Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 300 299 Lunar New Year holiday is about to begin

Chapter 300 299. The Lunar New Year box office is about to start

"Hey, welcome our Golden Horse Film Queen back with honor!"

Fan Bingbing was particularly high-spirited, and her joy was beyond words, but in front of Wei Wu, she still lowered her head and said seriously:

"Thank you very much, if you hadn't given me this opportunity and carefully guided my performance, how could I be here today?"

Although Fan Bingbing has now officially reached the top and crowned the first sister of the domestic entertainment industry, she is not only not arrogant, but she pays more attention to Wei Wu in her heart.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

Wei Wu can send her up today, and he can send Liu Tianxian up tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow he can send Yang Mi, and even other outstanding fellow sisters up.

Take a step back and say that even if they don't have a system, as long as Wei Wu is willing, he should be able to do it! It's nothing more than spending more time and effort!

Now that there is a system to help, it will be easier to do, and it can even be said to be foolproof.

What's more, Fan Bingbing is now the new king, and the country is not stable. Liu Tianxian is biting very hard behind her and may replace her at any time.

If she wants to consolidate or even this position, she must get help from Wei Wu.

After all the hardships, she finally sat on this position, and Fan Bingbing certainly doesn't want to be driven off the stage.

So at this moment, she wants Wei Wu more than ever before. After all, why should others help her if there is no binding relationship?

This growing desire has even reached the point where she is willing to lower her posture.

Before this, she only wanted to replace Liu Tianxian and monopolize Wei Wu. But as time went on, Fan Bingbing gradually realized that this goal was becoming more and more unrealistic.

But Wei Wu became more and more important to her, so now she is even willing to share it with Liu Tianxian.

Fan Bingbing longs for love, but she longs for career success more. She is not without feelings for Wei Wu, but she always loves herself more.

Wei Wu was very satisfied with her consistent attitude:

"You are too kind. If you work hard, you will get something. You have won three Best Actress awards, which is worth the scolding I gave you."

Fan Bingbing put his hand on his forehead and said embarrassedly:

"It's also my fault that I am too stupid. I have troubled you during that time!"

Fan Bingbing thought of the days when Wei Wu scolded him every day. It really proved the poem:

Without going through the bitter cold, how can the plum blossom smell fragrant?

"You have already won 4 Best Actress trophies. As long as you win the Best Actress at the Academy Awards, you can achieve the Grand Slam of Chinese Best Actress!

"Keep going! This is an unprecedented epic achievement! Enough to go down in the history of Chinese films!"

Fan Bingbing smiled bitterly and said: "It's too difficult! At least this time, "Painted Skin" should not be able to win!"

Wei Wu nodded in agreement: "It's really hopeless. I guess you have to find another way! ”

The Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony is not held at the end of the year like the Golden Horse Awards. The Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony is usually held in mid-April every year.

This year's Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony was held on April 15th, and Gong Li won the Best Actress Award for "Curse of the Golden Flower".

The next Hong Kong Film Awards, the 27th Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony, will be held on April 13th next year. The Best Actress of the previous session was Siqin Gaowa ("My Aunt's Postmodern Life"), and the Best Actor was Jet Li ("The Warlords").

This is also the second time that Siqin Gaowa has won the Best Actress Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards. In addition, she is also the first mainland actress to win the Best Actress Award.

As early as 1985, she won the Best Actress Award for Like Water Flowing Years, won the Best Actress Award at the 4th Academy Awards.

There are only two mainland actresses who have won the Best Actress Award at the Academy Awards twice, one is Siqin Gaowa, and the other is Zhang Ziyi.

Wei Wu found a particularly interesting point. Starting from the 24th Academy Awards in 2005, the Best Actress Awards for four consecutive years, namely the 24th, 25th, 25th, and 27th Academy Awards, were all mainland actresses, namely:

Zhang Ziyi, Zhou Xun, Gong Li and Siqin Gaowa.

You should know that the local protectionism of the Academy Awards is still quite strong. In the first 23 Academy Awards, only Siqin Gaowa, a mainland actress, won the Best Actress Award.

But since the 24th in 2005, From the 19th Hong Kong Film Awards to the 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards in 2024, 10 of the following 19 Best Actress Awards were won by mainland actresses.

This alone shows how serious the generation gap is among Hong Kong actors, especially actresses.

The last Hong Kong actress to win the Best Actress Award was Zhang Baizhi, and that was almost four years ago. She won the award for "Unforgettable" released in 2003.

Those Hong Kong film goddesses of the golden age are getting old and retired. Basically, there are only two Zhangs who are still active in the first line after the millennium.

But Zhang Manyu announced her retirement as early as 2004, so Zhang Baizhi is now a Hong Kong actress. The big sister of the actors, and also the recognized last flag bearer of Hong Kong actresses, but she is about to get into trouble.

