I believe everyone can see that this book was suddenly finished. It's not that Xiao Shitou didn't want to write, but he really couldn't write anything. In addition, the results were getting worse and worse, and the editor said there was no hope, so he had to finish it ahead of time.

I apologize to everyone here. I didn't have a good start and a good end. It's also my fault that I have no experience. I didn't plan well before starting the book for the first time, and I always wrote whatever I thought of.

In addition, the starting point of the protagonist Gu Zhongyu was too high, so when I wrote about 500,000 or 600,000 words, I had already entered the period of inspiration exhaustion!

Entertainment articles are a topic I like very much. Fried Golden Retriever, Mud White Buddha, Black Car, Mighty Wuwei, and Meowing Hippo, these authors are friends I have known for a long time. It's a pity that I didn't catch up with them after all. The results are really bad!

There are many reasons for the failure, I summarized a few points:

1. No outline, too casual

2. The starting point of the protagonist is too high, and there is no excitement brought by career success

3. The character is too bad, even the friend's wife is not spared, so many friends dislike it and abandon the book halfway

4. There are many women, but there is almost no detailed description, and no soul heroine is created

I can only say that I am too self-indulgent in writing, and I deserve the failure!

The next book is still in the making. If I want to publish a book, I will definitely announce it in the group. I have learned from this lesson and will not make these mistakes again!

Finally, thank you all. Really, if it weren't for your support, I would definitely not be able to write 1.4 million words!

Xiao Shitou kneels here to thank all the readers for their subscription support. See you in the next book!

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