Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 407 Is there any woman who doesn’t love romance?

However, Xiao Ma Ge's generosity was somewhat beyond his expectations. Under the many preferential conditions, Gu Zhongyu almost forgot the painful experience of being cheated by this grandson in his youth!

Long Ni was almost falling asleep waiting outside at this time. Seeing Gu Zhongyu finally came out, she immediately stepped in front of him and waited for his instructions.

Gu Zhongyu, who was in a good mood, hugged her and turned around in a circle, and then kissed her hard on the face!


Long Ni covered her face with disbelief. Why did he suddenly start to take advantage of her? She was not ready yet!

"Let's go, the boss is in a good mood today, and I will take you to a big dinner tonight!"


"Boss, where are we going to eat?" Looking at Gu Zhongyu who was driving himself, Long Ni asked curiously.

"Huh? Do you have any taboos?" Gu Zhongyu asked back.

"No! I'm just curious. I've been to Shenzhen before, but I don't know what delicious food there is."

Because it was getting dark, but the direction of their car was not the city center, but it was getting more and more remote, which made Longni start to think wildly.

Speaking of a big meal...Isn't it going to eat me?

"Hey, you will never guess where it is, it's very romantic!"

Longni couldn't help but feel her heart beating fast when she heard this.

A meal wouldn't make her so happy, mainly because she and Gu Zhongyu had never had such an opportunity. Although she had moved to Gu Zhongyu's house to live together, they had been running around recently and had no time to be alone. Most of the time, they ate with a bunch of people or just ate some fast food.

No...candlelight dinner?

Longni's heart was about to bloom~

The sense of ritual is very important for girls.

Sometimes it even exceeds the matter itself, it is a feeling that makes her heart bloom... If Gu Zhongyu really takes her to a candlelight dinner later, she really doesn't mind taking the initiative to climb onto the boss' boat!

"Boss, what time did you set it? We are still going there slowly now? It won't be too late, right?" Gu Zhongyu said casually, but he didn't expect Longni to be anxious.

"We are already here, get off the car."


Facing Longni's puzzled eyes, Gu Zhongyu swiped the access card and entered a villa area.

"Aren't we going to have dinner?"

Longni had a question mark on her face, why don't you follow the procedure, how can you take a girl home without having dinner?

"Yeah, that's right, let's eat in this villa area."

"Farmer's restaurant?"


Looking at Longni speechlessly, she said a private restaurant was reliable, but what the hell is a farmer's restaurant?

Gu Zhongyu simply pulled her a little faster, and there was no need to continue to fool her at this time.

Long Ni followed Gu Zhongyu in a daze and came to a villa with lights on.

This villa area actually covers a large area, and the distance between each villa is also very wide, so the privacy is very good...

Yes, this is the place where Gu Zhongyu brought Zhang Yuqi to after visiting "The Mermaid" last time. After a year, he brought a new girl back.

The flowers are the same year after year, but the people are different year after year.

"It's too easy to attract attention if we go to the restaurant to eat alone, so I asked someone to send the dishes over. We will rest here tonight and leave tomorrow morning."


Long Ni was very disappointed. She thought she could enjoy a candlelight dinner, but she didn't expect to still stay at home and eat takeout. This gap is too big.

"Ding Dong!"

"Long Ni, go open the door." Gu Zhongyu ordered, and then went upstairs without looking back.

Long Ni was still helping him pack his luggage at this moment. When she heard the sound, she immediately put down her work and walked quickly to the door.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, a burst of floral fragrance came to my face, and what caught my eye were several men in suits and leather shoes, holding flowers and candles in their hands, followed by staff carrying tableware, lamps and red wine.

"What are you doing..."

"Hello, girl, is this Tianqin Bay xxx?" A person who looked like a person in charge stepped forward and asked.

Longni nodded, looking at the scene in front of her in a daze, and the person in charge smiled and explained: "We are here to set up the date scene, and your husband has already booked our service."

