Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 57: I will work with Big Mi Mi to force you to climb Mount Tai

The crew of "Ball Lightning" finished filming in Yanjing in a few days. The role of Zhang Bin played by Chen Baoguo was basically finished here. The next to join the crew were Zhang Ruoyun and Zhang Songwen. Everyone had to move to Mount Tai for filming.

In 2023, a TV series "Kuangbiao" became popular, and Zhang Songwen, who played Gao Qiqiang, became famous because of it. However, he is still a little transparent in the entertainment circle at this time, and he has no reputation.

In this life, Zhang Songwen's life trajectory has not changed much. Because of his outstanding performance during his time at Beijing Film Academy, he was retained to teach at the school and became an acting teacher at the Institute of Performance. In addition to filming and teaching students, he has also worked as a director, stage recorder, coordinator, screenwriter, and editor. He can be called an all-round player.

Of course, singing is excluded! (If you are interested, you can search for the songs sung by Zhang Songwen on the Internet, which is absolutely brainwashing)

It’s just that he has never acted in any well-known works, and he has basically played supporting roles.

It's not that Gu Zhongyu doesn't value talent, but many excellent actors really need a period of low tide and time to hone their skills before they can finally break out of their cocoons and become butterflies.

Not only Zhang Songwen, but also many potential talents. Even if he met them, Gu Zhongyu did not interfere too much with their original lives because of the foresight of the time traveler.

In short, it is better to let nature take its course as much as possible. Gu Zhongyu has learned the lesson of forcing things to grow more than once.

For example, there was a signed artist in Zongheng Entertainment in the early days. Everyone is also familiar with him. He is Huang Haibai, an artist who was arrested and retired from the entertainment industry because of PC in the future.

Gu Zhongyu discovered him and recruited him to his company very early. After starring in one or two film and television dramas, Huang Haibai's popularity began to rise rapidly, and he soon became a rising star in the TV drama circle.

Unexpectedly, because of the sudden popularity, people began to float and act recklessly. In the end, Huang Haibai in this life was still burdened with PC problems, and the situation was even worse!

The car overturned a few years earlier than the original timeline, which was unexpected by Gu Zhongyu. Moreover, he investigated this time and found that no one framed him. It was really just that he was too indiscreet!

This is a bit off topic, but Zhang Songwen is indeed a very promising actor. Gu Zhongyu asked him to play Gao Bo in the original novel this time, and he is also the performance director of the crew.

This character is the doctoral supervisor of the male protagonist Chen Guang, a doctor who graduated from MIT and nicknamed Fireball. After guiding the male protagonist to graduate with a doctorate, he resigned from the school and became the director of the Lightning Research Institute of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, which is also a very important role.

Zhang Ruoyun plays the male protagonist's classmate Zhao Yu, who was forced to come over for a cameo. His identity is a graduate student led by Zhang Bin. After graduating from his master's degree, he worked at the Yuhuangding Meteorological Station on the top of Mount Tai.

This scene is the first time that ball lightning appears in full in the entire movie. In the novel, the lightning phenomenon has not appeared online for a long time except for the male protagonist's childhood.

For movies, there are too few special effects and the rhythm is a bit slow, so this part was modified. The male protagonist Chen Guanghui and the female protagonist Lin Yun witnessed the shocking appearance of ball lightning on a night of thunder and rain!

Mount Tai, the first of the Five Sacred Mountains, is the place where emperors of all dynasties have offered sacrifices and sacrifices, and the origin of countless myths and legends.

"This Mount Tai doesn't look very high! It's even a little short."

Zhang Ruoyun sat on the bus and looked at Mount Tai in the distance through the window. He had never been here before. He thought that the majestic Mount Tai should be towering into the clouds, but why did it look like a short winter melon now?

"Then you can't recognize Mount Tai with your eyes. Although the altitude of Mount Tai is not high, this mountain rises from the ground, with a high slope and no buffer. There are no other peaks around to compete. When you go up and look down, you will know what it means to look down on all the mountains!"

Zhang Songwenxi loves traveling and has been here a long time ago. Seeing that Zhang Ruoyun despised Mount Tai, he also gave him a popular science lesson.

"Then isn't it just bullying the lack of high mountains around?" Zhou Yiwei laughed.

"That's good too. It shouldn't be too tiring to climb up later, and it won't affect our subsequent filming."

Everyone was in a very good mood when they came to a scenic spot like Mount Tai, including Gu Zhongyu. Before coming, everyone agreed to climb to the top by manpower instead of taking the cable car and conquer Mount Tai!

After driving for more than ten minutes, the crew's bus arrived at the Red Gate at the foot of Mount Tai, which is also the starting point of the middle line of mountaineering. It is named after the red stone gate on the Lingnan Cliff.

"Mount Tai, I'm coming!" The fat man Gong Geer started shouting excitedly as soon as he got off the car.

"Okay, then I'll take you here. I'll take the crew up by cable car!" After saying that, Guo Fan turned around and got on the bus.

The actors can choose to climb the mountain by themselves, but other crew members and equipment still have to go up by passenger ropeway. Guo Fan doesn't want to climb the mountain with them, and thinks it's more comfortable to take the cable car.

Want to be a deserter?

Gu Zhongyu and Gong Geer immediately went up together, holding Guo Fan's hands on the left and right, and resolutely refused to let him get on the bus!

"You are forcing me to go to Liangshan!"

"Wrong, this is Mount Tai! Ancient emperors came here to kowtow! Today, I will let you enjoy the treatment of Qin Shi Huang and Han Wudi."

Guo Fan, who was at a loss whether to laugh or cry, had to "voluntarily" join the mountain climbing army.

At the same time, Zhang Songwen saw that everyone's attention was attracted by Guo Fan, so he secretly slipped onto the crew's bus while they were not paying attention and hid.

Only a fool would accompany you to climb the mountain!

"Where is Teacher Yang Mi? Didn't she say she's here and waiting for us?" Assistant Bai Lu looked for a long time with her cat bag on her back, but didn't see the heroine Yang Mi.

"Here, isn't she here?"

Yang Mi, who had been waiting at the red gate for a long time, also saw the crew and ran over in a hurry.

The heroine Lin Yun, played by Yang Mi, is a female soldier. Before coming, in order to fit the role, she had done a styling treatment in advance. Her original long hair was cut off and replaced with a neat and refreshing short hair.

It's over!

This girl's hairline was originally dangerous. Now that so much hair has been cut at once, I don't know if it can grow back in the future!

"Gu Delai, you bastard! Do you know how many plays I turned down for you?"

Yang Mi was so angry when she saw Gu Zhongyu that she wanted to step on his face with her stinky feet!

Originally, she had six movie plans this year, but in order to shoot this "Ball Lightning", under Gu Zhongyu's repeated persuasion, she turned down many film contracts, just to save time to shoot his film.

"Don't worry! The quality of our movie is better than those 100 flops you made! You will thank me after it is released." Gu Zhongyu comforted.

In fact, he was not very optimistic about the market performance of "Ball Lightning" after its release, thinking that everything would be fine as long as it did not lose money!

However, this did not affect the current work of persuading Yang Mi.

"Humph! I will believe you for now. If you dare to lie to me, I will settle all the new and old grudges and directly fan you!" Yang Mi threatened in a low voice, and it seemed that he still remembered the grudge of being bitten twice.

"Okay, everyone is here. While it is still early, let's go hiking early!"

The last leading actor of the crew also arrived, and everyone started the hiking trip together.

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