Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 135 134 Chen Xi, you are now a big star

Chapter 135 134. Chen Kuai, you are a big star now

"Good morning, boss."

Wei Wu was lying on the table checking whether there were any missing promotional materials. He looked up and saw that it was Chen Kuai who was here, so he nodded and said:

"Well, you're here. Have you already had summer vacation?"

Wei Wu said and made an OK gesture to Zhang Wenwen, which meant that there was no problem and it could be packed up.

Chen Kuai shook his head: "Not yet, we still have one month until our official summer vacation.

"When we have summer vacation, it happens to be the time when our movie is released. Our movie is released on July 1st, and then our school is on holiday on July 3rd."

"Oh", Wei Wu continued his greetings:

"How's it going? Are you still used to being in Zhongxi?"

Chen Kuei replied with a smile: "It was a little uncomfortable at first, but now I'm used to it!

"It was only after I took an acting class that I realized that my acting skills were completely incompetent and even ridiculously shallow! Thanks to boss for being so patient and tolerant of me, a different director would have told me to get out!"

Wei Wu smiled and said a few words of encouragement: "It's not necessary to say that, you actually still have aura. Your acting talent is really not bad, but you are a little lacking in experience.

"I believe that through this year's study, you must have made great progress now. If we film this movie again, we will definitely not be as stumbling as before!

"What's more important is that you are still young, you are only a freshman!

"To be honest, your starting point is already not low. What you should do now is study hard, hone your acting skills and constantly enrich yourself.

"You can now say that you are a long way ahead of your classmates at the starting stage! As long as you work steadily and don't make mistakes, you will definitely be a first-line and popular niche student in the future!

"In my opinion, your class may be the one who will be the most blessed in the future!"

Hearing what Wei Wu said, young Chen Kuai couldn't help but feel his blood welling up, his face flushed with excitement, and he nodded repeatedly and said:

"Don't worry, boss. I will study hard, hone my acting skills, and never let down the boss's kindness to me."

If someone else had given him chicken soup, Chen Kuai might not have taken it to heart and would have just laughed it off.

But who can say this? If it comes from your boss, it is not necessarily chicken soup. To a certain extent, it can even be regarded as a promise!

As for Wei Wu saying that he wanted to promote himself as a red star, to be honest, Chen Kuai certainly believed it!

After all, judging from the current development momentum of Wei Wu and Wei Guo Pictures, it is really not difficult for him to make someone famous.

Everyone can see this, which is why, before he left school, so many female classmates in his class, including the senior sisters from the previous class and the one before him, came to see him.

It can be said that they did everything possible to please with gentle words and soft words, and some even resorted to beauty traps by secretly flirting with each other. The only purpose was to get Chen Kuai to introduce him to Wei Wu.

After all, China National Theater is the natal family of Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi. These school girls have heard the legends of their senior sisters before entering the school. So if there is a chance, how can they not imitate them?

The key point is that the male protagonist of Wei Wu's debut film is Chen Kuai, who seems to have some of the bad habits of his predecessor Zhang Yimou, which inevitably makes people think.

Is it true that as everyone is joking, Nortel's great director likes to choose actors from Chinese dramas?

If that's the case, do we people have a chance?

Even if you don’t expect to work as hard as Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, even if you are like Chen Kuai, it would be nice to be the protagonist of a movie for once!

After all, Wei Wu's last movie "On the Road" directly entered the top ten at the box office of the year.

And now that "Those Years" has been promoted through the song MV, almost everyone knows it. No matter how you look at it, the box office cannot be lower than the first one!

And with the current popularity and attention being so high, there may not be a chance that the box office will exceed 100 million!

As Wei Wu's future movies grow in fame, the box office will most likely only be higher.

Therefore, in the future, as long as she plays the heroine in Wei Wu's movie, no matter how unknown she was before, she will almost automatically become a star by the time the movie is released!

And to say the least, even if you can't become a star instantly, at least in the short term, you should have no shortage of acting roles!

Of course, Chen Kuai didn't agree to any of these beauties' requests. No matter how others said nice things, he would just laugh and say nothing.