Longni suddenly realized, she stepped aside to let the staff enter the villa.

After a while, the villa became busy, flowers were placed in every corner of the living room, candles were lit, emitting warm light, tableware was carefully placed on the dining table, and lamps were hung on the wall. The whole villa was instantly decorated like a dream.

Then several chefs came in with ingredients and cooking tools, and began to work skillfully. The sound of pots and pans colliding, the sizzling of ingredients, and the sound of the layout outside intertwined to form a wonderful symphony.

Oh my God... This is too...

An hour later, the staff and chefs had finished their work and left, and Gu Zhongyu came down from upstairs.

Hmm... Flowers, candles, lights, and all kinds of steaming hot dishes on the table, everything seemed so perfect, it was indeed a professional team!

"How is it? Do you like it?" He walked to Longni and asked softly.

Longni looked at everything in front of her, and was so moved that she almost cried. She threw herself into Gu Zhongyu's arms and hugged him tightly.

"It's so beautiful! I...I can't believe it!" she choked.

It was just a dinner, and this girl was so excited. When I told her that she could become a full-time employee in advance, she didn't look like she was going to cry!

In fact, Gu Zhongyu just had a whim today. If he hadn't cooperated so smoothly with Brother Xiao and was in such a good mood, he wouldn't have had the leisure to arrange all this...

However, this did not prevent Gu Zhongyu from patting Long Ni on the back and saying with a smile: "As long as you like it, we can do this often in the future."

Now he wanted to know what Longni would do after arranging such a romantic scene and moving the girl so much.

The two sat at the dining table and began to enjoy the romantic dinner.

Longni was actually so hungry that her stomach growled. She waited for Gu Zhongyu for a long time in the afternoon and she didn't eat anything. However, she still tried to stay elegant and ate every dish carefully.

If I had known, I would have changed into a dress today, but now I am wearing a cheap suit, which doesn’t even feel worthy of this candlelight dinner!

"We haven't had a good meal in this period of time." Gu Zhongyu said while eating steak, "Thank you for always following me around."

After hearing this, Long Ni was even more moved.

She didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu, a big star and boss, would be so interested in her little assistant.

"It's not hard." She said with a smile, "As long as I can follow you, I will do anything."

After the meal was almost done and the wine was drunk, Gu Zhongyu suddenly thought of it, turned on the stereo and played the classic dance song "Macarena", and pulled Longni into a Latin dance.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu doesn't know how to dance at all, but Longni is different. She has been learning to dance since she was five years old. Although she has not practiced Latin specifically, she can dance with ease. Her dancing posture is soft and elegant, making the clumsy Gu Zhongyu look like a quail!

Soon, Longni was teaching Gu Zhongyu how to dance, hand in hand and side by side...

During the dance, the two people's bodies kept getting closer and rubbing each other, and an ambiguous atmosphere filled the room. Gu Zhongyu's heartbeat began to accelerate, and Longni's cheeks turned slightly red.

Latin dance has too many movements that are close to the body, and it is a dance that can easily bring men and women closer together. The famous Spouses and Sons Dance does not deserve its fame.

It is said that Latin dance used to be a dance used by prostitutes to please their clients...

As time went by, the two of them got closer and closer, and their breathing began to become faster... Before Gu Zhongyu felt anything, Longni suddenly felt her body become weak, and she fell involuntarily into Gu Zhongyu's arms. inside.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zhongyu asked knowingly.

Sure enough, it was a dance between wives and children. After only dancing for a while, Longni was beaten to death. I don’t know which brother is lucky. If he can talk about a girlfriend who dances professionally in Latin dance, then he must live a very environmentally friendly life. !

Longni raised her head and looked into Gu Zhongyu's eyes, a strong impulse surged in her heart. She stretched out her arms, hugged Gu Zhongyu's neck tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Boss...kiss me..."

Gu Zhongyu was startled by her sudden move!

