scenes at the end of the filming, because if the leading actor is injured, it is difficult to ensure that the scenes will be completed on schedule!

Chen Duling and director Lin Yufen carefully accompanied Gu Zhongyu and introduced him to the main actors.

In terms of actors, this version of "The Journey of Flower" has been greatly changed compared to the original. In addition to Dudu's Xiaogu, the male lead used the local actor Zhu Yilong to replace Bai Zihua. Now this junior brother's acting skills are getting more and more superb. In a few years, he should be able to take the lead.

Dongfang Yuqing is Wang Renjun, who is also a junior brother of Beijing Film Academy. This person later became a professional actor in playing teachers.

There is also Jiang Xin's Zixun Fairy. Many people say that Jiang Xin looks very strong, but when facing the real person, there is actually no such feeling. I just feel that the person is tall and has long legs, especially Jiang Xin at this time, even his face is quite thin.


Dudu knows his boss very well, so in front of Gu Zhongyu, he hardly played the martial arts in the afternoon.

Even so, Gu Zhongyu still had a cold expression.

"Boss, don't be angry, I didn't mean to get hurt!"

In the hotel, Dudu carefully comforted Gu Zhongyu.

"Look at yourself, there are bruises everywhere, why don't you know how to take care of yourself?"

Gu Zhongyu pointed to a purple spot on Dudu's calf and took out a bottle of safflower oil from his bag: "Take off your clothes, I'll massage you!"

Chen Duling was very surprised that the boss wanted to give me a massage!

It turns out that hard work in acting is rewarded. This time I came before the filming was finished...

"Ah? Then...then I'll take a shower first."

That's right, with a stinky sweat, even if Gu Zhongyu didn't mind, Chen Duling, who had a slight obsession with cleanliness, felt disgusted!

"Okay, hurry up!"

Chen Duling picked up the bathrobe and was about to enter the bathroom. Suddenly, she turned around and said shyly: "Boss, how about... come together?"

I didn't expect that Dudu, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also learn bad things!

In order to save water resources, Gu Zhongyu had to reluctantly agree.

Half an hour later, Chen Duling was lying on the big bed with her upper body naked.

Gu Zhongyu poured safflower oil into his palm, and then rubbed it on her smooth waist and thighs.

Although Chen Duling still felt some pain, she was happy in her heart. In the past, he served the boss, but she didn't expect that one day she would be able to enjoy the treatment of being massaged by Gu Zhongyu!

"Why do you want to do this? Acting is not a life-threatening thing. You are not a professional. If you can perform normally, no one will say anything about you." Gu Zhongyu also guessed something about Dudu's thoughts.

"Well..." Dudu made a sound from the tip of his nose and said lazily: "This is not enough, because I want to prove to everyone that the boss's vision is fine... Besides, it doesn't hurt!"

"You, just do it!"

Having said that, Gu Zhongyu was still very relieved.

Everything is afraid of comparison. Look at Meng Ziyi from a professional school. Gu Zhongyu came to visit her today and heard at least ten complaints from her. She made the scenes that were not hard work sound like being in a frying pan. He didn't like this kind of hypocrisy very much.

After rubbing for more than ten minutes, Dudu made some humming sounds that made people sound very passionate from time to time. Gu Zhongyu had to endure and finish the action.

"Okay, turn over!" Patting her little butt, Dudu immediately turned face up.

"I said, can you be a little more reserved and at least cover your nailed on the wall!"

Gu Zhongyu pulled a thin blanket over helplessly and handed it to Chen Duling who closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

"Boss, you didn't say that when we were taking a shower just now!"

Dudu looked at him resentfully, but she still hung the blanket in front of her bear obediently. If she had known that I was nailed on the wall, why did she attack me in the first place?

"Can it be the same?"

After applying safflower oil, Gu Zhongyu took out a pack of plaster from his bag: "Where does it hurt the most? I'll put it on for you."

"Here and here."

Chen Duling pointed to her left waist and the inside of her thigh.

"Be careful next time. You are so old now. Can you let people save your attention?"

Gu Zhongyu carefully put the plaster on the place she pointed, still mumbling.

"By the way, look at my knees, purple and blue!"

Chen Duling was still not satisfied, moaning without reason, almost to the point of acting like a spoiled child!

"So, I asked you to wear long pants. If you go out like this, people will think I did something to you!"

Gu Zhongyu sighed, poured a little more safflower oil on his palm, and shifted his target to Dudu's calf.

"What do you think you did to me?"

Dudu asked curiously, grinning and winking at her seductively.

That is, in front of Gu Zhongyu, she showed the innocence of a girl of her age. When there were outsiders, she was still relatively cold, but she would just put on a little gesture so as not to appear too unsociable.

