"There is no ticket office in Mount Tai. Is it a free scenic spot? Why is Teacher Zhang Songwen missing?" Gong Geer wondered after walking for a while and realized that there was no one there.

"It seems that the ticket office is still up there. Zhang Songwen should have taken the cable car with the mountaineering bus. Ignore him and just climb first!"

From the Tianwai Village trailhead, you can choose the mountaineering bus and get off at Zhongtianmen. There is a cable car station at Zhongtianmen that can go directly to the top of the mountain. The rest of the crew chose this route.

The group of people marched forward with the mountain climbing army. It was the off-season for tourism, so there were not many people climbing the mountain, but Gu Zhongyu, Yang Mi and others were still recognized by the crowd.

So I could only stop and go, constantly signing autographs for fans and friends.

After climbing for an hour, we were tired and panting by the end, so everyone just kept their heads down and walked forward, not having the energy to talk to passers-by anymore.

Nearly three hours later, everyone who was already exhausted arrived at the Zhongtian Gate of Mount Tai, and then they discovered the three characters "Ticket Office" shining brightly on the stone archway!

"Oh my god! Did this guy just get to the ticket office?" Zhou Wei was desperate when she saw the densely packed stairs above.

"I kind of regret not taking the cable car."

Bai Lu wanted to cry but had no tears, because she was still carrying the fat cat Dundun weighing more than ten kilograms. She blamed herself for being confused and coveting Dundun's beauty, so she took the initiative to take on this "heavy burden!"

Dundun, who was in the cat bag, observed the environment on the mountain curiously, and poked a cat's head out of the gap, wanting to go out and play, but Bai Lu did not dare to let the little ancestor down, so she could only continue to carry it.

"Looking at it this way, Mount Taishan is quite humanely managed. The ticket office is located on the mountainside. You can climb a section for free first, and then you can decide according to your ability whether you want to buy a ticket and continue climbing up."

Gu Zhongyu sighed, the person in charge of this scenic spot is still very conscientious!

"I'm so exhausted! I won't climb any more. I don't care if you trick me again and don't drag me to climb Laoshizi's mountain together."

At this time, Yang Mi no longer cared about her celebrity image. She felt that her legs were no longer hers. Her physical strength was not as good as that of men. She just sat down on the ground with her big buttocks and refused to get up!

"Hey, Yang Da Mi, you're here, why don't you continue to climb to the end?"

Gu Zhongyu began to use the traditional "come all come" rhetoric to persuade

"No matter what, I'm going to sleep here today, and the movie won't be filmed unless you carry me up!"


Seeing Yang Mi acting rogue, Gu Zhongyu sighed and had no choice but to squat down and expose his back to her: "Then it's okay for me to carry you on my back, right? Miss Yang?"

Yang Mi, who looked like he was about to die just now, immediately became energetic when he saw this!

Without politeness, she grabbed Gu Zhongyu's shoulders with both hands and rode on...

"Since you sincerely invite me, I will reluctantly agree to it! Fight... fight, hurry up... hurry up, you can take care of it!"

Are you treating me like a donkey?

That’s it!

Let you be arrogant for a while first, and I will definitely ride back at some point!

"Look, Yang Mi and Lao Gu seem to be very close, right?" Zhang Ruoyun secretly whispered to Zhou Wei.

Bai Lu looked at Yang Mi with some envy, thinking that if she also cheated, would someone come to carry her?

Looking at Gu Zhongyu who had transformed into a snail, everyone felt that there must be something going on between the man and the woman, but no one made fun of him this time. After all, this was the big boss, and it was not easy to joke!

Yang Mi, who was blessed with the mount, happily continued the mountain climbing trip with everyone.

Gu Zhongyu, who was carrying a heavy load at the moment, felt very uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable!

It’s not just as simple as facing a huge physical test!

Because he was carrying Yang Mi on his back, the two of them were closer than ever before, and he could intuitively feel the pressure from his back.

That's the feeling of being oppressed by two mountains!

Plus Mount Tai in front of us.

I didn’t expect that someone like me, Gu, would be oppressed by three mountains one day!

The distance from Zhongtianmen to Yuhuangding is less than 3,500 meters, but there are nearly 4,000 steps, and the elevation gain is almost the same as the first half!

So in the end, everyone was really "crawling". Even Gu Zhongyu, who was the strongest, was forced to use crutches. After all, there was a "parasitic beast" on his back.

After another hour, everyone finally arrived at the highest peak of Mount Tai, which is also the filming location of this movie - Jade Emperor Summit!

"Fuck! I'm going to be exhausted. I'll never climb a mountain again in my next life!"

Guo Fan lay down directly on the ground, and the others were just like him, swaying everywhere, but no one could stand up.

"Everyone is finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Why are you here?" Zhang Songwen, who came up on the cable car with the crew, has been waiting here for a long time.

"Teacher Zhang, you are still a thief!" Zhou Wei gave Zhang Songwen a thumbs up.

"Hehe! Now you know what it means to be blind and unable to see the mountain, right? By the way, where are Mr. Gu and Teacher Yang?"

Zhang Songwen took a look and didn't see the male and female protagonists Gu Yang. Could it be that he couldn't hold on and turned back halfway to take the cable car?

"I'm here!"

Zhang Songwen followed the direction of the sound and found that it was behind a big rock, where Gu Zhongyu was lying.

But why was Yang Mi lying on his back?

Hello! Should you two do this in another situation?

This is too unrestrained!

"Is Yang Mi injured?"

"She fell asleep on my back!"

When they were halfway up, Gu Zhongyu wanted to put Yang Mi down and let her walk for a while, but she was so tired that she started to sleep on his back!

He couldn't leave her halfway, so Gu Zhongyu had to carry her to climb the second half.

"Hahaha! That's great! Why don't you put her down now? Can't bear to let her go?"

Zhang Ruoyun and others also came over, and seeing Gu Zhongyu's embarrassed look, they couldn't help laughing.

"I'm going to let you go! My waist can't move, why don't you pull her off me!" Gu Zhongyu, who wanted to cry but had no tears, felt that he might not be able to straighten his back in the next few days!

At this time, Yang Mi finally woke up, rubbing her eyes to see where she was.

Ah! We're at the top of Mount Tai!

We need to take a picture to commemorate the moment!

She seemed to have completely forgotten that she had ridden Gu Zhongyu all the way up, and was still pressing him down at this moment.

After taking out the camera from her bag, she just ran towards the beautiful scenery in the distance.


As a result, Yang Mi accidentally stepped on Gu Zhongyu's back again, and he immediately screamed in pain while lying on the ground!

"Teacher Gu, are you okay?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and rushed to rescue him...


The tortured Gu Zhongyu was finally carried into the Yuhuangding Hotel by Guo Fan and others.

The others were not much better, they were all so tired that they wanted to fall asleep. Director Guo Fan, who had originally wanted to shoot a few shots, saw that the leading actors in the crew were so tired, so he had to give up.

Gu Zhongyu, who was lying on the bed, looked at Yang Mi who was sitting on the bed with a little apology, and said angrily: "You just stepped on me on purpose, didn't you?"

"No, no, it was a complete misunderstanding, I just slept a little confused."

I don't believe you!

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu refused to believe her, Yang Mi also got angry: "You licked my mouthful of saliva, and I stepped on your foot today, isn't this even?"

"Even! How can it be the same?"

"Oh? You figured it out so clearly, right? Then let me ask you, when I was lying on your back, who was the sp that touched my thigh?"

Ah this?

"And..." At this point, Yang Mi's face showed an abnormal blush.

"You evened up!"

How did you find out, TN?

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