If he hadn't arranged it all by himself, he would have thought there was some fun drug put in the wine just now!

All this time, he had deliberately kept a distance from Longni. Of course, it was not because he had changed to a vegetarian diet, but simply because he wanted to see what circumstances would lead to this shy girl taking the initiative to seduce him!

Otherwise, it would be too unfulfilling to just push it down.

Seeing her like this now, it turns out that she still needs to act emotionally towards women.

He lowered his head and kissed Longni's lips gently...

Since Longni had been wearing glasses, it was a little inconvenient when kissing. She immediately wanted to take off her glasses, but was stopped by Gu Zhongyu.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said: "Just wear it like this, I like to see you wearing glasses."

Wear it and you will be a beautiful lady close to 90%!

And if this girl didn't wear glasses, Gu Zhongyu would always feel like he was kissing Wu Xin from the Happy Family!

Glasses are the real thing... Could it be that Longni is the legendary ancient Greek god in charge of glasses?

Longni smiled shyly, knowing that Gu Zhongyu just liked the way she looked when she wore glasses, so she made up her mind to buy a bunch of glasses for her home, and wear them to him differently every day!

She no longer hesitated, pushed Gu Zhongyu onto the sofa, straddled him, and started kissing him... Just when she was about to make further moves, Gu Zhongyu suddenly let go of his hands, and sat up without responding to her...


Gu Zhongyu slowly put his left hand on Longni's head...

She has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. Of course Longni knew what this meant. Although she was embarrassed, she finally gritted her teeth and slowly knelt on the ground...

Why was "The Wheel" made into two parts, and why did the film take so long? Did you know that when "Red Cliff" ran over budget and ran out of time, some netizens called you the "Segmentation Master"? Divided into two episodes, how to grasp the issue of "degree" and suspense? "

"The film combines war, love, disaster and other elements into one. The story is complex and grand, and the characters are complex and rich. It can't be told in one episode. Although the upper and lower episodes can be watched separately, the story of the first episode is very complete and will make the audience feel satisfied. , and at the same time, it also leaves enough suspense, but it will not make the audience feel that we are deliberately lengthening the movie to defraud the audience.”

"Well, your lousy movie didn't even make money in the first one, so you have some conscience..."

The next morning, watching Wu Baige talking freely in front of reporters on TV, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but complain.

The epic lousy movie "The Crossing" is about to be released. As Huayi's largest investment in recent years, this movie has never been less popular since the beginning of the project. Wu Baige vowed to make a Chinese version of "Titanic"!

If he brings up "The Mermaid" in advance, will it make "The Crossing" die more ugly?

"What are you looking at, boss..."

Longni got out of the quilt and snuggled in Gu Zhongyu's arms.

And the damn Gu Zhongyu hasn't asked her to take off her glasses yet, he is so unscrupulous!

"I'm watching Wu Baige fart. After this movie flopped, I guess no fool in the mainland would dare to invest in it again."

"Hehehe! The boss is really awesome because he knew it would flop before the movie was released!"

Long Ni looked up at Gu Zhongyu, touching his slightly stubbled chin with her fingers. She felt that she couldn't see enough and really wanted to stay here with him for the rest of her life!

"It's getting late. Get up and pack up to get on the plane."

"Don't move!"

Long Ni stopped Gu Zhongyu who wanted to get dressed by himself. She stood up immediately, took his coat and shirt, and began to help him put them on one by one...

She even had to put on Gu Zhongyu's stinky socks by herself!


If Long Ni was just more obedient and docile before, now she is like a foot-washing maid serving the landlord in the old times!

As expected, no matter what kind of woman, she will have two different attitudes before and after having a relationship with you!

He was really too much last night.

After returning to Yanjing this time, Gu Zhongyu has been working hard as a hardworking little bee. She works in the company during the day and enjoys her life until she receives a call from Miss Sissi...

It turns out that the new Golden Horse Awards is about to start!

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