Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 417 You can’t eat me after dinner!

Chapter 417 After dinner... you can't eat me!

"I'll treat Mr. Gu to supper tonight!"

After the National Drama Festival, Zhong Hanliang suggested that he and Wang Zhi join him.

Gu Zhongyu thought it was great, maybe there would be some exercise after dinner. Last time, it was with Qi Wei, who would it be this time?

He glanced at Tang Yan next to him, who immediately looked like a frightened kitten, as if she wanted to leave.

At this time, Zhong Hanliang noticed Gu Zhongyu's eyes, "I know there is a restaurant nearby that tastes very good, it's a private restaurant, and it's very confidential. Many of my celebrity friends go there. I'll drive over and let the assistants go back first!"

"Then I'll really trouble you, Xiaowa."

I didn't expect this buddy to be so discerning and to offer an assist so quickly.

Tang Yan wanted to cry but had no tears. She came here today for convenience, and took Zhong Hanliang's car with her assistant. Now that they have all been sent away, how can she go back at night?

"Longni, I'll follow Hanliang's car, and then you can find a hotel nearby to help me get a room. When you get there, you can go back today and pick me up here tomorrow."

Open, open a room?

What does Gu Zhongyu mean by this?

Looking at Tang Yan, Gu Zhongyu's face was full of smiles, "I have an urgent matter to go to the company tomorrow, and the traffic in Yanjing is too congested, so I plan to stay here."

"Is that so... Yanjing is indeed congested."

Tang Yan could only nod, not knowing what she was thinking.

Wang Zhi naturally saw Gu Zhongyu's little tricks, and sighed in her heart. This dog man really doesn't know how to stop for a moment!

As a result, after arriving at the place Hanliang said, Gu Zhongyu decided that from now on, this buddy would be his friend!

What a good brother!

"Boss Gu, I'm so sorry, there's something I need to deal with here, I have to go first."

"Are you in such a hurry? Can't you deal with it tomorrow?" Gu Zhongyu asked hypocritically.

"It has to be dealt with immediately. I'm so sorry. I'll host it later and Miss Wang will come as well, as an apology."

After saying that, he ran away!

Alas, everyone in the entertainment industry is cunning. Zhong Hanliang originally wanted to build a good relationship with Gu Zhongyu. Just seeing the look he gave Tang Yan... he already knew what to do tonight!

He ran away...

Look at Zhong Hanliang's demeanor when he went out. At this moment, in Gu Zhongyu's mind, he is the handsome and free-spirited Gu Xichao!

I will definitely arrange it for you later.

Tang Yan looked at Zhong Hanliang and left her like this, and cursed him in her heart for being disloyal!

But seeing that Wang Zhi was still with him, Gu Zhongyu should not dare to mess around, right?

Who would have thought that Wang Zhi, who had just eaten two bites of food, suddenly put down her chopsticks, "I have an event tomorrow and have to catch a plane later. I'm leaving first, Tangtang, see you next time!"

Show off, my Qiuya!

"It's just the two of us eating..." Gu Zhongyu sat down next to Tang Yan, silently took the teapot, and wanted to pour a cup of tea for the two of them.

"Let me do it!"

Tang Yan quickly got ahead of him and started to act as a waiter very actively, mainly because she was afraid that he would take the opportunity to stop the gas.

"Isn't this bad?"

Gu Zhongyu said this, but his body was very honest, enjoying the service of the silly and sweet girl.

"It should be! It should be! Zhongyu, you take care of me so much, I haven't treated you to a good meal yet, so tonight is mine!"

Tang Yan's inner os: Let me make it clear first, I'll treat you to a full meal, but you can't eat me!

"Actually, I used to like your role as Zixuan very much. I thought it was quite amazing at the time, better than Mi Mi and Shi Shi!"

Gu Zhongyu said that as long as they were beautiful girls, he actually felt amazing.


Tang Yan loved to hear others praise her the most. She laughed very happily and couldn't close her mouth!

Fortunately, she didn't have the exaggerated teeth like Xi Xi, and her smile was pretty good.

Alas, it's a done deal, a bit too flat!

In fact, she looks a bit like the big loli Chen Yao, both are very tall and thin.

But Chen Yao is at least a little older than Tang Yan... I'm not talking about age here.

Gu Zhongyu thought while looking at the silly white sweet, and her face turned red.

It's actually a bit impolite to look at someone so straight, but what he is going to do later is even more impolite!

