Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 50 Soaking In The Hot Springs In The Volcano

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, no matter when, such natural disasters are terrible.

Scary in its destructive power and wide range.

Although when they appear, there may be some warning signs.

Many creatures can sense and respond to this prompt.

However, even if the creatures felt it, they fled desperately.

However, when they erupted, their speed was already faster than the reaction speed of the creatures.

Whether it is an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, the places where such disasters pass are basically wiped out, and it is difficult for life to resist tenaciously.

Those who survived this disaster must be lucky.

How many lucky ones are there?

There is no way of knowing this.

A powerful wave rushed in, and Qin Fei was washed away several meters before he could react at first.

After stabilizing, Qin Fei was in the middle of the wave, and it didn't feel very good.

At this time, the sea water is destructive, and it is constantly washing Qin Fei's body.

If Qin Fei's body was not stiff enough, it would definitely not have been destroyed.

The wave came and went quickly.

What followed was the warming of sea water, volcanic missiles, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other gases, followed closely.

Even if you survived the first attack, you cannot escape the second and third devastating attacks.

How weak creatures are in the face of such disasters.

"Damn, it almost hit me." Qin Fei quickly dodged a huge rock missile in panic.

Qin Fei is not afraid of volcanic eruptions and other factors, but what about volcanic missiles.

Qin Fei couldn't go head-to-head with it.

After all, this is a physical attack, and my physical resistance is not enough.

If it is hit, even a fish that is immortal and has good adaptability will die.

After the turmoil passed, Qin Fei began to pick up the dead creatures, bake them on hot stones, and eat them.

There is no way, there is no living life around here, so Qin Fei can only pick up food from here and there.

Of course, Qin Fei must be looking for someone who has just died and is in good health.

Only in this way will it be close to raw meat.


"Sure enough, it still tastes delicious."

Qin Fei ate a piece of meat into his mouth, closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

Qin Fei didn't stop until he couldn't eat anymore.

"I don't think I've been there to see it."

Qin Fei, who was full and had nothing to do, and was bored with idleness, turned his gaze to the crater.

Although he had the ability to adapt to the environment before, but when he was close to the crater and actually touched the magma, Qin Fei still couldn't stand it.

But now it's different, after a perfect body reform, Qin Fei has been able to adapt to this very high temperature.

"Would you like to go there and have a look?"

Qin Fei really hadn't seen what the crater looked like.

Before he was a fish, Qin Fei had never seen a volcano, not to mention a crater.

Now that you are a fish, since you have seen the volcano, why not go and see what the crater looks like.

Is it all magma in it?

Like a stove.

There are mountains outside and magma inside.

But Qin Fei has doubts again, this volcano is in Hailiye.

What's in the sea?

The ocean is full of water.

Isn't such a crater completely soaked in seawater?

After soaking for a long time, is there still magma in it?

Thinking of this, Qin Fei became even more puzzled.

Since they are all soaked in seawater, why do volcanoes erupt?

The more Qin Fei thought about it, the more unbelievable it became, and it seemed outrageous.

It's totally illogical.

In order to find his true dream, Qin Fei felt that it was really necessary to take a look.

The water temperature in the crater zone is boiling, and bubbles are constantly generated in this place.

Dense bubbles rise in rows, making visibility here very low.

But this didn't affect Qin Fei's ability to move forward. He was able to come here without fear of death, so what if the visibility was lower.

Now that he can come here, it proves that there is no danger to threaten Qin Fei.

Lava flows slowly around the crater.

The magma at this time is no longer magma, but something called a magma flow.

Because when they erupt and flow out, they start to cool down and form a kind of fluid.

Their color is probably orange-yellow, which is the appearance of cooling after burning red.

The main component of magma is silicate. In the crust, because of the high temperature and high pressure, it is in a liquid state.

It's just that after the eruption, the pressure dropped suddenly, and it cooled and solidified.

Qin Fei came to the crater.

The lava flow in the crater has stopped spilling out.

The remaining magma flow will slowly sink to a certain extent.

As for whether the magma flow will be cooled by sea water?

The answer is yes.

It's just that this time is very long, so long that I don't know when.

Cooling down the magma becomes magma solid.

However, only the layer that is in contact with the sea water has cooled down.

The lower layer is sealed because of the magma that cooled and became solid in the upper layer.

If the sea water is not in contact, there will be no problems.

At this point, the volcano has once again returned to normal.

But don't think that after the crater is sealed due to cooling, it will not erupt again.

You know, above the solid is sea water, and below is magma.

What kind of torment will it be in the hot and hot sky with the upper cold and the lower heat?

So if this magma solid gets to the point where it's really unbearable, the solid will crack.

After cracking, sea water will pour in.

Well now, the two extremes of one cold and one hot meet.

Everyone should know that fire and water are incompatible.

So the fire and water began to fight.

The fight was inexhaustible, and the more the fight became more intense.

Finally it exploded.

Volcanic eruptions occur again.

At this time, the crater is in a state of cooling.

When Qin Fei came to the magma flow, he definitely couldn't get into the magma flow, he could only jump on it.

Because this is not a liquid, but a molten substance.

"Does this count as taking a hot spring here at the volcano?"

Qin Fei leaned against the wall of the crater with a face of relaxation and enjoyment, sitting like a human being.

The slightly elongated hand spread out and lay flat.

Erlang's legs are raised with his feet.

As for the head, it can only look up to the sky.

No way, who told Qin Fei not to move his head up and down.

I don't know when.

Qin Fei suddenly heard a loud sound.

"What's that sound?"

As soon as Qin Fei heard this voice, he looked around suspiciously.

This sound is not a sound like a bang or an explosion.

It was another kind of voice that Qin Fei had never heard before, but seemed familiar.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared in front of Qin Fei's eyes.

This black shadow is incomparably huge, so huge that I don't know how to describe it.

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