Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 301 300 Da Tiantian is struggling with whether to change jobs

Chapter 301 300. Da Tiantian is confused about whether to change jobs

"Jing Tian, ​​congratulations on wrapping up the project! Thank you for your hard work during this time!"

Fan Bingbing just came back yesterday, and the next day he welcomed Jing Tian's completion.

Jing Tian said gently, "It's not hard, thank you, director."

Generally, actors should be very happy when they finish filming, but Jing Tian doesn't feel this way. After all, she is very reluctant to separate from Wei Wu.

If possible, she would prefer to stay with Wei Wu for a while.

As a little fan girl, I don’t need to do anything with my idol. As long as I see him every day and can say a few words to him, I am already very happy.

In fact, when she first arrived, she had already told Wei Wu:

She has no other work at hand now and has plenty of time. She doesn't need to focus on filming scenes deliberately, she can just let nature take its course.

Of course Wei Wu readily agreed, as this would save him more trouble and make arrangements easier.

Otherwise, if we had just focused on Jing Tian's little scene, the filming would have been completed eight hundred years ago.

You must know that Hou Tianlai, who has more scenes than her, wrapped up and left more than half a month ago because the scenes were filmed intensively.

Even so, one month and 22 days after the filming started, today officially marks the day when Jing Tian wraps up filming.

In fact, it's not just her, the entire crew will be filming for another 10 days at most, and the filming will almost be closed.

After finishing work that day, Wei Wu took Fan Bingbing, Fu Dalong and others to a small closing banquet for Jing Tian at a nearby restaurant.

After drinking and eating, the others said goodbye to Jing Tian and dispersed one after another, leaving only Wei Wu to say goodbye to her.

At this time, the waiter had cleaned the hotel box and served tea to the two of them. The two chatted while drinking tea.

"Director, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I don't know if I will have the chance to work with you again after we say goodbye."

She leaned forward, a tipsy smile hanging on her lips, but her eyes were hazy and lazy, like a kitten longing for comfort.

Wei Wu could have just laughed it off, but this time he told the truth uncharacteristically:

"You also know that there are more and more artists in our Shu culture now. There are too many monks and too little food to make ends meet!"

Jing Tian's heart sank, she knew this was true. As far as she knows, including Reba Naza who was just signed not long ago, there are already 9 actresses in Shu culture.

Moreover, all of them are charming and beautiful, and at least half of them are not inferior to me in appearance.

When new dramas are launched after Wei Wu, maybe the number of actresses under the banner will already be in double digits! When the time comes when there aren’t enough members of the company’s own staff, how can an outsider like myself get a turn?

Now she has figured out that the reason why she got the role of Qiu Qiaoqiao has a lot to do with her place of origin.

It's like saying that this time there was a lot of chance, so it will definitely not be such a good thing next time.

And to say the least, even if Wei Wu takes special care and gives himself a role, his artists will inevitably gossip!

Uncle Li has already said that if people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.

No matter how high Wei Wu's reputation is, problems will inevitably arise in the long run.

So the best solution at the moment is to change jobs and join Wei Wu's company.

But I signed a contract with my current company, Starlight, in 2004. I signed an 8-year contract, and it's only the fourth year now.

In other words, half of her agency contract has not yet been fulfilled, and she is the only one in the company now, and she still cares about her, so I am afraid she will not let her go easily.

The only good news is that because it is a new contract, the liquidated damages in this contract are not high, only 1 million.

The worst-case scenario is to file for termination of the contract and end up paying liquidated damages and walking away.

Of course, Jing Tian doesn't want to come to this point. After all, the company has not sorry for her. Doing this is a bit like repaying a favor with a grudge, which is easy to say or not!

Of course, there is no turning back. She would not do it otherwise, but as soon as she opens her mouth, the matter of terminating the contract must be completed, even if it is litigated in court.

If she gives up halfway, then her old club has alienated her and will not sincerely train her from now on. Then isn’t she useless?

In fact, Jing Tian is still a little hesitant about changing jobs.

Because the current company has a bright star and treats her well, it also offers her a lot of favors, saying that when she achieves success at Nortel, she will be the heroine to star in commercial blockbusters.

Although this cake was very big and fragrant, Jing Tian didn't really believe it when he told his true feelings.

Because of the bright stars, the foundation of this company is relatively weak. If you want to build a team for a commercial blockbuster, it means spending more money, and a lot more money.

These days, commercial blockbusters don’t just mean you can make them if you want!

It doesn’t take a big investment to call it a commercial blockbuster. You have to hire a famous director, and you also have to hire a popular A-list celebrity...