"Tonight's National Drama Festival didn't win much, are you a little unwilling?"

"Hey! I'm used to it. I'm like Mi Mi. I don't care about winning awards. As long as I can keep filming and play the leading role, it's fine!"

Tang Yan expressed her thoughts while peeling shrimps with her hands.

"I think you can expand your acting range appropriately, don't always play the same type..."

"Silly and sweet, right?" Tang Yan added this keyword directly, shrugged helplessly, "I know the audience always says that I can only play silly and sweet, but the script handed to me, the heroine is like that!"

"And I think playing silly and sweet is also good, many people want to play it but can't find it! And you don't need to use your brain too much, you can play the whole process with a set of methods, how convenient! Hehe!"

Tang Yan put the shrimp into her mouth and smiled triumphantly, as if being able to play silly and sweet is something proud!

Gu Zhongyu:...

Okay! You deserve to be scolded as the shame of the Central Academy of Drama, and you deserve not to be included in the National Drama Festival where pork is divided!

If you are really given an award for such a life of acting without pursuit, it would be blind!

In fact, like Tang Yan, it is also the mentality of most domestic entertainment stars. All artistic pursuits are false, and fame and money are real!

"Well, it's good to stay in your comfort zone. I think you've played a different kind of silly and sweet role in recent dramas. Keep it up!"

"Hmph! Are you praising me or insulting me?"

As the food and drinks went down, the relationship between the two was not as stiff as it was at the beginning. Tang Yan gradually lost her defensive mentality and began to talk and laugh with Gu Zhongyu.

"How dare I! Hey... don't move!"

Gu Zhongyu stopped his chopsticks, staring at Tang Yan's chin, with a serious expression on his face.

Tang Yan was startled by his sudden action, and an inexplicable sense of tension surged in her heart. She subconsciously wanted to avoid Gu Zhongyu's gaze, but felt her chin being gently held by him...

This dog man is not going to take advantage of me when eating now, right?

I'm still hungry, can it be later...

Pooh! What do you mean by later? You can't take advantage of me even if you're later!

Just as Tang Yan was thinking about it, she saw Gu Zhongyu slowly pulled out a tissue and gently wiped Tang Yan's chin. There was a little oil stain that affected the beauty...

He moved very slowly, and his eyes were always fixed on Tang Yan, as if he wanted to take in every subtle expression of hers.

Tang Yan was a little overwhelmed by his actions. She felt her face slowly getting warmer, and she subconsciously lowered her head to avoid Gu Zhongyu's gaze.

"This scumbag is quite good at flirting... No, no, eyes look at the nose, nose looks at the heart, can't look at him..."

She repeatedly warned herself that Gu Zhongyu was a scumbag and she must not be tempted by him, but the more she thought about it, the faster her heart beat...

Just as Tang Yan's heart was in chaos, Gu Zhongyu wiped it clean, then gently held her chin, paused slightly, and then whispered: "What a beautiful face."

Then he kissed Tang Yan's chin like a dragonfly...

...Woo, no martial ethics, why did he suddenly kiss?

Tang Yan was a little dizzy from the sudden kiss, and felt her heartbeat seemed to jump out of her chest. When she was hesitating whether to resist his next possible action, Gu Zhongyu suddenly let her go as if nothing had happened and continued to taste the food.

Tang Yan was overwhelmed by Gu Zhongyu's kiss. She secretly raised her head and glanced at Gu Zhongyu, only to see that he was concentrating on eating, as if the kiss just now was just a small episode.

She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. She told herself that she couldn't be moved by this man so easily. This was a 24k pure scumbag!

"We've almost finished eating, and it's time to go back. I'll take you home!"

When Gu Zhongyu was eating, he was thinking about one thing in his heart. If he forced himself on her, how determined would the other party's resistance be?

Now he almost knew the answer.


The two of them came to the parking lot. Just when Tang Yan sat on the passenger seat and breathed a sigh of relief, Gu Zhongyu suddenly said, "You must not be able to sleep so early, why don't you go to my place and sit?"

Sit? Or do it...

"I'm a little sleepy..." Tang Yan wanted to struggle again.

"Look at you, your face is a little red, it must be because of the alcohol. It's not safe for a girl to go back alone. You'd better go to my place and sit first, and wait until the alcohol wears off!"

It's even more unsafe for me to go back with you, bastard!