"Little girl! You'd better not provoke me, otherwise with your half-crippled body, I'm afraid I can't control myself!"

Although Gu Zhongyu's desire was high, he was still very restrained. After all, Dudu had to act tomorrow, so he should not score twice.

"Didn't the boss bring in a new assistant? You can call her!"

When saying this, Chen Duling's tone was obviously a little jealous. Although she had long been accustomed to Gu Zhongyu's fickleness, she was still a little unhappy that a girl suddenly appeared to replace her position!

"Don't make a fuss! I've only been working for a few days! You've already come out to film now, boss, I can't always be without a follower around me?"

"But I haven't handed over my work yet!"

Dudu remembered, stood up, and took out a small black notebook and mobile phone from the suitcase regardless of her exposure.

"According to the normal process, I should write a resignation report first, and then hand over these office supplies to my next person. Sister Bailu did the same!"

"It's quite ceremonial."

However, it is not appropriate to keep these things with Chen Duling. After all, it involves her privacy. It's not that Gu Zhongyu doesn't trust Dudu, but there are many people in the crew, and there are all kinds of people. If they are lost or stolen, it will be very troublesome!

Gu Zhongyu put the things away, and then pressed Chen Duling for a while, covered her with a blanket, told her to rest early, and left.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he ran into someone who had been blocking the door.

It was Longni!

"What are you doing?" Gu Zhongyu asked after pulling her back to the room.

Long Ni touched her forehead and said aggrievedly: "Secretary Jiang said that when you are outside, especially in other women's rooms, you must stay outside to prevent people from peeping or making trouble!"

"Then you don't have to stay at the door like this!"

Is this girl a little mentally ill?

As my assistant, you stay outside another female artist's room in the middle of the night. Even an idiot can know that you are helping me to keep an eye out!

"Stay in your own room in the future, pretend to come and take a look from time to time, and call me if you have anything. You stay here like this, are you afraid that everyone in the world will not know!"

"Ah? Then...what should we do?" Long Ni was so anxious that she was sweating. She was at a loss and began to stutter when she spoke, "I have been waiting here for almost two hours. Someone must have noticed it. How can I remedy it?"

"It's not that serious. Fortunately, this is our company's own crew. No one will say anything nonsense. Just remember it in the future. And... take this notebook and write down the general information in it. It will also be your work content in the future.


Longni took the notebook and started browsing, but soon she looked up with a confused face, "What is written on it? I can't understand it!"


I almost forgot that all text is encrypted, and I have to teach you cryptography.

Gu Zhongyu sighed. It seemed that normal work handover was indeed necessary. Dudu couldn't do it now, so he could only teach her slowly by himself.

After staying with the crew of "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" for two days, Gu Zhongyu left.

He doesn't plan to join the group again before the end of this year, so he has more freedom in his schedule. Just when he was thinking about whether to go to Chen Yao's "Wuxin Master" crew to explore the crew or to be interviewed by a talk show, Miss Qianxi called and started summoning Him

"Get Out, Mr. Tumor" is about to be released!

Although it is not a starring role, it is still a project invested and participated by the company. Of course, Gu Zhongyu has to stand up for Liu Yufei.

Sissi's movie is very ambitious. She shaved off all her hair in order to play the role well. She has the idea of ​​hitting three gold medals. Gu Zhongyu also had people sign up for major domestic and foreign awards in advance. It will be up to the judges to see how they will win. No more face.

If you don't even make it to the primary list, then no matter how much public relations you put in, it's useless. Although people care about money, they still want face to some extent!

It will be released on October 10th, which is not a very good schedule, but there are no decent competitors. Ann Hui's "Golden Age" has already hit the market, "Ruffian Hero 2" is also full of flaws, and "Quiba 3" "Armor" are both animated films, and the only "Guardians of the Galaxy" that can be played won't be available until the end of the month.

In anticipation of the film's release, Feiyu Film and Television has held a series of internal screenings across the country targeting different audiences. With the spread of good reputation, Yangma's "News Live Room" and "Cultural Ten" and other columns have also paid attention to this movie, and made a detailed report on this "news-turned-movie" movie.

At the same time, under Gu Zhongyu's suggestion, the crew also posted the behind-the-scenes, interesting anecdotes and highlights from the previous performances, as well as the feedback from the audience on Weibo. Basically, there were no interruptions in updates from the start of the film to the release.

I don’t know who first started using this method of publicity. They used highlight clips and audience feedback to make promotional videos to seduce people, but the effect was really good. Basically, all the movies later had to do this on Douyin before they were released.

Douyin hasn't been launched yet, so let's make do with Weibo first!

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