Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 399 We will all listen to you from now on

People are in high spirits when happy events happen. The great success of "Get Out, Cancer King" has allowed Liu Yufei to regain her original feeling of being a top performer in the Chinese entertainment industry!

So even though she tortured Gu Zhongyu for half a night, she still felt energetic when she got up early in the morning. She also took her golden retriever for morning exercise for the first time. You know, she usually slept until she woke up naturally.

After running and sweating profusely, she guessed that her mother had almost prepared breakfast, so Liu Yufei turned back.

As a result, as soon as I entered the small restaurant, I saw hot dry noodles spilled on the floor...

"Mom! I was waiting to eat this, why did it fall on the ground?"

"I just know how to eat! Can I make you another one..."

Liu Xiaoli had already changed her clothes, and her hair was still stained with water droplets. Her clothes were stained and she had no choice but to take a shower. Her face was still red at the moment.

"Don't be so troublesome. I think this pan-fried pancake is quite delicious, so I'll give it a try!"

Gu Zhongyu was also very hungry after his morning exercise and started to clear away the few meals left on the table. When Liu Yufei saw this, she immediately stopped caring about the hot dry noodles and quickly sat down and started a food fight with him!

"You've gained weight again, Sissi!"

"I want you to take care of it!

Liu Yufei glared at him, picked up a fried bun, put it in her mouth and chewed it hard, as if she was chewing some scumbag instead of a bun.

"Let's get down to business... I asked someone to inquire about it. You can get out of here and be shortlisted for the Golden Horse this time. I'm not sure what awards you will get. At least there will be one or two nominations. And... your voice is very loud this time!"

"Ah! You're not fooling me, are you?"

Hearing this, Liu Yufei immediately forgot about Gu Zhongyu's disdain for her being fat, and excitedly put her hand on his arm. Being nominated for three gold medals was something she had only dreamed about!

Although she has been in the industry for more than ten years, so far in her acting career, Liu Yufei has only been nominated for the Best Actress in a TV Series Festival. She really needs a significant award to prove her influence on the big screen. .

In fact, not only Liu Yufei, but also other 85 flowers have not won any decent trophies.

But Liu Yufei's starting point is too high. She has been a fairy sister with national popularity for a long time. She has been in the industry for so many years but has never been shortlisted for Class A film festivals. Many anti-fans attack her for her poor acting skills, which is why they focus on this point.

Liu Xiaoli was also moved and sat next to Gu Zhongyu, "So Zhongyu... can you help Sissi win the award? Auntie knows that you have many connections and can handle Oscars. The Golden Horse should not be a problem, right?"

"I can only say that I will try my best. This time, Gong Li, Tang Wei, and Gui Lunmei have been confirmed to be shortlisted for the Golden Horse Best Actress. Sissi's hope of winning is indeed slim, but she can still fight for the nomination."

Gu Zhongyu told the truth. The Golden Horse Awards were not organized by him. It would be considered good if he could get a nomination through public relations. Winning the Best Actress...unless the Golden Horse lost his head!

Although Liu Yufei's performance in "Get Out, Tumor King" this time is good, compared with her previous works, it may not be enough for her to directly compete with Sister Gong Li for another twenty years.

But... Gu Zhongyu still remembers that this year's Golden Horse Awards seemed to be the time when Gong Li was let go!

Originally, Gong Li participated in the Golden Horse Awards for the first time as a hot favorite, but was stepped on by the little-known local actor Chen Xiangqi, so he later said bluntly: He will not come to this amateur film festival again, it has no meaning at all. This is my first time to come to the Golden Horse Awards, and it will also be my last time to come to the Golden Horse Awards!

Looking at it this way, this year's Golden Horse Awards is inherently watery, but it's not entirely without room for maneuver.

"Put aside the Golden Horse Award in advance. Don't be complacent just because of the success of this movie and go back to the old ways."

Sissi asked in confusion: "What old road?"

"It's the old way of just making movies!"

Gu Zhongyu rolled his eyes at her. This woman's mind was full of movie dreams, and she still hadn't given up. If she didn't give her a beating from time to time, she might have to take on those so-called "art movies" again!

Liu Xiaoli vowed: "Don't worry Zhong Yu, we, mother and daughter, will listen to you in everything from now on!"

