Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 84 This time the tire quality is really tested

When the live broadcast of the Chinese Drama Festival ended, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening. Everyone was a little hungry and were discussing where to go for a late-night snack.

Fan Binbin didn't like to be with Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and others, so she made an excuse: "I never eat at night, so I go home first." She was happy to spend a long night with Gu Zhongyu, but looking at this attitude, he He would definitely not leave the army behind and go back with her.

So the only ones who went to have supper in the evening were Gu Zhongyu, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, and Qi Wei and Tang Yan who were forcibly pulled over. Hu Ge originally wanted to join, but unfortunately her mother called her back.

He is almost 30 years old, and he still listens to his mother's words. The ancients thought this was a good son with twenty-four filial piety. Later generations of xxn would call this kind of mama's son!

According to rumors, Hu Ge’s breakup with several girlfriends was mostly due to the mother’s intentions. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

"Where should we go to eat? Mi Mi, do you know any good places?"

After discussion, several girls finally chose a barbecue restaurant not far away and chose a large table. Liu Shishi and Yang Mi sat in a row, with Gu Zhongyu sandwiched in the middle.

Dining with a beautiful woman is a blessing, but eating with a group of people... is a torment. Gu Zhongyu knows this very well!

Da Mimi was very active throughout the whole process. As soon as he got there, he transformed into a waiter and took the initiative to arrange the dishes, and kept talking about it. Liu Shishi was much more pragmatic, and he was very focused on eating when he got up to add dishes. Qi Wei was keen on gossiping about other people, but Tang Yan was the least talkative, probably still thinking about what happened just now.

The ladies picked up the skewers and ordered some more beers to drink. Gu Zhongyu had to be their driver, so he could only drink soda tonight.

Damn it! I originally thought that I could go further with Yang Mi or take Shishi home tonight, but now seeing that they are getting happier as they drink, I am afraid that there is no chance.

no! I have to make up for it!

After a long meal of wine and barbecue, it was almost two o'clock.

Yang Mi and Tang Yan called their assistants to take them back, while Gu Zhongyu drove Liu Shishi home first, and finally took Qi Wei back to the hotel.

"Mr. Gu, is there something going on between you and Tang Yan?" Qi Wei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, felt that Tangtang's behavior at the dinner table was too strange, as if she was afraid of talking to Gu Zhongyu, and the two of them had almost no communication during the whole process. .

During the filming of "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family", Qi Wei and Tang Yan got along like real sisters, so she felt that she needed to find out more about these good sisters.

Offending a big shot in the entertainment industry like Gu Zhongyu is not a good thing for her acting career. If there is any discord between the two, she would be willing to make peace with Tang Yan.

"What can I do with her? If it weren't for the three of you today, she and I wouldn't be able to sit down and have dinner together. Maybe Tangtang is a slow-tempered person and is afraid of strangers, right?"

It is true that Tang Yan has a slow-tempered personality, but she is not as cold as before. Qi Wei feels that this is definitely not the real reason. Anyway, she has drunk too much now, so she treats it as a drunken conversation and continues to question Gu Zhongyu, vowing Get to the bottom of it!

Seeing Qi Wei curious about the baby, Gu Zhongyu had some bold ideas in his mind.

So he directly told her what Tang Yan had just seen. No one would believe it if it was spread.

"Mr. too tough! How dare the studio..." Qi Wei had already heard about some of Gu Zhongyu's romantic deeds, but she never expected that he would dare to play such a big role! And he even told himself.

"Then are you willing to keep it a secret?" Gu Zhongyu held the steering wheel and looked straight ahead with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu, you will definitely keep your mouth shut!" Qi Wei patted her chest and promised, "It's a joke, I'm so full that I'm ready to tell you. What's the benefit of offending you and Yang Mi for no reason?"

"But I'm still worried. You know, if you want people to keep secrets, they will either die..." At this point, Gu Zhongyu turned his head and gave her a meaningful look, which made Qi Wei feel uncomfortable.

"Or...let her become part of the secret!" After saying this, he stopped the car on the road next to him, unbuckled his seat belt, and came close to Qi Wei.

Qi Wei's face shape is not a particularly delicate oval face. It is a bit biased overall, but it has clear outlines, a tall nose, and smart eyes. With short hair, she is very heroic. She looks lazy but has a little girly charm.

"Mr.!" Qi Wei never expected that things would suddenly turn out like this, but she, who had just broken up with her boyfriend, showed no resistance at this time.

Girls love to be pretty, not to mention someone as rich and beautiful as Gu Zhongyu. It would be a lie to say that she didn't feel anything at all, but Qi Wei didn't expect that the love would come so quickly and suddenly.

The last time I went on a date with Zhang Zilin, I still failed to verify the tire quality of this black Maybach, but it definitely won’t happen this time!

After a long time, the car finally stopped vibrating. Feeling like she was about to die, Qi Wei immediately opened the roof sunroof and took a deep breath...

"Are you and your boyfriend about to have a game over?" Gu Zhongyu also lowered the other windows to help the smell in the car dissipate quickly. It seems that he will have to put a car perfume here later.

"How did you know?" Qi Wei was shocked. Even Tang Yan didn't know about this yet. Could it be that he accidentally called it out just now?

I came from time travel, of course I know!

Gu Zhongyu could only explain: "I guessed it from your reaction just now, and I know that you are not a playful person, so there must be something hidden inside."

He didn't know if Qi Wei was the type who liked to play, but he had to say something polite at this time.

Qi Wei was silent for a while, thinking that this man was quite considerate, no wonder Shishi and Yang Mi both fell into his hands.

"What is our relationship now?" Qi Wei couldn't help but ask the question that women always ask afterward, even if she already knew the answer.

Gu Zhongyu didn't say anything, but responded silently.

"Damn it! I knew it, you're a scumbag! Not much better than my boyfriend!" Qi Wei knew that this was wishful thinking. No matter what conditions, she couldn't compare with Fan Binbin, Liu Yufei and others. They were like this, let alone herself.

She opened her handbag in a distracted manner, but didn't find what she wanted, so she said to the people around her: "Give me a cigarette."

Gu Zhongyu said that he never smoked and wouldn't prepare that thing. If you really want to smoke, you can go and smoke another one. After saying that, he hugged his head and lay down on the seat.

"You bastard!" Qi Wei cursed, but then she took out a rubber band from her bag and tied her hair up...

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