Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 56: The old actor's line skills

Chen Guang, played by Gu Zhongyu, stood up from his desk and walked to the podium: "Teacher Zhang, I want to ask a question that has nothing to do with today's class.

Zhang Bin, played by Chen Baoguo, looked up at Chen Guang, nodded, and then lowered his head to pack his things.

"What can you tell me about ball lightning?"

"What do you want to know?" Chen Baoguo stopped moving his hands and raised his head, but he didn't look at Gu Zhongyu, but at the sunset outside the window. After a few seconds, he asked.

"Everything about it, for example, its historical records." Gu Zhongyu said.

"In Europe, it was recorded in the Middle Ages; in China, the more detailed records were written by Zhang Juzheng in the Ming Dynasty. But it was not until 1837 that the first formal scientific record was made. As a natural phenomenon, it has only been accepted by the scientific community in the last forty years..."

This conversation between the teacher and the student was very long. Gu Zhongyu was fine, as he played the student Chen Guang, and he basically asked questions throughout the whole conversation.

But Zhang Bin, who answered his questions, had much longer lines, and they were full of scientific terms, such as "soliton resonant cavity model", which were very difficult to read. However, for the sake of coherence, Chen Baoguo had to finish all these long lines in one breath.

This is when you can see the power of Chen Baoguo, a professional winner of the Feitian Award!

Gu Zhongyu saw that he had not read the script much when he was on the set, nor did he practice deliberately, but now when he was acting on the spot, he recited this line like flowing water, not only without any lag or typos, but also with a very good sense of rhythm!

It was like an old professor was really teaching his students.

"How many cases of ball lightning have been witnessed in China? "Gu Zhongyu asked the question he wanted to know most.

"Quite a few, probably thousands of them. The most famous one is the Yangtze River flood control documentary shot by CCTV in 1998, which accidentally captured a ball lightning clearly. "

"Teacher Zhang, the last question: Has anyone in the domestic atmospheric physics community seen it with their own eyes?"

Chen Baoguo looked up at the sunset outside the window again: "Yes."


"July 1962."


"Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai."

"Do you know where this person is now?"

Zhang Bin shook his head and looked at his watch: "You should go to the cafeteria to get food." After that, he picked up his things and walked out...

"OVER! Both teachers performed very well. It's time to cut to the next shot. Let's take a break first. "

Guo Fan was very satisfied with this part, especially when Teacher Chen Baoguo read out the part about the ball lightning theory. The lines that seemed boring and difficult to understand to outsiders were as pleasant to him as listening to the gospel.

Of course, considering the audience's acceptance and the rhythm of the film, most of this dialogue will be deleted, and only the essence will be retained.

"Teacher Chen, you are really amazing. You must have been secretly reciting it at home for a long time, right?"

"Hehe! I can't be shy when I act with you, right? No wonder no one in China makes science fiction films. I am tired of reading such a long academic line!"

"This is not the most difficult part of making science fiction films, Teacher Chen!" Gu Zhongyu sighed.

Domestic actors really have no knowledge of the science fiction genre, even veteran actors like Chen Baoguo are no exception.

In the last Spring Festival, when the first part of "The Wandering Earth" was released and was a great success, fans and netizens were celebrating and shouted in unison that this was "The door to domestic films has been opened! ”

But the traditional film and television industry was almost silent, and no celebrities celebrated the film. This was not simply out of jealousy, but because these people could not understand this kind of domestic science fiction film.

In their view, the word science fiction has nothing to do with domestic production. This is a type of blockbuster that belongs exclusively to Hollywood.

It can only be said that the road is long and arduous, and domestic science fiction films still have a long way to go, and it is not something that can be achieved overnight!

The students standing outside the classroom watched the scene of Gu Zhongyu and Chen Baoguo from beginning to end, and were deeply impressed by their profound dialogue skills and acting skills.

“Teacher Chen Baoguo is so amazing! He passed such a tongue-twisting line without NG once, and he said it so naturally, just like a real university professor. ”

Yang Zi, who had just finished filming in another place, returned to school. Unexpectedly, as soon as she came back, she heard that Gu Zhongyu was shooting a new movie in the classroom of Beijing Film Academy, so she rushed over to watch it together.

As a child star, she originally thought that her acting skills were still good, especially compared with her peers, but after seeing the performances of the two teachers, she immediately felt a sense of sighing.

"Our teacher Gu is also very strong! She is not inferior to Teacher Chen in the performance." Na Zha was also one of the onlookers, and she had been waiting in the golden position to watch the show early.

No matter what others think, in his eyes, Teacher Gu is always the one with the best acting skills!

"Yeah! Both teachers are very strong, and we have to work hard to catch up. "Zhou Dongyu has always felt that she can only go the route of strength because of her plain appearance, so she admires those seniors with good acting skills very much.

"Don't you have classes this morning? Are you all gathered here to watch? "Gu Zhongyu also came over at this time.

"Teacher Gu, your crew came to the school to film today, and the classroom where we were supposed to have class was occupied by you. Where can we go to have class?"

"But the school has more than just these classrooms, right?"

"Because other teachers also want to come and see! Hehe! Look, Teacher Huang is here." After saying that, Na Zha pointed to several teachers not far away, saying that this is their holiday, not that we are skipping classes!

Huang Lei is also Gu Zhongyu's teacher. He has been working outside recently. He heard that Gu Zhongyu was going to shoot a science fiction film, and he came to join in the fun.

"Teacher Gu, is this a science fiction film? It's different from what I imagined! Why don't I see green screens, models, 3D cameras and other equipment?"

"It's not that stage yet! We have mainly shot literary dramas during this period in Yanjing, and the special effects part is still to come!"

"I see."

Huang Lei also felt it was a pity to know that Gu Zhongyu quit his job as a teacher at Beijing Film Academy. He wanted to come and chat with him, but seeing that he had so many dramas to shoot today, he thought it would be better to wait until next time.

"Come to my house when you have time, and we can have a drink together."

"Okay! I haven't eaten Mr. Huang's cooking for a long time. Wait until I come back! I have to learn a few new dishes this time." Gu Zhongyu has always admired Huang Lei's cooking skills. After all, food helps him a lot in picking up girls.

"You are a big boss and you are still learning new dishes! You shouldn't cook them for yourself, right?"

Huang Lei blinked at Gu Zhongyu. He had heard about the romantic style of this Beijing Film Academy star.

"Haha, no, no, actually I cooked it for my mother!"

Okay! All of Gu Zhongyu's confidantes have upgraded their generation and become his mothers!

After a short rest, the eldest son Gu Zhongyu continued to devote himself to the intensive filming work.

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