Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 423 An ending that is not an ending

After the Spring Festival, the mainland film market continued to be sluggish throughout 2015. The only two films that can be mentioned are "The Orphan" starring Liu Tianwang and Jing Boran, and the film "Crazy" with Xiao Ming's stormy acting skills.

Apart from the subject matter that deserves encouragement, "Lost Orphan" has nothing to recommend it as a whole.

The Wang brothers probably got inspiration from the light and copied a new director, Peng Sanyuan - a member of the Writers Association!

It's a pity that not every writer is Han Han. Peng Sanyuan probably wanted to make a literary road movie, but it's a pity that his ability is a bit difficult to see directly...

No matter the plot setting, rhythm, or conflict, there is no highlight in every aspect. The entire story is also based on an overly artificial setting, and even the intended sensationalism is difficult to achieve.

The original work of "Lost Orphans" is very good, but unfortunately the director's skills are really a bit poor. It starts with great ambitions, but gradually loses control in the middle, and the rhythm is chaotic until the ending is completely unstoppable!

After comparing it with others with the same theme, I feel that Chen Kexin is really good!

By the way, Liu Tianwang’s sharp brother looks good.

Crazy Language, how should I put it, this kind of movie has never been favored by the audience. It is based on mental illness and the overall structure is relatively dark and depressing.

But if the film is done well, it will be very good, such as Black Swan, Beautiful Mind and so on.

Obviously our director Li Yaoyao is far from reaching that level. There are a lot of problems in performance, rhythm, style, and story throughout the film.

It is desirable to mix suspense and horror together to explore the world of mental patients, but the overall feeling of surprise is very bad!

The movie is about a mentally ill person, but that doesn’t mean you want to make the movie look like a mental illness!

Just when the film market was sluggish, in May, the situation suddenly changed dramatically!

First, "Avengers 2" was released.

Marvel has become more and more influential in recent years. Judging from the box office alone, the box office of "Iron Man 4" exceeded 1 billion US dollars!

The cost of Women's Federation 2 reached US$250 million, and it was a powerful collection of Marvel superheroes. Everything should develop in a better direction, and then, it failed!

Because in China, he happened to collide with another blockbuster film!

On May 20th, Operation Mekong River begins!

Although Gu Zhongyu is not in the country at this time, and although Mekong River's premiere screening rate is only 30%, which is far lower than Women's Federation 2, which accounts for 50% of the market, box office and word of mouth are the two most intuitive things!

The box office on the first day reached 97 million - because it was a Thursday.

The box office directly surpassed Women's Federation 2's 47 million.

The theater chain made timely adjustments, and Mekong River's film schedule increased directly to 47%. On Friday, Mekong River's box office reached 140 million, and on Saturday it reported 160 million in a single day. On Sunday, Mekong River's single-day revenue reached 140 million. Won 210 million!

After four days of release, the box office reached 610 million!

At the same time, the box office of the Women's Federation in the past four days was only about 200 million, and that is because the theaters' film schedule has been maintained at about 30%.

The film industry is going crazy. What the hell is going on?

Main theme movies actually killed Hollywood blockbusters?

When Gu Zhongyu learned that "Operation Mekong" was a hit, he was still filming in Peru. He didn't plan to come back in a hurry and left it to others to promote it, but an accident suddenly disrupted all his plans. !

"Zhongyu, I...I'm pregnant..."

"You're just pregnant, what's wrong... Walter? Are you pregnant?"

"Well...almost three months!"

Three months later, during the Spring Festival, I didn’t expect that I would win the bid just once without taking safety measures!

"When did you know that?"

"Just last week, during a meeting, I suddenly felt nauseous..."

"You are really good. It's been a week and you just told me!"

"Aren't I afraid that you will be worried?"

Gu Zhongyu was almost speechless. If you tell me now, wouldn't I be worried?

"I will return to China tomorrow. Have you told your mother... No, I will call and tell my mother."

They are all newbies, and he has no experience in this area, so he should let his parents worry more!

Gu Zhongyu quickly called his parents and asked them to take care of Zhang Zilin.

After finally hanging up the phone, Gu Zhongyu was a little confused.

Damn it, the second elder seemed more excited than him on the phone!

Zhang Zilin’s parents also want to say something.

Their performance was no less impressive. Gu Zhongyu was so surprised that he really wanted to throw away his phone!

Half an hour later, Gu Zhongyu hung up the phone. Before he could take a breath, his assistant Long Ni rushed in, looking furious.

"Boss! Oh no! The matter of you getting married in the United States was exposed on the Internet!"

what the fuck?

