Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 87 87 locks in the top ten of the annual box office in advance (will be available at noon to

Chapter 87 87. Lock in the top ten annual box office in advance (to be released at noon tomorrow, please order first)

After hearing that the box office of "Lost on Journey" broke one million on the first day, the smiles on Liu Tianxian and Wei Wu's faces basically never faded.

When the excitement calmed down a little, Liu Tianxian suddenly pressed his chest and said with lingering fear:

"To be honest, when I first heard you say that it would be released on December 29, I even thought you were crazy, you know?"

Wei Wu secretly smiled proudly: "Really? You should not be the only one who thinks so, right?"

Liu Tianxian nodded and said: "Yes, even I, who believe in you so much, think that you are fighting Zhang Yimou head-on, and you want to compete with "The Promise" for the box office. It's completely a futile attempt!

"But I didn't expect you to really snatch a piece of meat from their mouths! This is probably God's reward for the brave! "

Wei Wu's expression was somewhat amusing. He was clearly taking advantage of a loophole to steal chickens. How could he be considered a brave man?

You guys, don't think that I deliberately chose this time slot because I am a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and I want to have a good fight with Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige?

Fuck, this is not the way to seek death? I have some idea, but I have never thought about it this way!

What is the status of Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige in the mainland director circle these days? They are absolutely unshakable and unquestionably the top two (before the release of "The Promise").

Even if Wei Wu is confident that he can face them head-on, it will be at least a few years later. Now he is a nobody and definitely does not have the qualifications.

So is this how everyone sees him now?

All I think Wei Wu is really a young man! He went straight to Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige right from the start, showing his hot-bloodedness and high spirits!

Is he brave because of his skills? Or have young people never experienced the beatings of society?

But think about it, this year's Lunar New Year holiday lasts for nearly 4 months, and there are so many days to choose from, but Wei Wu just wants to squeeze in with Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou.

Other movies are avoiding it, but Wei Wu still wants to get in. It seems that there is no other reasonable explanation except this one!

I can only say that this movie is Wei Wu's sole investment. If there are other investors in this movie, I guess they will not agree with him doing this.

The risk is too great, this is a joke with the investors' money!

Liu Tianxian and Wei Wu happily ate breakfast, and later that day, other movie data for December 29th were released one after another.

The first place is of course "The Promise": 4.27 million, and this movie also has the highest screening schedule, still firmly occupying 30% of the screening schedule.

The second place in the single-day box office is Zhang Yimou's premiere new film "A Thousand Miles Alone": 2.89 million, with about 25% of the screening schedule.

It's not that the theater chain doesn't give face to the national master, who makes it an art film? Before this, except for Zhang Yimou's own film, the highest box office of mainland art films was at most 10 or 20 million.

Before the release, Zhang Yimou made his own prediction, and the expected box office of this movie was only estimated at 60 million, which is definitely incomparable to "The Promise". .

I didn't expect that it didn't even reach half of the expected box office in the end, so Zhang Yimou's new film did fail at the box office.

The third place is Liu Zhenwei's "A Chinese Odyssey", which took in 1.7 million yuan on the 8th day of its release, and the screening rate is about 20%.

"Lost on Journey" ranked fourth with 1.35 million yuan, and the screening rate is about 13%. If you calculate it this way, you will find that the remaining movies can only compete for less than 12% of the screening rate.

This is actually very normal. After all, the competition in the Lunar New Year period is fierce. It is impossible for the theaters to schedule a general film, and you will be asked to release it at another time.

Liu Tianxian bumped Wei Wu with his elbow:

"Hey, what do you think the final box office of our movie will be?"

Wei Wu shook his head and said, "To be honest, it's hard to say now. It depends on the increase in box office after the screening rate is increased.

"And the most important thing is to see how much the box office can increase during the New Year's Day holiday starting the day after tomorrow.

"If we can make a big profit during this holiday, then our box office data should be much better."

"Lost on Journey" was released on Thursday (December 29). Aren't movies generally released on Fridays? Why did they release it on Thursday this time?

There is a reason for that, because there are no holidays on Saturday and Sunday this week.

Because of the New Year's Day holiday adjustment, the public holidays that were supposed to be on December 30 (Saturday) and December 31 (Sunday) were moved to January 2 (Tuesday) and January 3 (Wednesday).

In this way, New Year's Day plus the next two days will form a three-day New Year's Day holiday!

So Wei Wu's release this time is aimed at this small holiday. During the long holiday, whether the first week box office is good or bad basically depends on this short holiday!

Generally speaking, the box office on holidays may be 2 to 4 times that of non-holiday days. The more famous and well-received the movie is, the greater the increase.

