Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 142 141 It is better to bully an old man than a poor young man

Chapter 142 141. It’s better to bully a white-headed man than a poor young man

"How much was the box office of "Those Years"?"

Chen Hong observed her husband's expression and replied in a low voice:

"Yesterday and Sunday, it received another 10.3 million, and the cumulative box office in the second week was 36 million. As of yesterday, the cumulative box office in the 10 days since its release was 77 million."

Chen Kaige was silent for a long time and said: "Well, it seems that the 100 million-breaking mark should have been achieved. Unexpectedly, Wei Wu, this kid, really jumped over the dragon's gate and suddenly became a phenomenon. Only the second movie has exceeded 100 million!"

"I think I made my first movie "Yellow Earth" in 1984, and it took me 20 years to finally get my first "The Promise" with a box office of over 100 million.

"It's unbelievable to think that a young boy only spent half a year, and his two movies directly exceeded 100 million yuan! Where does this put the faces of us old guys!"

Chen Hong stood up and poured a cup of tea for her husband, then said warmly and comfortingly:

"It can't be compared like this. Wei Wu mainly caught up with the good time when the film market took off.

“The scale of the movie market has now expanded several times compared to a few years ago. In the past, there was only one movie that exceeded 100 million yuan, but now there are four movies with a box office of more than 100 million yuan last year alone, and there will definitely be more this year.

"In other words, there will naturally be more and more movies with a box office of over 100 million yuan in the future. It can be said that the value of the title of director worth 100 million yuan has been declining.

"And even if "Those Years" exceeded 100 million, the box office would only be a little over 100 million, which is still far behind our "The Promise". So even if Wei Wu becomes famous by luck, to be honest, he can't compare with you!

"Many people on the Internet now praise his bad feet, and actually say that he is the fourth largest director in the mainland. It is simply ridiculous!

"What qualifications does he have to bear this title just because he made two movies that were moderately successful at the box office?"

Chen Kaige pondered for a long time, but did not echo his wife's words, but said seriously:

"Wei Wu may still be a little short of being able to afford this title, but as long as he has one or two more movies that exceed 100 million yuan, he will almost be able to earn this title!

"Think about it, the box office of "Those Years", a movie with a mere investment of several million, has exceeded 100 million. Then he will make "Painted Skin" next, so can the box office of "Painted Skin" still not exceed 100 million?

"I heard that after the premiere box office of "Those Years" was released, Han Sanping immediately called him and said that he could further increase the production budget of "Painted Skin" to 150 million or even 200 million, but Wei Wu declined. .

"And he is so prolific. Everyone in the industry knows that he is a quick shooter. He not only makes movies quickly, but also does post-production faster. No wonder they say he is the mainland version of Wang Jing. He does have his style.

"You also know that it takes me almost three years to make a movie, but he can make two movies in a year. I heard that in two months, his next movie will be released right before the National Day.

"He not only has quality but also quantity. How can we people compare with him? Whether it's age or quantity, it's basically a matter of time before we catch up with old guys like us!"

It's not that Chen Hong didn't know what her husband said. After all, she was not stupid.

It was just to comfort her husband that she deliberately belittled Wei Wu. Unexpectedly, Chen Kaige did not agree this time, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

However, Chen Hong immediately realized what her husband’s change in attitude meant, so she asked him directly:

"Are you planning to reconcile with him? Are you no longer concerned about what happened in the video?"

Chen Hong originally wanted to say "steamed buns", but he changed the word again. After all, the word "steamed buns" has almost become a taboo for Chen Kaige now, and anyone who mentions it will be in a hurry.

Therefore, even as his wife, Chen Hong tried her best to avoid mentioning these two words in front of him.

Chen Kaige nodded: "Some time ago, Han Sanping said that he would set up a bureau to ask Wei Wu to apologize to us. In my opinion, forget it. I will call Han Sanping back later and let this matter be settled!"

