Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 406 The Ambitious Assistant

And he doesn’t have any requirements for the female lead’s looks and acting skills. Wu Jinyan, who played Wei Yingluo in the original version, doesn’t look that good, and her acting skills are also so-so…

Except for Yang Mi’s “Palace”, the female leads in Yu Ma’s dramas are basically not as good-looking as the supporting actresses. Yuan Shanshan and Wu Jinyan are typical representatives…Maybe it’s to satisfy the audience’s curiosity.

And Yu Ma always “inadvertently” pushes the female lead to the forefront, and the female leads he chooses are also controversial. From the controversial appearance of Yuan Shanshan, to Chen Yanxi’s steamed buns, to the featureless Wu Jinyan, his dramas seem to never lack topics and controversies.

“Ha! Boss, how can you say that about me?”

Bai Lu began to grab Gu Zhongyu’s arm and act like a spoiled child, but in fact, she also knew that her looks were not outstanding in the entertainment industry. If she wanted to make a living by her looks, she would probably starve to death sooner or later. The female lead in Yu Ma’s dramas was quite in line with her heart.

"Boss, what do you think about me setting up a studio?"

"You've only been in the industry for a year, you're in a hurry!"

Reba was a little confused. Sister, you don't have anything except Running Man now, what's the point of opening a studio?

"Prepare for a rainy day! I can find work for myself in the future, and I can also find some new talents with good qualifications to lead them... Reba, if you want, we can work together then!"

It's true that a man should be treated with new eyes after three days of separation.

Gu Zhongyu never thought that the silly girl who only knew how to follow him and act silly and cute at the beginning would suddenly have such a far-sighted side now.


Reba shook her head. She hasn't grown wings yet. If she shows any idea of ​​trying to fly solo, she will definitely be punished by Jiaxing!

"I've thought about it. The studio will be affiliated with Zongheng. Haha, you can be my housekeeper. I will film, work, and invest while helping you find new talents with potential. If any boss likes me, I can also...hehehe!"

Good guy!

So you opened the studio just to pimp for me, right?

"You can make a fuss as you like! Anyway, the boss is your strong backing. As long as you don't make a big mess, I can cover it for you!"

"Um~ah! Thank you, boss~"

Bai Lu excitedly gave him a kiss immediately.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu always wanted to say that every time you kiss, your mouth is too wide. It doesn't seem like you want to kiss someone, but it feels like you want to eat someone!

Of course, there are also advantages, that is, when you use this big mouth to do other things...

Because Bai Lu has been following Gu Zhongyu, what she sees and hears every day are secrets that many people will never get to know in their lifetime. Under the influence of what she sees and hears, her vision has long been much higher, and her ambition has been growing. This time, she has tasted the taste of becoming famous, and it is even more unstoppable!

A simple actor has no future. Strong women in the circle like Da Mi Mi and Fan Binbin are the goals she wants to strive for, because only when she reaches that level can she really have a place by the boss' side.

Seeing Bai Lu so motivated, Gu Zhongyu also felt the same. He was about to go to the bow to get another small umbrella, but Bai Lu took it and threw it into the trash can.

"It's always uncomfortable to have something between us! It's okay to do it once in a while! You're okay, right, Reba?"


Reba naturally didn't want to be a mother so early, but Bai Lu had already gone all in. If he was timid, wouldn't he be outdone by her again?

"Don't be so nagging!"

Bai Lu didn't wait for Reba to react, and she came up and pressed her down directly, then turned around and made a "please" gesture to Gu Zhongyu...

Long Ni in the next room blushed as she listened to the voice in the room. Gu Zhongyu, the old rogue, didn't even close the door properly, and even left a gap.

One after another, Bai Lu also cooperated, as if she was shouting for her to hear. Are all women in the entertainment industry so shameless?

Will he become the same as them in the future?

After leaving Hangzhou, Gu Zhongyu came to Nanshan District of Shenzhen, the headquarters of the Penguin Empire.

Gu Zhongyu was also here for the first time to meet a hot man.

The Penguin Headquarters Building is also one of the landmark buildings in Shenzhen. It is nearly 200 meters high and its shape is quite unique, like a mango with a cut on the upper part.

