Looking at the scattered clothes and messy sheets, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but sigh.

And Ni Hongjie, who curled up on the bed with half of her shoulders exposed, buried her head directly in the quilt, not daring to look up at him.

"Tell me! What happened!" At this point, Gu Zhongyu just wanted to figure out how the two of them rolled on the sheets in a daze.

He remembered that when he was still conscious, he asked his assistant Bai Lu to open a room for him and send him up. Why is Bai Lu gone now, and replaced by the person in front of him.

Ni Hongjie stammered and described the situation at that time.

It turned out that after Gu Zhongyu got drunk, Bai Lu felt that she couldn't help him alone, so she called Ni Hongjie for help. As a result, because the little guy had drunk a few cans of beer before, he was drunk and staggered when he walked, causing her to help two people at once!

So Ni Hongjie had to put Bai Lu down in the next room first, and then opened another room to help Gu Zhongyu here. As for the following plot, just refer to some common sitcoms in the island country...

I shouldn't have let this little girl drink at that time!

Gu Zhongyu didn't expect that after rejecting Ni Hongjie last time, she came to him again at the wrap-up party this time. The key is that this girl is really not his type!

Forget it, just give him some resources as compensation. In fact, he was not completely drunk just now, but he was completely dominated by instinct when he was drunk.

There is no such thing as the drunk party being completely unaware of the drunken mess! If you are really drunk to that extent, you can't even stand up.

"The company has a spy war drama in two months, and the second female role has not been decided yet. Why don't you go for an audition?"

Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to speak out his conditions. He didn't know this woman's personality very well, and he didn't know if a second female role could get rid of her. It's better to give her some room for bargaining!

"Mr. Gu, I'm not doing this for this..." Ni Hongjie defended herself, but did not refuse the conditions offered by Gu Zhongyu.

Ni Hongjie, who became popular for her role as Zhu Wushuang in "Wulin Wai Zhuan", has not received a decent script for a long time. In recent years, she has basically been hovering outside the third-tier cities, and her acting career has basically stopped developing.

In fact, her emotional journey was not very smooth. After getting married a few years ago, her husband wanted to do business, so she took out all her savings and sold her real estate to support him. As a result, the business failed and the man dragged her to the bank to borrow money.

After the divorce, she found out that because she helped her ex-husband borrow money, she owed 10 million yuan, and her bank card, house, and car were all frozen, and she was also on the list of dishonest people. Fortunately, her ex-husband did not leave, and later the two of them worked together to find a way to repay the debt.

In order to repay the debt, Ni Hongjie had to work hard to make money by filming, so the child was left to her ex-husband to take care of.

This is why she took the initiative to chat with Gu Zhongyu before. She is not a fickle person by nature. She just wants to get to know some big shots to get more film contracts.

After listening to Ni Hongjie's story about her experiences over the years, Gu Zhongyu thought that this woman was indeed quite pitiful. So he took the initiative to sit by the bed and held her in his arms to comfort her.

He didn't observe carefully just now. Now that he is fully awake, Gu Zhongyu finally has time to appreciate the figure of the person in front of him.

It must be said that although Ni Hongjie's appearance is not outstanding in the entertainment industry, her figure is really amazing. Even Gu Zhongyu, who has seen countless women, has to sigh!

The headlights of this car are so dazzling!

"You... are not in a hurry to go back?" Gu Zhongyu asked tentatively.

Ni Hongjie understood what she meant and nodded shyly. In fact, after having sex with Gu Zhongyu once, she felt that she was the one who took advantage. He was handsome and strong, and he was much better than her ex-husband!

Soon, another rematch began...

This rematch lasted for more than an hour, and it was not until the evening that it was declared over. Then Gu Zhongyu called a car to send the disabled Ni Hongjie home.

He ran back angrily to settle accounts with his assistant!

When he came to Bai Lu's resting room, Gu Zhongyu saw that the silly girl was still asleep!

The assistant was sleeping on the bed with her legs spread out in a very rude manner, holding a pillow and drooling, mumbling something, and grinning from time to time.

What kind of erotic dream did this girl have? She was so happy even when she was sleeping!

She did dream that she became a big star, and then Gu Zhongyu became her assistant.

After turning from a slave to a master, Bai Lu asked Gu to serve her every day. She would beat and scold her if she disagreed with him, pinch her waist and back, and bring her foot washing water, just like the queen ordered the eunuchs!

"Bai Mengyan! Bai Mengyan! Your mother is calling you home for dinner!" Gu Zhongyu shouted Bai Lu's real name to try to wake her up, but she picked up a pillow and clamped it on her head, covering her ears.

Then Gu Zhongyu walked to the bed, took off the pillow, and blew a few breaths into her ears. Bai Lu felt a little itchy, and she closed her eyes and scratched a few times, but she still didn't wake up.

So Gu Zhongyu had to go to the bathroom and get a cup of water, then aimed at her pig head and slowly poured it down...

"Ahhh...that bastard did it?"

As the cold water poured on her face, Bai Lu also screamed and opened her eyes. She stood up angrily and looked to the side, and saw Gu Zhongyu with a bright smile on his face.

"Boss! What are you doing? Can't you let me sleep peacefully?"

"You just left your drunk boss to outsiders? How can you be an assistant?" At this moment, Gu Zhongyu suddenly thought that if he had drunk too much and asked Bai Lu to help him back, would he have given her...

Thinking of this girl snoring, drooling, and grinning, Gu Zhongyu suddenly shuddered!

Fortunately, it turned out to be Ni Hongjie, otherwise I would have nightmares at night!

"Ah? Didn't I send the boss back..." At this time, Bai Lu looked at the room and found that this luxury suite was not opened by her for Gu Zhongyu to rest? Why did she lie here?

She quickly touched her clothes and confirmed that they were intact, and she was relieved!

Seeing her nervous look, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

You wish! Master Gu, I have countless beauties, will I do something to you, a yellow-haired girl?

"I remember that teacher Ni Hongjie and I helped you back. Where is she?"

"She's gone. Fortunately, she helped me this time. Otherwise, I might have slept in the corridor! This time, you drank too much and almost made me, your boss, look bad. I will fine you one month's bonus and deduct half of your performance!"

Bai Lu immediately fell to the ground, hugged his thigh and shouted: "No, boss! I have been deducted several times. If I deduct again, I will have to eat dirt this month!"

She regretted it so much that she wanted to slap herself a few times. Why did she learn to drink from those adults? Now, her salary is almost gone!

He ignored Bai Lu's pleas for mercy. This is because he has a good temper. If other artists encountered their assistants being so lazy, they would just scold them and fire them.

I am still too kind!

Thanks to longx147 for the 5,000 reward and 2 monthly tickets. Muah!

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