Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter Forty-Ninth Perfect New Pose

The interface is also the interface of the property.

The three icons are golden and shiny.

Qin Fei clicked on the first icon description.

Choose one.

You are already a very powerful fish, but you are still so small, obviously not suitable for a domineering overlord.

Click here, you will become ten times bigger, gain an extraordinary posture, and become a new generation of overlord.

Choose two.

As a fish with uneven four-dimensional attributes, I feel ashamed for you. You don’t know how important balanced development is, it means omnipotence.

Click here to keep your four-dimensional attributes in a balanced state, so that you can embody what is called a perfect posture.

Choose three.

You don’t know that you are full of diseases all over your body. After a long period of evolution and gene accumulation, the body shows different degrees of changes. You may not notice it in a short time, but after a long time, the disease will appear. .

Click here to wash away all the bad things on your body and give you a healthy and healthy body.

Looking at these three choices, what else could Qin Fei do, of course he chose the third without hesitation.

They all say that you are sick, and that’s okay.

So we must choose three to treat the disease.

Besides, the third choice, Qin Fei also felt that there was some truth in what he said.

It's been such a long time in the sea, although Qin Fei didn't get many genes and abilities, but there were quite a few.

The collection of these miscellaneous genes and abilities may indeed make the body develop unbalanced.

And through this evolution, it may be possible to bring these genetic abilities to a state of perfection and mutual existence.

As the icon disappeared, a golden light surrounded Qin Fei.

Qin Fei's body also began to change.

This change did not change Qin Fei's body.

Instead, it changes the various genes and functions of Qin Fei.

Let these genes and functions of Qin Fei get the most perfect running-in and coexist with each other.

This change can be reflected in his physical strength, for example.

The strong armor is perfectly integrated with the body, even if the skill is not actively activated, the strong armor will still maintain a function.

It means that Qin Fei's physical strength has become stronger.

And when you want to use the skill, you can also use it, and its own ability will not change anything.

What's more, with Qin Fei's swimming speed, the effect of compound eyes has also been integrated.

Such compound eyes are different from those of the prawns.

It's a kind of compound eyes that are very suitable for Qin Fei.

No matter how fast Qin Fei is, his sight will adapt to the current state according to the speed adjustment.

To put it bluntly, if Qin Fei swims at the maximum speed, his vision will still be very clear.

Moreover, the range of sight will not change, and the things you see are still enlarged in a subtle way.

In addition, the feature that the Qin Fei software consumes a lot of stamina and the lack of stamina when swimming fast have also been corrected.

All these evolutionary changes, on the surface of Qin Fei's appearance, may not have changed significantly.

But body functions and genetic characteristics have indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

"This change feels like my whole fish body has become extremely relaxed and comfortable."

Although no obvious changes can be felt, Qin Fei can still feel the lightness of his body and the comfort of fast swimming.


some day.

Qin Fei was falling asleep when he suddenly felt a violent vibration.

Feeling the shock, Qin Fei opened his eyes and looked around suspiciously.

It was found that many creatures were swimming towards a certain place on a large scale.

"Could it be a volcanic eruption?"

Qin Fei became excited all of a sudden.

Good volcano eruption!

Why is it good?

Of course there is something good to eat!

The eruption means that Qin Fei can eat cooked food again.

He still remembers the cooked food he ate during the last volcanic eruption.

That taste is not ordinary delicious.

This is Qin Fei's first taste of this kind of fish.

This taste has a unique aroma, and it is impossible to make the fish forget it.

Qin Fei has been there for a long time and has not eaten cooked food.

Thinking about it now, I don't know how much I miss it.

Because if you want to compare raw meat and cooked meat, the taste, texture, and aroma are not at the same level at all.

There is no comparison at all.

"Volcano, here I come."

Although Qin Fei didn't know where the volcano was, he could find it based on the escape routes of these creatures.

If the group of creatures goes to the left, then Qin Fei goes to the right.

Just go in the opposite direction to their escape route.

It is absolutely possible to find volcanoes in this way.

A loud bang confirmed Qin Fei's conjecture.

It was indeed a volcanic eruption.

And judging from its violent vibration, its power seems to be not small.

The bottom of the sea was shaking violently, even the sea water was shaking violently.

This kind of earthquake lasted for a long time, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

"This volcanic eruption seems a little different from the last one!"

Before the volcano arrived, Qin Fei could see an incomparably bright light shining in the distance ahead.

Then the tsunami rushed towards Qin Fei.

It is incredibly fast and powerful enough to kill many small creatures.

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