Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 416: The Pretender and the Pork Sharing Conference

"Just behind you... Well, Mr. Gu, I haven't seen you for such a long time. Why do I feel like you have become thinner and darker?" The bald director Li Xue's head was shining under the light, and Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to knock it twice.

"I went to Southeast Asia to shoot a movie before, and I got tanned. I haven't recovered until now. I won't go next time!"

"Haha! Such unprofessional words are not like Mr. Gu!"

After making some jokes, Gu Zhongyu talked about business with them.

"How did you two read the script I sent to your email before?"

"After reading it, I can only say that I admire you. It depends on when you, Mr. Gu, can make time, and we can arrange to start shooting!"

When it comes to this, Kong Sheng became excited. The script that Gu Zhongyu gave him, although not as profound as "The Hidden", is obviously better in terms of viewing and fun. If it is filmed, it has the potential to win the annual drama king.

Yes, the script that Gu Zhongyu gave him was "The Disguiser". This work is unprecedented in terms of ratings, word of mouth, and popularity in online discussions. It has created a new trend of spy idol dramas and is also the most critical work of the Noon Sunshine team after it became independent.

In the years before the broadcast of "The Disguiser", there were many dramas with similar themes, such as "The Hidden", but there was no successor and its status could not be shaken.

There are more anti-Japanese dramas on TV. Those plots that go beyond the scope of logic have already disgusted everyone.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

In recent years, there are too many anti-Japanese dramas, such as tearing the devils apart with your hands, eating buns that can be used as grenades, throwing grenades to blow up planes, and using slingshots to drive away the devils. There are all kinds of tricks, which are completely war games, idolizing our army, cowardly friendly forces, and idiotic enemy forces.

It is this kind of drama that has invisibly lowered the audience's standard for war dramas. So after "The Pretender" was broadcast, the audience compared it with the previous ones and found that there was no shocking plot in the past, and both the leading and supporting roles were perfect (except for the female lead Cheng Jinyun), and it immediately received rave reviews.

Moreover, the same type of spy war themes at that time were almost all about our side sending people to infiltrate the enemy and conduct spy war work. Although there were many dangers, they could always complete the work after going through hardships.

What about "The Pretender"?

It ingeniously set up a double agent. This double agent Minglou actually had five identities. In this way, the plot will undoubtedly be ups and downs and interesting.

The whole drama is integrated with a strong commercial color, and it is no longer as formal as the previous war spy dramas. Although the rigor of the plot cannot be compared with the high-quality classic spy dramas such as "The Secret Calculation" and "The Hidden", it reflects a strong individualistic color.

Moreover, the character settings are also very interesting. Minglou, who is a high-IQ and overbearing CEO, Mingcheng, who is cute and abstinent and loyal, Mingtai, who is romantic and unrestrained, and Mingjing, who is overbearing and honest and in charge of the family...

This family is full of characters. They are cold and solemn outside, but in a room, they form a closed "dignity food chain" because of pampering and love. Whether it is the character setting or the cuteness and freshness in the interaction, they are all popular aesthetics on the Internet.

Except for the much-criticized female lead Cheng Jinyun, the drama itself can be said to be almost perfect. Even after many years of completion, the Douban score is stable above 8.6!

Gu Zhongyu also liked this drama in his previous life and said that he would film it no matter what. As for classmate Hu Ge...he can only say sorry.

At worst, when filming "Nirvana in Fire", Hu Ge can play Mei Changsu, although it is not certain whether it will be filmed or not...

The main reason is that Gu Zhongyu has no interest in the drama "Nirvana in Fire". If it doesn't work, he can just do a favor and let it go!

Although the drama "Nirvana in Fire" is regarded as a classic by many people, it is actually just an idol drama, and there are many flaws. At least Gu Zhongyu felt it was extremely outrageous when he watched the first episode!

The Red Flame Army, an elite army of 70,000 people was wiped out. Not to mention in ancient times, even for modern countries, it is a huge blow. This is equivalent to the death of the main force of a military region or the destruction of five elite divisions of the US military!

The most interesting thing is that the person who gave the order was the emperor of this regime, and the reason was just because he suspected that the Lin family father and son were rebelling!

Even if he destroyed the Great Wall, such as Wanyan Gou killing Yue Fei, he only killed Yue Fei and his son and the ministers who were close to them. He couldn't kill all the Yue family soldiers!

Even if Zhao Gou had this intention, he would not be able to carry it out. No civil official or military general with a normal mind would agree. Even if all the troops of the Song Dynasty were Zhao Gou's own sons, it would be impossible to have such execution!

