"The 2011 National Drama Festival came to a successful conclusion. Gu Zhongyu participated in the award ceremony again after two years~"

"Yang Mi became the biggest winner this year, and her popularity topped the list of the four young actresses!"

"Gu Zhongyu awarded Wen Zhang, a handover ceremony for two generations of popular young actors~"



Wen Zhang is about the same age as me, and they debuted at the same time. How can they be two generations of young actors?

Media that writes nonsense!

I watched the news reports about the National Drama Festival on my phone last night. Most of the media were relatively fair. Only one media was obviously secretly slandering him, saying that he was not as good as Wen Zhang, and that a generation of old people would be replaced by new people.

He looked at the source of the reprint, Huayi Media Entertainment!

Oh... That's not surprising! It's a rare opportunity to belittle myself, and the Wang brothers will definitely not let it go.

In December, the average temperature in Yanjing has already dropped below zero. The cold wind is biting, and it feels like needles piercing people's necks. Fortunately, the waiting time is not long. Not long after, a slightly bloated figure appeared at the intersection...

Today, Li Xin wore a lambskin coat, a denim jacket and a high-necked base shirt. The coat seemed a bit too big, wrapping her whole body in it, like a dumpling.

"Why didn't you call me earlier and let me pick you up!"

"Hehe! I was afraid you were busy, and I wanted to stay with Dun Dun for a while, and I was reluctant to return you!" As she said, Li Xin opened her coat, and saw that the whole cat Dun Dun was put into a canvas bag and hung on her body, with a huge cat head exposed at the opening!

Dun Dun, who hadn't seen it for more than a month, was still so round. It seems that Li Xin took good care of it.

Dun Dun, who felt the cold air, shuddered first, then raised his head and cursed, and saw the shit shoveler he hadn't seen for a long time...

Damn it! How did I fall into your hands again?

During the month of foster care with Li Xin, Dun Dun was very comfortable. The little sister made cat food for him and opened cans every day, and didn't force him to do somersaults or watch naked human fights, so he had already tacitly decided that the previous shit shoveler was dead and he had changed his servant!

"Let's go! You have helped me take care of Dun Dun for so long, I have to thank you very much and treat you to a meal." Gu Zhongyu ignored Dun Dun's desperate eyes, took him out of the canvas bag and put him in the back seat of the car.

After Li Xin got in the car and fastened his seat belt, he asked excitedly: "What big meal are you going to treat me to today?"

"Please come to my house, I will cook it myself!"

Oh this!

Li Xin blushed. She and Gu Zhongyu had known each other for quite some time, but they had never had a formal date. She didn't expect to be taken to the man's house as soon as they met this time!

She rubbed her hands secretly with a little expectation...


Li Xin looked at Gu Zhongyu's residence with curiosity. She thought that a big star like him, or the president of a company, should live in a luxurious villa, but she didn't expect that he actually lived in a commercial district.

Although the area is large and the location is good, it is still somewhat inconsistent with his status.

"This is just my temporary residence when I was teaching at Beijing Film Academy. I also have houses in other places, but this place is really not bright enough. I plan to buy a bigger nest in Chaoyang!" Seeing Li Xin's doubts, Gu Zhongyu explained that Jiang Shuying had already chosen the location of the villa for him, and was waiting for him to go and see it himself that day.

"You are really rich! You can buy a house in Yanjing just by saying so!" Li Xin was very envious. She has been in the industry for more than three years, and she still lives in her parents' house!

"If it weren't for the telecom fraud, the money you saved now should be enough to buy a house, right?"

When Li Xin mentioned this, his face immediately fell. If you didn't mention this, we could still be friends!

It's funny to say that there are many stars in the entertainment industry who have been deceived by telephone fraudsters. Li Xin's case can be regarded as a "typical textbook".

At that time, Li Xin was only 22 years old. She had just spent 4 years filming her first long drama "New Dream of Red Mansions". She portrayed the role of Xue Baochai vividly, and Li Xin also received a lot of film pay for it, with an income of about 400,000 yuan. However, she was inexperienced and received a fraudulent call before the money was warm.

The other party pretended to be a public security agency and asked Li Xin to transfer all the money in her account to the account designated by the public security agency for supervision. Li Xin believed it and remitted all the money in her hand to the other party.

Later, she found out that she was deceived and hurried to call the police. When the police arrived, they were stunned to see Li Xin, because these days, it’s always old men and old ladies who are cheated, how could such a young girl be cheated?

The policeman said to her with a look of disappointment: “Are you brainless?” Until later, the money was not recovered, and this incident also left a big shadow in Li Xin’s heart!

Many years later, when she talked about this incident, she still had tears in her eyes. The four years of filming were really in vain, and there was nothing left, all was cheated away.

Because of Li Xin’s negative teaching material, a line of words appeared on the ATM later: “Please don’t send money to strangers!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m often cheated, and it’s not only the elderly who are easily fooled!”

“Ah! Have you been cheated too! How much money?” Seeing Gu Zhongyu’s smart appearance, Li Xin couldn’t imagine that such a person would be cheated as foolishly as her.

“About 100 million or 200 million at a time! Don’t say it, it’s all tears.”

Li Xin was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth! One or two hundred million is an astronomical figure for her. She didn't expect that after Gu Zhongyu was cheated of so much money, his mentality could still be so good!

It's a pity that Gu Zhongyu just didn't want to continue talking about the process of being cheated. Li Xin saw him avoiding the topic like this, thinking that this man must have been very uncomfortable when he was cheated?

It was six o'clock in the evening, and Gu Zhongyu finally finished the last dish and prepared to serve it on the table.

Gu Zhongyu came out with a bowl of soup: "Hey, ah~hahahahahahaha...chicken soup is here hahaha."

Looking at the table of delicious food, Li Xin couldn't help but salivate. They were all her favorites, including pickled cabbage and white meat, stir-fried broccoli, braised prawns, etc., and a greasy Orleans chicken leg was placed in front of her, with a fragrant aroma, and it looked delicious at first glance!

"I didn't expect that you, a big star, can actually cook?" Li Xin felt that Gu Zhongyu was really amazing. He could do everything, and his cooking was also delicious, unlike himself, who could even make a pan fry an egg.

"I learned this from my mom when I was a kid. How about trying it?"

In fact, Gu Zhongyu learned to cook in order to pursue girls. Facts have proved that this trick is really effective. Every time he finishes a meal, his relationship with the girl can reach a new level.

Then the girl eats, he eats the girl, and the girl eats him again. The food chain is perfectly closed!

Thanks to Han Ao Si Bing and Feng Bo Wu Hen for your daily recommendation votes. Love you!

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