The crew did not stay in Harbin, but flew directly back to Yanjing to hold a closing banquet the next day.

The closing banquet was initially held in a roast duck restaurant, but Gu Zhongyu felt that it was not worthy of the style of the first major science fiction movie in the first year of Zongheng.

So I once again spent my own money to upgrade the roast duck restaurant to Qianmen Hotel, which is one of the oldest restaurants in Yanjing. I think Li Bian's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was also held here for its closing banquet.

In overseas markets, the Chinese film with the highest box office is still "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Gu Zhongyu chose to hold the closing banquet here because he also wanted to get a good start.

In the hall, more than a dozen round tables have been set up. In addition to the crew members, there are also some friends who are here to join in the fun, such as Jiang Wen, who is currently complaining to Gu Zhongyu.

"You are so fast! It took 40 days from the start of filming to the completion of filming? It was over before I even had time to visit the studio. Are you filming a movie or going on an outing?"

Although Jiang Wen didn't say it, he felt in his heart that this movie would most likely be a hit!

Are there any science fiction films that can be shot in less than two months?

Science fiction films represent the level of the film industry. Although Jiang Wen has never made such films, he is very aware of the huge gap between China and Hollywood in this regard.

The average time it takes for the six major Hollywood studios to shoot an A-level movie is 871 days, the average time for mid- and pre-production is 146 days, and the shortest shooting stage is 106 days. Post-production takes an average of 301 days. From the moment the film crew announces the casting news to the official entry into pre-production, which includes creative planning and script creation, it takes up to 309 days.

There is no such film industry foundation in China at all. Even Xiantao Digital, which currently has the best special effects technology in the industry, is still far behind established companies such as Industrial Light and Magic and Digital Field. The production time should be longer.

The filming was completed in such a short time, are you afraid you are not trying to get money?

"Hey! Have you forgotten what I told you before? My movie is originally a science fiction work that combines the characteristics of our Chinese dynasty. It is not a Hollywood kind of special effects. Have you seen "Contact"? We are almost the same. The kind that explores and solves puzzles.”

"Also, I plan to release it in time for the Spring Festival this year!" Gu Zhongyu added.

Jiang Wen gave him a thumbs up, "You're fine, I'll go take a look at it during the Spring Festival and I'll know if it's a mule or a horse."

As dishes and drinks were placed on the table one after another, the closing banquet officially began. Director Guo Fan was supposed to serve the first glass of wine, but Gu Zhongyu is the boss of the company, so he should be the one to take the lead on this occasion. .

Gu Zhongyu waved his hand and asked Guo Fan to do it himself. He is the director. Although he is the boss of the company, he is just an actor in the crew and should not steal his limelight.

So Guo Fan stood up shyly.

"Thank you to all the crew for their hard work in the past few decades. This is my first movie in our company. Please forgive me for any mistakes I made before. Here, let us celebrate in advance after the movie is released. big sale!"

Then raise your glass and drink it all!

"Bah bang bang bang." There was constant applause.

"Director Guo is so humble!"

"Mr. Gu and Director Guo have worked hard during this time!"

"Our movie will definitely win the box office championship!"

The other actors, Zhang Songwen, Zhou Wei and others were also very happy. They raised their glasses and toasted to Gu Zhongyu immediately.

The two of them can be considered as close friends. They are both classmates who graduated from Nortel. They have known each other since they were young and have been together through hardships. They worked together at the bottom of the entertainment industry and played various bit parts and supporting roles.

This "Ball Lightning" is the best script and role they have received in recent years. The two of them are also very grateful to Gu Zhongyu for his support. Although they are teachers from Nortel in terms of seniority, they have never been a teacher in front of him. shelf.

Yang Mi and Chen Baoguo were much calmer. Apart from Gu Zhongyu, they were the biggest stars in this drama. They were already used to such lively occasions.

Little Bailu looked at the big guys drinking liquor so happily, and he followed suit. He poured a cup of Little Muddy Fairy and took a sip first...

"Cough cough cough cough." The wine just entered her mouth, and before she could swallow it, she spurted it all out!

What is this? It tastes worse than horse urine!

Feeling that her throat was burning, Bai Lu quickly picked up the fat house water on the table and drank it hard.

"Haha! This kind of drink is too advanced for a little girl like you. Just drink some juice." Seeing his little assistant choked to tears, Gu Zhongyu began to gloat.

"Xiao Bailu, you can start with beer first. Then when you get to the table, just give the senior bosses at the table a round of toast with beer. Don't drink white." Wang Jinchun thinks this little girl is quite fun. Then he began to impart his experience at the wine table.

"Especially when there are a lot of men at the dinner table who insist on making you drink even though they know you can't drink, be careful! If something goes wrong, get out of the way immediately!" Yang Mi also added.

This silly girl is well protected, and fortunately she works as an assistant next to Gu Zhongyu. Although Gu Zhongyu is not a good guy, at least he won't force women or drink or do drugs.

So Bai Lu opened a can of beer and drank it. Although she still felt it didn't taste good, she could barely swallow it, so she took the beer and started to toast with the people at the table.

The others smiled and toasted back at the little girl, seeing that she was having fun.

"Mi Mi, why don't you drink? If you don't move your cup, I'm going to force you to drink!" After Gu Zhongyu drank two glasses of wine, he saw that Yang Mi was as steady as a rock, and he couldn't help but get into trouble.

Yang Mi glanced at him with disdain: "If you want to get me drunk, let's save some trouble and lie down on the ground. You can do whatever you want."

"Puff..." Gu Zhongyu almost spit out all the wine in one mouthful!

Big sister, you are too tough! There are so many people at the dinner table today! Can you be a little more restrained?

The others at the table were collectively deaf, ignoring this sentence, and continued to drink and eat as if nothing had happened.


The meal lasted from noon to more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and it can be said that both the host and the guests were happy. Under normal circumstances, after a wrap-up banquet, it may be difficult to meet friends who were still arm in arm before in this life.

However, most of the people who came today were employees of Zongheng Entertainment, so they didn't have this worry. So after the meal, they didn't say goodbye and went home directly. See you at the company tomorrow.

Yang Mi left after the meal. Although she turned down many film contracts, she still had a lot of work to do and she wouldn't have time to go back to Yanjing in the next few months.

Gu Zhongyu also drank a lot of wine today, mainly because there was a country bumpkin Jiang Wen at the table, otherwise others wouldn't have the courage to get him drunk.

He didn't choose to have someone send him home, but directly opened a suite upstairs to rest for a while.

When he was drunk and confused, it seemed that a fragrance supported him, and sent him all the way back to the room, and then helped him take off his coat and other things...

Everyone! Please recommend and read it, don't let this book die!

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