But Gu Zhongyu no longer allowed Tang Yan to refuse. He also found that as long as he showed a little more strength, this young lady would be no different from that quail. He could let him control her and even actively cooperate.

She is really silly and sweet!


At night, in the luxury suite booked by Gu Zhongyu, he didn't play any tricks.

Just after entering the door and closing the door, he pulled Tang Yan over and pushed her against the door, and nibbled a few times first.

Why doesn't this bastard play by the rules?

He was a gentleman just now, but now he's so impatient!

At this moment, Tang Yan knew that she was doomed tonight.

Fortunately... Gu Zhongyu at least looks more in line with her aesthetic taste, and now she doesn't have a boyfriend and is in an emotional window period, so she'll just deal with him for the time being!

This is how she comforted herself in her heart, she was definitely not forced, absolutely not!

At this time, a hotel waiter passing by in the corridor heard the continuous muffled sound of knocking on the door, and wanted to knock on the door to ask what was going on.

But when he approached and heard some rapid and irregular breathing inside, he smiled knowingly, gave up knocking on the door, and continued to walk forward.

"Let's...let's go to the bedroom?"

Gu Zhongyu's expression didn't change at all, and he leaned close to Tang Yan's ear, "I've never tried this at the door, what about you?"

"But what if someone hears us?"

"What if they hear us? They won't come in, and they can't see us. I think it's quite exciting. What about you?"

"I, I don't know..."

Tang Yan buried her face in Gu Zhongyu's half-unbuttoned shirt, not daring to look up at all, completely indifferent, and could only let others do what they wanted, but couldn't do anything to resist.

A few minutes later, when the waiter passed by the room again.

This time, he heard more than one or two knocks on the door.

Like a fucking drum, it's a regular sound.

I gave him a thumbs up in my heart, brother is in good health!

Gu Zhongyu suddenly didn't know that he had gained a "fan" that neither of them knew, and he was still fighting hard.

Since it was agreed to be at the door, he was against the door.

Then we can't change places no matter what. A real man should stick to his words.

What's more... Tangtang has such long legs. It's a pity not to use them!

Outside the tightly drawn curtains without any gaps, the sky in Yanjing City tonight is particularly refreshing, and there is no smog.

Countless busy people are still working overtime at this time. The lights are bright everywhere, just like a city that never sleeps.

Gu Zhongyu suddenly felt that he should attend more award ceremonies in the future, because he can win something almost every time, and he doesn't know who the next lucky person will be?

The next morning, when Tang Yan woke up, she found that she was the only one left on the boat.

Gu Zhongyu didn't lie. He really opened a suite here for convenience. He pulled up his pants and went back to the company as soon as he got on the boat in the morning.


Tang Yan was so angry that she threw the pillow away. This stinky scumbag slept with her and left without saying hello.

Why is it always easy for her to provoke scumbags? She really needs to reflect on it.

"Are you awake, Miss Tang?"

Just then, Longni appeared with a dining cart.

When Tang Yan saw a stranger, she immediately pulled up the quilt, but after recognizing that the person was the assistant that Gu Zhongyu brought last night, she relaxed.

"The boss has a meeting, so I left first. I didn't want to disturb you because you slept so soundly. Here is breakfast and a change of clothes. The car is downstairs. Miss Tang, where are you going? I'll drive you there later."

This guy still has a little conscience!

The optimistic Tang Yan no longer cares about these things. She quickly put on her clothes and couldn't wait to eat.

Last night's physical exertion was a bit great. Gu Zhongyu is just an animal and doesn't know how to be gentle with women!

"Do you... want to eat something too?"

Longni smiled and said, "Thank you, I've eaten."

Tang Yan only then noticed that this female assistant was also very beautiful, and she was tall and long-legged, almost catching up with herself!

I guess...she has an abnormal relationship with that bastard Gu Zhongyu, right?

"By the way, the boss said that he will star in a TV series next year. The script is here, but the female lead has not been decided yet. If you are interested in taking it, come here tonight and he will come to "talk about the play" to you in person!"

Come again?

Want to take it all!

What a crappy TV series, I...

Forget it, just take a look first. This guy is quite talented, especially when he stars in a TV series, the quality is high.

She picked up the script and saw the words "The Pretender" on it...

It sounds like a spy drama, is it a bit cliché?

However, as she opened the script and read it slowly, she was gradually attracted by the wonderful plot and character settings...

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