Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 231 230 Mao Xiaotong also learned to deliver midnight snacks

Chapter 231 230. Mao Xiaotong also learned to deliver midnight snacks

Although Wei Wu was an actor for the first time, 91’s performance attributes were not just good-looking, and the first day of filming went extremely smoothly.

Wei Wu's outstanding performance far exceeded expectations, which was a reassurance for everyone in the crew.

Before this, the whole crew had no doubt whether "Snow Leopard" was a good drama.

After all, Wei Wu's talent and market acumen have been tested by the market many times, so the drama he picked must be good.

The only worry is whether Wei Wu can play the leading role well.

But now that everyone can put their hearts in their stomachs, they have further expectations to see if they have a chance to follow the trend?

Therefore, whether it is Jin Dong, Chen Kai, Yang Zhigang, or Liu Shi, Tang Yan, Mao Xiaotong, they were full of energy and energy when filming today.

Wei Wu was pleased with this, but because he had to be both a director and an actor, it would definitely be harder than before.

After a busy day during the day and returning to the hotel at night, Wei Wu couldn't rest because he still had to plan for tomorrow's shooting.

After challenging the night game until 10 o'clock, I suddenly felt a little hungry and was about to call someone to buy a midnight snack and deliver it to me.

Before he could make a call, there was a sudden knock on the door. Wei Wu opened the door and saw that it was Mao Xiaotong who was smiling beautifully.

"Xiaotong, aren't you asleep yet?"

Mao Xiaotong smiled and raised the thermos bucket in his hand and said:

"Well, I cooked some seafood porridge, boss, do you want to eat it?"

Mao Xiaotong was very nervous when he spoke, and even his voice was slightly trembling.

After all, this was her first time doing something like this. If Wei Wu declined, she would be a little embarrassed.

She learned the trick of delivering supper at night from Yang Mi. It is said that Yang Mi relied on this trick to finally defeat Wei Wu.

Moreover, Yang Mi was also very lucky. It happened that Liu Tianxian was filming "New Shanghai Beach" at that time, and she was not with Wei Wu for those few months, so she took advantage of it.

The current situation is somewhat similar to that of the past. What's even better is that none of the three goalkeepers Liu Tianxian, Yang Mi and Fan Bingbing are here. This opportunity can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

That moment, exactly this moment.

Once this opportunity is missed, it may never come again! So Mao Xiaotong hesitated again and again, and finally decided to take the risk.

But her heart wasn't as big as Yang Mi's. She wasn't ready to take down Wei Wu all at once.

The main thing is to get closer to Wei Wu, so that Wei Wu will think of her if he plays any role in the future, that's all.

Fortunately, what Mao Xiaotong was most worried about did not happen. Wei Wu slightly tilted his head and said:

"Okay, I'm about to ask someone to buy a midnight snack!"

As he spoke, Wei Wu moved out of the way, opened the door completely, then made a false move and said:

"Please come in."

Of course Wei Wu knew full well that the food delivery was just a pretense, and it was only human nature that people just wanted to have more contact with him in private and build a relationship.


Mao Xiaotong bowed slightly and walked in, then took out the thermos bucket, then took out a small plate of cold dishes and a plate of cucumbers, and placed them in a row on the dining table.

"Boss, please eat it while it's hot. I've already ironed the tableware before I got it."

"Okay", Wei Wu invited with a smile:

"It smells so good. I didn't expect you to have such skills! Would you like to eat some too?"

Mao Xiaotong shook his head slightly and said with some embarrassment:

"No, in order to stay in shape, I usually don't eat after eight o'clock in the evening."

This kind of situation is very common in the entertainment industry. Wei Wu has seen it a lot before, so he can understand it.

Nowadays, the entertainment industry is not as indulgent as it used to be. Basically, actresses can still do basic body management.

Especially when they are not famous yet or have just debuted, most actresses are actually very curly, and there are many who are so thin that they look like paper figures or bamboo legs.

Not to mention not eating midnight snacks, Wei Wu has seen many people who are even more cruel to themselves!

Wei Wu raised his eyebrows: "You are so thin, are you still so harsh on yourself?"

Mao Xiaotong smiled sweetly and said: "Yes, it's because I am strict with myself that I can always be so thin!"