In the past few years, I have followed Gu Zhongyu's advice to set up a company and invest in movies and TV series. Not only has she made more money, but Sissi's reputation has also become better and better. She now fully trusts this cheap son-in-law and does not follow his advice. Too much.

"Mom! Why are you saying such things?"

Liu Yufei blushed. Why do we, mother and daughter, listen to him from now on? So what do we become to him?

Gu Zhongyu smiled, said nothing, and started to eat breakfast peacefully. He would have a talk show to participate in later!

On the afternoon of October 11th, Friday, Gu Zhongyu appeared in a formal suit at the National Library.

This issue of "Interviews with Yang Lan" was recorded in the library.

Gu Zhongyu also appeared on Yang Lan's show a few years ago when he first debuted. It has been almost ten years ago. Li Sisi invited him to participate in "Interviews with Yang Lan" this time. He really didn't know Yang Lan and Li Si. The two women actually still have contact.

Although they are both hosts of Yangma, they are of different generations and have completely different statuses. It is probably Li Sisi who took the initiative to join them.

Yang Lan is a very professional host who will listen to the guests and prepare some materials!

These two points have already surpassed most domestic hosts, especially Lu Yu. Many people always like to compare these two hosts, but whether it is appearance, temperament or professionalism, Lu Yu is always praised by Yang. Lan throws two streets!

We haven’t seen her for a long time, but Yang Lan is still the same, wearing a lavender short suit and having an intellectual style. When chatting with her, you will find that she has the unique aloofness of an intellectual.

In fact, she has a bit of a public spirit, but her gentle temperament conceals this, and she is not as sharp as Chai Jing.

"Shall we just talk about movies?"

Before starting the recording, Yang Lan came over with a note and asked Gu Zhongyu for his opinion.

"It's okay, Sister Lan, let's chat casually. As long as it doesn't involve politics, I don't care!" Gu Zhongyu waved his hand angrily.

"You want to talk about politics, but I don't dare to accompany you!"

Yang Lan teased, and had to say that although she was no longer young, this eldest sister was still very well-maintained and her charm was still there.

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu hasn't recorded an interview program for a long time. The last time he participated was "Qiang Qiang Threesome", I miss it a bit!

The two chatted for a while first, and when the recording started, Yang Lan and Gu Zhongyu sat on both sides of the desk. There were no deliberate lights, everything was natural.

Of course, after all, it is a recording program, and a director still needs to be responsible for controlling the overall situation.

"Okay! Recording starts,


"3, 2, 1, in!"

The camera is focused on Yang Lan.

Opening remarks: "Hello everyone, welcome to "Interview with Yang Lan". The guest here today actually had a conversation with us many years ago. At that time, he was just an actor and said that he wanted to open a film company and explore new types of Chinese films. After so many years, , He actually achieved quite outstanding results. We really want to know what happened to this big boy... Come, let us welcome Gu Zhongyu! "

Gu Zhongyu responded with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Gu Zhongyu!"

"I remember you attended Liu Yufei's movie premiere last night, right?"

"Yes, because "Get Out, Mr. Tumor" was also produced by Zongheng. I am also the producer, so I must be present."

Then Gu Zhongyu talked about some things about movies. This is also an important role of talk shows, which can give guests the opportunity to promote their works.

"Oh! Hey, are you and Liu Yufei really just friends? Are you working together again? How many times is this?"

Gu Zhongyu glanced at Yang Lan in surprise, then looked around with a confused look on his face, "Did I come to the wrong show? Is this definitely the interview with Yang Lan?"

"Haha! Don't mind the joke. Let's get back to the topic. Why do you still insist on being an actor? In fact, according to your current achievements, you can only do the work that a company president should do, or transform into a director."

"First of all, I am not just an actor. I am a screenwriter, producer, producer, and composer. Of course, what I love most is acting. As for why I don't transform into a director, it's because I am lazy and don't want to To handle all kinds of complicated work on the set, I would rather be the hands-off shopkeeper!"

"But according to your colleagues and your role in the crew, you seem to be more authoritative than the director. Is this true?"

"One thing is that after all, I am an investor and a screenwriter. I may have a deeper understanding of the script and can better complement the director. In fact, there is no one who is more authoritative than the director. Everyone is just joking when they say this."

This is a commonplace topic. Although being the director of Gu Zhongyu does require him to be a tool, fortunately, no one has publicly accused him of being overbearing.

