Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 398 The fairy with tears streaming down her face

The effect is also very good. The re-reporting of the two programs on Weibo and CCTV has made many viewers look forward to the release of this movie.

Zhang Xiaoyu, a girl suffering from leukemia, said after watching the internal test screening of the movie, "Go Away! Tumor King" is a movie that I watched with laughter and tears. It is a movie full of positive energy. On this road to fighting cancer, every patient undergoing chemotherapy is a brave warrior!"

In addition, Tang Juan, a friend of Xiong Dun and one of the producers of the movie "Go Away! Tumor King", told reporters, "During her illness and hospitalization, Xiong Dun was very much looking forward to adapting "Tumor King" into a movie. She once imagined the specific plot of the movie, the male and female protagonists, etc., and said that during the filming of the movie, she would draw a comic named "Go Away! Director." "

In this way, various early publicity immediately raised the popularity of the movie. On the day of the premiere, director Han Yan and Liu Yifei, Gu Zhongyu, Peng Guanying, Li Yuan, Li Jianyi, Liu Xiaoli and other main creators all attended.

At this time, the entrance of the cinema was already blocked by a crowd of people!

Most of them were fans of Liu Yufei and Gu Zhongyu, especially fans of Xixi, who were the most fanatical!

Gu Zhongyu, the producer and screenwriter, made his final appearance, holding Xixi's hand and waving to the audience on both sides of the red carpet.

Reporters from major media kept taking pictures with their cameras, and many fans who got the news and rushed over cheered the names of the two.

They felt that the works that Miss Xixi had taken in recent years were very good, and she had finally found the right direction for acting, and they also liked Gu Zhongyu, the "enemy who stole his wife".

At the scene, Liu Yufei talked about her feelings about the movie: "I decided to take this movie because I was moved by the characters in the script, so making this movie is not just a job, but also an experience of moving and strength. I am willing to use a smile to drive away the haze of this world for you" to express her voice, and hope that the audience can gain "full of positive energy" from this "more loving than a romance" movie! ”

"Xixi! "Has your hair grown out?" a male fan asked excitedly.

Liu Yufei chuckled. It seems that fans care more about her hair than she does.

So she raised her hand to the middle of her head, pretending to lift up the wig like she did at the last press conference...

No way?

"I'm just kidding you! It must have grown out after so long, don't worry!"


But it's rare to see a fairy being humorous, so everyone is still very happy.

When Liu Yufei finished speaking, Li Yuan, Liu Xiaoli and others also walked to the middle of the stage and told many interesting stories during the filming.

Compared with other actors, Liu Xiaoli received more attention. Since she had a stunning glimpse of the Queen Mother in "The Forbidden Kingdom", she has never appeared on the big screen again.

This time, not only did she work with her daughter again, but the two of them even played mother and daughter in the movie, which really excited many people, especially some male fans who had their own plans...Compared with Liu Yufei, they actually loved Liu's mother more!

Several people finally changed the topic It leads to the deceased prototype - author Xiong Dun.

Xiong Dun's father and relatives also attended the premiere, and announced that part of the box office revenue of the film will be donated by Xiong Dun's parents to the charity foundation to donate to people in need of help in the fight against cancer.

Liu Yufei once again said that "Mr. Tumor" is her favorite work she has ever starred in. She decided to take on this film because she was moved by Xiong Dun's personality and story.

"We are both very optimistic, a little silly, and people who happily wrap up our sadness, but I am not as brave as Xiong Dun... Although I didn't meet Xiong Dun in person, I have become good friends with Xiong Dun after filming this film! ”

At this time, the big screen behind began to look back on Xiong Dun's life and last words. The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became much more depressed. Xiong Dun's parents lost control of their emotions, and Liu Yufei even cried out loud!

She is a very emotional person. What she fears most is encountering such a situation. She is very easy to cry when she feels too much.

When filming "The Four", Liu Yufei's partner actor Zou Zhaolong's sister committed suicide due to depression during the filming. Because Zou Zhaolong did not tell anyone during the filming, Liu Yufei heard about it for the first time at the awards ceremony.

