Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 44 Be obedient! Let me have a rest

"I saw on Weibo that you have been working out hard recently!" Gu Zhongyu asked on a whim after noticing the equipment in the corner.

"That's right! I have found a new fitness coach, and I have been working hard recently. Didn't you see that I moved all the barbell and bench press racks into the bedroom? There will be a "Tongque Terrace" film to be launched in a few days, is there any Less action scenes, I have to get back in shape quickly.”

Speaking of this, Liu Yufei raised her arms to show off her fitness results, but Gu Zhongyu didn't see any muscles, so she had lost a little weight.

This young lady is also one of the weirdest female celebrities in the industry. She has no worries about her figure or appearance!

Other female artists pay great attention to body management even when they are not filming, and they never dare to neglect various fat-reducing meals, training plans, and regular schedules. But as long as Miss Sissi is not filming, she stays at home, eats, sleeps, and reads novels. This has been her lifestyle since Gu Zhongyu met her.

Every time I came to her house during that time, the picture I often saw was:

Miss Sissi was lying on the sofa wearing loose pajamas, holding potato chips in her hand. Next to her were peanuts, fruit peels, melon seeds, cola, AD calcium milk and other snacks. There were unnutritious literary and artistic films on the TV. She Then watch it with gusto!

To be honest, Gu Zhongyu wouldn't dare to eat or drink like this as a boy. It would be easy for him to lose weight and become fat.

Just like Liu Yufei said herself, her lifestyle is indeed quite messy! Fortunately, God rewards me with food. I have such a good foundation that I am not afraid of becoming ugly no matter how hard I try.

Of course, every time before filming, Sissi will still have a sudden training to lose weight. After filming, she will immediately return to her original shape and continue to be fat and happy every day!

Classmate Qianqian's self-discipline is not as good as her mother's. At least Gu Zhongyu can often see Aunt Liu practicing yoga and running. The mother and daughter are really different in this regard.

"I'm going to make a comeback soon! I've been teaching for more than two years and have neglected body management, so now I want to learn from you and see if there is any way to lose weight quickly."

This is true. After not filming for more than two years, Gu Zhongyu has indeed indulged himself a little. During this period, apart from work, he spent most of his time in the gym.

"Have you gained weight too? Let me see." Liu Yufei became interested when she heard that the scumbag had also gained weight, because the weather was still a bit hot now, and Gu Zhongyu was wearing looser clothes, and he looked really fat and thin. Not too obvious.

"Here! You Kangkang, I didn't lie to you." As he said this, Gu Zhongyu took off his shirt. In fact, during this period of time, the fat on his abdomen had almost disappeared, and he still looked better than a normal male figure. It's even and doesn't feel greasy.

Liu Yufei put her hand on Gu Zhongyu's belly without any scruples. She touched it for a while and pinched it a few times, but she couldn't find any fat. She said with some disappointment: "Lie me! Where are you fat? You are obviously fat." My abdominal muscles are almost ready!”

"No, listen to me..."

Just when Gu Zhongyu was making excuses, the door to the room that was originally ajar was suddenly pushed open!

Liu Xiaoli saw the two young men chatting up there for such a long time. Seeing that it was almost dinner time, Liu Xiaoli wanted to go up and ask them what they wanted to eat in the evening.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the door, the scene in front of me was like this!

I saw Gu Zhongyu standing in front of the bed with his upper body naked. His daughter put her hand on his abdomen. The two of them were very close. It felt like Sissi was going to push Gu Zhongyu down on the bed with her strength in the next second. !

The two people in the room also looked at Liu Xiaoli, who was standing motionless behind the door. The atmosphere was a little subtle for a moment...

"It seems I came at the wrong time!"

After saying this, Liu Xiaoli covered her eyes and ran out, and helped them close the door again. She didn't expect her daughter to be so brave. The posture just now was clearly meant to be reversed!

"No... no! No, mom! Things are not what you think!" Liu Yufei let go of her hands. He hurriedly chased her out and tried to explain clearly, but Liu Xiaoli had already ran downstairs and disappeared.

"It's all your fault! My mother misunderstood us!" Liu Yufei, who came back, looked at Gu Zhongyu and said with a blushing face.

"Hey! Are you blushing? Didn't you take the initiative to put your hand on my stomach?" Gu Zhongyu said that he was very innocent, because I obviously didn't do anything!

"By the way, Sissy, you've already seen my abs, let me see yours too!" Seeing Liu Yufei's blushing face, Gu Zhongyu suddenly had other thoughts.

"What did you say? I don't want it!" Sissi angrily refused this unreasonable request.

"Let me know if your abdominal muscles are strong or not!"

"don't want!"

"Be obedient...let me feel better!"

"No more!"

Gu Zhongyu was furious. Do you want to look at me in vain? So she rushed forward with a single step, intending to fight hard. Liu Yufei was not to be outdone, and the two sides soon started fighting!

First they pushed each other, then I don't know who moved their mouth first, and then they bit each other, and both of them screamed when the other bit them!

Now both sides are really getting angry!

Needless to say, today is a matter of life and death!

And all this was seen by Dundun not far away.

Those who shovel their own shit always like to find fights with others of the same kind! This is not the first time it has witnessed such a battle, which is one of the reasons why Dundun is afraid of Gu Zhongyu.

Just think about it, this stinky shit shoveler is so good at fighting in the same group, obviously a tough guy. As a little pig who can only meow, how dare I challenge his authority!

After Liu Xiaoli went downstairs, she watched TV for a while and felt that it was boring. Then she looked at the time and thought that the two little guys upstairs should be quiet by now!

So she went to the kitchen to get some snacks and fruits, and prepared to send them to her daughter. After all, it is easy to lose a lot of water in the body after exercise, so it is necessary to replenish water in time!

Just when Liu Xiaoli approached her daughter's room with the fruit plate, she heard some voices inside.

It seemed to be saying something, "I, Old Sun!" Then followed by a mumbling sound...

Why are these two people still watching Journey to the West? So childish?

Forget it, let's wait for the two young people to come down! Don't disturb them watching TV. Gu Zhongyu and his daughter haven't been together for such a long time. Maybe this is the opportunity to get back together?

In the room, the two people who had just finished watching Journey to the West were sweating profusely. The 1986 version of Journey to the West is indeed a classic and passionate series. Even if you watch it again as an adult, it is still very enjoyable!

"You beast!" Perhaps because she didn't have enough fun, Liu Yufei, who had come to her senses, began to verbally attack Gu Zhongyu, and her pink arms also greeted him like raindrops.

"You are! Look at what you are biting! I think you are not a rabbit, but a puppy!"

"Rabbits will bite when they are anxious, haven't you heard of it?"

Liu Yufei was angry about why she didn't reject him severely just now, and let this scumbag take advantage of her in vain!

Gu Zhongyu was still thinking, well! Xixi really lost a little weight this time. He just experienced it firsthand, and it was definitely not wrong!

Thanks to Sister May for the 10,000 points reward and Weishui Shangshang for the 5,000 points reward

I also hope that everyone will give me more opinions on this book, thank you

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