When hearing a strange sound, Qin Fei wondered where it came from.

Then I saw this huge black monster.

How big is this monster?

It was so big that Qin Fei couldn't describe it, and it was so big that it could cover the entire sky.

The sound came from this black giant.

The black giant was only in Qin Fei's line of sight, and disappeared after a while.

But before it disappeared, Qin Fei caught a key point.

That is the two light circles on this huge black object.

It seems that the sound comes from these two apertures.

"Could it be a thruster?"

When Qin Fei saw the aperture, Qin Fei said it subconsciously.

"Wait...could it really be..."

Qin Fei suddenly realized what key information.

Without thinking too much, Qin Fei quickly followed the black giant.

Qin Fei can say that his speed is very fast, very fast.

It only took Qin Fei about ten seconds to get from the crater hundreds of meters deep to the sea level.

But, when Qin Fei came to the sea level, this huge black object was already far away in the sky.

Not even a moment later, the giant disappeared into the clouds.

Still, that's enough.

Although Qin Fei didn't see clearly what it was, he already guessed it simply because it could fly into the sky.

This is most likely a plane, or a spaceship or something.

This is something that is incompatible with this era that was still the Cambrian period.

Because this is a high-tech product, even before Qin Fei crossed over, it was a top-notch technology.

When he was still in the sea, the two circles of light that Qin Fei saw were probably really propellers.

After hearing this information, Qin Fei was extremely excited and excited.

"My mother, what did I see?"

"I actually saw the spaceship."

"This is the Cambrian period! A period when creatures have just begun to appear on a large scale!"

"I actually saw a spaceship in this era."

"A thing that can only be created by a human civilization that has developed into a technological civilization!"

"I actually saw it here!"

"Could it be that people in the future have found a way to travel through time and space!"

"Still, this is an alien!"

At this moment, Qin Fei couldn't even mention how excited he was.

Even though Qin Fei defined this giant as a "spaceship" and disappeared into the sky for a long time, he still looked up at the sky.

The sky is blue and the clouds are white.

Today is a very good weather.

But Qin Fei didn't look at the weather, but at the cosmic sky above the blue sky and white clouds.

Although he couldn't see it.

But he can see it in his heart and mind!

Qin Fei's heart was constantly ups and downs.

Just because what he saw today was beyond his understanding.


Qin Fei didn't even know how he got back into the sea.

His mind is full of spaceships now.

"Compared to humans mastering the method of traveling through time and space, I am more inclined to aliens."

"Things like time travel through time and space should be impossible to see."

"Otherwise, the grandfather paradox, the time paradox, how should we explain it?"

"It's not right... Otherwise, why can I travel through? And it's still so outrageous to become a fish."

"Don't think too much about it, or I'll go crazy."

It is very scary for some unsolvable and unknown things to appear on one's body.

Because that would make the person a lot like trying to understand.

If you can’t understand it, find a way to understand it.

But as you learn more, you will find that there will only be more things you don't know.

This is something that has no end.

According to the predecessors, my knowledge is a circle, and the knowledge I don't know is the outside of the circle.

As my knowledge increases, my circle will enlarge, and at the same time, there will be a lot more unknowns outside the circle.

Qin Fei decided not to think about it.

For this reason, I was still swimming fast in the bottom of the sea.

He wanted to use fatigue to keep himself from thinking.

But when he was tired and needed to rest, he had unconsciously thought about the spaceship in his mind.

It doesn't matter whether the spacecraft is a non-pedestrian or a future person who travels through time and space.

He just wants to know when this spaceship will appear again.

As long as it appears, Qin Fei will know whether it is an alien or a person from the future.

This is very important to Qin Fei.

It can be said that it is not important.

Even if he knew what the spaceship was, what should he do next?

Go talk to them?

If it is a person from the future, at least there is still the possibility of communication.

Of course, if you are a foreigner, Qin Fei can still speak simple English such as hi, ok, no, etc.

This allows the other party to know their identity.

As for aliens, although we know what alien language they use to communicate.

What if, in case, the above things really happened.

Wouldn't they be curious that a strange fish that lived in the Cambrian period would have such intelligence and be able to say hello?

Maybe Qin Fei will be caught in the laboratory in the next moment, and he will start to dissect it.

"No, no, it's scary to think about it."

Thinking of these things, Qin Fei turned pale with fright.

Quickly put these all behind, don't think about it anymore.


Time flies by.

Qin Fei has also forgotten about the spaceship.

Now he is looking for a creature.

This creature is a micronet bug, and it is also a task recently issued by the system.

This micronet bug is incredible.

The nine pairs of bone flake-shaped things on it are a photosensitive film and also a kind of thing that emits signals.

According to the memory of popular science, these are the eyes of micronetworms.

It is through these nine pairs of eyes that it accomplishes everything, such as seeing things and communicating with its companions.

Its light sensitivity is a thermal sensor.

You can pass the heat sensor to know what creatures are nearby.

If they sense the presence of dangerous creatures, they will send a signal to nearby partners, so that everyone, pay attention, predators are coming.

Therefore, the micronet worm can be regarded as an animal with a strong ability to avoid.

Although their speed is not fast, they can be prevented in advance through this thermal sensor.

Even if he was unlucky enough to be eaten.

Then its other partners also learned the information long before it was eaten, and hid in advance.

"I have found you."

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