I can only say that Brother Edison is too awesome. The most popular Hong Kong actress nowadays is of course Zhang Baizhi, and the best new generation is the Twins who are both actors and singers, but they were all taken away by him.

Although the decline of Hong Kong stars is an inevitable trend, Brother Edison's assist has definitely greatly accelerated this process.

Wei Wu is of course happy to see it happen. He has always advocated the abolition of the privileges and preferential treatment of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, so that Hong Kong and Taiwan actors and mainland actors can compete fairly.

Otherwise, there are so many commercial blockbusters with better reputations to shoot, why did he shoot "Painted Skin"?

And this should be a good thing for Fan Bingbing! Once the Hong Kong actress is finished, it will be easier for her to win the Best Actress Award at the Academy Awards.

Of course, she can't predict the future like Wei Wu, so she is still a little anxious now.

She sorted out the several film contracts she had on hand and found that none of them were worth fighting for!

It was purely overthinking to want to impact the Best Actress Award at the Academy Awards with these films.

The person who has the greatest hope of helping her achieve her wish is of course Wei Wu.

But because Wei Wu has been pursuing "local protectionism" with great fanfare, many people in the Hong Kong entertainment industry have prejudices against him, which has greatly increased the difficulty for him and his directed films to win awards at the Academy Awards.

Both roads are blocked, and it seems that there should be no hope for at least two or three years.

Alas, Fan Bingbing sighed in his heart and began to have a headache.

But there is no point in rushing this matter, and it seems that she doesn't need to be too anxious. Unless Zhang Ziyi has already won the Best Actress Award at the Golden Horse Awards, it won't be too late for her to rush then.

It seems that it is not easy for Zhang Ziyi to win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress.

So far, the mainland actresses who have won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress are:

Chen Chong (Red Rose and White Rose in 1994), Li Xiaolu (The Sent-Down Girl in 1998), Qin Hailu (Durian Piao Piao in 2001), Zhou Xun (If Love in 2006).

One person's name seems a bit abrupt and seems a bit out of place.

It can only be said that Li Xiaolu's winning of the award has a lot to do with the theme and large scale of the movie The Sent-Down Girl, but not so much with her own performance.

To put it bluntly, the success of this work has little to do with Li Xiaolu.

At the age of only 14, the fledgling Li Xiaolu was like a blank sheet of paper, simple, free, and smart. In addition to being natural, she had no so-called acting skills, but director Chen Chong needed just this blank sheet of paper.

Then at the 35th Golden Horse Awards, "The Sent-Down Girl" won seven awards including Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress, almost sweeping all the important awards.

Li Xiaolu, who won the Golden Horse Award at the age of 16, became the youngest Golden Horse Award winner in history, and her debut was the peak.

This record lasted for 25 years and was finally broken by 12-year-old Lin Pintong. However, when she won the award in 2023, the Golden Horse Awards had already fallen.

Is the 12-year-old Golden Horse Award winner a glory or a tragedy? Is she unconventional or sensational? I believe everyone has their own opinions.

"Boss, do you think Zhang Ziyi can win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress?"

Wei Wu said without hesitation: "Yes."

Fan Bingbing was a little nervous: "Depending on "Mei Lanfang"?"

Wei Wu shook his head: "That's not the case. Let's not talk about "Mei Lanfang", it's just Chen Kaige's old work.

"The key is that I heard that Zhang Ziyi has very few roles in this movie. It is said that it was only filmed for 12 days, with a total of only 6 scenes.

"Even if this movie can be nominated for the Golden Horse Award, she will most likely be nominated for the Best Supporting Actress."

"Oh", Fan Bingbing's heart temporarily fell.

This movie in the previous life was indeed nominated for the Golden Horse Award, and Zhang Ziyi was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress.

Of course, she didn't win the award. Zhang Ziyi's performance in this movie can only be described as mediocre.

The most outstanding in this movie are the supporting actors Wang Xueqi and Yu Shaoqun.

Then Wang Xueqi won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, and Yu Shaoqun won the Golden Horse Award for Best New Actor, proving that the Golden Horse Award judges are not blind.

In comparison, the Huabiao Awards were a bit messed up, with the Outstanding Director Award given to Chen Kaige and the Outstanding Actress Award given to Zhang Ziyi.

It's not that they don't deserve the award, but it's a bit of a stretch to win the award for this movie.

Thinking of this, Wei Wu was inspired: "Zhang Ziyi has had good resources since her debut. She is also particularly favored by big directors, and most importantly, she has a very good luck in awards.

"So I dare to assert that she will win the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress sooner or later. ”

In her previous life, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress in 2013 for The Grandmaster. In addition to her, other mainland actresses who won this award include:

Li Bingbing (The Sound of Wind in 2009), Lv Liping (Cool Youth in 2010), Zhou Dongyu, and Ma Sichun (Soulmate in 2016).

Although the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress is the same as the Golden Image Award for Best Actress, nine mainland actresses won this award. But relatively speaking, the nine Golden Horse Award winners are basically all star actresses.

