Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 415: Avoiding the boss from becoming a eunuch

"After the release of director Wu Baige's new film "The Taiping Wheel", the market performance is indeed poor. This is exactly what you expected during the interview at the airport. What do you think of this?"

The reporter immediately posted the news after interviewing Chen Yao and the others. Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to say a few words to him.

"I knew a little bit about the movie "The Wheel" before. With such a huge investment, the box office was sluggish. To say that director Wu Baige has no responsibility at all would be unjustifiable. With an investment of 400 million, the total box office of the two films was It will take more than 1.1 billion to get back the money! But right now, the box office for the upper part is only 200 million. I’m leaving it at that, even if the second part has a good reputation, it won’t make much progress at the box office!”

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, then added: "Actually, there are two movies with high expectations this year that did not do well at the box office, "The Wheel" and "The Golden Age". It just happened that the two directors made the same mistake and both used The niche story is aimed at the mass market, and the positioning is skewed. On the one hand, the two directors want to maintain a literary style, and on the other hand, they want to cater to the market. This wavering will not lead to good results at the box office and word of mouth!"

"Are you saying that Director Wu has lost his quality a bit?"

"It should be said that Director Wu is not suitable for shooting blockbusters. Whether it is Wind Talker or Red Cliff, this point is all proved. Moreover, in recent years, the film industry has developed rapidly, and many Wu-style violent aesthetics have been applied by a large number of directors. In the movie, his characteristics are no longer so eye-catching, so when I heard that he was going to shoot the project 1949, the first thing that came to my mind was that Director Wu was going to screw up!"

"Thank you, Teacher Gu, for accepting our interview. Can you tell us a few words about your next works?"

"There's nothing to say. It's just a movie based on a true story. Don't you all know it? It's a movie with the main theme!"

"Okay, can you tell us again why you did that at the Golden Horse Awards Ceremony?"

"There's not much to say. I just don't like the movie and the director, and I'm even more disgusted that the Golden Horse will award recent feature films to such a film. I'm very disappointed and I probably won't go to the Golden Horse again in the future."

"A very courageous decision. For a filmmaker, it directly breaks with the highest honor of Chinese-language films!"

"I don't care about this. The audience's evaluation is the highest honor for me. If the Golden Horse Awards open their mouth, I can even return the trophy I got last year to them..."

After asking a lot of questions, the reporter ended the interview with satisfaction.

Gu Zhongyu didn't stay longer on the set, and left after picking up Chen Yao, who was finishing filming. Jin Chen, on the other hand, actually gave Gu Zhongyu a few flirtatious glances before leaving...

In the car on the way to the hotel, Gu Zhongyu asked Chen Yao what was going on with Han Dongjun.

"Hehe! Actually, it's nothing. It's just that when we were filming before, Han Dongjun always gave me things, and then Director Li scolded him and told him to stop harassing me... I saw the two of us so intimate again today, I must be worried about offending you and being banned!”


How many times is this the first time someone wants to take advantage of labor and management?

There were rumors of an affair between Han Dongjun and Chen Yao in his previous life. Although it has never been made public, there is a high probability that the two were together.

It's quite normal, after all, we have collaborated on three "Wuxin Master" films, with handsome men and beautiful women, but no one would believe her if she didn't say anything!

It was not obvious that Tang Ren had learned well this time. Li Guoli took the initiative to intervene and told Handong Jun not to have Chen Yao's ideas. He must have guessed that the big lolita was related to him.

" our Yaoyao tempted?"

Seeing Chen Yao say it so generously, he knew that Han Dongjun was definitely in trouble, but he still had to pretend to be jealous to show that he valued the girl.

"Well, how should I put it? Compared with a certain lustful boss, Han Dongjun is at least a little more dedicated, which is pretty good."

"Okay! You actually dare to be tempted? Let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

With that said, Gu Zhongyu picked up Chen Yao by the waist, put her on his knees, and pretended to spank her!

"No, no, no! I haven't finished speaking yet..."

Chen Yao struggled to beg for mercy, but it was too late.

There will be a price to pay for those who dare to play tricks on Gu Daguan!


Gu Zhongyu raised his hand high, then lowered it heavily, and began to teach Chen Yao a lesson with a strong but not painful force!

"It makes you tempted! It makes you tempted... Do you dare to be tempted?"

Gu Zhongyu asked and hit at the same time. If he was not satisfied with one of the answers, he hit him with three consecutive hits!

