Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 303 New reasoning

"That's normal."

Zhu Zhengwei knew that Tang Huang was talking about the gap between the real universe and the prehistoric universe!

The real universe is indeed too sad.

A cosmic grave, indeed.

"Perhaps, the Great God Pan Gu was also the reason for creating our universe." Tang Huang chuckled, "A world that is truly prosperous and full of dreams, not the lifeless world outside the realm of chaos here."

"Perhaps, Pangu, the Creator God, really thinks so." Zhu Zhengwei echoed falsely.

"Ai Qing."

Li Shimin sighed suddenly, "The more I leave my land, enter the real universe, and communicate with these civilizations! The more I feel that our 'prehistoric universe' is bizarre and unbelievable, and our rules are beyond the rules of the real universe." The rules of the true law, the conventional parameters of our new universe, what level of civilization created it?"

"I, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, I'm terrified."

"According to ancient legends, before the prehistoric times, the creation god Pan Gu created the world. What is Pan Gu?"

"Is he, really, dead?"

"Is he still spying on us in the dark, or is he everywhere? Pangu, is the passerby on the roadside my son and daughter, and even the Aiqing in front of me is the incarnation of the Creator God?"


Zhu Zhengwei was silent.

As expected of a Human Sovereign who is smarter than me, a hexagonal warrior, it's so frightening!

Zhu Zhengwei began to feel scared because of his IQ arrears.

He would rather deal with Lao Tzu's other special talents than face this IQ monster!

Although I am the God of Creation, I am actually not the real God of Creation.

Of course, he doesn't think that his ability is obtained out of thin air, and the reason for its appearance is also very unknown.

Perhaps just as I thought, I became more and more suspicious that I had inherited the legacy of a certain civilization.

"The civilization that created us has the ability to create a world."

Tang Huang opened his mouth indifferently, and began to think,

"If you follow the normal reasoning, the strongest Bor civilization in this real universe said that they have understood 99% of the universe's rules, but they have not yet achieved the possibility of creating a new universe. Then, the Pangu civilization that created the prehistoric , is even stronger than the Bor civilization, the ultimate civilization that understands 100% of the rules of the universe."

"Perhaps so."

Zhu Zhengwei also fell into thinking.

My own dream ability, perhaps, is a potential super civilization creation that is stronger than 99% Bor civilization.


Obviously, they developed the super power of this civilization, used living creatures to mine, and in the process of creating a new high-dimensional universe, they died suddenly.

Creation failed.

Using the soul to create the world, but during the mining process, a lot of distracting thoughts of soul, dream, slag, and slag were generated. The opposite dark universe formed by the energy of those distracting thoughts directly made them cry.

After all look at yourself.

This epic level of difficulty is simply not something that humans can pass, okay?

These dark universes, such as this Li Shimin in front of me, are so outrageous that they are almost deduced to my true face. When I was suddenly killed, it is not surprising at all, okay? !

He couldn't help thinking sadly.

The probability that I can survive is less than 0.000001%.

I thought I picked up a big bargain, but I actually picked up a god of death and went home.

Li Shimin said again: "The creation of the world must be related to the soul. The creation of our Pangu civilization has mastered 100% of the rules of reality, and may have mastered a brand-new soul technology to create our universe."

Soul technology?

Zhu Zhengwei's heart sank, and he instinctively thought of a similar technique.

Dream miner technology?

It is not surprising that Tang Huang might have guessed right.

After all, Li Shimin, the super terrifying wise emperor, has a much higher IQ than himself, reasoning about the structure of the four-dimensional dream world, and his own source is also beneficial to him, and he may take the opportunity to know the origin of his ability.

However, his threat to himself became more and more terrifying!

the monster

Zhu Zhengwei felt numb.

"Okay, let's not talk about this issue."