Wei Wu nodded slightly, gave a thumbs up and said:

"That makes sense!"

In fact, Wei Wu wants to say that you seem to be a little too thin, and your breasts are almost gone!

When Wei Wu complained in his heart, his eyes unconsciously glanced at her chest.

I originally thought that Liu Tianxian was average enough, but I didn't expect that the strongest among the strongest.

Wei Wu thought that he would not be discovered if he glanced so secretly.

Unexpectedly, the other party was quite perceptive, so he immediately pouted, as if explaining or talking to himself:

"I was born prematurely and had some congenital defects, so I was thin and small."

Wei Wu asked casually while eating:

"Ah, why were you born prematurely?"

This was not the first time someone had asked this, but for some reason, when Wei Wu asked today, Mao Xiaotong suddenly felt sour in his heart and almost shed tears.

Mao Xiaotong flattened his mouth and said with red eyes:

"Because my mother was still selling Yuanxiao on the street when she was pregnant with me. She stretched the food cart while pushing it, which caused the tire pressure to develop, so I was born prematurely."

Wei Wu quickly stopped eating: "That's it. Is Auntie okay?"

"It's okay. My mother is in good health. She just raised me by herself and suffered a lot."

Facing Wei Wu's pity eyes, Mao Xiaotong's mouth tightened, and tears finally flowed down uncontrollably.

People can resist the tide of malice, but they always fail in the face of sudden kindness.

Wei Wu quickly took out two tissues and handed them over. Mao Xiaotong took them and immediately turned her head away. She probably didn't want Wei Wu to see her crying.

One thing to say, it's not ugly when she cries. Her trembling shoulders and graceful tenderness make people want to hold her in their arms and whisper comfort.

Wei Wu instantly felt that the porridge in his mouth was no longer fragrant. He didn't expect that a girl who looked so sunny and cheerful would have a more miserable life than he thought.

All I can say is that her father, Lao Deng, is really nothing! As long as her father takes care of the family, her mother doesn't have to go to the street to sell yuanxiao when she's giving birth.

It is said that the trigger for his parents' divorce was that her father, who favored boys over girls, threw Mao Xiaotong, who was not yet one year old at the time, into the garbage.

It’s simply worse than a beast! No human being could do such a thing.

This old man had the nerve to ask Mao Xiaotong for 50 million yuan in alimony on the show. He is really shameless and invincible!

Mao Xiaotong once told in a program that she almost lost her mother when she was 14 years old because her mother was poisoned by gas.

When she found out, her mother was already frothing at the mouth. Mao Xiaotong first called the emergency phone and then reported the situation to her relatives.

After putting her mother in the ambulance, she started crying alone. For a 14-year-old girl, she is really very sensible and strong.

Later, he was sent to the hospital and it took him a full 5 hours to rescue her. He almost died.

If there were to be a ranking list of domestic entertainment stars with miserable life experiences, Mao Xiaotong would definitely be at the top of the list!

Compared with her, people like Zhao Liying and Wang Baoqiang were born in rural areas at most, and their families may be a little poorer, but they are not as miserable as her!

The key is that despite having such a miserable life experience, the girl is not crooked at all. Instead, she is resolute and courageous, has a gentle temperament, and is cheerful and generous.

He signed her into the company by mistake, which was a very correct choice.

But signing in is only the first step. Even Wei Wu can't guarantee whether it will be a big hit or not.

If they are big stars who have become popular in their previous lives, Wei Wu may just need to ensure that they can still star in his famous works in this life, or provide them with more resources, and he can basically ensure that they can still become popular.

But what can Mao Xiaotong say? In fact, her film and television resources are not too bad. She failed to become a big success, but it was not because no one supported her.

But as the saying goes, little success depends on support, while big success depends on life.

Her own conditions are not bad, but she is still not at the top level. There are still some flaws, such as being too short.

Her official height is 163cm, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is definitely a false report. Her real height should be less than 1.6m.

Another example is that the figure is not sexy enough, and the temperament is not outstanding enough, etc.

The last point is her acting skills, which can only be said to be quite satisfactory. It can only be said that it does not hold her back, but it is not high enough to give her overall points.

So if you want to really save her career and help her successfully reach the front line without falling off, I'm afraid there is only one way, and that is to give her a subsystem.

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