But it still looks very impressive. Compared with his own Zongheng and Mingan Technology Company, they are just broken tile houses!

Gu Zhongyu took Longni to watch for a long time not far away, so long that Longni's long legs were a little sore.

"Boss, what are we here for?"

Gu Zhongyu glanced at the assistant and smiled secretly.

This little girl didn't dare to talk to him since she went out. Could it be because Gu Zhongyu came last night?

Longni came to knock on the door early this morning. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still shocked when she saw Gu Zhongyu leaning against the bow and Bailu and Reba hurriedly putting on clothes!

Because in her previous understanding, this kind of thing can only be 1v1, if there are more than two people, it is considered a group of people...

More importantly, why didn't Gu Zhongyu, the boss, do anything out of the ordinary to her, is it because she is not pretty enough?

And Gu Zhongyu couldn't understand why Longni looked so aggrieved from this morning until now, since it wasn't Hong Shuangxi who dragged her here.

What, you are not happy if you are not invited to the silver party, right?

Gu Zhongyu was also narcissistic in his heart, and then put this idea behind him. He probably didn't expect that he was so close to the truth.

"Let's go, your boss and I are going to discuss a business worth tens of billions." Gu Zhongyu said with high spirits.


Longni looked at Gu Zhongyu in disbelief, and then looked at herself...

Isn't it a trick?

To discuss such a big business, shouldn't both parties send a group of elite people, dressed in suits and leather shoes, and then sit at a long table to start oral gymnastics on both sides?

It's too shabby for just two of us to come!

However, seeing Gu Zhongyu walking over like this, Longni immediately followed.

Gu Zhongyu must have made an appointment in advance to see Xiao Ma Ge. He charged a certain amount of money per minute, and time was very tight.

However, the person who came to pick him up from Penguin was also confused.

Among the people who met Xiao Ma Ge, only Gu Zhongyu came with only an assistant...

The receptionist suppressed the urge to sign, "Mr. Gu, please come this way."

But after saying this, she found that Gu Zhongyu didn't respond. Was he in a daze?

"Mr. Gu?"

"Oh, I was just thinking, this building... looks a bit like a penguin when you look at it from a closer distance."

"...Mr. Gu is really humorous."

In fact, Gu Zhongyu just thought of a joke.

Someone asked why among the top rich people, only Wang Sicong, the son of Lao Wang, is so famous.

Tsk tsk, he suddenly thought that Xiao Ma Ge's daughter is also very famous!

She often appears in various groups, such as his daughter's birthday, as long as you forward it to 5 groups, you will get a reward of upgrading to the crown level! Or 88 Q coins will be credited to your account...The young and ignorant Gu Zhongyu also stupidly followed and forwarded it.

I don’t know how old Xiao Ma’s daughter is now, and what she looks like…

Following the staff, we walked up the elevator…Gu Zhongyu received a lot of stares.

It felt like being looked at as a monkey.

He thought darkly, are they all envious of his hair?

Because this floor seems to be full of programmers. As we all know, after becoming a programmer, things like vacation and hair no longer belong to you!

Finally, Gu Zhongyu met the man who was scolded 762,000 times online on average every day.

To be honest, he was the one who suffered the most from online violence. Anyone who has played the Penguin game has scolded Mahua Teng a few times. Compared with him, what are the scoldings of those young stars?

Long Ni naturally couldn’t go in and listen to the big guys chatting, so the staff took her to the rest area to wait.

Square face, small eyes, small flat head, wearing a pair of glasses, at first glance, he seemed to be an ordinary science and engineering man.

Yes, that's right. He originally came from a technical background, and he is in two different categories from Jack Ma, who came from a storytelling background.

How should I put it? Gu Zhongyu always felt that the two of them sitting together seemed a bit out of place.

He looked at the camera next to him with some surprise. What?

Brother Ma said, "I like to record all kinds of conversations and meetings now, as a commemoration, and maybe I can make a documentary in the future."

Show! Did he learn this trick from Jack Ma?

When he was a nobody, he liked to take pictures of the bragging and excitement at the time.

He started shooting earlier, just after starting his business, leaving behind many videos of his "green" period, which made many people admire him online.

If it weren't for the series of events such as 996 that later turned over, his experience would actually be inspiring.