Chen Hong was a little reluctant: "He and that Brother Hu have caused us such great disgrace and a box office loss of tens of millions. It would be fine if we didn't ask him to apologize publicly. Even if we don't apologize privately, that would be too much." Take advantage of him!"

To be honest, not only Chen Kaige hated Hu Ge and Wei Wu, but Chen Hong also hated them.

Because in the view of the couple, it was because of the bad video of "Steamed Buns" that the reputation of "The Promise" collapsed and the box office fell short of expectations.

After this battle, although Chen Kaige's reputation was not completely ruined, his vitality was indeed severely damaged.

As we all know, "The Promise" has high hopes for Chen Kaige. From the beginning, it was set against Zhang Yimou and rushed to surpass "Hero".

He fully expected that when "The Promise" was released and the box office would surpass "Hero", he would send out a few press releases to promote it, and it would be a matter of course for him to ascend to the throne of the number one director in the mainland.

But who thought things would end like this? Not only was his dream as the number one director shattered, but Chen Hong's dream as the number one director's wife was also awakened.

So even though half a year had passed, the couple still said they were deeply resentful of Brother Hu and Wei Wu, and they felt indignant every time they mentioned it.

Chen Kaige sighed and said: "There is no way. Now Wei Wu is rising so fast and he is still so young. Even if I can suppress him for a while, can I still suppress him for the rest of his life?

"What's more, do you think he sincerely apologized to us? He has been so crazy that he doesn't even care about Zhang Yimou, so how can he give me face?

"If it weren't for Han Sanping's sake, he might not be willing to give in in front of me!"

In fact, because of this incident, Chen Kaige's feelings towards Wei Wu have improved. After all, if Wei Wu looks down on him, but turns around and praises Zhang Yimou, then Chen Kaige hates this kind of villain the most!

But if Wei Wu treats him and Zhang Yimou equally, then I don't care about you and me anyway. Then Chen Kaige will feel better, thinking that this young man is just too arrogant because of his youth, but he is not that annoying.

Chen Kaige suddenly changed the subject:

"And didn't you send someone to investigate in detail? Wei Wu and that Brother Hu, the two did not know each other before.

"And that video from beginning to end was Brother Hu's own idea, and no one instructed him at all.

"We can blame Brother Hu, but to be honest, Wei Wu is not the mastermind after all, at most he is an accomplice.

"To be honest, he just happened to run an advertisement, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. So there is no need to keep harping on it! "

"As the old saying goes, it is better to bully an old man than to bully a poor young man.

"It's better to make peace and avoid cutting off your own retreat. Although Wei Wu can't do anything to us, can he still do nothing to our son?

"Don't you want our son to enter this industry in the future? Then we have to think more about what we do in the future, just for the sake of the child, and be patient in everything."

When it comes to children, Chen Hong suddenly stopped talking. After all, as a parent, sometimes you have to be humble and swallow your anger for the sake of your children.

Chen Hong has already agreed with her husband's idea, but she is not happy in the end, so she can't help but complain:

"But Yu Ang made this child look ordinary, I'm afraid he can't eat the bowl of actor! ”

Their eldest son Chen Yuang is already 9 years old this year. Although he has not fully grown up, it can be seen that his appearance is indeed not outstanding. He has not inherited any beauty genes from his mother.

This is especially obvious when compared with his younger brother Chen Feiyu. His younger brother Chen Feiyu is three years younger than him. Although he is only 6 years old, he has beautiful eyebrows, red lips and white teeth. He is a handsome guy at first glance.

Chen Kaige was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and he was a little short of breath when he spoke again:

“It doesn’t matter. Yuang can’t be an actor, but he can be a director like me! Besides, don’t we still have Feiyu!

“Let’s take a step back and say that even if Feiyu can’t do it, we can still have more children! At most, we can have a few more children. Anyway, our family can afford to support them.

“I don’t believe that all our sons look like me, but there must be one or two who look like you!”

Chen Hong rolled her eyes at him charmingly and said, “Bah, you are always so dishonest! ”

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