Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 136 135 Boring, I want to see a river of blood

Chapter 136 135. Bored, I want to see a river of blood

Looking at Yang Mi who pushed open the door of the conference room and came in, Liu Tianxian, who was standing at the door, took the initiative to say hello:

"Yang Mi, long time no see."

Yang Mi responded in a tone that was not too close, but not too distant:

"Yes, Yifei, it's been a while since I last saw you! I heard that you are filming "New Shanghai Bund" recently. Have you finished filming?"

Liu Tianxian nodded and said, "Well, I came here just after the filming was finished. I think you made a cameo appearance in "Silver Driver" some time ago, right?"

Yang Mi also nodded: "Yes, I made a cameo appearance in a small role, and also served as Wei Wu's assistant for a while. Anyway, there is no movie to shoot, so I learned how to make a movie from Wei Wu!"

Liu Tianxian did not comment: "Well, it's good, I am going to transfer to the directing department for graduate studies..."

Since the two met, Wei Wu basically perked up his ears and kept paying attention to every word of their words.

In fact, he was not the only one who was like this. Almost everyone present, whether it was actors such as Chen Xiao, Qiao Shan, Chen He, or other staff members.

Almost all of them unconsciously slowed down their movements, tried not to make any noise, secretly watched them with gossipy eyes, and almost waved flags and shouted:

Fight! Fight!

But how could the two of them do as everyone wished, and start fighting in front of so many people!

On the contrary, the two of them had a gentle tone, natural expression, and politeness. Those who didn't know would think that they were colleagues with a good relationship!

As Wei Wu's official girlfriend, Liu Tianxian naturally had to show the breadth of mind and bearing of the main wife, so she took the initiative to say hello to Yang Mi, and Yang Mi immediately responded without servility.

In fact, the reason why the two of them met so harmoniously this time was mainly because both of them were in a good mood recently. Without the hostility in their hearts, they were naturally not so sharp!

Liu Tianxian was in a good mood, of course, because she was the winner.

Moreover, she has already met his parents and obtained their approval. She will soon live with Wei Wu, which basically means she is his fiancée!

If she is not yet 20 years old, they may have already started planning their wedding!

Moreover, her family has just purchased a luxury house and moved into a new home. In addition, the movie she starred in is about to be released! It can be said that she is in a good mood because of the triple happiness!

On the other hand, Yang Mi is in a good mood, of course, because she just succeeded in cheating not long ago!

Although Liu Tianxian is the official girlfriend, she was the first to sleep with Wei Wu. This is a fait accompli that cannot be changed.

And since she can steal the corner once, of course she can steal it again.

Although being a mistress is not a glorious thing, at least the current situation is better than before.

At least the two have made it clear that they are lovers. Now for Yang Mi, she only needs to consider how to become a regular girlfriend. She doesn’t need to guess Wei Wu’s thoughts anymore. It’s simpler and more reassuring!

Moreover, Yang Mi has completely figured it out since she took that step that night.

I'm going to give it my all. Anyway, I'll get Wei Wu no matter what!

Not to mention that they haven't gotten married yet, and it's still unknown who will win. Even if they get married, can't they still get divorced?

Anyway, this man is just like that. There is no cat that doesn't steal fish in this world.

To be honest, although Wei Wu slept with her, she had to admit that Wei Wu was actually a man with considerable self-control!

After all, she tried her best and used all kinds of tricks. After more than a year, she finally took advantage of Liu Tianxian's absence to take him down in one fell swoop.

If it were another man, let alone a year, it would be considered a good determination to be able to hold on for three days!

Although Yang Mi doesn't have a mansion, she recently got a house for free, so naturally she also has the joy of moving into a new home.

Not to mention that she has been nourished by love in recent times, which is almost a good thing in pairs, so she is naturally in a good mood.

Both of them were in a good mood, and they had some sympathy for each other. Liu Tianxian was of course because the other party lost, and Yang Mi was because she was a mistress.

Because of this sympathy, neither of them could bear to be aggressive, so they kept things quiet.

Seeing how harmonious the two were, it was no different from ordinary colleagues greeting each other. There was no hidden knife in their smiles, no weirdness, and no indirect criticism in their verbal confrontation...

So everyone was a little disappointed. If they had a group chat now, it would probably be filled with:

Boring, I want to see a river of blood!

Today, the two did not fight, and everyone was disappointed for a while, and then they did what they had to do.

The two exchanged a few words, which was considered a formal greeting, and then they naturally dispersed after completing the clock-in.

After all, they were not really close, and a few words of greeting were acceptable for face, and it was enough for the sake of the gesture!

After saying hello, Liu Tianxian returned to Wei Wu and chatted with him:

"Hey, I heard that Chen Yixun will also come to help us with the roadshow promotion. Is it true?"

Wei Wu nodded and said, "It's true, but he obviously can't come so early. If you want him to run to one city a day like us, he will definitely not be happy!

"If he really wants to come, he has to wait until the two days before the movie is released, and then choose a few big box office cities, and run two or three shows at most,

"Then attend our premiere, sing the theme song and help promote the film, that's basically all you can do!"

The reason why Chen Yixun gave Wei Wu so much face and helped him promote the film without charging any extra money was of course because Wei Wu wrote two songs, "Those Years" and "Because of Love", and asked him to sing them, which also brought him a lot of benefits.

Not to mention the added value to his fame and influence, the mini album they produced was naturally also counted as a share for Chen Yixun, and the share alone was more than one million.

Promoting the film, when more people watch the film, will naturally drive the sales of the film music album, and he will get more money accordingly.

And he can also win Wei Wu's favor, which is like killing two birds with one stone, so why not?

Although Chen Yixun did not plan to develop in the film industry, he would definitely want to ask Wei Wu to help write songs in the future, so of course he had to make friends with him.

Since Chen Yixun was mentioned, Liu Tianxian naturally thought of another singer:

"Hey, what about Wang Fei? Isn't she coming? Isn't "Fleeting Time" more popular?"

Wei Wu looked at her with a strange look and said: "Don't you check the news every day?"

Liu Tianxian was stunned for a moment: "What news?"

Wei Wu put his hand on his forehead: "Please, did you just get the Internet at home?

"Wang Fei just gave birth to a daughter a week ago, and she is still in confinement! How could she come to help us promote the movie!"

Liu Tianxian suddenly realized: "Oh, so that's the case, then I really don't know. ”

In fact, even if Wang Fei is out of confinement now, she probably doesn’t have the energy to help Wei Wu promote any movies at this moment, because her newborn daughter was born with a cleft lip.

Although cleft lip can be cured, it costs a lot of money and a long time.

And often after the expensive and time-consuming treatment, it is still difficult to ensure that there are no sequelae on the face. In addition, congenital defects can easily cause inferiority and even depression.

As a mother, Wang Fei must be heartbroken when she sees her daughter like this, how can she care about other things!

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