And soon, Emperor Tang uttered an amazing news, "The civilization here is very degenerate, but according to the memory data chips of the two toolmen, they found a very interesting place, where a special civilization once appeared. "

"A special civilization?" Zhu Zhengwei was puzzled.


After these years of development, Emperor Tang often discussed some opinions with himself.

Now, he has regarded himself as a staff officer, the real prime minister, after all, his talent has indeed been recognized.

"This particular civilization is not like these lifeless guys who just stay where they are, but chose the entire civilization, leaped at the speed of space, and left this area. Their civilization said that they were going to the blog where the manifesto was distributed. To find the original seeker at the location of Er civilization."

"The original civilization of seekers?" Zhu Zhengwei pondered.


Tang Huang said: "They don't believe in the Bor civilization. After the declaration, it will go to extinction. Maybe they have found a new technology that can break the law of the cosmic grave! They hold this seat and embark on a long journey, even if they go to The ruins of the Boer civilization, seeing the bones of civilization, can be regarded as the fulfillment of a lifelong dream."

Zhu Zhengwei was dumbfounded, "Dream?"

"Yeah, didn't I just say that? Dreams, pursuits, are the driving force for the progress of a civilization." Li Shimin said softly: "Although, because most civilizations have lost their dream of advancing because of the Declaration, there are a small number of civilizations, Take the predecessors as a dream and pay homage to his a driving force."

"And that civilization is called Frost Civilization."

Tang Huang opened his mouth coldly, and a huge virtual map suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, with thousands of river systems around the Milky Way and the locations in front of him.

"They, start here!"

He pointed to a hollow area on the map that was not covered by a river system.

There is no bright galaxy all over the sky, only some small galaxies and planets rustling.

"You mean?" Zhu Zhengwei said.

"Yes, they jumped. At the cost of burning most of their own river system, they made a civilization leap."

Tang Huang said: "One hundred million years ago, a huge river system cavity was formed in the whole area. After these years, only other planets, river systems, slowly poured through the cavity area, and only then did the fine Count the stars."

Zhu Zhengwei nodded.

In other words, in fact, most of the sparse star regions in the universe that are not covered by river systems may be the ruins left by the jump!

After all, it is only natural to think about it.

In the big explosion of the universe, the diffusion of galaxies is balanced.

Countless planets and galaxies are spread out on the earth like silt. They were originally relatively evenly distributed, and the various obvious holes in them may be pits left by jumping.

The material of the whole area turned into a black hole, performing a supermassive time jump!

"Your Majesty, it seems that this is an important message."

Zhu Zhengwei said: "I'm afraid that in the universe, there are now two situations, one is the comfort school like this Dysonian civilization, and the other is the navigator civilization that still has hopes and dreams. I'm afraid there are basically all of these types Pilgrimage, from all directions, to the hometown of the "Bor Civilization"."


Tang Huang nodded, "This declaration is originally equivalent to a centralized declaration in a certain sense!"

According to this calculation, there must be pilgrim civilizations from all directions, burning river systems one by one, rushing to the location of the Bor civilization.

There is currently the largest gathering place of civilization in the universe.

"The ruins of the Boer civilization, the prosperity there must have gathered countless super civilizations, and now, it is definitely not inferior to the prehistoric civilization universe!"

Emperor Tang also stood up in awe.

This is an extremely important message.

That's how smart he is.

With just a little glimpse, and only a little bit of information, I can guess most of the current structure of the real universe and where the central gathering place is.

Zhu Zhengwei said:

"Yes, Your Majesty, that may be the center of the current universe. Maybe it's not too prosperous, and there are very few people who can go there, but it is probably the largest one. Should we go there?"

"I don't dare to go there! I don't want to go there either! In my eyes, this somewhat mysterious Bor civilization is most likely to be the civilization of the Creator God, after all, his level is the closest." Emperor Tang said, "Even if it's not, he It is also a saint-level super civilization such as Nuwa, and I am just a human emperor, so I can't go to death and bully these small civilizations in front of me."

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