Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 85: The Long-Lost Sunshine Comes

For this new species, the systematic popular science memory was quickly passed into Qin Fei's mind.

"Oh, that's right."

Qin Fei understood all the information about this sea spider in an instant.

"The scientific name of the sea spider is a legpod, which is a kind of arthropod... It really is that arthropods appear in everything.

"Every strange animal has a share of arthropods. It can be said that the family has a big business, and even the speed of evolution is so fast."

"I don't know the future generations. Are the spiders on the land your descendants?"

"You really are a spider after all."

In the ocean, besides the species of sea spiders, some new species have appeared.

But overall, not much has changed.

The ancestors of these creatures, after experiencing a major cold wave, already had a gene that was slightly able to adapt to the temperature in their bodies.

This gene is passed down from generation to generation.

The creatures that came to this generation can finally play their role.

Although when the big cold wave came, many creatures couldn't adapt at once, and the temperature dropped instantly and many died.

But the creatures that survived the sudden drop in temperature began to slowly adapt to this cold season.

Of course, they still have to live in deeper places. After all, the sea water at the highest point is still very cold. 017

Creatures of this generation can swim around for food in the cold season, without having to enter those sleepy states.

Live how you want to live.

Eat, drink, play instead of playing.

Just like living happily.

It's just that in this cold environment, the reproduction speed of organisms has dropped a lot.

As a result, the food chain in the ocean becomes very small.

If you can't satisfy the creatures, make your body bigger.

Therefore, apart from sea scorpions, which are two or three meters long, it is really difficult to see other large creatures in the ocean.

Some creatures with a size of a few centimeters appeared again.

However, due to the influence of genes, most of the body sizes of many creatures are fixed at tens of centimeters in size.

Therefore, there will be no more such small creatures than this kind of creatures.

Nearly a hundred years passed quickly, and this time may be a very long time for the creatures in the ocean.

It takes the efforts of generations of their descendants to see it.

But at this time, in Qin Fei's place, lack doesn't seem so important.

For Qin Fei who already has the ability to live forever (aife), time is no longer a concept.

In this frozen world.

The only pleasure for Qin Fei is to lie in the hot water and soak in the hot springs.

Then open the little alien tutorial and watch it there.

"The little tutorial on aliens is really boring. The poses are single, and the preparations are not in place. You say a few words, I say a few words, and the action scene starts."

"Ah, I really miss the small tutorial of the island country."

"The teachers of this group of aliens are simply incomparable with our teachers.

Qin Fei complained while watching.

But because I was bored and had nothing to do, I had to watch such small tutorials over and over again.

"It's no wonder that the birth rate of this group of aliens is so low. Such a quality simply makes them uninterested."

"If they look at us, their birth rate will not go up bang.

"Alas..." Qin Fei sighed and shook his head, feeling very helpless.

Such complaints come every few days.

Sometimes, the repeater comes because of boredom.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Qin Fei looked a little sleepy, when he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt a little glaring.

This glare occurs when a strong light hits the eyes.

The sudden light made Qin Fei open his eyes suddenly.

Eyes opened, the dim world suddenly opened a door, and the long-lost light shone through the door.

"The sun! It's the sun!"

"The sun is finally out!"

Qin Fei raised his head and looked up at the sky, and there was a sun hanging high in the huge clouds.

The dazzling light is shining down.

Seeing the sun, Qin Fei raised his hands in joy, and even clapped his hands, welcoming the appearance of the sun directly.

"It's been a long time, you are finally willing to come out of the sun."

"Do you know how much I miss you?"

"I miss your appearance every day..."

In the following days, because of the sunlight, other areas of the blue star, because of the same rainfall, the clouds became thinner.

The area covered by the sun's rays becomes larger.

Begin to give Blue Star all kinds of warmth in an all-round way.

With the sun's irradiation, the temperature of the blue star began to rise.

Glaciers, snow fields, and sea ice all melted one after another.

The sound of ice breaking, the sound of huge ice falling, and the sound of water flowing.

Cheering as if leading to a new world.

After a period of melting, the sea level rose again, and some glaciers on the mainland slowly formed rivers.

It is constantly flowing into the sea.

And where there is water, it represents signs of life activities.

Some animals living in shallow seas swam because of the rivers appearing on the mainland.

He has lived there ever since.

That is to say, from this moment on, living things exist in fresh water.

The most representative of these is the spine shark.

It is one of the earliest species of sharks, or in other words, it is not considered a shark, because there are still many differences between it and real sharks.

What's more, the spine shark at this time is not a huge monster.

Its largest is only tens of centimeters, and the smallest is only about two or three centimeters.

There are not many physical differences with other fishes.

Furthermore, after the big ice block passed this time, what surprised Qin Fei was that the plants in the ocean had a tendency to develop towards the land.

Because the sea level rises due to the large ice block, the plants also follow.

After a period of stability, the sea level dropped again.

And plants can't run, so they are exposed on some wet land.

In addition, some green plants developed by aliens in some lakes began to grow after a long period of nutrient warming.

Perhaps, it was this inadvertent act of the aliens that changed the changes on the blue star.

Perhaps, gamma rays are also good, and the Chika Stars came to Blue Star to make Duan Ye, a hand that changes the ecology.

In short, in this natural evolution of Blue Star, it began to have an effect gradually. .

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