Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 46: Old grudges with Miss Dong

"Teacher Gu!" Within a few minutes, Guo Fan and Gong Geer also arrived, followed by Zhou Wei and Yu Bo. They met at the door. After asking each other, they found out that they were all invited by Gu Zhongyu.

"Come on, let me give you a little introduction!" Gu Zhongyu stood up. In fact, he mainly introduced Tang Yixin. After all, except for her, the others are all from the Nortel department. They are seniors and juniors. They are only unfamiliar, but basically non-existent. Unknown situation.

"Some people may have seen this in The Legend of Zhen Huan, a rising star in the entertainment industry, Dayunzi's girlfriend Tang Yixin."

Tang Yixin also greeted everyone generously.

At this time, Yu Bo felt something moving under his feet. He lowered his head and saw, why was there a cat here?

"That cat belongs to Teacher Gu. This is his biological son. He takes it with him wherever he goes!" Zhou Weiwei explained to him with a smile. He had been teaching at Nortel for a long time and was very familiar with Gu Zhongyu's fat cat.

Guo Fan wondered: "Teacher Gu, why do you take your cat with you when you go out to play?"

Then he tried to hug it, but unfortunately Dundun was very resistant to hugs from non-young ladies, so he dodged it, and then jumped directly onto Tang Yixin's lap next to him.

"Twenty-four filial piety shovels the shit official!" Tang Yixin was very happy as she touched Dundun who jumped on her lap. This little guy was never afraid of strangers. After coming out of the cat bag, he looked around for a while and then started crawling around, but he still couldn't He did not leave the two-meter range of Gu Zhongyu.

"Of course I won't take the cat with me when I go out to play! I just happened to pick up the little thing from Sissy today and didn't have time to send it back home."

"Qian Qian's family? Teacher Gu, are you going to get back together with Miss Liu Yufei?"

Zhang Ruoyun asked curiously, although it was not made public, the love story of this golden couple was not a secret in the industry at that time, and it became a popular story, and everyone was very optimistic about it.

"Haha! Drink, drink! Stop talking about these bullshit love stories." Gong Geer has been with Gu Zhongyu for a long time. He knows that with his temper, he will definitely not be as simple as getting back together, so he took the initiative to help him change the topic. .

"Yes, let's drink first! I won't go home until I'm drunk today!" Gu Zhongyu didn't want to share his gossip with everyone, so he agreed.

Everyone looked at Gu Zhongyu and didn't want to talk, and they all wisely did not continue the topic.

Gu Zhongyu's drinking capacity was very good, and Guo Fan and Gong Geer were not impressed either. Under their guidance, the lively atmosphere of drinking soon became intense.

Especially Gong Geer, this damn fat guy is a perfect social gangster, jumping up and down, and talking to everyone as brothers and sisters.

"Don't drink too fast, there are still people who haven't arrived yet!" Zhou Yiwei reminded them as they drank more and more enthusiastically.

"Have you called someone yet?" Gu Zhongyu asked, putting down his wine glass.

"Didn't you tell me to call over whoever is free among the teachers and students at Nortel? Teacher Dong will be here right now. I called her and just received the message. She said she will be there soon!"

When he heard the words "Teacher Dong", Gu Zhongyu almost choked on the wine still in his throat! The reason why he was so excited was because he knew that Teacher Dong’s full name was—Dong Xuan!

Of course, it wasn't that Teacher Gu didn't dare to see her because he owed money, but that the relationship between the two was a bit awkward.

When Gu Zhongyu first debuted, he was too young. He was as energetic as a tom cat in heat. Every female star he looked at felt beautiful. When he met any female artist he worked with, he wanted to go up to her!

As her senior sister, Dong Xuan had a good relationship. As a famous beauty in the school at that time, Gu Zhongyu would not let her go, and soon launched a pursuit offensive.

However, the two of them never had any negative distance from the beginning to the end. It's not that Dong Xuan doesn't like Gu Zhongyu, but that this fool who has changed his mind has messed up!

The reason for the screw-up was very funny. In fact, under Gu Zhongyu's repeated attacks, Dong Meiren was almost hooked, but this scumbag was pursuing several girls at the same time.

Once, Dong Xuan took the initiative to invite him out for dinner. By coincidence, another actress also invited him that day. As a result, instead of changing the time, he wanted to do something more difficult and date two girls in the same place at night. !

Facts have proved that walking a tightrope cannot be played casually.

After dinner with Dong Xuan, Gu Zhongyu hurriedly went to meet another beautiful woman, but he didn't know whether someone poked the tire or he was just unlucky. The anxious Gu Zhongyu didn't even go to the hotel upstairs to get a room, but directly took the woman to his car and drove!

Then he was caught red-handed by Dong Xuan who was waiting in the parking lot!

The scene at that time was one that Gu Zhongyu would never forget in his life. Because it was almost over, the two people in the car were both naked and in danger of death. He wanted to do something exciting that day, and he didn't even go out of his way. It’s been a journey!

All this was seen by Dong Xuan, and she couldn't bear to look at the shocking scene. She closed the car door angrily and walked away without looking back, and she never had any contact with Gu Zhongyu again!

This incident also taught Gu Zhongyu an impressive lesson, and he has restrained himself a lot since then, and he no longer dares to do these difficult tasks anymore.

Senior sister Dong Xuan was quite generous and did not tell anyone about this matter, so Gu Zhongyu was very grateful to her for her generosity. After so many years, no one else knows about it, and the other actress is already married now, making it even more impossible for her to tell anyone.

So Zhou Yiwei didn't know about this, and called Dong Xuan over without knowing it.

"Did you tell Teacher Dong that I'll be here tonight?" Gu Zhongyu asked tentatively.

"Yes! At first Dong Xuan said it was too late and she wouldn't come, but then she said something on the phone and I didn't hear it clearly, and then she hung up. Just now she sent me a message saying she would come over in the evening. What's wrong, you two? What's wrong?"

Zhou Yiwei knew Gu Zhongyu's personality, but he hadn't heard of any past between the two, otherwise he wouldn't have called Dong Xuan to drink.

Gu Zhongyu felt very strange now. Why did Dong Xuan agree to come over in the evening when she knew he was there? Did she forget what happened that year? Or did she need something from him?

It's impossible that she wanted to rekindle the old love, right?

"No, no! I heard that Teacher Dong is getting married soon, right?"

"Yes! They have been dating for more than two years, and they are almost getting married. The man is from the Shanghai Theatre Academy, and he is three years younger than Teacher Dong!"

"Isn't it just that the woman is three years older than the man and has a golden brick?" Yu Bo joked. He is actually quite introverted. If Gu Zhongyu hadn't called him, he would not have come to such an occasion today.

"Look! Look! Teacher Dong came with her boyfriend." At this time, a young man and woman came up from the second floor. Although they were well disguised, Zhang Ruoyun recognized them as Dong Xuan and her boyfriend at a glance.

Seeing that they really came, Gu Zhongyu had to bite the bullet and greet them.

Tang Yixin happened to see Gu Zhongyu's face at the side at this time. It was obviously not very natural. It was a bit strange why Teacher Gu's expression changed after seeing Dong Xuan?

Could it be that the two of them had an affair?

Thanks to charlis for the two monthly tickets. Everyone, please help invest in this book. It's just a little bit away from getting recommended!

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