What a joke, if he dared to introduce his female classmates or senior sisters to Wei Wu, it would be tantamount to offending the company's first sister Liu Tianxian and second sister Yang Mi. Then how can I get along in the company in the future?

Not to mention that these two people have had a close relationship with the boss for a long time. If they just blow the pillow, then wouldn't they be wearing small shoes every day? What future would they have?

Sacrificing his own future to help others and burning himself to illuminate others, Chen Xiao said that he is definitely not so selfless.

What's more, he feels that these alumni are basically ignorant and have whims. It was probably not like him who had met Liu Tianxian offline.

Because if they had seen Liu Tianxian offline, they should know what it means to be dwarfed by him. Then I won't humiliate myself by having such unrealistic thoughts.

In fact, it would be a bit bullying to challenge the current Liu Tianxian!

It is estimated that Liu Tianxian doesn't even need to take action, as long as Yang Mi is pushed out to defend the ring, they will know how to retreat!

Wei Wu remembered his smug look when he first came in, so he casually asked:

"How is it? Has your life changed recently?"

Chen Xi nodded and said: "Well, the changes are really big. I have to say, Boss, you are using the MV to promote our movie! The effect is really invincible!

"Not to mention that almost all of our classmates in the Central Academy of Drama know about our movie now.

"Even my aunts and uncles in my hometown have watched the MV. Some time ago, they began to call my parents one after another to ask if I was in a movie with that little dragon girl?

"It is no exaggeration to say that almost all of my teachers, classmates and neighbors who know me don't know about our movie. Many high school students are now teasing me on QQ:

"Chen Xi, you are a big star now!"

"Really?" Wei Wu was also very happy to hear this, and patted his shoulder with satisfaction and said:

"Don't worry, although this is mostly a joke now, it will come true in a few years! By that time, you will definitely be a real big star known by the national audience!"

Chen Xi felt that his bones were lighter after being patted by Wei Wu, and said with a little excitement:

"Thank you, boss, I will definitely work hard!"

To be honest, being called a big star by former classmates, even if there is a teasing element, it still feels pretty good!

Recently, Chen Xi experienced the taste of being famous for the first time in his life. I can only use three words to describe it:


Vanity is constantly satisfied, so this is the feeling of being a star! It's really cool! It turns out that I will wake up laughing in my dreams! It's not an exaggeration.

Including his parents, who are walking with a rosy face recently. Now the neighbors are praising his parents for raising a promising son.

After all, Chen Xi is just a freshman and he is already filming a movie with Liu Yifei. He will definitely become a big star in the future! You two just sit back and enjoy the good life!

There are even a few cousins, including his parents, who secretly asked him if he is dating Liu Yifei now?

After getting a negative answer, they immediately urged him to take action when it is time. If he can catch Liu Yifei, he will be awesome in the future!

Of course, Chen Xi would never dare to tell Wei Wu about this part, unless he is crazy!

In fact, if you ask yourself honestly, if you say that you have no idea about Liu Tianxian at all, it is self-deception!

After all, she is so beautiful! You still have no idea at all! Is he still a man with normal sexual orientation?

However, Chen Xi is quite self-aware. Not to mention that Wei Wu has shown him a favor, he would never be ungrateful and do such a thing.

The key point is that from a realistic perspective, Wei Wu is his boss now. If he dares to have evil thoughts about his boss's wife, he will be banned for life!

Moreover, even if he really has some unethical ideas, it is useless to be so one-sided!

Not to mention him, basically all normal people who have had contact with them can find that Liu Tianxian's heart is obviously tied to Wei Wu.

Needles can't penetrate, water can't pour in, even her mother can't separate them. Even when Wei Wu was still unknown, he was deeply in love with him, not to mention now that he has achieved success!

And Chen Xi found out as soon as he came today. I don't know if it's because red energy nourishes people or what.

I always feel that this time when we met, Wei Wu's demeanor is not only better than before, but the key is that his face seems to be getting more and more attractive!

Although he is slightly inferior to me, at least compared to Chen He, Zheng Kai and Du Qiang, they can be considered as equal.

If I were to attend a road show with them later, if someone didn't know Wei Wu, they would definitely not think of him as the director at first, and would most likely subconsciously think he was also the lead actor!

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