Humans Evolved From A Fish In The Cambrian Period

Chapter 86 Discovery Of Spaceships

The sea was swelled by the wind.

In the sea, all kinds of fish are swimming.

The corals on the seabed grow much faster and form various reefs.

Many animals have come to these places to make their homes.

The sea is still dominated by sea scorpions, but there is also an animal that will arouse their fear.

That is the only Qin Fei in the current ocean that is over ten meters in size.

However, since Li Fei, an animal that can survive on land, except for going to the sea when eating, the rest of the time is basically on land.

At this time, Qin Fei actually started working in a farmhouse.

Qin Fei is often seen on land along river swamps.

With a shovel and a basket in hand, we are constantly transplanting plants that grow by the sea.

After hundreds of years of these plants, ferns finally appeared.

And Qin Fei wanted to plant this plant all over the entire Blue Star.

At this time, Qin Fei already looked like a dinosaur.

This is the result of Qin Fei's natural evolution and system-assisted evolution.

Let it transform from a fish to this.

At this moment, he has completely lost the appearance of a fish.

However, there are still his descendants in the sea. After so many years of development, if you see one in the sea for a moment, there is a half chance that it is his descendant.

No way, who told him that his genes are so strong.

"Okay, the sun is about to come out, let's come here tonight."

Qin Fei looked up at the sky that was starting to light up, and turned off the huge light bulb on one side.

Then put all these things behind the basket and hang them with one finger.

Following this, Qin Fei's body began to grow into a body as big as ten meters.

Then, under the rumbling and rumbling earthquakes on the ground, Qin Fei left here.

There is no way, these ferns are still very small, Qin Fei can only work by shrinking himself ten times, so that he can transplant the plants well.

"Go back and see if my descendants have successfully landed."

After the great cold wave ended, Qin Fei continued to send signal factors to all creatures in the sea to let them land on land.

But now hundreds of years have passed.

Still no animal could walk up.

Even for the most hopeful to land on land, sea scorpions, trilobites, sea spiders and other animals with legs, it is difficult to go ashore.

Why? This is because they do not yet have the organs to absorb oxygen directly from the air.

Another reason is that their bodies have not yet fully adapted to the ten thousand on land.

Especially for big guys like sea scorpions, if they stay on land for a long time, they will either die from lack of oxygen, or be crushed by gravity.

Didn't even have the strength to stand up.

When I first went ashore, I still had strength, and maybe I could walk or run a few steps, but it will not work after a long time.

Such problems also appear in all arthropods.

This made Qin Fei very distressed, so he didn't force it.

Directly use signal factors to enter their genes, so that their offspring will continue to evolve in this direction.

Today is another such important day.

After Qin Fei came to the sea to eat and drink enough, he began to send signal factors throughout the ocean.

"Ashore, ashore..."

Qin Fei kept repeating these two words.

Nothing else, the IQ of the creatures in the ocean really disappointed Qin Fei, so it was a little bit more complicated.

This group of animals has one face of bewildered, two faces of dumbfounded, and three faces of dementia.

I didn't understand what Qin Fei meant at all.

As for the two characters now, all animals can decipher them, which means they understand what Qin Fei said.

But if you understand it, you understand it.

But what does the word ashore mean?

Many animals have one face of bewilderment, two faces of mediocrity, and three faces of dementia.

"This voice is coming again? Do you know what it means to go ashore?" "I don't know, is it for food?"

"Eat? Maybe."

"What do you mean when you talk about going ashore all day long?"

The animals expressed confusion.

But the words "going ashore" often appear in their minds, and they can't get rid of them.

It's as if there is a spell on their bodies.

"Ashore, ashore..."

0...ask for flowers...

Some of the animals were ignorant and understood what Qin Fei meant.

So he went to land.


no more.

Or after going up to the top, it didn't take long to burp.

Or after going up, lucky to return to the sea.

There are only these two options, and there is no option for surviving life on land for the time being.

After a round of signal factor transmission, Qin Fei returned to the land, lying on a beach chair transformed from iron, in the posture of Ge You lying down.

"Hundreds of years have passed, this group of stupid animals can really walk on land!"

"In other words, will it really work if I do this?"


Qin Fei is once again decadent and suspicious of life every other century.

"Ah, it shouldn't make sense for me to do this. Maybe it will take a long time for them to really come ashore. Could it be thousands of years, tens of thousands of years..."

Just when Qin Fei was doubting his life, the voice of the system suddenly came.

"Alarm alert..."

When Qin Fei heard the sound of the alarm, Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then jumped up from the beach chair.

"Sirens? System, are you kidding, or is it real?"

Qin Fei hadn't heard this kind of sound for a long time, and now that this kind of sound suddenly appeared, Qin Fei was very confused and a little bit cautious.

Because Qin Fei's combat value at this time already has a terrifying value of 70,000.

On this blue star, there is absolutely nothing that can threaten him.

"System, what's going on?"

"Could it be something from the sky?" Qin Fei looked at the sky suspiciously.

"Hey, what is that? Could it be a meteorite?"

After Qin Fei raised his head to look at the sky, he really saw a black dot.

"Let me see what that is."

Qin Fei shrunk his body into the spaceship, turned on the detection radar of the spaceship, and turned the radar to the maximum.

Used to detect that black spot on the sky.

"Fuck, it's a spaceship!"

Qin Fei stood up from his seat in shock after seeing the huge spaceship through the spaceship. .

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