Gu Zhongyu opened his mobile phone and searched. News about his secret marriage had occupied the homepages of all news websites. The various news titles and accompanying pictures were basically the same. It was when he and Zhang Zilin registered their marriage in Las Vegas. Photos and partial screenshots of the marriage certificate!

Judging from the shooting angle, it should have been secretly taken by the staff at the time.

It’s over, it’s over!

Now the fish pond must not be fried!

Just a few minutes later, calls came in from Liu Yufei, Da Tiantian, Yang Mi, Fan Xiaopang, Tang Yan and other women. There were even so many people calling at the same time that his cell phone was blocked all day today. We were on a call, and all the concerned calls from other friends were missed!

"Let's break up!"

"You better give me an explanation!"

"Damn it, I've spent so many years feeding the dogs, how many years have I been with you? Now you're married to another woman?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were marrying another woman?"

Gu Zhongyu could only comfort them one by one, and then slowly solve the problem after returning home.

Fortunately, women like Nazha, Chen Yao, and Jiang Shuying only called him to ask about his specific situation and did not embarrass him. Although you could tell that he was unhappy by his tone, it was not a big problem. I know it's impossible to marry them.

As for women such as Tang Yixin and Sun Li, their relationship is not visible at all. Who Gu Zhongyu marries has nothing to do with them at all. They are just joining in the fun.

Mainly Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Yufei, Da Tiantian, Fan Xiaopang, these women with relatively high status in all aspects are more troublesome to deal with.

Hey, now that things have come to an end, let’s take it one step at a time!

After Gu Zhongyu finished the filming, he returned to China in a low-key manner, and first went to see Zhang Daniu, who had been taken care of as a national treasure.

Zhang Da Niu has an athlete-level physique and had no adverse reactions after becoming pregnant. She said everything is normal now and mother and baby are healthy.

"How did you know he was your son?"

"Because mother and son have a heart-to-heart relationship, when I dreamed at night, my son was already greeting me!"

Zhang Danniu touched her belly with a happy smile on her face, but when she turned around and saw Gu Zhongyu's restless look, she knew that he still had a lot to do.

"I'm fine, just go and do your work!"

Seeing that Zhang Zilin was so sensible, Gu Zhongyu didn't show any pretense, kissed her on the forehead and left.

When he came to Liu Yufei's house for an appointment, the first words this girl said made his head hurt.

"I don't care about your marriage to that woman. Now I want a child, will you give it to me?"


"Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? You are at the peak of your career, why are you going to retire and have children?"

He guessed that it was Aunt Liu's idea. Sure enough, the old woman's eyes were looking everywhere but not at him!

"What do you mean? I can't even have a child now?"

"Yes, yes, but didn't you tell me before that your dream is to achieve something in your career as an actor? You've just started now!"

"Zhong Yu! Sissi grew up in a single-parent family. She has always had no sense of security, especially after marrying you... Now that you are married to another woman, she is worried that one day you two will separate again. Now If you have a child, it can be considered as a bond to maintain..."

At this time, Aunt Liu, who had been silent, spoke.

The more Gu Zhongyu listened, the more he broke into a cold sweat. Isn't this for the sake of giving birth to a son so that he can gain status in the future?

"But when the child is born, won't it become an illegitimate child?" Gu Zhongyu continued to shake his head.

"Hmph! You can register in other countries, just like you did this secret marriage!"

Okay, it’s still like this after going around and around, Sissi still wants a status.

How about finding a small African country or something?

It is absolutely impossible to become an American emperor. Liu Yufei is still a citizen of the American Empire, and registration there will be legal. If there is any quarrel in the future, if Zhang Daniu finds out, she will definitely kick him to death with her long legs!

"Are you going to agree or not?"

This is the first time in my life that I begged for help so lowly, and it was just to get a child for myself and tie up a stinky man.

The more Liu Yufei thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and the little pearls began to fall!

Gu Zhongyu hated seeing a woman cry the most, and with Aunt Liu always being there to persuade her, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree!

After dealing with Qianqian's matter, he went to find girls such as Da Tiantian, Fan Xiaopang, and Da Mi Mi without stopping...

Da Tiantian was clamoring for a breakup, Fan Xiaopang said that he wanted to quit Zongheng, Da Mi Mi and Gao Yuanyuan just wanted something simpler, and they actually wanted a child just like Sissi!

For Da Tiantian and Fan Xiaopang, who were clamoring for a breakup, Gu Zhongyu mainly wore pajamas. After working hard and being so tired that he couldn't straighten his waist, he even thought about giving them a gift if he couldn't. Forget it, kid!