"Don't dare! Don't dare anymore!"

Chen Yaoyu couldn't cry without tears. Although it didn't hurt when Gu Zhongyu spanked her, she was an adult after all. It was too embarrassing to be spanked like this, right?

Longni, who was driving in front, couldn't help but stare at the rearview mirror and admire it. She never expected that the boss actually liked this tune! time, check out the relevant information yourself and learn from it?

After a dozen beatings, and after getting over the addiction, Gu Zhongyu let go of Chen Yao.

There was no way, who made Chen Yao look like a legal lolita? It was rare to catch her, and Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to bully her!

Chen Yao rubbed her butt and looked at Gu Zhongyu with an aggrieved look. It took her a long time to utter a few words: "It hurts~"


This coquettish tone made Gu Zhongyu want to hit her again!

No, hold it back, this big loli clearly did it on purpose. She still has some serious business to do. It’s not too late to fight her later!

"Come back to the company with me later! After filming "Wuxin Master" this time, the company has arranged for you to be the heroine of a movie. Play well and don't screw it up!"


Upon hearing the good news, Chen Yao immediately beamed and got back into Gu Zhongyu's arms excitedly.

"My butt doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Let's not talk about butts now!" Chen Yao held Gu Zhongyu's neck and asked curiously, "What kind of movie is it? I've just started acting, and I'm worried that I won't perform well!"

"Adapted from this year's real-life story, it is indeed a big challenge for you, because you have to play a very powerful female academic..."

Gu Zhongyu is talking about the movie "Genius Gunman".

Originally, he planned to let Chen Duling play the heroine Xiaolin. After all, she is a top student herself, so she can be regarded as playing the role in her true colors.

But after his last visit, he changed his mind.

First, the filming period of "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" has been extended and it is estimated that it will not be completed until February or March next year. Moreover, for a drama with a female lead, Dudu is required to be present in almost all scenes, so she must be incapable of taking on multiple roles.

Secondly, Gu Zhongyu recalled the details of the original movie and found that Dudu was actually not suitable for this role.

Because she is so beautiful!

The original actor Judimon Joncharonsu was not very good-looking. When he appeared in the movie, the one with single eyelids and pointed chin... also had dark skin. At first glance, he was not conspicuous and even a bit ugly. He was completely overwhelmed by the brilliance of his beautiful best friend. cover.

But it is because of its ugliness that this character is convincing.

If the heroine had a face like Chen Duling, it would be hard for people to believe that such a pure and beautiful girl would be ignored by a lot of people at school, have no suitors, and even have an inferiority complex...

Although Nazha, who plays the female best friend, is not inferior to Dudu in appearance, if the two stand together, there will not be such an obvious sense of contrast. Even because of her temperament, most people may prefer Dudu. type of girl.

Of course, if Chen Yao is chosen to play the role, it is definitely not because she is not beautiful, but because she has more plasticity.

From the scheming lolita Yue Qiluo to the silly and sweet cuteness in "The Beauty in the Cabinet", it is difficult for Chen Yao to have similarities with each of her characters, and she can even play a boy in reverse without breaking the rules.

In "Wuxin Master 2", she directly disguised herself as a man and played the role of Dingmao. Her heroic appearance left a deep impression on Gu Zhongyu.

As long as he cuts his hair shorter and darkens his skin, Chen Yao's beauty won't be so "protruding".

After all, it’s really hard to find an actress as ugly as the original version in domestic entertainment. Even Yang Zi and even Little Yellow Duck are a hundred times more beautiful than those sisters!

Unless an ugly newcomer is selected from the audition, but if that is done...what is Gu Zhongyu trying to do?

In addition, Chen Yao's acting skills are indeed better than Dudu at this stage, so Gu Zhongyu thought about it again and again and decided to let her take the lead.

"So...when will the movie start shooting? Am I ready to join the cast now?"

Chen Yao was like a cat in her arms, rubbing against his chest...

Of course, not a fat cat like Dundun!

"You have to take a breath after hanging yourself! You need to rest for a few days, report back to school, and study the script carefully."

Gu Zhongyu smiled, then glanced at Longni, who was concentrating on driving in front, and said something in Chen Yao's ear with bad intentions.

This is too shameful!

But how could she refuse such a request after she had just been assigned the heroine role by Teacher Gu? She had no choice but to be bold, lift her earlobe hair, and slowly lower her head...