After all, all the movies he invested in were successful, and the successful ones are not criticized!

The two then chatted about a bunch of issues about the development of Chinese-language films, and it was time to brag to the guests.

"Although I won an Oscar, this is actually not my goal. My development focus has always been on Chinese-language films, and I often feel that Hollywood films will one day be surpassed by us!"

"This view is a bit bold. Now Hollywood movies are conquering cities all over the world!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled: "That's right, but the level of special effects that Hollywood is proud of will be surpassed by us sooner or later. The plot routines of the industrial assembly line will definitely make it lose its charm and box office appeal. The plot creation will continue to be poor. Replicating the routines of previous classic movies, and then falling into the abyss of special effects harvesting box office, the current popular superhero movies are representative.”

"In the final analysis, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. With the development of the domestic economy and industrial upgrading, movies, TV series, games and other entertainment industries will also make breakthroughs step by step. It is entirely possible for us to catch up with Hollywood movies in the future. Yes, and this future is definitely not far away!”

Yang Lan was surprised by Gu Zhongyu's point of view. After all, it was still 2014, and Hollywood was still at its peak. No one would have imagined what Hollywood movies would be like in mainland China in another ten years!

"What you said feels a bit like fortune telling."

"Indeed, but my calculations have always been pretty accurate, so we might as well wait and see!"

Each issue of "Interview with Yang Lan" is about thirty minutes long, and Gu Zhongyu's recording will be broadcast in two episodes.

The outline is very clear. One section talks about Chinese movies, and another section talks about gossip.

Then talk about trivial matters in life.

Continuously talking about high-end can easily weaken the ratings.

"Yang Lan Interview" has been broadcast for seven years and has a great influence, but the ratings are not as good as "Lu Yu's Date" or even "Very Close Distance".

This is difficult for Yang Lan, who always considers herself an elite, to accept. After all, she was a pillar of CCTV back then, and her status is equivalent to that of Dong Qing today.

At that time, Lu Yu and Li Jin should still be working as reporters!

In fact, the reason why they can't compare is also very simple, that is, they are not down-to-earth.

Who would watch it if they don't talk about celebrity gossip and privacy?

So even if Yang Lan is as arrogant as she is, she has to compromise for market demand.

"There is a saying in the outside world that you or your company don't like to use Hong Kong and Taiwan actors. Can you give an explanation?"

"I don't like Hong Kong and Taiwan actors? Who said that? In "The Man from Macau" produced by our company last year, wasn't Chow Yun Fat a Hong Kong actor?"

"Chow Yun Fat is indeed, but it seems that others are..."

Gu Zhongyu interrupted Yang Lan directly, and then said: "Movies find actors based on roles, why do I have to add Hong Kong and Taiwan actors? As soon as they talk, the audience will be distracted. Why bother! When I have time to think about a story with a Hong Kong background, I will definitely let more Hong Kong actors participate!

This topic is actually a bit of a trap for him. All hosts love to stir up trouble, and Yang Lan is no exception. She just wants to make big news!

Yang Lan also knew that this question was a bit sensitive, so she quickly changed the subject and asked with a smile: "Then do you know that there is a very popular TV series called "Ancient Swordsman"? "

"Of course I know, I even visited the set! ”

“Gu Jian Qi Tan” has been very popular recently, and it has been a hit throughout 2014. Except for Mr. Qiao, the other three handsome men in Gu Jian have all seen their popularity rise to varying degrees.

It has directly created four high-quality idols!

Mr. Qiao is a little embarrassed, after all, he is old!

And Chen Xiao, who replaced Li Yifeng, directly jumped to the top of Baidu’s popularity list, and lasted for more than two months. Now he is the most famous actor under Liu Yufei, and many companies want to poach him.

“Gu Jian Qi Tan” is starred by Yang Mi. She also appeared on our show not long ago. We also talked about you in the topic. It was said that you suggested that she buy the copyright of the game to adapt it into a TV series. In addition, you have also participated in Liu Yufei’s recent works. It seems that…the most famous young actresses in the film and television industry now cannot do without your help. Is it because of your kindness? Or…is there any other reason?”

This is indeed too obvious. Gu Zhongyu’s shadow can be found in almost all the popular film and television dramas they starred in in recent years.

There may be another big sweetie soon…

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