Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 55 Men should eat more lemons

"No, it's still too fast!"

At the critical moment when Gu Zhongyu was about to break into the city, Zhang Zilin suddenly woke up and pushed him away.

Why! Okay, okay, it's really a bit sloppy in this situation. It's a surprise to be able to take advantage of so much.

"Then I'll drive you back!" Gu Zhongyu straightened his clothes with a depressed look on his face, and was about to start the car and leave.

Zhang Zilin looked at Gu Zhongyu's languid look, knowing that he was also responsible, and explained: "I just don't want to hand over my own easily in a place like this... I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, I completely understand, just let this happen naturally."

"Then...are you important?"

What do you think?

Calling a timeout at this moment is like Messi taking a confident kick in the final penalty kick of the World Cup finals, and then kicking the ball into the face of the judges on the rostrum!

That’s so uncomfortable!

Seeing that her boyfriend was really in pain, Zhang Zilin recalled the science and education films she had watched before, gritted her teeth and said, "I...I know there is a way, which should be able to relieve you a little bit!"

Then he put his mouth to Gu Zhongyu's ear and said a few words

Gu Zhongyu's eyes lit up when he heard this. After repeatedly confirming that the other party was not joking, he became as happy as a child, and then immediately turned off the lights in the car...

About half an hour later.

"You bastard!"

"Blame me, blame me! Never do this again next time, I will eat more lemons if nothing happens in the future." Gu Zhongyu patted his girlfriend on the back and comforted her.

"Bah! I want to have a next time. What does this have to do with lemons? Come on, I have to brush my teeth!"

"Teacher Gu, you seem to be in a good mood today?"

The next day, at Nortel, the crew's second filming location, Wu You looked at Gu Zhongyu who seemed to be floating when he walked, looking as happy as if he had picked up dog poop on the road, and couldn't help but ask.

"Really? Maybe it's because I slept more soundly with Dundun in my arms last night, so I'm in good spirits!"

"Can sleeping with a kitten help you sleep?"

Bai Lu next to me also asked. If that's the case, then she has to get a cat. After her mother returns to her hometown, she lives alone in the house rented by the company. She is really not used to being unaccompanied.

Coupled with the need to protect Gu's scumbag's secret, her sleep quality began to plummet as she felt a heavy responsibility.

"Well! You will know the specific effects after you raise cats by yourself. Okay, it's your turn, Wu You, are you ready?"

"Ready at all the time!"

The scene shot today at Nortel, his alma mater, is about the male protagonist Chen Guang meeting his future wife Dai Lin in the library, and discussing the phenomenon of ball lightning with his tutor Zhang Bin.

Dai Lin is played by the company's newly signed artist Wu You. Although she is said to be the male protagonist's wife, her role is very small. In the novel, except for the encounter in the library and the final ending, this character never appears again.

Although her role is small, classmate Wu You attaches great importance to it. After all, it is her first official work and it is opposite Teacher Gu. She is eager to try it and has done a lot of practice to try to get it right.

"You are a very special person. It can be seen that you are not a nerd, you are very purposeful." Dai Lin, a student played by Wu You, has long shawl hair. She supports her head with her hands and looks at Gu Zhongyu who is sitting on the table.

"Huh? Don't you have a purpose?" Gu Zhongyu asked casually. Maybe I am the only boy in the class who has never spoken to her.

"Our purpose is general, but you, you must be looking for something very specific!"

"You're very good at reading people." Gu Zhongyu said in a cold tone, while he packed his schoolbag and stood up to leave.

He searched for all records related to the ball lightning phenomenon in the library. Apart from this, he didn't care about anything around him, even when facing Banhua.

"What are you looking for?" When Gu Zhongyu walked to the door, Wu You, who was unwilling to be ignored, shouted from behind.

"You won't be interested." Gu Zhongyu left without looking back. He knew that no one would be as obsessed with chasing ball lightning as he was, so there was no point in saying anything.

It was such a simple scene that was filmed in less than ten minutes. Gu Zhongyu watched the replay of the two of them and found that Wu You performed well and could pass this one directly.

Wu You, who was happy to finish the filming, happily returned to the crowd watching the filming, and went to watch Gu Zhongyu filming with other classmates.

The next scene is the highlight of today, a dialogue scene between mentors Zhang Bin and Gu Zhongyu, played by Chen Baoguo.

In the lecture theater, Chen Baoguo has been waiting on the podium for a long time. Zhang Bin is also about fifty years old in the novel, which is about the same age as him, so he doesn't need much makeup and can start shooting at any time.

"I miss you so much! When was the last time we filmed together, Xiao Gu?"

"That was eight years ago. I was filming Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Because of the difficult conditions, Director Hu always lost his temper, and I was often scolded by you."

"Really? Why don't I remember?" Chen Baoguo touched his chin. He always felt that he had a good temper.

"It's not just you who said you wanted to enter the inner world of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty! No one in the crew has ever been scolded by you!"

Chen Baoguo is an actor of the "experience school". This school emphasizes that when playing a role, he always imagines that he is the character itself.

In order to get into the role more deeply, Chen Baoguo regarded himself as "Emperor Wu of Han" both inside and outside the play. This also led to him getting angry with the crew members at any time. When he was reciting the lines, no one could get close to him!

When he brought his soul into "Emperor Wu of Han", he was not focused, his state was free, sometimes he was irritable and manic, sometimes he was depressed and low, his emotions were like a roller coaster, and he even had psychological problems for a time.

Of course, all these crazy operations also created the most classic image of Emperor Wu of Han in domestic TV series, which no one has surpassed.

Gu Zhongyu admired this experiential performance method very much, but he rarely tried it himself.

Because there are many disadvantages in the experiential school, actors who are accustomed to the experiential performance method have a long time interval between taking on roles, because they need time to play, and the output of works in their acting career is small, which is extremely unfavorable for the development of actors' careers.

What's more serious is that it affects the physical and mental health of the actors themselves, just like Chen Baoguo during the period of Emperor Wu of Han.

Gu Zhongyu's ex-girlfriend surnamed Gao is also an advocate of the experience school. When filming that movie, she collapsed several times because she was too involved in the role, and she was in a period of depression for a long time!

This kind of performance is too self-abuse, and it may not necessarily be a great achievement. There are many who are obsessed or mediocre. In the end, it depends on personal talent.

"Hey! Originally, I said that after playing Liu Che, I would never take the role of an emperor again, but I still played Jiajing again!"

Gu Zhongyu recalled the experience of being scolded by Teacher Chen for playing Huo Qubing, and couldn't help but be sarcastic.

"Haha! I won't say it anymore. Anyway, after Jiajing, I really won't play the emperor again. It's really not a human thing!"

Teacher Chen Baoguo, you think too much. In a few years, there will be another big emperor drama waiting for you!

I can only say that the law of true fragrance will never go out of date!

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