Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 86 86 The box office of the premiere of

Chapter 86 86. Box office figures for the premiere of Lost on Journey are released

Just as Wei Wu expected, Hu Ge's formal apology to Chen Kaige made the headlines of major entertainment sections the next day, and also gave Lost on Journey a wave of publicity.

That morning, Wei Wu woke up from the house he rented in Yanjing, but he was still lying in bed, unwilling to get out of the warm bed, when he suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Wei Wu casually put on his pajamas, then got up and opened the door. Generally speaking, there would be no one else except Liu Tianxian who would disturb people's sleep so early.

"Wow, it's so cold this morning!"

Before the door was fully opened, a beautiful and charming face came in. Wei Wu closed the door casually, then yawned and complained:

"You are a grown woman, why do you always run to the man's room early in the morning? I tell you, next time you disturb my sleep early in the morning, I will have to show you some color!"

Liu Tianxian made a face at him: "Huh, what color?"

Wei Wu said with a half-smile: "You know, it's the color that turns you from a girl to a woman!"

A trace of red cloud immediately floated on Liu Tianxian's beautiful face, and she spat at him and said:

"Bah, big pervert!"

Wei Wu yawned and ignored her, but ran to the bathroom to pee!

When Wei Wu finished washing and came out of the bathroom, he saw that his sheets and quilts had been tidied by Liu Tianxian, and she also helped him sweep the floor.

Wei Wu couldn't help but laugh and joked: "Oh, so virtuous! I heard that some girls nowadays don't do any work at home, and then deliberately show off in front of their partners. You shouldn't be that kind of person, right?"

Liu Tianxian immediately rolled her eyes at him. She was about to give him the tea she had just brewed, but immediately put the teacup on the table with a slap to show her little emotion.

As a result, Wei Wu was completely unmoved and still smiled happily. Liu Tianxian couldn't stand it anymore, so she rushed over and slapped him on the back.

"I cleaned the room for you, but you didn't get a good word in return. I'll beat you to death, you conscienceless person!"

Wei Wu grabbed her hand with his backhand, then pulled her into his arms, and kissed her on the face twice, which made her cloudy and sunny.

Liu Tianxian snuggled into Wei Wu's arms and asked:

"Has the first-day box office of our Lost on Journey come out?"

Wei Wu shook his head and said, "Not yet, but my teacher has asked a friend to help keep an eye on it. If there is a result, his friend will tell him first, and then he will call me immediately."

"Oh, now we can only wait."

Liu Tianxian nodded. Teacher Tian Zhuangzhuang has a wide network of contacts. With his help, we should get the first-hand information soon.

Liu Tianxian gently touched Wei Wu's chin with the back of her head and said:

"To be honest, are you nervous now? There should be a result in an hour or so at most."

Wei Wu gently touched her hair and said, "There's nothing to be nervous about. If I get it, I'm lucky. If I lose it, it's my fate.

"Anyway, I have done everything I should do. If it still doesn't work, it can only be said that it is God's will! ”

In fact, Wei Wu is not as calm as he appears. After all, it is his first movie to be released, and he must want to get the first day's box office data as soon as possible.

Whether it will be a blockbuster or continue to lie dormant, whether he will be a young model in the club or go to work in the sea, basically depends on this wave.

Because both of them are concerned about the box office, in order to relieve their anxiety, Liu Tianxian pulled Wei Wu to the computer desk, turned on the computer and entered the Tianya Forum.

She planned to take advantage of the time waiting for the box office data to be released to see what other people think of the movie with Wei Wu.

There is a post with many comments on the homepage, with the title:

"Lost on Journey" is said to have a good reputation. Has anyone seen it? Is it good?

There are more than 300 replies below:

"It's pretty good, and there is a line that I still remember! Boss, the water of the Yellow River is really yellow. Big brother, this is the Yangtze River."

"It's okay. In fact, what our film market lacks is not blockbusters, but this kind of sincere small and medium-cost movies."

"Hehe, watch your words above, be careful that Director Chen will sue you too! ”

“It was the first time I went to the cinema to watch a movie. I didn’t regret spending money on the ticket. It was lighthearted, humorous and warm.”

“I really envy you. The first movie I went to the cinema to support was The Promise. Can you give me a refund if you cheat me?”

“My wife is very righteous and the mistress retired at the height of her career. Li Chenggong’s life is worth it.”

