"Teacher Gu, long time no see." Dong Xuan held her boyfriend Gao Yunxiang's hand and greeted Gu Zhongyu calmly.

Gu Zhongyu felt relieved when she saw that there was nothing strange about Dong Xuan and she even brought her boyfriend with her. She was worried that this senior sister was here to cause trouble! It’s right to think about it, it’s been so many years, maybe people have forgotten about this!

"Hello, Mr. Gu! I have always heard of you, and today I finally met you. I am your senior fan!" Gao Yunxiang was very excited after seeing Gu Zhongyu. He immediately stretched out his hands and held his He held his hand and shook it up and down!

hiss! Spread your claws!

"Hello, Mr. Gao, I also like to watch the... thing you played." Gu Zhongyu did some digging in his mind, but he didn't think of any masterpieces by this guy, so he just passed by with a haha.

"Haha! I didn't expect Mr. Gu to have watched my show. When my family Huanhuan said that you were organizing a game tonight, I came here with a smile on my face. I really couldn't hold back my desire to meet my idol! "

grass! I’ll just say it!

I finally figured out why Senior Sister Dong came over. You heard the phone call Zhou Wei made before, and then you forced yourself to come over with your girlfriend!

He is quite good at seizing opportunities. No wonder he was so open before the accident! Not only has he starred opposite Sun Li and Fan Binbin in succession, but he has even grabbed the male lead in "The Legend of Ba Qing" with an investment of hundreds of millions.

"There are so many acquaintances! Senior Brother Yu is also here." Dong Xuan looked at the audience and saw that Yu Bo and Zhou Wei were both seniors at Nortel. She also knew about Guo Fan and Gonger, but she was not familiar with Tang Yixin.

Then everyone introduced each other again. In the entertainment industry, no one would think that they know too many people. Many times, it is on such occasions that a collaboration and a movie happen.

Although Gu Zhongyu didn't like Gao Yunxiang, there was no need to make enemies for no reason. After all, they would break up after a drink. Whose son would he kill?

After two rounds of drinking and chatting about some gossip in the industry, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to talk about something serious, so he said to Yu Bo: "Old Yu! Why are you still hanging around at Zhou Yi's place? The boat is about to sink. All."

Originally, Yu Bo in his previous life had terminated his contract with Zhouyi Film and Television. This company, which had created classic film and television works such as "Water Moon Cave Sky", "Li Wei Becomes an Official" and "Love Through Time", launched the final film in 2010. After a TV series "Seven Weapons: Peacock Feather", it went bankrupt.

In this life, Zhou Yi is a little stronger, but he is almost in trouble. There are endless news about various debt disputes, high-level turmoil, and public scandals. Yu Bo is a very Buddhist person, and he misses his old relationship very much, so he never terminated his contract with his employer.

"Yes! The ship sank, but the captain must accompany him to stand the last guard, right?"

"What kind of captain are you? You're just a sailor at best. If Zhou Yi collapses, why don't you just retreat and lie in the courtyard all day long to retire?" Gu Zhongyu said angrily.

People who have a mine at home speak with pride! If it were any other artist, Zhou Yi would have quit when the development situation was not right.

Many people don't know that after Yu Bo finished filming "Water Moon Cave" in 2004, he spent all his savings and bought two courtyard houses in Yanjing for 2.6 million yuan! When friends around him found out about it, they thought he was stupid for filming. What was the purpose of buying these old shabby houses? Might as well take the money and invest in apartment buildings.

Yu Bo bought two courtyard houses, one near Yonghe Temple and one near Shichahai. The location was very good, and the decoration took him four years, which emptied his entire family fortune. At that time, he bought it despite everyone's objections just because he liked the courtyard house and enjoyed the atmosphere of the courtyard house. However, he did not expect that now the house prices have skyrocketed, especially the courtyard house, which even if you have money, you may not be able to sell it.

Gu Zhongyu estimated that if his two courtyard houses were to be sold now, he would need at least three small targets!

People are no longer short of money, so naturally they will have nothing to lose, so Yu Bo is not in a hurry to plan a way out, as long as he has a movie to shoot.

"The main reason is that Sister Rou couldn't bear to leave me and asked me to advance and retreat together with her." Speaking of this, Yu Bo seemed to be caught in long-lasting memories, remembering the unforgettable experience when he was filming "Water Moon Cave Sky".

Sister Rou is Jiang Xuerou, Zhou Yi's female producer. Most of the company's film and television dramas are produced by her. She discovered and promoted the "Three Treasures of Zhou Yi" Yu Bo, Yang Junyi and Zhang Jin.

"Okay! But I have a movie next year, and you have to come over and help me!"

"Isn't your next movie a science fiction film? What's the matter? You want me to play an alien?" Yu Bo said with a smile. The news that Gu Zhongyu wants to make a science fiction film has been widely circulated. It's hard not to know!

"That's a movie! I have a costume drama next year, and I need an actor and martial arts instructor who can fight. Among the people I know, you are the best fighter. Who else would I look for if not you?"

This isn't Gu Zhongyu's flattery, senior brother Yu Bo is really good at fighting! He changed his career from a presidential bodyguard to a martial arts actor!

When filming "Water Moon Cave", the martial arts director of the crew was shocked by his skills. Yang Junyi and Zhang Jin, who are both Wuying-level athletes, couldn't help but be frightened when filming the fight scenes with Yu Bo, for fear that this guy wouldn't be able to control the intensity and hurt themselves!

"Making a costume drama? You need someone who can fight? Who should I fight? You?" Yu Bo asked curiously. Nowadays, few people shoot thankless action scenes, and the field of costume dramas is almost extinct!

Sometimes he even felt that in another ten years, let alone fighting scenes, it might be hard to find actors who can ride horses in the entertainment industry!

"Teacher Gu just wants you to beat him up, so just fulfill his wish!" Zhou Yiwei knew the inside story and he also acted in this drama, so he persuaded Yu Bo to take this job.

"Our drama is a costume drama set in the Tang Dynasty, but unlike other dramas, the focus is not on court struggles or grudges in the rivers and lakes. Just think of it as a... um! Ancient anti-terrorism drama!"

"Teacher Gu, you have a lot of wonderful ideas!" Guo Fan sighed, if there were more bosses like Gu Zhongyu who were willing to invest in these unpopular film and television dramas in the circle, it would be great.

"I have no problem! I probably won't have any work for the whole next year, but... can you take a beating?"

"Just kidding, I also have a virgin skill! Although I can't compare to people like Jet Li, I still have no problem showing off with you guys." Gu Zhongyu patted his chest and promised.

"Okay! Since you want to be beaten, I'll fulfill your wish. Let's have a drink."

Yu Bo was very happy. He didn't expect that this junior brother would still think of asking him to film an action scene. He didn't even ask about the salary or the role. He just agreed.

Thanks to Fengyu Aihua for 5 monthly tickets

Thanks to Satan Laoba for 2 monthly tickets

Thanks to Xixi's Husband, Moshang Qingchengyu, and Ren Zongyaoqiankan for their monthly tickets

Thanks to everyone for their support!

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