But if a little-known company like Starlight wants to invite these famous directors and stars to cooperate, it is impossible without a lot of blood.

For example, 10 years ago in the previous life, this company spent 150 million on the filming of "Warring States". The second actor Wu Zhenyu's salary at that time was about 1 million. However, this film was so huge that he asked for 6 million.

Of course, the male protagonist Sun Honglei is more famous than him. At that time, his salary was about 3 million, but he did not hesitate to ask for a salary of 10 million.

According to Sun Honglei himself, the reason why he raised the price was because he wanted to politely refuse and let the film crew back out. Unexpectedly, the other party agreed and stopped him directly.

Of course, whether this is true or not, it is probably only known by himself.

However, when Sun Honglei was interviewed by Yi Lijing later, he said that he had returned the money he had spent on him, so this should be somewhat true.

Since the male lead and the second male lead both asked for a high price, wouldn’t the others raise the price?

How much has the cost of this movie increased?

Commercial blockbusters are inherently risky, and because of these reasons, the production costs have to be increased. Wouldn’t it be even more distant to get back the money?

This is indeed the case. The final box office of this movie with an investment of 150 million yuan was only 75.97 million yuan.

This cannot be called a loss of money, this is a complete hemorrhage!

And even if this movie is willing to spend so much money, no famous director is willing to take over.

Just imagine, since this movie is willing to spend 16 million to invite Sun Honglei and Wu Zhenyu, wouldn’t he be unwilling to spend another 18 million to invite a famous director?

Since the director of the last movie is the unknown Jin Chen, it means that there is no famous director willing to get involved in this mess.

Therefore, strictly speaking, "Warring States" cannot be considered a commercial blockbuster.

Because generally speaking, commercial blockbusters must meet three basic conditions:

First, it must be a large investment, second, the director must be a famous director, and third, the starring role must be a big star.

Therefore, in Jing Tian's view, the promise made by her boss that she would star in a blockbuster after graduation is more like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey.

Even though Weiguo Films is now in its heyday, Wei Wu has not seen any commercial blockbusters. As a result, her boss said that she would be allowed to star in a blockbuster after graduation. Isn't this just empty talk?

Her boss is indeed not short of money, but the problem is that money is not omnipotent.

In the past few years, many coal bosses have entered the entertainment industry and tried to promote some actresses.

However, there are very few who can be promoted, let alone become famous, and even those who are not famous have rarely been seen.

However, whether to continue to stay in the current company and be the head of the company, or to switch to Shuguo Culture and become the tail of the phoenix, this really needs to be thought through.

After all, the fierceness of competition in Shuguo Culture is at least 10 times more serious than here now.

Jing Tian is not as ambitious as Fan Bingbing and Yang Mi, and is even a little easy-going, so she is very entangled.

But no matter what, she has to find out first whether Wei Wu has any intention in this regard.

If Wei Wu doesn't have this idea, then she will forget it and there is no need to worry about it.

"Director, if I want to switch to join your company, are you willing to accept me?"

Wei Wu nodded without hesitation and said:

"Yes, I am eager to recruit talents, Shuguo Culture welcomes you!"

Jing Tian was happy, and then immediately frowned:

"But I still have a contract, and the agency contract has not been fulfilled halfway. I am afraid that the company will not let go easily..."

Jing Tian's words can be used for both offense and defense.

Although she has the idea of ​​switching jobs now, she has not made up her mind completely.

In case she regrets it, she can use this as a shield.

Wei Wu said solemnly: "Don't worry, as long as you nod, I will help you solve other things, whether it is compensation for breach of contract or other things, it's okay!"

Of course, Wei Wu will definitely not care so much. Since she has such an idea, he will directly give her a subsystem to help her firm up this idea.

Although Wei Wu has already made up his mind to send Jing Tian a subsystem on the day of the wrap-up. But whether to let her change jobs, Wei Wu actually had a struggle.

After all, if Jing Tian changes jobs, at least her resources in the early stage of her career will definitely be greatly downgraded.

Wei Wu simply can't arrange so many resources to train her like her old company Xingguang Canlan.

But the problem is that if Jing Tian doesn't change jobs, even if she has a subsystem, Wei Wu will not be able to feed her resources, because that will make the artists under his company alienated.

Later, Wei Wu thought clearly and let him change jobs to his own company! After all, if he doesn't help, she won't be popular for five or eight years.

Although her current company is willing to provide her with resources, they are basically useless garbage resources.

In addition to making Jing Tian a "resource celebrity" and lowering her popularity with the audience, it is obviously more harmful than beneficial to her.

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