Well, it just so happens that the character Yue Qiluo’s hairstyle is very convenient for this job.

Longni, who was driving, couldn't concentrate now!

She must always resist her instincts and avoid always looking at the fiery scene in the rearview mirror. Otherwise, if she accidentally gets into a car accident and turns her boss into a eunuch, it will be a big sin!

The entertainment industry is very busy at the end of every year.

Hollywood has a traditional awards season, and today's Chinese entertainment industry is no less generous.

TV dramas have Chinese drama festivals, movies also have year-end reviews, and even the music industry has music charts and music festivals held by major music players.

Compared with the Feitian Award, the Golden Eagle Award, and the Magnolia Award, the National Drama Festival looks like it’s just a show of numbers!

In fact, the Golden Eagle Awards were originally held as the highest award for TV series. Unfortunately, there was too much dark history, and they could only be devolved to Mango Optoelectronics!

As long as it has anything to do with Mango TV, it means losing its authority!

Gu Zhongyu has not been diligent this year. His only movie is "Blissful" from the beginning of the year, and then he guest-starred in Sissi's movie. This means that he actually has no works this year, so the major award ceremonies actually have nothing to do with him.

But the Chinese Drama Festival still sent him an invitation. There was nothing new, he was to be an award guest again!

This year's "Legend of Wu Zetian" swept everything. If nothing goes wrong, Fan Xiaopang has already won the best actress, so she also invited Gu Zhongyu to accompany her and witness her moment of becoming a god!

The venue this time was Yanjing, which was close anyway, and the official award ceremony was very honest and would not cause any trouble, so Gu Zhongyu agreed to go and have fun.

On the evening of December 17, Yanjing Communication University.

Gu Zhongyu held the hand of his female companion Wang Zhi and walked onto the red carpet amidst the flash and the sound of the shutter.

Fan Xiaopang's sister loves to make trouble on the red carpet. Gu Zhongyu can't stand her, so he decisively rejected her request to be his female companion and chose the honest Wang Zhi.

This year's "Yu Zui" made Wang Zhi completely popular, so when she walked on the red carpet, fans on both sides kept shouting "big breast sister, big breast sister"...

Wang Zhi was very embarrassed!

Yes, she knew that she was broad-minded and knew that fans called her the nickname of the character in the play because they liked her performance, but being called like this in public was still tantamount to social death...

"Haha! Get used to this kind of scene! Even if you play more works in the future, this nickname will not be separated from you!"

Just like Qiuya in "Charlotte's Troubles", most people, even if they don't know who Wang Zhi is, must be impressed by the role of Qiuya.

Gu Zhongyu noticed that Wang Zhi was really thin-skinned, her face was red, and it was red all the way to her earlobes!

"I know! I'm just not used to it! I used to rush around when I went shopping, but now I have to be fully armed when I go to the supermarket to buy groceries, just in case someone suddenly calls me Big Bear Sister!"

Wang Zhi held Gu Zhongyu's hand and responded to the reporters and fans on both sides a little awkwardly.

It was already very cold in Beijing in December, and Wang Zhi had no experience walking on the red carpet. I guess she didn't put anything under her skirt, and a gust of cold wind blew, making her shiver!

Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to take off his suit and put it on her.


The reporters immediately pressed the shutter frantically. Seeing their anxious look, Gu Zhongyu even thought of the news headlines.

"Actress Wang Zhi was cold on the red carpet, Gu Zhongyu sent warmth in time, and the two suspected that their relationship was made public? "

...Because Wang Zhi didn't have the red carpet bull syndrome, they finished walking and came to the backstage in two minutes.

Wang Zhi also met many celebrities under Gu Zhongyu's introduction. It is still very important to have connections in the entertainment industry. Wang Zhi is not very good at this, so he can only teach him himself.

Noticing two familiar faces behind him, Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to greet them.

"Director Kong, Director Li, when did you come?"

The two were none other than the two pillars of Shanying, Director Kong Sheng and Director Li Xue.

Although Noon Sunshine in this life lacks Hou Hongliang, it is still developing well, especially "No War in Peking" broadcasted in October this year, which has received rave reviews and has established the reputation of Noon Sunshine as a conscientious drama with good reputation.

At tonight's National Drama Festival, "No War in Peking" is also a hot favorite, with several nominations, and it should win awards if nothing unexpected happens.

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