Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 48 I seem to have discovered something extraordinary

After talking about some serious matters, the men quickly returned to the traditional men's bragging after drinking. As the alcohol evaporated in the body, the topic of the chat began to gradually deviate from the normal track. Gong Geer, the wretched fat man, even started to tell dirty jokes!

While everyone on the second floor was chatting, a gorgeous song and dance performance began on the stage in the center of the nightclub. A team of hot and revealing girls began to dance hard, and the atmosphere on the scene soon began to be mobilized!

"I'll go down and shake a few times! Do you want to go?"

Tang Yixin put on a mask and prepared to go down. She was not interested in a few big men drinking and bragging, so she wanted to drag Zhang Ruoyun down to dance with her.

"Did you forget that you hurt your waist while filming before? I'll forget it, you can drag Teacher Dong to come with you!"

Zhang Ruoyun saw that Dong Xuan on the opposite side was not in a very good mood, so she let the two women go down together, and they men could drink more happily.

So Tang Yixin forced Dong Xuan to go with her.

Although Dong Xuan didn't like clubbing, she felt a little weird sitting opposite Gu Zhongyu with her boyfriend, so she left with him after saying "You guys drink less."

After the only two women left, the remaining male compatriots chatted even more happily! In fact, apart from physiological needs, men will always be happier when they get along with each other.

Dun Dun was lying on the sofa licking his fur, and soon he began to snore. It seems that this noisy environment did not affect his high-quality sleep at all.

After seeing that his girlfriend was not there, Gao Yunxiang began to let himself go. He even talked about his experience in picking up girls. He talked about how many models he had dated before he became an actor, and the actresses he had chased after after he became an actor. In the end, he even began to analyze his love experience with Dong Xuan, looking like a love saint.

Seeing Gao Yunxiang's love of showing off, everyone agreed with him on the surface, but they were all laughing at him for not knowing his own limits.

The master of picking up girls is sitting in front of you! You still have the nerve to show off in front of an expert?



After drinking a large cup of flower grid, Gu Zhongyu felt like urinating, so he got up and went to the bathroom. Unexpectedly, the one on the second floor was under maintenance, so he had to go to the first floor.

The people on the first floor were swinging wildly at this time. In the noisy hall, the enchanting and sexy women collided with the young and crazy men. Gu Zhongyu struggled through the crowd and found the bathroom in the corner.

It was only eleven o'clock now, but there were already many drunk young people lying outside the bathroom of the nightclub, most of them were girls, and no one cared. If you come to pick up their bodies and take them back at this time, you can do whatever you want at night!

I don’t know what these people’s parents would think when they see their daughters like this?

Gu Zhongyu shook his head and went straight to the men’s bathroom. After opening the gate and releasing the water, he walked out of the bathroom. When he was about to go back to the second floor, he suddenly heard the voice of a woman on the phone at the corner.

"I'm going home, will you go with me?" It was Dong Xuan, who spoke loudly and in a tone like a quarrel. Gu Zhongyu recognized it at once.

"What do you mean I'm spoiling the fun? I didn't even want to come here today. You wanted to curry favor with me and dragged me here!"

"You're not going back, right? Okay, I'll go by myself..."

It was obvious that Dong Xuan was calling her boyfriend Gao Yunxiang to take him home, but how could Gao Yunxiang, who was already having fun, go back obediently?

Not to mention that Gao Yunxiang's main purpose of coming here today was to expand his network of contacts, especially after hearing that the person who organized the party was Gu Zhongyu, the big boss of Zongheng Entertainment, he was even more eager to get to know him. Maybe if the two of them had a good chat, they could get some resources!

After hearing that Gao Yunxiang had no intention of going home with her, Dong Xuan immediately hung up the phone angrily!

"Don't you like me so much? You can't sit here all night?" Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to speak at this time.

"You...when did you hide and eavesdrop?" Seeing that the person coming was Gu Zhongyu, Dong Xuan was shocked!

"Don't accuse me! I came down to the bathroom. You were talking on the phone too loudly, and I just overheard it by accident." Gu Zhongyu didn't want to be misunderstood as a pervert who eavesdropped, so he quickly explained.

After saying this, the two of them fell into an awkward silence. They hadn't been in touch for so many years, and now they met each other all of a sudden, but they didn't know what to say to each other.

"Oh! The hall is so lively! How about we go dance for a while?" Gu Zhongyu said shamelessly. He was just making something to say, and he spoke without thinking.

Sure enough, as soon as he said that, Dong Xuan looked at him strangely and replied, "My boyfriend is still upstairs!"

At this time, Gu Zhongyu wanted to slap himself twice, but since he had invited him, he had to bite the bullet and said, "Don't think wrongly, I just want to ease the tension between us, forget it if you don't want to."

Gu Zhongyu, who was ready to be called a "hooligan", didn't wait for those two words, but saw Dong Xuan pursed her lips and thought for a while, nodded slightly, and then took the initiative to extend her jade hand to him.

There's a play!

So Gu Zhongyu immediately took Dong Xuan's hand and stepped into the dance floor.

Dong Xuan and Gu Zhongyu don't often come to this kind of place. After all, as public figures, it is very likely that they will be recognized when dancing, even if they wear masks.

So the two of them just danced with each other in the corner of the hall, not knowing what they were dancing to. Anyway, they just followed the crowd and followed the rhythm of the music!

The distance between them was getting closer and closer. During this period, Gu Zhongyu tried to hug each other's waist. Dong Xuan just glared at him, but did not resist. So the two of them soon danced together.

After dancing for a while, Gu Zhongyu felt that Dong Xuan was still a little uncomfortable, so he asked: "Senior sister, do you not like it here?"

"It's too noisy, I'm a little dizzy!" Dong Xuan was indeed a little tired. She just wanted to go home, not entirely to avoid Gu Zhongyu.

"Then come with me!" After saying that, Gu Zhongyu took Sister Dong's hand and walked towards the back door...

"Zhongyu, why are we here?" When they arrived at the place, Dong Xuan recognized it. It was clearly the storage room of the nightclub.

Gu Zhongyu didn't say anything. He locked the door first, then turned around and walked towards Dong Xuan and hugged her...


In the hall, Tang Yixin was about to go back after dancing tiredly.

Tang Yixin pulled Dong Xuan down to dance together, but she ran to make a phone call, leaving her alone here. After fighting off several waves of yellow-haired people who wanted to chat up, she felt that it was meaningless, so she planned to go back to the second floor to find Zhang Ruoyun and go home together.

Suddenly! She saw a man carrying Dong Xuan and walking towards the back door not far away. She thought someone was trying to take advantage of her, so she hurriedly chased after him.

But soon, she saw the clothes the man was wearing from behind and recognized that he was Gu Zhongyu.

Then she saw a man and a woman enter the storage room...

Oh my!

There really is something going on between Teacher Gu and Dong Xuan

Tang Yixin: I seem to have discovered something extraordinary

However, she was smart and did not choose to disturb the people inside, or go up to inform Dong Xuan's boyfriend Gao Yunxiang to come and see, but quietly waited outside to prevent others from discovering the situation here.

This wait lasted almost half an hour.

Thanks to Wangchuan Linglong for the two monthly tickets, thank you

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