“Come on, Li Chenggong is just a big idiot! The mistress is so beautiful and has such big breasts, why doesn’t she get a divorce and wait for a mess?”

“I think Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang are a really good pair. They have a great chemistry and always make people laugh without realizing it. And their acting skills are really great! "

The two of them were browsing slowly, occasionally commenting on their comments, and then the phone suddenly rang. They looked at each other and thought at the same time:

It's coming!

Wei Wu hurried to the phone and picked up the receiver. Liu Tianxian followed closely behind him, leaning forward to listen.

Tian Zhuangzhuang's loud and excited voice came from the receiver:

"Hello, Wei Wu, guess how much your movie's first-day box office was?"

Wei Wu coughed lightly and said, "Hey, teacher, please stop being so pretentious! I really can't guess it. I'm so busy wanting to know the result right now, how can I have the time to guess?"

Tian Zhuangzhuang said with a smile: "Okay, then I won't be too dismissive. The first-day box office of your "Unfortunate Journey" was 1.35 million, and the box office at the 28th screening was 150,000. So far, the cumulative box office has exceeded 1.5 million, congratulations!”

"Okay, okay, thank you teacher, I understand."

Wei Wu couldn't help but clenched his fists and took a deep breath to suppress his excitement.

These days, those who have a box office of over one million in their premieres are basically senior directors. Don’t even think about newcomers making new films.

Wei Wu was also at a disadvantage because he had a little less film schedule, but to get this result with 10% of the film schedule, it can be said to be a miracle!

Liu Tianxian also smiled happily and made a "yeah" gesture at him!

Tian Zhuangzhuang sighed: "To be honest, no one expected that under the attack of Lao Mouzi and Chen Kaige, you could actually get over one million box office at the premiere. This time it was really a blockbuster!

"You must know that Liu Zhenwei's "The Great Sage" was just released last week, and the box office on the first day was only 2 million. And their film schedule is more than twice as much as yours!

"In other words, if you two have the same movie schedule, your first-day box office will definitely be higher than it!"

Wei Wu said modestly: "It can't be compared like this. Anyway, this is already very good. I'm very satisfied."

What Teacher Tian Zhuangzhuang said is a bit unreasonable!

What level of director is Liu Zhenwei? Moreover, the production cost of "The Great Sage" is as high as 50 million, and the starring roles are Nicholas Tse + Cai Zhuoyan + Fan Bingbing. Why is "The Man on the Road" scheduled to be the same as others?

In fact, the reason why the box office of "Unfortunately" is so high is that I really have to thank one person, not Brother Hu but Chen Kaige!

Because of the frenzy of public opinion caused by "Steamed Buns", many people were disappointed with the movie, or were dissatisfied with Director Chen——

Out of righteous indignation or incited by the emotions on the Internet, they chose to support a movie ticket for "A Journey to Nowhere", or they voluntarily acted as trolls and offered "A Journey to Nowhere" to others on the Internet.

Didn’t you, Director Chen, say that we can’t understand your movie?

Well, let's talk with money, let you be executed in public by the younger generation, and slap you in the face with the movie box office data!

Tian Zhuangzhuang suddenly said mysteriously:

"I also want to tell you good news. In view of the excellent box office performance of your film at the premiere, coupled with the huge attention caused by "Steamed Buns", China Film Group, after my lobbying, has agreed to increase the schedule of your film. ”

Wei Wu immediately perked up: "Really? How much can it be increased?"

Tian Zhuangzhuang said with a smile: "The plan is to increase the amount by 5% within three days to test the water first, and then we will see the results based on the results."

"Thank you teacher, thank you so much!"

Wei Wu was overjoyed. In fact, because the video "Steamed Buns" was so popular, the film schedule of "Awkward" actually increased a bit from the original 10%, to about 13%.

Of course, China Film's theater chains have not increased much, mainly external private theater chains. Because of the high attention and discussion about this movie on the Internet, some of the film schedules have been appropriately increased.

If we add another 5%, then there will be almost 18% of the film schedule. In this Lunar New Year period where there are more monks and less meat, this schedule is already quite a lot! Basically, it is second only to "The Promise" and "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles".

After hanging up the phone, Wei Wu immediately excitedly hugged Liu Tianxian, who was also beaming with joy, and walked around in his arms.



"I'm taking off!"


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