It seems that Dongzi is similar...

"We actors deal with cameras. I must say that this lens is crooked, and the light here is not very good. People will look a little weird when shot at this angle, and it looks unnatural..."

Caught off guard, Gu Zhongyu subconsciously pretended to beep.

But suddenly he felt that it seemed a bit unnecessary to pretend to beep in front of Xiao Ma Ge.

Xiao Ma Ge suddenly realized, "I thought so! I will ask someone to debug it later. I also think some of the videos I shot before are weird."

After shaking hands, the two sat down and started chatting.

Gu Zhongyu came here for two main purposes. One is about the investment plan of Penguin Films. He himself holds a part of Penguin shares, but it is too little, so he wants to buy back some more and increase his voice in Penguin products.

There is also the copyright of Penguin games. In the previous life, Penguin claimed that the rights to screen recording videos of users playing games on mobile phones and computers belonged to itself, so Douyin and Volcano users were not allowed to upload related game screens, resulting in Douyin's long-cherished game live broadcasts that could not be carried out.

This life is different. Wang Sicong has already negotiated cooperation with many game companies such as NetEase and Mihoyo. Penguin has also been in contact. Since they have not yet launched Weishi, there is no competition between the two parties. Xiao Ma Ge expressed his interest, but he needs Gu Zhongyu to come in person to discuss the specific cooperation.

"Mr. Ma, I came here this time..."

Gu Zhongyu and Xiao Ma Ge started a long talk about these tasks. In fact, the details of the cooperation have been communicated almost a long time ago. Today he came just to go through the formalities and pay his respects to Xiao Ma Ge. After all, he has to show respect for Xiao Ma Ge!

"Then it's settled! I'll send a lawyer later, and everyone will sign the contract in Yanjing!"

It was almost afternoon, and they finally finished talking about the main business. Xiao Ma Ge even brewed a pot of tea to entertain Gu Zhongyu.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, can I ask a question?"

"Please go ahead!"

"As far as I know, Ali also extended an olive branch to you, and the conditions offered seemed to be better than mine. I don't understand why you finally chose our Penguin?"

"Because I am more optimistic about your company, and Penguin Cultural and Creative also respects content creators more. As for Ali... except for e-commerce, I think their development in other industries may not be too smooth!"

Xiao Ma Ge liked to hear this, regardless of whether it was flattery or not.

He immediately poured another cup of tea for Gu Zhongyu while chatting and laughing.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu had already said it very tactfully. A few years later, from the perspective of the main business, Penguin had obviously won, while Ali was on the decline, and even its old business of e-commerce was almost no match for others.

In fact, in some competitions in other fields, Penguin basically won.

Especially in the field of entertainment, Ali suffered a disastrous defeat a few years later!

Ali Pictures continued to lose money, while Penguin Pictures has been thriving~

Ali Literature almost disappeared, while Penguin's Yuewen Group has a market value of HK$53.6 billion, ranking first in the industry~

In terms of music, there is no need to compare. Ali's Xiami Music has been closed, while Penguin Music Group has a market value of US$11.6 billion, with brands such as Penguin Music, Kugou, and Kuwo Music~

Penguin Sports has always been a partner of major events and has exclusive broadcasting rights, including the NBA.

In the field of online video, Youku, acquired by Ali, fell from the first to the third in the industry, and Penguin Video became the second.

The development strategies of Ali and Penguin doomed the two companies to different results.

Ali is more powerful and hopes to be led by himself, so he acquired them and did them himself, but he did not do well. Penguin is different. Many of them only give money and feel at ease as shareholders, allowing the founders to give full play to their talents, and the results are getting better and better, including a certain Dong, Pinduoduo, Meituan, etc.

So unless Gu Zhongyu has a brain problem, only a fool would cooperate with Ali!

"Look forward to our next meeting."

Xiao Ma Ge's face was very bright, making people feel as if he had copied someone's creativity again.

Gu Zhongyu's face was also very happy, God of Wealth! Penguin is still rich and powerful.

The purpose of his coming this time is nothing more than to pay a token of allegiance and tie himself more closely to the chariot of Penguin.

Through some exchanges, let everyone's cooperation relationship be a little tighter.

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