Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 83 83 It is impossible for Chinese films to have seventh-generation directors

Chapter 83 83. It is impossible for Chinese films to have seventh-generation directors

"We are going to hold a premiere today, why don't you get up quickly and get ready?"

Wei Wu yawned and said, "It's precisely because the premiere is going to be held today that I have to be energetic so that I can deal with all the people and answer reporters' questions later."

"Hey, I heard that you invited Brother Hu here, right?"

Wei Wu nodded and said, "Yes, he has helped us so much after all. If we don't invite him to the premiere, it would be unjustifiable!"

Liu Tianxian immediately said with some gossip: "I read the news this morning, saying that Director Chen Kaige threatened to sue Brother Hu when he was asked by reporters. Do you think Director Chen will really sue him?"

Wei Wu thought for a while and said: "It should be just an angry talk, and I won't really sue! Director Chen is now a jade, and Brother Hu can only be regarded as a tile.

"The porcelain won't touch the tiles, let alone the jade? If the two really go to court, Director Chen will lose even if he wins!

"Even if he really wins the lawsuit, Brother Hu won't be able to squeeze out much money! Director Chen will still have to make a fuss and be notorious for being too small, and lose all the reputation he has accumulated over the years. Why bother?"

At this point, Wei Wu paused and continued: "He may just be angry, so he speaks indiscriminately!

"When he really calms down, there will definitely be someone around him to persuade him. As long as he is not completely confused, he will definitely not do that!

"I guess if Brother Hu apologizes to him in public and gives him a way out, this matter will probably be over.

"Anyway, I told Brother Hu before that if Director Chen really wants to sue him, I can help him pay for his legal fees."

In fact, Wei Wu is still eager for Chen Kaige to really sue. When the lawsuit comes, the two sides will quarrel and quarrel, which will only make the matter worse.

When the time comes, Wei Wu, as Brother Hu's backup captain, will be able to start a war of words with his opponent in a fair and honest manner, and the attention of "Unfortunately" will naturally skyrocket.

And although Chen Kaige can't lose in this matter legally, he can't win in terms of public opinion either! Therefore, in this process, Wei Wu could also give him a hard blow.

As long as you can get enough prestige and benefits from this matter, the legal fees are just a drop in the bucket!

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but frowned slightly and said, "Ah, what if we lose?"

Wei Wu spread his hands and said: "As long as I try my best, I will have a clear conscience even if I lose the lawsuit. Besides, the defendant is him and not me. What does losing have to do with me?"

"He made that video himself, and I didn't instruct him to do it! Besides, I paid for advertising on his place. If I can help him pay for his legal fees, I've already done my best!"

Liu Tianxian was stunned for a moment, and finally said nothing, thinking of four words:

As expected of you!

Anyway, the worst outcome would be to lose the lawsuit. When the time comes, Brother Hu should apologize and compensate. The board couldn't hit Wei Wu anyway, so what did he have to worry about?

Of course, as long as Chen Kaige is not stupid, and as long as there is an understanding person around him, he will definitely not reach that point in the end!

Wei Wu chatted with her for a while in the morning, and now his drowsiness was almost gone, so he got up to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Liu Tianxian was left alone with nothing to do, so he opened Wei Wu's laptop on the table and browsed the forum to see if the video "Steamed Buns" became more popular.

After brushing for a while, Wei Wu happened to come out after washing up, so Liu Tianxian quickly called him over to take a look:

"Come and see, a reporter went to interview Director Zhang Yimou. What would you do if your movie was pranked? What do you think Director Zhang said?"

Wei Wu casually took out two tissues and wiped his hands while saying:

"Then he must be watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. He tried his best to act upright and show off his old classmates!"

Liu Tianxian snapped his fingers and said, "Congratulations on your guess! Director Zhang answered this: I won't mind this question, I will enjoy it with the people."

It seems that even Zhang Yimou has watched "Steamed Buns"? Gee, that means this video is really out of the spotlight!

Wei Wu smiled. Lao Mouzi was just as beautiful as he said, but standing and talking didn't hurt his back anyway.

In fact, his new film "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" was released on the same day as Wei Wu's "A Journey Away", so he and Wei Wu are currently comrades in the trenches, and both hope that "The Promise" will be as unlucky as possible.