So the contradiction in the origin of the story of Langya Bang is quite ridiculous and completely illogical. It can only be said that the female-oriented novels are too naive in their ideas about power and war. The TV series has made some adjustments in this regard. Otherwise, if it is filmed completely according to the original work, it will just be a BL adaptation with a different taste!

"Hello, Mr. Gu, I haven't had time to thank you in person..."

Just as Gu Zhongyu was thinking about it, a very obvious Hong Kong-style voice sounded behind him.

Looking back, oh, it turned out to be Zhong Hanliang and Tang Yan.

This year, the ratings of "Why Sheng Xiaomo" are quite good, and Tang Yan has become a strong contender for the best actress. Zhong Hanliang has rejuvenated his career with this drama, so he naturally has to express his gratitude to Gu Zhongyu in person for choosing him to play the male lead.

But why is Tang Yan always so afraid to see him?

Tonight, Tang Yan was wearing a purple low-cut short evening dress. Her slender and charming legs attracted countless eyes. Her temperament was elegant yet sexy.

However, whenever her eyes touched Gu Zhongyu, the pleasure seemed to fade away quietly, and she always deliberately trailed Zhong Hanliang by half a body, keeping a certain distance from him.

"Hey! What a coincidence, Tangtang, I didn't expect our seats to be connected!" Wang Zhi held Tang Yan's hand and shouted excitedly.

Although the two are not in the same class, they both graduated from Chinese Opera and have known each other for a long time and have a quite harmonious relationship.

"Yes! What a coincidence..."

Tang Yan didn't want to sit in a row with Gu Zhongyu, mainly because she still had fresh memories of Gu Zhongyu's little behavior with Yang Mi at the Chinese Drama Ceremony two years ago, and she was afraid that this sp would do something to her too!

Fortunately, Wang Zhi sat between them and built a barrier for her.

"Hey, Zixuan, can we change seats?"

"Ah?" Tang Yan and Wang Zhi exclaimed almost at the same time.

Tang Yan was even more panicked, mistakenly thinking that Gu Zhongyu was calling her "Zixuan".

But soon, she came to her senses and realized that Zixuan was actually Wang Zhi's real name.


Wang Zhi changed seats with Gu Zhongyu without asking why.

Now, the last thing Tang Yan wanted to see happened. As soon as Gu Zhongyu sat next to her, he started asking all kinds of questions, and even became concerned about her schedule for the next period of time.

Tang Yan couldn't help but murmur in her heart: Is this guy really planning on me?

The theme of this year's National Drama Festival is "Our Era," and there are still four hosts, Zhou Qun, Yang Lan, Dou Wentao, and Yu Sheng.

Although he had already eaten Laobang cuisine once, Gu Zhongyu was still a little ready to make a move when he saw Yang Lan again, mainly because the temperament of a high-ranking elite made her more eager to conquer.

Then he looked at Tang Yan beside him. Well, there are fresh fruits and vegetables here, so it would be better for Laobang to eat less food.

Sure enough, the TV series "All Quiet in Peking", which has attracted huge attention and buzz, seems to be the biggest winner tonight. It won important professional awards such as Best Director and Best Screenplay right from the beginning.

Compared with previous years, this festival also introduced popular online dramas for the first time. "Unexpectedly" became the first online drama to be shortlisted. The main creators also gathered at the ceremony, but their seats were slightly farther away.

Looking at Yi Xiaoxing and Baike walking on the stage, Wang Dachui's arrogant voice filled Gu Zhongyu's mind...

In fact, the popularity of "The Man in the Hanging Silk" is not bad, but because its content is a little vulgar, it is not even qualified to be shortlisted.

Chen Xiao, Chen Weiting, and Qiao Zhenyu, the "three beauties" of the popular "Four Beauties of Ancient Swords", appeared on the same stage to sing, and not surprisingly won the award for the most popular TV series of the year.

I wonder what Li Yifeng is doing now after he left "Gu Jian Qi Tan". Maybe... he is in Guangdong and has lost contact with whoring?

Chen Xiao went on stage to accept the award on behalf of the crew and expressed that he was very happy to meet the character "Su Su". He also said that this was the most important and unforgettable experience in his life.

This guy has completely exploded this year. With the blessing of two hit dramas, "Meng Hua Lu" at the beginning of the year and "Gu Jian Qi Tan" in the middle of the year, he is now the most popular niche actor. Many companies are trying to recruit him. .

However, Chen Xiao also knows how to repay his kindness. He is very grateful to Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei for supporting him. He did not forget to mention their names even when he was on stage. It seems that he has not forgotten his roots.

"Meng Hua Lu" won the Special Contribution Award for Ratings, and it was Chen Xiaoshang who accepted it on her behalf. After returning from Wanwan, the fat house Qian began to enter the three-point-one-line life of staying at home, traveling, and eating fat. , no time to come at all!