As a result, she had tears in her eyes at that time, and she looked up at the stage on purpose, trying hard not to let the tears flow out...

Today, Liu Yufei finally couldn't help it and hugged Xiong Dun's parents and cried for a long time.

As time came to seven o'clock, The premiere ended here, and everyone went to the cinema to watch the movie.

"Go Away Tumor" is a film with tears in the eyes. The first half is full of laughs, especially the guest appearances of Shen Teng and Jing Tian. Many people also noticed that this pair of actors seems to be the male and female protagonists of Stephen Chow's new film "The Mermaid". Is this a linkage?

The double blow of unemployment + broken love, and being diagnosed with a terminal illness, the heroine's experience is terrible, but Xiong Dun, played by Liu Yufei, still remains strong and optimistic. Her ability to laugh at herself always makes people feel funny and sad.

Many people were surprised to find that Liu Yufei's acting skills have been greatly improved in this play. Whether it is the sonorous and powerful lines or the colorful expressions, there is no coldness and ungroundedness in the period of the Fairy Sister.

It feels like she is just a silly girl that is common in daily life!

Gu Zhongyu's guest appearance as a waiter looks gay. When he touched Shen Teng's butt when he appeared, the audience laughed. This is the first time he played a non-straight male role on the screen.

Then there is the plot of Xiong Dun being sick and hospitalized. Although the movie is a bit heavy here, it is still optimistic overall.

In that fantasy world, Xiong Dun is like a hero who can annihilate all enemies. Therefore, some viewers thought it would be a happy ending and a successful story of fighting cancer.

However, sadness finally overflowed.

Especially after Xiong Dun's parents knew about Xiong Dun's condition, the mother played by Liu Xiaoli secretly wiped away her tears before entering the ward, and the scene of Li Jianyi's father silently crying in the supermarket was particularly touching.

There was really sobbing in the theater.

Gu Zhongyu noticed that even Aunt Liu cried. She was similar to her daughter in this respect. She couldn't bear to see the tragedy of life and death. She took Shu Chang as her goddaughter because she heard about her unfortunate life experience.

Those with children really can't bear to see this, the old send off the young...

Gu Zhongyu is fine, he can distinguish between movies and reality, but when he saw Xiong Dun appear with a bald head after chemotherapy, he couldn't help but be slightly moved...

At this time, Xixi next to him was already crying!

"Really, this is the first time I've seen an actor cry like you when watching a movie he starred in!" Gu Zhongyu took out a tissue and secretly handed it to Xixi.

"Do you think they are as hard-hearted as you?" Liu Yufei took the tissue and wiped her face carefully.

There were many people wiping tears in the cinema.

If nothing unexpected happens, this movie will definitely receive rave reviews, at least it will make Liu Yufei's reputation in acting even better. The previous "Like You" was just a small test, and "Go Away Tumor" can be regarded as Liu Yufei's thorough path to becoming a powerful actor.

As for the box office, as long as it can make back the investment, it's fine.

In the end, Xiong Dun's life came to an end. During the memorial service, she was still optimistic and encouraged everyone, asking relatives and friends not to be sad about her death. She cheered them up. The cheerful expression of the heroine formed a sharp contrast with the tears in the audience. The movie ended here.

The applause was thunderous, not only for the movie and the actors, but also for Xiong Dun in heaven.

The main creative staff also hugged each other again!

After the premiere, Xiong Dun's friend posted a long article on Weibo the next day, praising the movie.

"I am very glad that the movie is not sensational for the sake of sensationalism. The whole process is humorous and relaxed, which is consistent with the style of Xiong Dun's comics. But because we experienced this story back then, we couldn't hide our sadness and emotions, so we still cried."

Film critics and fans from all walks of life also did not hesitate to praise the movie.

"The first 20 minutes showed signs of being a bad movie, but as Liu Yufei fell to the ground with a bang, the plot officially unfolded and it gradually got better. It is a mature work with a high degree of completion. The director's aesthetics, understanding, outlook on life and other comprehensive qualities are all above 80 points. This movie is the homework handed in by an excellent student..."

