Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 141 140 creates the best opening score for a domestic love movie (new January monthly ticket

Chapter 141 140. Create the best opening result of a domestic love movie (please vote for the new January)

"Director Ning, do you have anything to say about the box office debut of "Those Years" exceeding 10 million yuan and setting the best opening result for a domestic love movie?"

Regarding reporters’ questions during the “Crazy Stone” road show, Ning Hao picked up the microphone and answered with a smile:

“First of all, I would like to express my congratulations to my good friend and, of course, my boss, Director Wei Wu, for making another well-received and well-received film.

“Of course, considering his level, this is actually quite a logical thing.

"I went to the premiere of "Those Years" and I saw the feedback from the audience, so I'm not surprised that the film has achieved such outstanding results.

"I can only say that the level of director Wei Wu is indeed worthy of such a result, so I also wish that the box office of "Those Years" will continue to rise and break 100 million as soon as possible to create a new box office myth."

Of course, at the end, Ning Hao did not forget to advertise his movie:

"As we all know, Director Wei Wu is actually the producer of our film, so our film "Crazy Stone" naturally received friendly suggestions from Director Wei Wu.

"And he also spoke highly of our movie, so I hope everyone can support our "Crazy Stone" more.

“It’s not that I, the Queen, am selling melons and boasting, but everyone will know after watching it that our movie is really worth watching.

"Even if you don't believe in my level, Ning Hao, at least respect Director Wei Wu's vision!"

At this time, another reporter asked: "Director Ning, is Director Wei Wu really the producer of your movie? Isn't it just in name?"

Ning Hao said seriously: "How is this possible? In fact, Director Wei Wu is not only the producer of our film, but also the second largest investor in our film.

"If it wasn't for his optimism about our movie, how could Director Wei be willing to invest?"

Another reporter said: "Director Ning, can you please disclose the proportion of director Wei Wu's investment?"

"Business secrets, no comment, but I can reveal a little bit, at least no less than 25%."

Then another reporter asked a slightly more serious question:

"Director Ning, I heard that you have joined Director Wei Wu's Bad Monkey Pictures. Do you have any plans to make films together in the future?"

"Not yet, but if Director Wei sends out an invitation, I will definitely not refuse it..."

Another reporter found another way to cue Liu Tianxian:

"Director Ning, Ms. Liu Yifei's fame has increased greatly due to the hit movie "Those Years". Will you consider her as the heroine of your next movie?"

"Of course I hope to cooperate with Ms. Liu in the future, but she is so popular right now, so I'm afraid there may not be a schedule!"

After the reporter's Q\u0026A was over, Ning Hao, who returned to the lounge, couldn't help but complain to his wife:

"I wonder if this is our "Crazy Stone" press conference? Why are the reporters' questions every day related to Wei Wu or "Those Years"?"

Xing Aina shrugged and said: "No way, who made "Those Years" so popular now!

"Since we are promoting our movie under the banner of Wei Wu, of course we have to bear some backlash."

Ning Hao sighed and said: "Actually, I know all this, but I just don't feel happy about it!

"You are a few years younger than me, and now you are so successful! Seeing that the movie "Those Years" is very likely to exceed 100 million, who can not be jealous?"

Xing Aina understandingly took her husband's hand with her left hand, then brushed his back with her right hand and said comfortingly:

"For a genius like Wei Wu, who is truly the pride of heaven and an unparalleled genius, comparing yourself to them is just asking for trouble. Just be more open-minded!"

Ning Hao took a deep breath, then spit it out and said:

"Yeah, I don't understand some of the truth. But seeing the people around me become so successful all of a sudden, to say that I don't have any jealousy at all is to deceive myself!

"By the way, how much is the box office of "Those Years" now?"

Xing Aina knows almost everything she knows, and she has obviously done enough homework:

"All three days of the first weekend exceeded 10 million. From Friday to Sunday, it was 11.2 million, 13.6 million, and 14.4 million respectively. Adding in the 1.6 million in advance screenings on Thursday, the box office in the first weekend was 41 million."