After all, every time "The Promise" is scheduled to have one less film, there is a high probability that the film will fall on the two of them, and of course it is definitely more likely to fall on Zhang Yimou's side.

Although Wei Wu didn't want to be released on the same day as Zhang Yimou's new film, the choice was not up to him.

After all, other schedules will only be worse. At least "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" is indeed not a movie that is very popular with audiences.

To be honest, if "The Promise" had a good reputation, it would be understandable that "A Thousand Miles Alone" didn't explode at the box office. For example, if the film premieres just after "Titanic", the low box office is completely understandable.

But the problem is that when "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" was released in the previous life, "The Promise" had already been released for 14 days, and it had already lost its reputation, and the film schedule had also dropped a lot. As a result, "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" was still only It took in 30 million at the box office.

It can be said that basically in this Lunar New Year period, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige can be regarded as inseparable brothers. One lost reputation and the other lost box office.

And it is precisely because there are two big bosses, Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou, in mid-to-late December that other blockbusters have stayed away.

Either advance or postpone it. Relatively speaking, the time slot Wei Wu specially picked is relatively less dangerous.

That Zhang Chen was like a tiger and a bear, which scared away all the other predators. However, no one thought that the tiger was sick and the bear was disabled, which was just convenient for a bold man like Wei Wu to steal a chicken. .

This is why Wei Wu dared to steal the chicken because he had opened his eyes. Otherwise, if the new film in this year and year is released next to Chen Kaige and on the same day as Zhang Yimou, wouldn't it be a desperate act?

Just when Wei Wu was feeling proud, Liu Tianxian suddenly pointed at the computer screen and said with excitement:

"Just now, our senior Lu Chuan also came out to speak out, directly criticizing Director Chen and saying:

"In this age, you have to be crazy to suppress other people's comments."

Wei Wu curled his lips disdainfully, he was the only one who had the nerve to talk about Chen Kaige?

At this time, jumping up and down, standing on the moral high ground and trying to be a hero to get eyeballs, it's just a fool's errand.

I'm afraid his calculations are similar to Wei Wu's, they both want to get some money from Chen Kaige.

It seems that Wei Wu is not the only smart person in this world. Others have also noticed that Poet Chen is afraid that he will fall from the altar this time, so he quickly stepped forward to step on his feet and improve his status in the world.

If not, how could a junior like Lu Chuan, who was also a junior from Nortel, be so hasty and embarrassed to speak rudely to his seniors in public?

If Lu Chuan had dared to say this without fear of power during a similar incident before "The Promise" was released, then Wei Wu would really respect him as a man!

In fact, Lu Chuan was almost at the height of his personal reputation at this time. After all, "Looking for the Gun" in 2002 and "Kekexili" in 2004 were both films with quite good reputations.

As for "Nanjing Nanjing", which made his reputation take a turn for the worse, it will not be released until 2009. As for the big bad movies "The Nine-Story Demon Tower" and "The King's Feast", that's a matter later.

I have to complain, Lu Chuan is really good at pretending. Based on the time of his debut, people conventionally classify him as a sixth-generation director, but he insists on saying that he is a seventh-generation director.

Wang Xiaoshuai once said bluntly in Cannes: "Chinese films cannot have seventh-generation directors. After the sixth-generation directors, there will be no generation-defining filmmakers. There is no such thing as the seventh generation, because they have nothing in common."

However, Lu Chuan responded clearly: "I am the representative of the seventh generation."

Why, are you the only one who still wants to become a benchmark director in the next era? Do you have that strength?

In this comparison, why should a reborn person like Wei Wu be the one to pretend!

Let’s not talk about it remotely, but let’s talk about the current “Steamed Bun Case”. Does it have a Kumba relationship with you? Do you need to step out and become an opinion leader?

Although Wei Wu was also prepared to do this, he just couldn't stand others doing it!

Well, Wei Wu has always been so lenient towards himself and strict with others, there is nothing wrong with him at all!

However, Lu Chuan's jump might not be a bad thing for Wei Wu. If he dances so fiercely, part of the firepower will naturally be shared with him, so Poet Chen will definitely not hold a grudge or even target Wei Wu so much!

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