On the other hand, among the nine Golden Image Award winners, there are also less famous actresses such as Chun Xia, Zeng Meihuizi and Liu Yase.

After Wei Wu said this, Fan Bingbing not only frowned slightly, but also sighed and said helplessly:

“Yes, I don’t know what those judges are thinking. They always like to vote for her! ”

Zhang Ziyi’s luck with awards is indeed a bit outrageous. As a competitor of the same period, Zhou Xun’s acting skills are definitely not inferior to hers.

In terms of awards, Zhou Xun won the Golden Rooster + Hundred Flowers + Golden Image + Golden Horse, while Zhang Ziyi achieved the Grand Slam of Chinese Film Actresses and is the only Chinese actress to achieve this achievement.

It seems that Zhou Xun only lacks one Huabiao Film Actress award compared to Zhang Ziyi, but even this Huabiao Film Actress award that Zhou Xun can’t get no matter what, Zhang Ziyi easily won three:

05 "House of Flying Daggers", 09 "Mei Lanfang", 13 "The Grandmaster"

"The Grandmaster" is well deserved, and there is really nothing to say.

Although the movie "House of Flying Daggers" is not very good, the performance of the blind girl played by Zhang Ziyi is still remarkable, at least the appearance is still memorable.

Only this "Mei Lanfang" is average, the movie itself, Zhang Ziyi's performance in it is also average, and the role is pitifully small. How can it win an award?

However, although Zhang Ziyi is very lucky in winning awards, at least her strength is here.

Compared with another three-gold actress Zhou Dongyu, it seems not so difficult to accept.

Zhou Xun was 35 years old when she won the three-gold actress in 2009, and Zhang Ziyi was 34 years old when she won the three-gold actress in 2013. And Zhou Dongyu was only 28 years old when she won the three-gold actress in 2020.

Like Zhou Xun, Zhou Dongyu has all the Golden Rooster + Hundred Flowers + Golden Image + Golden Horse Awards, and she is only one Huabiao actress away from the Grand Slam.

And relatively speaking, the Huabiao actress award is not particularly difficult to win.

Because as long as you encounter a high-grossing main theme movie, it is basically a matter of course.

Moreover, this type of movie does not need to rely on luck at all. Most of the main theme movies that have achieved high box office have been favored by most people long before filming.

If Zhou Dongyu wins the Huabiao Film Queen and achieves the Grand Slam achievement of Chinese Film Queen, Zhang Ziyi's historical status will be reduced again.

"Boss, have we finished the post-production of "Lost in Thailand"?"

Wei Wu nodded and said, "It was completed and submitted for review at the end of last month! If there are no twists and turns in the review, it will still be released on New Year's Day."

Fan Bingbing's expression was a little solemn: "I heard that "The Warlords" will be released the day after tomorrow, and "Assembly" will be released on the 20th of this month."

Wei Wu waved his hand confidently and said, "It doesn't matter. One is 10 days away from us, and the other is 18 days away from us. It won't affect us!

"Besides, even if they are released on the same day, we are not inferior to them! ”

Wei Wu is not bragging. After all, Lost in Thailand is a sequel. Why should we be afraid of it?

Today is December 10th. The battle for the Lunar New Year is about to start. The upcoming blockbusters have already begun to be promoted extensively.

The competition for the Lunar New Year this year is still quite fierce, but everyone has a tacit understanding to try to keep a little distance, and no one is forcing themselves to compete with each other.

Of course, generally speaking, no one will do this if there is no grudge.

The first one to take the lead in the Lunar New Year this year is The Warlords (12.12), followed by Assembly (12.20), then Lost in Thailand (1.1), then CJ7 (1.30), and finally Slam Dunk (2.8).

Basically, the interval between the release of every two movies is at least one week.

Basically, as long as the interval between the releases is more than one week, the impact of the two movies on each other's box office will not be that great.

In addition, his peers have given Wei Wu enough face. The interval between the other movies is basically only 8~ 10 days.

Only within a month after the release of Lost in Thailand, there was no second heavyweight new film released.

I believe that if possible, Feng Xiaogang would not want to be so close to Lost in Thailand. He even wanted to move Assembly forward, but the problem is that there is The Warlords in front!

Unless he simply skipped The Warlords and moved it to early December, and ran directly to the front.

But the problem is that early December is not the Lunar New Year period, but the tail of the unpopular period, which also has a great negative impact on the box office. .

Or he can also learn from "Slam Dunk" and postpone "Assembly" to February next year.

But February will definitely be a little worse than late December and January.

Anyway, no matter what, "Assembly" has wolves in front and tigers behind, and the box office should be affected to a certain extent.

In the past, the box office of "The Warlords", "Assembly" and "CJ7" all broke 200 million.

I just don't know how many movies will break 200 million by then, with "Lost in Thailand" disrupting the situation?

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