Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 72 The company sofa has endured too much

The one-time affair with Ni Hongjie was just a small episode. The day after the wrap-up party, Gu Zhongyu returned to his company.

When he arrived at the office, Jiang Shuying, the chief secretary whom he had not seen for a long time, was chatting with Yang Tianzhen. Next to him sat Hou Hongliang, the chief producer of the company's TV series department.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming back, the three of them greeted him happily: "Boss Gu is back! You've worked hard on the set for so long!"

Yang Tianzhen, whose real name is Yang Siwei, graduated from the Directing Department of Communication University of China and has an EMBA degree from Yenching University. He was once a capable general under the top domestic agent Wang Jin.

During the previous "Double Ice" war within Huayi, Fan Binbin was weak and could not compete with the company's favorite daughter Li Binbin and the top sister Zhou Xun. He was at a disadvantage for a while and had a very frustrating time.

At that time, Yang Tianzhen, who was working in publicity at Chengtian, also wanted to make a name for herself. It was at this time that fate arranged for the two to meet. The 23-year-old Yang Tianzhen became the publicity director of Fan Binbin Studio and began to build the persona of "Fan Ye".

Fan Binbin's unique golden sentence "I don't marry a rich family, I am a rich family" came from her hand. It can be said that she was the first agent in China to build a persona for celebrities. Later, stars such as Song Jia, Chen Shu, Zhu Yawen, and Lu Han were also made famous by her.

When Fan Ye jumped to Zongheng Entertainment, she brought her with her. It can be said that Gu Zhongyu had a lot of help. At present, she is responsible for all the related work of the company's agent artists.

Hou Hongliang is even more amazing. In his previous life, a series of popular TV series such as "Mountains and Seas", "Big River", "The Pretender", and "Nirvana in Fire" were all produced by him. Gu Zhongyu spent a lot of money to dig him from Shanying before the noon sun.

"You've been out for so long, did you remember to bring back a gift?" Jiang Shuying asked jokingly, although she didn't think her boss would be so considerate.

"Of course I remembered, I've prepared it a long time ago, come!" Then he told Bai Lu to bring in the gift box he brought.

There really is one!

Jiang Shuying took it with a smile, but when she got it, her face changed, because the red box had two big words "Deer Antler" written on it!

Is this a gift for me or for yourself?

After eating Deer Antler, you'll be full of energy, so it's easier to mess with me, right?

"Come on, Director Yang and Manager Hou also have some." The gifts that Gu Zhongyu prepared for Yang Tianzhen and Hou Hongliang were much more normal, just the best old mountain ginseng.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Gu Zhongyu sat back in his boss chair, looked at the pile of documents on the table and said, "What are the things that need to be dealt with recently? Come one by one!"

"Mr. Gu, Cao Dun has urged you several times. I want to ask you if you have decided on the female lead Tan Qi in "The Longest Day in Chang'an"? Didn't you decide on Shi Shi at the beginning?"

Hou Hongliang asked first. He felt that Gu Zhongyu was a good boss in every way, but he was a little too indifferent. To put it nicely, he let everyone show their strengths. To put it bluntly, he was a hands-off boss who spent every day hanging out with actresses!

Oh, I almost forgot about this!

"Shishi said that she had filmed too many movies in the past two years and wanted to take a break. She has already made an appointment with her sisters to go on a trip to relax. Tell Cao Dun to send out the announcement for the female lead. Artists in the company or willing to sign with us can come to audition. I will interview with him."

Although Tan Qi is the female lead in the original work of "The Longest Day in Chang'an", she does not occupy much space, so Gu Zhongyu modified the script to let him solve the case with Zhang Xiaojing early, and added Yao Runeng's role to Tan Qi, so that the two of them experienced life and death many times to accelerate the fermentation of their relationship.

In this way, it is a little more reasonable for Tan Qi to fall in love with Zhang Xiaojing within twelve hours, otherwise the emotional scenes in the original work are a bit too far-fetched.

Therefore, the role of this character suddenly increased, and there are many action scenes, so Gu Zhongyu is still quite picky about the choice of the female lead.

The original Re Yi Zha actually acted well, but this sister is not an artist of Zongheng, and she is not willing to switch to this company. This drama intends to promote its own female artists, so Gu Zhongyu has to find someone else.

"Okay, and you have to find the female artist Li Yuan who plays Yuchang. She has agreed to join the company. Mao Xiaotong has no schedule and can't play Wen Ran. Let's change someone else!"

"Hasn't Na Zha been clamoring to come back to film? Just let her play it." Yang Tianzhen interrupted when she heard this. As the company's agent director, she felt that letting female artists stay in school to study was a serious waste of resources.

Na Zha? Gu Zhongyu thought about it. This role is not too challenging for acting skills. She should be able to do it, so he nodded and let her come!

"Also, your friend Zhang Ruoyun has just signed with our company. We have to arrange something for her to do?"

Dayunzi? Gu Zhongyu thought about it and wondered if there were any new dramas suitable for him recently. He probably didn't have the leading male role for the time being, so he brainstormed and asked, "When will the filming of Dragon Gate Escort start?"

"Probably in two or three months! Have you even forgotten this?"

"Then let him go and play Bai Jingqi."

Gu Zhongyu remembered that among the main characters in Dragon Gate Escort in his previous life, the actor who played Bai Jingqi was the worst. He was a pure relative and played the role old and greasy. He didn't look like the son that Bai Zhantang and Tong Xiangyu could have. I hope Dayunzi can save this role!

Then they discussed a lot of company affairs, and talked until the afternoon, and finally finished today's work.

After seeing off Yang Tianzhen and Hou Hongliang, Gu Zhongyu fell on the sofa and stretched: "Hey! Dealing with these tasks is really more tiring than filming. I opened this company to slack off, why am I getting busier and busier now?"

"Because you put all your energy on women, otherwise you wouldn't be so busy! If you are really tired, just cancel the company, or give it to me!" Jiang Shuying couldn't stand Gu Zhongyu's Versailles complaints.

"Hey! Are you trying to seize power? I haven't seen you for almost two months, don't you miss your boss?"

"Is it my turn to miss me? I heard that when the crew was filming, you and Yang Mi got along very well! You even had dinner alone on the night of the final shooting, right? And..."

What a strong jealous smell!

In this case, explanations are futile, and actions must be taken!

Gu Zhongyu grabbed Jiang Shuying into his arms, then turned her over, and the two of them soon spoke frankly to each other...

Maybe it was jealousy, or maybe they had been apart for too long, this time Jiang Da Mi's burst of energy surprised Gu Zhongyu a little.

This small sofa in the office really took too much!

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