Gu Zhongyu felt that it was really necessary to urge Sissy to pay more attention to her daily routine. She was still young now. In a few years, her metabolism would slow down, and she would not be able to lose weight just because she wanted to.

"The actress with the most commercial value is...Fan Binbin!"

As the award presenters read out their names, Fan Xiaopang walked onto the stage.

In fact, she was a little unhappy in her heart, because according to the purpose of the Chinese Drama Festival, everyone should win a prize, and the most commercially valuable actress was given to her, so the best actress would probably not be available to her.

She is not willing to give in!

Which little bitch defeated me?

"Bingbin is still missing the mark! Best Actress is out of the question. Tangtang, your chances of winning are getting bigger and bigger!"

"Mr. Gu, please stop teasing me, I don't have the confidence to compete with Sister Binbin!"

Tang Yan was not impressed by Gu Zhongyu's praise. In addition to Fan Binbin, the competition this time was Zhou Xun. Both of them were great gods. She felt that no one could beat them!

"Why do you always call me Mr. Gu? We seem so familiar. We have known each other for such a long time. Can't you just call me Zhongyu?"

Gu Zhongyu glanced at her slightly disappointedly, woman, your indifference stung me again!

Tang Yan cursed in her heart: I just want to keep a distance from you, you bastard!

As expected, the most popular actor of the year was taken away by Hu Ge, thanks to the TV series "Life Revelation" with Boss Tong.

Gu Zhongyu has always felt that although Hu Ge's talent as an actor is relatively average, his professionalism is still worthy of recognition. He actually fell in love with shopkeeper Tong in the play, and even had many intimate scenes... I don't know how he can keep talking about it!

Basically, apart from the presenters and presenters, the remaining dozens of celebrities who come here can all get an award. Otherwise, the art awards in the Mainland are like child's play. They really just sit in rows and eat fruits. , everyone has a share and will never fail!

Gu Zhongyu was still despising the Golden Horse's nonsense some time ago, but now it's time for the Mainland Awards Ceremony, what can I can only be called a pork sharing competition!

If you expect these people to really make something famous, you might as well expect a sow to climb a tree!

Forget it, after all, it is rare for so many TV drama actors to have the opportunity to get together. Apart from this Chinese drama festival, many people have no chance to show their faces in such a decent manner, so they just have a party as TV drama actors!

Oh, it's my turn!

Gu Zhongyu adjusted his suit and strode to the award podium. When he was about to take the list of winners from Dou Wentao, the other party suddenly retracted his hand!

"Teacher Gu didn't even say anything when he came on stage. He was so anxious to award the award. Are you in a hurry?"

Dou Wentao smiled playfully, took Gu Zhongyu's shoulder and walked to the middle of the stage, and said: "This time when awarding awards, you have to shake hands with other award-winning actors. You can't keep a cold face, Teacher Gu!"


The actors in the audience burst into laughter. Dou Wentao was making fun of the black incident at the Golden Horse not long ago!

"Um! I couldn't guarantee it to you originally, but I looked back and saw that the award I gave was for the best actress. For lesbians, I think I can still maintain some gentlemanly demeanor!"

Gu Zhongyu also responded humorously, and the two sides made some jokes.

"The winner of the Best Actress at the 2014 National Drama Festival is..."

When the name was about to be read, Gu Zhongyu suddenly smiled mysteriously towards the audience where Tang Yan was sitting...

ah! What do you mean?

The best actress is really me!

Tang Yan felt happy in her heart. Since her debut in so many years, she has not won a few acting awards, and there are only a few nominations. Although the National Drama Festival does not have much gold content, at least it will be able to talk about it in the future!

Unable to contain her joy, she had already lifted her skirt and was getting ready to go on stage and began to think about her acceptance speech.

"Zhou Xun!"

As Gu Zhongyu said his name, the audience burst into applause!

Tang Yan:......

You big pig hoof, actually shake me!

Gu Zhongyu wanted to laugh when he saw Tang Yan's disappointed look.

The young lady really doesn’t know how much she weighs. How dare she expect this despite the shame of being in a movie?

"Red Sorghum" is Zhou Xun's return after many years away from the small screen. Whether it is her acting performance or the quality of the TV series itself, it is normal to win the best actress.

Brother Xun came on stage and hugged him enthusiastically. Feeling the other person's determination close to his body, Gu Zhongyu wondered if this eldest sister had been malnourished since she was a child?

As the Best Actor Award was awarded to Uncle Zhang Jiayi, this year's National Drama Festival has officially come to an end.

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