Chapter 248 247. "Snow Leopard" officially completed

"Then I'm leaving, remember to miss me!"

"Yeah", Wei Wu nodded and said with a smile:

"I'm starting to think about it now!"

"Huh, glib!"

Although Yang Mi said this, she immediately leaned forward and kissed her with a smile.

After getting up on the second day, Yang Mi had to reluctantly say goodbye to Wei Wu and continue the road show of "To Youth".

Wei Wu also immediately returned to Hengdian to continue filming "Snow Leopard".

Time flies and comes to May 22, which is also the day when filming of "Snow Leopard" is officially wrapped. We are currently filming the last scene of the show.

Liu Tianxian suddenly took a step forward, stopped Wei Wu who was about to go out, and said coquettishly:

"The devils are finished!"

Wei Wu, whose way was blocked, was confused and subconsciously agreed:

"Ah, the fight is over!"

Liu Tianxian rolled his eyes at him, hesitated to speak, and finally said angrily:

"You said..."

Wei Wu still looked confused: "What did you say!"

Liu Tianxian suddenly became anxious: "Have you forgotten?"

At this time, the expression on Wei Wu's face finally became a little unbearable. He pursed his lips and did not laugh out loud, but there was a smile in his eyes.

It turns out that Zhou Weiguo, who he played, knew all along that he was just teasing Chen Yi on purpose.

Liu Tianxian was so angry that he pushed him and cursed with a smile:


Then he raised his palm as if to strike. Wei Wu shrank his neck in fright. Liu Tianxian laughed when he saw his cowardice, and then he was reluctant to strike.

"You make me so angry!"

"Why don't you just get married?"

Wei Wu felt a little embarrassed at the mention of these two words, so he deliberately squeezed her and ran out the door.

Liu Tianxian was staggered due to the squeeze, and he hit him on the shoulder and said:


Then he chased him out, and the two of them disappeared outside the door...

At this time, Guo Jinyu shouted loudly: "It's stuck! OK, everyone, don't move yet!"

Still, he immediately stepped aside and asked Wei Wu to look at the monitor to check whether he could pass this section.

After watching it, Wei Wu waved his hand: "It's passed! I announce that "Snow Leopard" is officially finished!"


Everyone applauded loudly, their faces filled with sincere joy.

Wei Wu was also very happy, and at the same time he felt relieved.

From the start of filming on March 1 to now, there have been 31 days in March, 30 days in April, plus 22 days this month, a total of 83 days. The filming of my first movie starring myself has finally been completed.

I have to say that filming a TV series is much more tiring than filming a movie!

Well, filming a movie is more mentally demanding, while filming a TV series is more physically demanding.

Because filmmaking requires excellence, every shot must be polished and crafted with care.

Although filming a TV series can be relaxed appropriately and does not require every shot to be perfect, the workload is many times greater.

A movie can usually only shoot twenty or thirty shots a day. But TV dramas are different. On average, hundreds of scenes have to be shot every day.

And even so, TV dramas are generally divided into AB groups and filmed in parallel, so that they can be completed on time.

Therefore, most TV series have more than one director, usually two, or even three or four.

But Wei Wu didn't do that, because he shot it himself. Firstly, he could unify the style and ensure quality. Secondly, he shot fast enough, so there was no need to do that.

After the filming was wrapped, as usual, a wrapping banquet was held at a high-end restaurant near the set at eight o'clock that night.

However, because five of the seven leading actors were gone and only the male and female protagonists were left, the wrap-up party was a little deserted this time.

So this time, the only ones qualified to sit at the main table were Wei Wu, Liu Tianxian and Guo Jinyu. Then Yang Zhigang took advantage of his brother and got a seat.

After three drinks and five dishes, Guo Jinyu couldn't help but ask about the release of "Snow Leopard":

"Boss, when will our drama be broadcast?"

Wei Wu pondered and said: "If nothing else happens, it should be early August. Just in time to catch up with the second half of the summer season."

Yes, don’t think that only movies have summer releases, TV series also have them.

It’s just that compared to movies, TV series may not be so demanding on schedule.

It is true that more students watch movies during the summer, but obviously more students watch TV series!

Therefore, the two most popular periods for TV dramas are summer and winter vacation (Spring Festival).

These two schedules are not only fiercely competitive for movies, but also for TV series.