The days of waiting for the daily box office results to be released are undoubtedly a bit tiring.

Fortunately, Wei Wu can temporarily put his mind on work, so that he will not be so anxious after a hard day's work, and he will be thinking about the box office from morning to night.

Even after the movie was released, Wei Wu still took Wang Baoqiang, Xu Zheng, Liu Tianxian and others to continue the roadshow promotion in one city a day.

Their road show has been scheduled for a long time and is ready to last until the end of the three-day New Year's Day holiday. At that time, it will depend on the situation and whether it is necessary to extend the promotion period and visit a few more cities.

Finally, on January 3rd, their last roadshow in Sanya ended. Xu Zheng asked him during dinner in the evening:

"Director, are we still running tomorrow?"

Wei Wu waved his hand and said, "No more running away. Congratulations on your release!"

"Yeah", everyone cheered in unison.

After all, the road show promotion is really tiring and boring. Most of the time is spent on transportation every day, and the food and accommodation are just mediocre.

And it’s completely different from traveling. Every time, my butt is not even hot yet and I have to leave immediately.

To put it bluntly, even if I had time to appreciate the scenery along the way, to be honest, I would be exhausted physically and mentally and not have the energy to do so.

"Come on, director, let me toast you."

Liu Tianxian, who was sitting on the right, helped Wei Wu fill up the beer. Then Wei Wu touched him, raised his glass with a smile, looked around and said to everyone:

"Everyone has worked hard these days, so our road show ends here!

"Go back tonight and have a good sleep. When our movie is released and we have a celebration party, everyone will come. Then everyone will get a big red envelope!"

"Thank you, Director Wei!"

"The director is awesome!"

"Director, I love you!"

Wei Wu waved his hands in disgust and said, "Go, go, love your wife!"

Then everyone stood up and toasted Wei Wu to express their gratitude. After all, who doesn't like a holiday? Not to mention that if you go home and rest for a while, you can get red envelopes later.

To be honest, although he was running around everywhere these days and was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink water, Xu Zheng didn't feel tired at all and was full of energy and motivation every day.

If not for anything else, the daily rising box office of "Unfortunately" is the best stimulant, allowing him to work energetically all day long.

It's not like Xu Zheng has never tasted the feeling of becoming popular, but he didn't expect that his first step in the film industry would go so smoothly.

His first cross-border movie will almost become his early masterpiece in his acting career!

Accepting Wei Wu's invitation is definitely one of the most correct choices in his life, and "Unfortunately" will undoubtedly become an important booster for his career.

At least from now on, he can proudly claim that he is a movie star, and at least he already has a movie masterpiece!

Ning Hao has even become more attentive to him in recent days. He even took the initiative to call him yesterday and asked him when he was going to film "Crazy Stone".

It's not hard to tell that both inside and outside the words, I feel a little worried that he has changed his mind and no longer acts for zero pay, and suddenly wants to raise his salary.

In the final analysis, isn't it just because "Awkward" was a box office hit!

It can be said that this small-budget road comedy that almost no one paid attention to before its release, no one expected that it would become so inexplicably popular because of an online video!

Since the film was released on December 29, it has successively made 1.35 million, 1.47 million and 1.5 million box office. After the New Year's Day holiday, the film schedule was increased to more than 20%, and it has been out of control since then.

The day before yesterday and yesterday, that is, New Year's Day and the next day, the box office was 4.86 million and 4.18 million respectively. As expected, the box office today was around 4 million.

In this way, its cumulative box office in the six days after its release is close to 18 million, which means that the box office in the first seven days will definitely exceed 18 million.

Generally speaking, the final box office of a theatrical feature film is about 2.5 to 3 times the first week's box office, which means that this movie has a high possibility of breaking through 50 million in the final box office.

What is the concept of 50 million box office? "Hancheng Strategy", currently ranked ninth, only has 41 million. It means that "People on the Road" has basically locked in a top ten spot of the year in advance.

Xu Zheng's heart became even hotter when he thought that he had also signed a contract for the sequel to "Unfortunately"! Glancing at Wei Wu who was toasting, he couldn't help but be convinced:

I have to say, this man is really talented and bold!

A new director's debut film can directly enter the top ten of the year, and it was won even though Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige blocked it.

Even if you don't like this movie, you have to give him a thumbs up for this!

This chapter is the last free chapter before it goes on the shelves. It will go on the shelves at 12:00 noon tomorrow. At that time, I hope that all the big guys will use their little hands to make a fortune and place an initial order. I am very grateful. I will add some comments about the release later.

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