Apart from the fact that the body of the Essie silkworm is a bit similar to modern insects, their living habits are somewhat similar.

They all like to eat the place where they grow, and the Essex silkworm especially likes to eat a hole in the sponge, so that they can completely guarantee their own safety.

Qin Fei looked at one of the Essex silkworms. The whole body of this worm was inside, leaving only one head outside, and began to scrape and eat the sponge outside.

Even if Qin Fei, a huge creature, was near him, he acted as if nothing happened.

Because here in the sponge, there are many creatures, big and small, and everyone is like neighbors, each living their own little days.

So occasionally other creatures will pass by its home, so it is not surprising.

Originally, I thought that the creature in front of me would just pass by here like other creatures, but I didn't expect this creature to stay here for a short time.

What is the matter with this?

"I said big brother, what's the matter with you, you've been here for such a long time, you can't just see my beauty in prosperity."

"Although I know I'm pretty, you don't have to look at me for so long, which makes me feel embarrassed."

Ai Xie's silkworm raised its small head towards Qin Fei, waving its small paws at the front, as if talking to Qin Fei, or doing something.

"Let me tell you, don't pay attention to my family. This is my house and source of food. If you dare to touch me, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"I said big brother, do you still watch?"

"Believe it or not, I'll smack you... ah..."

Qin Fei saw that the Essie silkworm raised its small head, and then most of its body came out of it, and immediately acted quickly, eating the little insect into its stomach in an instant.

"Eating Essex silkworms...experience +11...gene points +3..."

"Eating plankton...experience plus 5...gene point +1..."

"I finally waited until you crawled out. If you don't crawl out again, I will eat you together with the sponge."

The silkworm Exie didn't know it until it died, but it turned out that Qin Fei was deliberately waiting for it to crawl out by itself.

If it hadn't crawled out, perhaps the fate of being eaten would not have happened.

"This meat isn't very tasty, it's not as tasty as mollusk meat at all."

"I'd better look for the crater and eat the meat of molluscs."

Mollusk: Please stop thinking about us.

We still want to develop a wave quietly.

Just after swimming out of the sponge, Qin Fei found that there were some large and small holes nearby.

Qin Fei didn't pay much attention to these small holes.

Just swimming slowly above these small holes.

Because he was looking for something to eat, looking for some creatures that he hadn't eaten yet.

But unfortunately, Qin Fei just came out of the sponge, and didn't find any creatures moving here.

"Could it be that creatures also go out for activities?"

When Qin Fei was having such doubts, a crisis suddenly appeared.

In a cave just below Qin Fei, there is a creature that is staring at Qin Fei.

Seeing that Qin Fei's body was just above its cave, he attacked decisively.

Its speed is incomparably swift, using the elasticity of its body, its attack speed does not even need a second.

There are many small hooks growing near the mouth of this creature. Once it is hooked by these small hooks, it will be difficult to break free.

Danger suddenly appeared, even though Qin Fei felt the danger, before he could react, his body was bitten by something and dragged into the cave.

"Depend on……"

This process takes place in a fraction of a second.

In such a short period of time, Qin Fei didn't even have time to think about what was going on.

Qin Fei, who was dragged into the cave, felt a disgusting mouth biting his body.

But Qin Fei's reaction was quite timely. When he felt threatened, Qin Fei also showed his due strength.

Qin Fei's speed was also extremely fast, with a flick of his tail, the powerful force instantly threw the creature away.

This small cave suddenly felt the ground shake.

The sand and dust above and around the cave were shaken down at once, as if to cover up the small cave.

Qin Fei hit the creature's head with a tail swing.

The vulnerable creature had its head flattened by Qin Fei's powerful impact.

At the same time, the bite skill was activated, and Qin Fei opened his mouth to bite off the creature, tear it up, and swallow it into his stomach.

"Eating Otoya worms...experience +13...gene points +5..."

"You dare to provoke me, I'll eat you."

Qin Fei didn't care what kind of creature it was, since he delivered it to his door, how could he not eat it.

It just so happened that Qin Fei had never eaten this creature.

"I never thought that there would be such a powerful creature hidden in this cave."

"I was almost eaten by this creature."

"If it weren't for the fact that I'm a very powerful fish now, I wouldn't have eaten it for you."

"Think about it and get angry, no, I will eat all your meat."

Qin Fei pouted his mouth angrily while eating the creature.

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