Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 24 There Is A Reason For The Grumpy Brother

Qin Fei never thought that after working so hard for so long, what I got in the end was only such a small distance.

"Are my short legs so useless?"

Qin Fei looked desperately at his short feet, which did not match his figure at all.

"I thought that after I had feet, I could do whatever I wanted on land, but now it seems that it's better not to grow them."

"Well, if only my feet were longer."

"But it doesn't matter, the first one in the history of biology has already been produced by me many times, it can be regarded as..."

But before Qin Fei could talk about playing, the wave came at the wrong time.

Moreover, the distance that the wave rushed in was still a little far away, directly covering Qin Fei's entire body.


When the tide receded, Qin Fei's body reappeared in place.

The tide cannot take Qin Fei away, but it does take away the footprints that Qin Fei left behind.

In other words, even after Qin Fei worked hard for such a long time, he could not withstand the scouring of the tide.

"I @#¥%¥...#@#"

"You want me to turn into a grumpy old man, don't you?"

Qin Fei wanted to cry a little bit, this wave was too aggressive to bully the fish.

Can't you give some encouragement to such a strong and hardworking little fish?

It was he who stubbornly left the ocean and came to a strange place alone - the land.

This is the most sacred testimony in history!

It is the first time in the history of biology that it has set foot on land!

From this moment onwards, a glorious history will be given to the animals who will come to land in the future!

Let them know that walking on the road is also an optional road!

But this wave is going to kill all of them.

How many creatures must be saddened by this!

Qin Fei's inner emotions continued to fluctuate, and finally turned into a sigh, and it ended.

"Forget it, I'm hungry, let's go back to the sea."

Qin Fei turned around, stretched his short legs, and started to walk back.

However, the little feet are too short, and the walk is not fast, but fortunately, after a while, there will be waves washing over.

As a small fish living in the sea, as long as there is water, Qin Fei will be resurrected with full blood.

With a flick of the tail and a stare of the little feet, it returned to the sea in an instant.

"It's still comfortable in the sea. It seems that I have to wait until my feet grow longer."

Back in the sea, Qin Fei followed the coast to the bottom of the sea.

On the coast, except for some seaweed clinging to the rocks, there are almost no living things.

After all, the temperature in this place is still relatively high, which is not suitable for those weak and thin-skinned creatures to survive.

Because they can't stand the sun's rays at all.

Only in the sea, the comfortable temperature can make them happy.

The sea Qin Fei returned to now is not the sea area Qin Fei is familiar with, but it doesn't matter, it's all in the sea anyway, creatures come and go.

However, Qin Fei did not see his fellow Kunming fish.

"Hey, what kind of creature is this? I don't think I've eaten it before." Qin Fei saw a creature in front of him.

This little creature is a bit like a bug. Well, most creatures at this time seem to be bugs.

After all, their figures are too small.

This little worm is attached to the sponge, its body length is only about two centimeters, and its shape is very similar to that of a caterpillar, because its body is composed of many body segments, and each segment has a pair of small claws.

Popular science memories appeared in Qin Fei's mind in due course, and let Qin Fei know the name of this creature.

"It turns out it's called Aixie Zhanworm. The name is really a mouthful. Why can't I find an easy-to-remember name?"

Tucao belongs to Tucao, but most prehistoric animals are basically named according to the place, such as Qin Fei's race Kunming fish is such a category.

The Exie silkworm was discovered in Exie Peak, so its name is also crowned with the word Eixie.

The main food of the Essex silkworm is sponge, and it is even more ridiculous.

The sponge is also where its life is kept safe.

As a weak little worm, Essex silkworm wants to avoid the fate of being swallowed by predators, so it chooses to settle down in the safest place—the sponge.

Now that they have settled down here, it is here that they eat, drink, and scatter, right?

Originally, it was also a member of eating algae and plankton, but one day, it accidentally took a bite of its own home, and found that it was simply an insect-born delicacy!

It's amazing that there are such delicious foods in this world.

"Although this is my home, it shouldn't matter if you let me eat some."

"Anyway, my family is so big, even if I'm poor all my life, I can't eat that much, can I?"

Therefore, Essie's silkworm has been eating sponges ever since.

In order to better bite off the hard surface of the sea, the Essex silkworm has evolved a round mouth with sharp teeth like a file, which can easily bite off the sponge.

Qin Fei suddenly discovered a very amazing thing, no matter it is as big as a rare shrimp or as small as the current Essex silkworm, the mouthparts evolved by many creatures are basically round, and there are ring-shaped parts on them. teeth.

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