"Because of those somewhat clichéd little jokes, a story that people can't bear to accept is dramatized and turned into a cute growth history of a little girl. When watching it, I was thinking that maybe Xiong Dun didn't really like doctors, but just wanted a handsome god to save herself."

"The story itself is a bit thin. In the friendship scene, the protagonists put on mink coats, which gave people a sense of the times. But I cried, I really cried, everyone around me cried, there was no abuse, there was a sense of positivity and touching."

Even the central government People's Daily praised it: the further purification of the comedy and inspirational elements of real people is the greatest contribution of the movie version. Liu Yufei, who has made breakthroughs in her acting career in recent years, has done an excellent job in interpreting the character's personality. This is a work that will make the audience forget Liu Yufei and remember Xiong Dun. The movie is relatively natural in making people laugh and cry. This is its highlight. Its good reputation is also due to the proper use of emotional elements in the movie. Such inspirational comedies need more!

Of course, haters will always exist, and the attacks on "Go Away Tumor" are mainly focused on questioning the filmmakers' deliberate hype of Xiong Dun, a cancer patient who has passed away!

A movie big V: "Although the movie has touching scenes, it does not mean that this is a good movie. Liu Yufei's acting this time is also okay, but apart from the plot and the heroine's name is Xiong Dun, I don't think it has much to do with Xiong Dun. This is just an ordinary chick movie, just hyping the reputation of the deceased. If the full score is 10, I can only give it a maximum of five points!"

There are still many people who support the view, and you have no way to fight back against such people.

Basically, whenever a movie based on a character is released, some people will question whether it is hype or exploitation. "Dying to Survive" and "Hope"... It doesn't even matter whether your movie is good or bad. They just can't stand any movie that makes money based on real-life characters!

Fortunately, most people don't care about these when watching movies, so the box office of "Go Away Tumor" is very impressive.

The box office on the first day reached more than 70 million!

And as word of mouth spreads, the box office even has a downward trend, and it is estimated that it can hit the 1 billion mark!

This time, Liu Yufei has opened up a gap with the other 85 flowers, and has achieved both good reputation and box office.

Yang Mi, who is the biggest threat to her, has almost lost the goodwill brought by "Ball Lightning" because of frequent bad movies in recent years. Da Tiantian, Liu Shishi and others are simply incomparable. For a while, Tianxian seemed to have returned to the peak of popularity before 2008!

The sun shines in through the window and falls on a person. Gu Zhongyu, who is lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, sat up and looked around. The living room that was messed up last night was also tidy. Obviously, Xixi had gotten up long ago, and Aunt Liu also came in, otherwise there would be no one to clean up the room.

After the premiere, he was forced by Liu Yufei to go home together, and even Aunt Liu was cheering on the side...

After not seeing each other for a few months, Liu Yufei was also very impatient. Gu Zhongyu was almost torn apart by her. The meat that Xixi lost before was probably grown back again!

My old waist!


Gu Zhongyu lifted the quilt that Aunt Liu should have covered him with, and put on his clothes and looked around barefoot: "Liu Baozi!"

No one replied, obviously Xixi had gone out.

Gu Zhongyu went downstairs and came to the restaurant. Just as he was about to stretch, he saw Liu Xiaoli, who was smiling brightly, coming over with a sumptuous breakfast.

Her hair was neatly tied behind her head, and beads of sweat hung on her white forehead. It seemed that she made it herself.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu, Liu Xiaoli showed a sweet smile: "Zhongyu, you are up, I made breakfast, come and eat it while it is hot!"

How virtuous!

Why doesn't the fat house Xi learn from her mother?

Gu Zhongyu sat on the chair, picked up a fried dumpling and started eating, "Where did Xixi go?"

"She went to walk the dog. It's rare to see her get up early. She's in good spirits!"

In terms of recovery, men are not as good as women in this regard, and Xixi vented all the emotions accumulated over the past few months on him this time. She is beautiful, but I am suffering!

" have to compensate me!"


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