Ning Hao couldn't help but take a breath: "What the hell is it so fierce? Judging from the current trend, breaking 100 million is almost a foregone conclusion!"

Xing Aina nodded and said: "There is almost no suspense about breaking 100 million. We just have to see if we can move forward a little bit after breaking 100 million.

"To be honest, I don't think "Those Years" will go very far after it breaks the 100 million mark. It will mainly be followed by "Superman Returns" and "Mission: Impossible 3".

"If it's a domestic blockbuster, maybe "Those Years" can compete with them a little bit, but if you're not lucky enough to encounter a Hollywood blockbuster, there's really nothing you can do!"

Ning Hao felt empty in his heart, as if something important to him had been suddenly taken away.

Ning Hao shook his head slightly and said: "If you can break 100 million, you are already pretty awesome! Why do you need to think about so many things?

"At present, among our mainland directors, apart from Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and Feng Xiaogang, there seems to be no director with a box office of over 100 million, right?"

Xing Aina has also done her homework: "It seems to be true, Zhang Yimou has two movies with over 100 million box office: "Hero" in 2002 and "House of Flying Daggers" the year before.

"There is only one film by Chen Kaige, last year's "The Promise", and only one by Feng Xiaogang. The year before last, "A World Without Thieves", these are the only four domestic films that have grossed over 100 million so far.

"Even if we count Hong Kong films, there are only six. One is Yu Rentai's "Fearless" which was just released this year, and the other is Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu" the year before last.

"Even if we expand the scope and include Hollywood movies, the total will still not reach 10."

So Ning Hao's expression became even more sour: "So as long as the box office of "Those Years" exceeds 100 million, it can even directly enter the top ten in the box office rankings of mainland film history?"

Xing Aina nodded: "As long as it exceeds 100 million, the worst case scenario is tenth."

Ning Hao couldn't help but sigh: "I also expected that "Those Years" might be very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"Then when this movie is released, Wei Wu's fame will basically catch up with Zhang Chenfeng. As long as he is arrogant and thick-skinned, even if he claims to be the fourth greatest director in the mainland, there seems to be no problem!"

Xing Aina smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, there are already people on the Internet advocating for him and calling him the fourth greatest director in the mainland!

"I'm afraid you don't know that Wei Wu's reputation on the Internet has long been comparable to that of Zhang, Chen and Feng!

"Even now he is so famous. Compared with the three predecessors, it can be said that his popularity is definitely better than that of his three predecessors."

Ning Hao couldn't help but wonder: "Why is he so famous online?"

Xing Aina spread her hands and said, "Who knows, maybe it's just that the capable can do anything! But he has been really popular on the Internet recently!

"Especially among young people who like to surf the Internet, it has many fans and is very popular. It can be said that almost everyone knows about it!"

Xing Aina continued thoughtfully: "Anyway, Wei Wu, he seems to have an indescribable coolness about him!

“It seems that it is always at the forefront of the times, so it is very popular among young netizens today.

"And his knowledge base is also exaggerated, ranging from astronomy and geography to trivial matters. No matter whether it is ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, as long as he is willing, he can pick up any topic and will never let any words fall casually. It's really unacceptable. !

"After all, you saw the last premiere. Most of the audience attending the premiere were young people, and it has a lot to do with Wei Wu himself."

Ning Hao couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead: "Think about it, if I were a few years younger, in my teens or 20s, and met such a powerful and cool person, I would have inevitably admired him!"

Xing Aina finally concluded: "So everyone's success is not a fluke. "Those Years" became an instant hit. In fact, Wei Wu also quietly did a lot of preparation work behind the scenes.

"We don't need to force ourselves to compare with others. We just need to compare ourselves with others. It will be great if we make progress in every movie!"

Ning Hao sighed with a complicated mood and said, "You can't even see the taillights anymore, so how can we compare! That's all we can do!"

This is the second update today, and then it will be gone today. The additional monthly tickets will be added tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Then the rules for adding 200 monthly tickets and one update this month will remain the same. Now it has entered April. If you have votes, please vote. ,Many thanks!

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