Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 43 Let’s talk about business first

"Oh, I miss you so much! This bed is so big and soft, I haven't slept on it for a long time." As soon as Gu Zhongyu entered Qianqian's room, his gangster nature kicked in, and he threw away Dundun, and his whole body was "ooh" He immediately jumped onto her big pink bed.

The furnishings of Liu Yufei's room have not changed much, with a plain base, some pink colors that girls love, and books and snacks scattered on the floor.

"Get off here! Don't lie down!" Liu Yufei blushed and said shyly. She would never forget that her girlhood ended completely on this big bed!

And after the two broke up, Liu Yufei often had some embarrassing dreams every time she slept on this bed, and she often had to ask her aunt to change the sheets the next day.

So now that Gu Zhongyu was lying on this bed, when she recalled this, she was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately asked Gu Zhongyu to get off!

Get out! Am I still afraid of you?

"Tell me! What's the matter?"

"Then let me talk about business first! Sissi, are you almost done with it?" Gu Zhongyu taunted her as soon as she came up.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I have two movies coming out this year!"

Liu Yufei replied angrily, is this bitch man planning to laugh at her today?

"Is it the new version of "A Chinese Ghost Story" or "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet"? It's a bad movie that hits the Hong Kong scene! I don't even want it for free!"

Gu Zhongyu didn't even pay attention to the two movies Liu Yufei mentioned.

After filming "The King of Kung Fu" and letting go of a certain company, classmate Liu Yufei, who offended the Wang brothers, actually had a hard time in the mainland entertainment industry. She couldn't get major productions and she didn't like the scraps. She had no choice but to I went to pick up a movie in the declining Hong Kong area.

As a result, the two movies released this year were both huge flops, both in terms of word-of-mouth and box office!

The new version of "A Chinese Ghost Story" has a Douban 5.5. It was evaluated as a fantasy film that looks like a super long promotional video for an online game (later it actually became an online game), and the film also creatively used Yan Chixia, Nie Xiaoqian, Ning Caichen talked about the love triangle! Lei has turned over countless movie fans.

Not to mention "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet", the director is the famous "UFO Hat" Li Rengang. This guy is most famous for his obsession with the "UFO Hat" prop!

In the costume movies he shot, from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Ming Dynasty, all the protagonists appeared wearing nondescript flying saucer hats, Japanese armor, disheveled hair, and fighting with inexplicable slogans!

The one that impressed Gu Zhongyu the most was "Three Kingdoms: Seeing the Dragon Disarm".

At the end of the battle at Fengming Mountain, Deng Zhi, played by An Zhijie, and Han De, played by Guan Erye, slashed at each other with knives. Then Hand shouted "Long live the Great Wei" and Deng Zhi shouted "Long live the Great Shu". ", both sides perished together.

This scene almost burned Gu Zhongyu's CPU!

Even if you let Deng Zhi shout "Long live the Shu Han", Gu Zhongyu can barely be the screenwriter. At least you have watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

The same goes for another movie, "Army of Heavenly Generals". Huo Qu Bing, played by Teddy Feng, turned into a pacifist, and then there was a magical scene of 100,000 English-speaking Roman troops marching across thousands of kilometers to Yanmen Pass!

Have you all come to Yanmen Pass? Big man, this is a pill!

The "Legend of Hongmen Banquet" filmed by Li Rengang this time is also the same way, that is, you can't watch it with your mind at all, otherwise the nonsense plot and outrageous persuasion of his movie will make you angry to the point of constipation at any time!

"After all, it's a theatrical movie! Do you think they are all like you, running their own company, and shooting whatever they want?" Liu Yufei rolled her eyes at him. In fact, she also knew that the quality of these movies was not good, so she had no choice but to choose. ah!

Of course, she is also very critical when selecting scripts. Gu Zhongyu has taught her this many times. Helplessly, classmate Sissi’s personal taste for himself was that the money detector was out of action—there was no coin count, so he gave up on changing it.

"Hey, this is one of the purposes of my coming here. You know that I'm going to make a comeback, right?"

"I wonder if the news about your appearance at Master Liu's celebration banquet is still posted on major websites!"

Liu Yufei's tone became sour. She had also heard about the relationship between this scumbag and Liu Shishi, and now it seemed that they had hooked up a long time ago.

"Yeah! So our company has planned a lot of new film and television drama projects, and is recruiting talents. Stop hanging around in Hong Kong and come to our company?"

Gu Zhongyu extended an olive branch to his ex-girlfriend. In the previous life, this girl had been in the bad movie industry for several years. That is to say, her national popularity was high enough. If it were other actresses who struggled so hard, they would have been on the street long ago!

"Is this the official business you want to talk about? Do you want to poach me?"

"What? Are you happy to stay at Morris Company?" Gu Zhongyu asked jokingly, sitting on the ground with his shoulders leaning on the big bed.

"At least this company is very old and has rich film resources!"

"Rich film resources? Maybe! But it's not your turn. Chinese faces will always be inferior in Hollywood and can only eat scraps."

Gu Zhongyu has seen this very early. No matter how hard you try, it is difficult for Chinese people to get to the big stage of Hollywood. Even superstars like Cheng Long will throw it away after using it.

A few years ago, several of Gu Zhongyu's books were bought by Hollywood, and he also participated in the investment of "Inception", but they didn't really want to play with him at all. They were only willing to give him insignificant supporting roles or bit parts, and even tried to do it for free. he!

After that, Gu Zhongyu stopped serving these gangsters. Even if Hollywood took the initiative to contact him, he would treat them coldly.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. In the future, when the mainland film market rises, I will give you guys who look down on others some color!

"It sounds like if I join your company, I won't have to worry about making movies!" Liu Yufei curled her lips and said.

I don’t blame Xixi’s classmate for not taking it seriously, because over the years, Zongheng Film and Television has been mainly good at producing TV series, but it’s almost boring in movies. Of course, this also has something to do with Gu Zhongyu’s two and a half years of silence, which has led to many movie projects. of stranded.

"It's been like this since I came back. In the future domestic film market, whether it's the Wang brothers or British and pornographic films, I have to step aside. It's not too late to get on board now, Sissy."

"You are not afraid of your tongue flashing when you talk big! You look so shameless!" Liu Yufei made a face and mocked.

But in fact, she still admires this stinky man's confidence in her heart, because they have known each other long enough. Liu Yufei really knows that this man is talented. Maybe he can do it?

Of course, it would be great if this scumbag wasn't so carefree!

"Although you are still so tough on your lips, you still believe me in your heart, right? Sissi?"

Gu Zhongyu blinked his big eyes and asked. This girl showed her old habit again. Her eyes were flickering, and it was obvious that she didn't mean what she said.

"If I trust you again, then I will be a fool! We've talked about official matters, what about private matters?"

Liu Yufei, whose thoughts were seen through, showed no emotion on the surface, and by the way, she became concerned about what Gu Zhongyu's personal matter was with her.

"It's a private matter, it's like this..." So Gu Zhongyu started to make up. In fact, the main reason he came today was to get Dundun back. What kind of official and private matters came from it!

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