With Wei Wu's ability, there should be no problem finishing the post-production in two months. In other words, "Snow Leopard" can be broadcast in late July at the earliest.

Moreover, "Painted Skin" happens to be released in July, and Wei Wu's popularity will be at its peak at that time. At that time, "Snow Leopard" was launched, which was just in time to reap a wave of traffic bonuses.

"Oh", Guo Jinyu nodded and asked:

"Then which channel are we going to air this drama on?"

There was no need for Wei Wu to hide it: "Currently, Mango Channel, Anhui Channel, Yanjing Channel, and Jiangxi Channel have purchased the first-run broadcast rights.

"Currently, the second round of auctions has not started yet. If nothing else happens, the first round should be broadcast on these four channels!"

The one-drama-two-star policy was only implemented 15 years ago. The current implementation is one drama with four stars, which means that a TV series can be broadcast on up to 4 satellite TV stations in the first round.

Liu Tianxian was a little surprised: "Without a local TV station trial broadcast? Directly broadcast on satellite?"

Wei Wu nodded: "Yes, directly broadcast on satellite."

Guo Jinyu raised his glass and said: "Boss, I toast you a glass. With your fame and appeal, there is really no need for a trial broadcast."

"Yes, cheers." Wei Wu was very respectful and clinked glasses with him.

Although Guo Jinyu's words were flattering, it was indeed the case.

In fact, not only are movie stars half a level higher than TV stars, but the same is true for movie directors.

And Wei Wu is now one of the four major directors in the mainland. Of course, all TV stations are scrambling to buy his first TV series.

Although the appearance of this drama has been slightly reduced because of Wei Wu's starring role.

But because of the war of words caused by Wei Wu's starring role, the attention of this drama has also risen unprecedentedly, and one in and one out is equivalent to leveling.

Finally, after fierce competition, Mango TV, Anhui TV, Yanjing TV and Jiangxi TV won the first round of broadcasting rights.

Why these four stations?

Because these four stations are the four provincial TV stations with the highest audience share last year, and they can basically be regarded as the four major TV stations in 2006.

The leader of provincial TV stations these days is undoubtedly Mango TV. It's just that the advantage is not so obvious, and it is not as unique as in later generations, sitting firmly in the leader position.

But many people may be a little surprised that the second place is not Yanjing TV, not Oriental TV, nor Jiangsu TV or Zhejiang TV, but Anhui TV.

And Anhui TV is not a flash in the pan. As of this year, Anhui TV has been ranked the top two in the provincial TV ratings share rankings for four consecutive years with Mango TV.

In recent years, the third and fourth places have been changing, and only the top two are as stable as Mount Tai.

Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that my great Anhui TV would still be so stubborn, right?

Can you believe it? The biggest competitor of Mango TV these days is Anhui TV!

And Wei Wu's offer for "Snow Leopard" this time is not low, 250,000 per episode, and the first round of broadcast rights for 40 episodes is as high as 10 million.

This price is not particularly exaggerated, the key is that the risk is relatively large.

After all, it was Wei Wu's first time to shoot a TV series, and he was the lead actor, both of which were uncertain factors.

Most TV stations could afford this money, but ordinary TV stations were not willing to take such a big risk, and only those TV stations that were not short of money could afford it.

And last year, the four major TV stations had high audience share, so naturally the advertising revenue was also high, and of course they would gamble with their wealth!

And this is also a two-way choice. When there are more than four buyers willing to pay, Wei Wu will of course choose a TV station with a larger audience share.

In fact, when the first round of "Snow Leopard" was sold, the TV series had already declared a profit.

Because the production cost of a single episode of the drama "Snow Leopard" is 800,000, which means the total production cost is 32 million.

And the first round of broadcast rights was sold for 40 million, which means that it has already made a profit of 8 million!

If it is sold in the second, third, or even N rounds, it will all be net profit!

In fact, this production cost is already relatively high, and it can be said to be well-made! After all, the production cost of a single episode of an anti-Japanese war drama these days is generally no more than 500,000.

You should know that the CCTV drama "Crossing Guandong" that started filming last year only cost 800,000 per episode. What kind of quality is that?

Precisely because this drama is Wei Wu's debut, he is particularly willing to spend money to ensure that the shots and texture of this movie are as good as those of ordinary movies.

A sound is more valuable than a thousand gold coins. Wei Wu would rather make less money, but he must make a good start!

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