For the next month, Gu Zhongyu spent his time putting out fires...

In the era of self-media, nothing can escape the eyes of the media.

The news that Gu Zhongyu returned to China from the crew of "Wu Shuang" could not be concealed at all. Reporters and netizens searched everywhere for Gu Zhongyu's whereabouts. In the end, Gu Zhongyu just casually said on Weibo: "Due to various reasons, I will temporarily stop working. I will take some time off from my acting work, and my comeback date is to be determined!”

Yes, he really has to stop working for a while. Not only is Zhang Da Niu pregnant and needs his company, but he also needs to fulfill his promises to Liu Yufei, Da Mi Mi and other women one by one.

I don’t know who leaked the news. After other women learned about Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei’s promise, many of them followed suit and also asked him to have a child.


Now it is estimated that he will have to work for the child for a whole year!

Three years later.

"Wushuang" was released, and the movie grossed 4 billion in box office, once again breaking the box office record for Chinese-language movies. It was both well received and well-received. With his wonderful performance in the movie, Gu Zhongyu was nominated for a series of film festivals at home and abroad, but none of them Exception, he was absent!

In the same year, "Wolf Warrior 2" produced by Zongheng and starring Wu Jin was released. The box office exceeded 5 billion, and the theme movie market began to enter its peak period!

Liu Cixin's "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Wandering Earth" have successively begun to be adapted into films, and the second part of "Ball Lightning" has been released. Chinese science fiction is booming and competition with Hollywood has begun!

Popular dramas such as "Flower Thousand Bones", "Wuxin Master", "The Pretender", "Dajiang Dahe" and "In the Name of the People" produced by Zongheng have been aired one after another. Zongheng Film and Television has undoubtedly become the number one giant in the country, and has invested in Netflix, starting started the journey of domestic dramas going overseas.

A new generation of little flowers such as Chen Yao, Chen Duling, Bai Lu, and Nazha began to emerge.

Actresses such as Gao Yuanyuan, Tang Yan, Da Mi Mi, and Da Tiantian have secretly given birth to children in the past two years. The outside world has different opinions on the father of the children, and it has become a major unsolved case in the Chinese entertainment industry!

Douyin was officially launched on the market. Within three months of its launch, the number of daily active users exceeded 100 million, making it the most trafficked video and live broadcast APP in China. People were surprised to find that the light and dark technology used to create this software was developed by Gu Zhongyu Holding!

Soon, Tik Tok, the overseas version of Douyin, also became popular abroad, covering more than 150 countries and regions, and soon became a popular application around the world.

As the largest shareholder, Gu Zhongyu's net worth has soared. Coupled with the film and television media company he originally owned and the shares in other Internet giants, he soon made it to the top five on the Hurun Rich List!

By now, Gu Zhongyu has become a world-renowned business tycoon, but he still insists on filming, although the frequency has been greatly reduced.

He spent most of his time with his family.

"Little winter melon! Come to daddy quickly!"

On an island in the Pacific Ocean, Gu Zhongyu was teasing his one-year-old daughter. The child had reached the age of a toddler. Now the first thing she does when she wakes up every day is to look for her father.

This is already his fourth daughter. Although he is not a first-time father, every time he sees his child's adorable appearance, he can maintain the same enthusiasm as when he became a father for the first time!

The little girl was babbling and was about to rush to her father's arms, but halfway, Dundun, a fat cat, suddenly appeared with a bunch of her kittens and lay on the ground, blocking the little guy's way.

Seeing several roadblocks in front of her blocking her from finding her father, Little Winter Melon was so anxious that she almost cried!

Before Gu Zhongyu could react, Xiao Donggua's silly sweet mother Gao Yuanyuan came over and hugged her daughter.

"Oh don't cry, don't cry, baby! Cats are blocking the road, cats are bad, mommy will beat them for you!"

Gao Yuanyuan coaxed her daughter, and then looked at Gu Zhongyu with an annoyed look, "I told you not to bring all the cats. Look at the cats you raise, they will bully my daughter!"

"I didn't bring them! It was Sissi and her two children who insisted on bringing them, and I couldn't stop them!"

"Hmph! If I had known you would call so many women here for vacation, I wouldn't have come!"

At this time, Da Tiantian also appeared with a baby in her arms. If Gu Zhongyu hadn't lied to her and said that this time she was living in a world of two, she would not have given up her domestic work and came to this inhospitable island. !

"Hey! The weather is so nice! Let's go swimming later!"

Gu Zhongyu immediately started to change the topic. After all, he was wrong about this matter first, so it was better not to argue!

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